The cause of many diseases in humans is precisely stress and athletes do not escape the negative effects of stress in riders. It should be noted that in the world we live in, it demands a lot of energy from us and many times we end up getting stressed and consequently getting sick.
This usually occurs when stress in riders is present. For this reason it is of utmost importance that the tips for managing emotions are controlled and put into practice. Well this can have negative consequences on the performance of the athlete.
It is very likely that in the previous days of an equestrian competition stress will appear in the riders. Therefore it begins to suffer tension, anxiety, uncertainty whose cause are external factors.
The performance that the rider will have is key and the expectations of his team and followers are high. For this reason, episodes of stress in riders ocurrs.
It is of utmost importance that the family, friends and team of the equestrian athlete transmit calm and confidence. This in order that it calms down and can compete with ease.
It is also recommended that the rider be as serene as possible since the horse perceives his mood at all times.
Anxiety as a symptom of stress in riders
The competitions in themselves already generate an expectation and goals to be achieved for the equestrian athlete. Therefore, there are usually episodes of stress and anxiety that you have to know how to control. Because otherwise the results will not be expected neither for the rider nor for his team.
Anxiety and stress in riders usually present to a greater or lesser degree of tension and anxiety the days before an event. This brings negative consequences not only in the performance of the equestrian athlete but also of the horse. Therefore this must be worked on by the rider to overcome it quickly.
When we talk about anxiety, we refer to the following definition:
“It is an emotion, which can be defined as a state of physiological and psychological maladjustment due to a potentially uncertain situation for the individual”
This episode is presented since the rider at the moment of competing, makes a conscious or unconscious evaluation of the context and the circumstances that surround it.
Then the equestrian athletes observe discrepancies between what the team expects of them and the performance that they can have. Then a kind of negative self-efficacy perception about that reality begins. For this reason they begin to suffer from stress in riders, this being one of the main symptoms of stress.

Expressions of anxiety and stress in riders
Expressions of anxiety and stress in riders are classified in different ways.
Therefore there are diverse opinions of the experts in the matter. Well, some speak of cognitive, emotional and physiological demonstrations.
Regardless of opinions, there are always three manifestations connected. In this sense, athletes show physiological changes that lead them to change their behavior.
The horse’s response to feeling stress in riders
Horses are highly sensitive and perceptive animals, so these animals do not overlook the mood of the riders.
Hence, the animal perceives the stress in the riders and responds. Therefore it can widely modify its usual responses to stimuli. Well, the emotional charge of the rider is felt by the horse and this can negatively affect the performance of the magic pair.
An example of this is when the equestrian athlete is in full competition and gives a nervous episode, the horse immediately perceives it. However, the public often goes unnoticed.
But not everything is bad news, because emotions can be controlled by doing a good management of them. For this the rider must not only control the emotions before the competition but during them.
Anxiety and stress in riders often have negative consequences since it hinders attention levels and concentration. Likewise, in the control of thought, in the motivation and self-confidence of the rider
On the other hand, anxiety and stress in riders are the body’s response to the constant and great tension in the person.
These are manifested in various environments such as physical, psychological and their behaviors
It seems that it is more common than we think of athletes with high levels of stress who are waiting for the results. Therefore they miss out on enjoying the moment of the competitions.

Emotional intelligence applied to equestrian athletes:
Without a doubt, emotional intelligence is applied to all human beings. It is important that we address the causes and consequences of stress in riders. However if it is put into practice by the riders it will improve remarkably in their performance:
- In principle you must keep believing in yourself.
- Self-control is very important in this process
- Control the reactions of what happens around.
- Carry out activities that relax you, such as yoga, meditation, listening to instrumental music, among others.
If the rider puts these tips into practice, he will surely notice the changes in his sports performance.
Following we leave you a video about techniques to release stress in riders:
Stress in riders is a topic to consider.
Stress in riders is usually very damaging as it negatively affects the performance of the equestrian athlete. It also has its negative effects on the athlete’s daily life, which is why the relationship with his family, friends and work team is usually affected.
The most recommendable thing is that, to avoid stress in riders, the same one practices some additional activity that can help him to relax. Among these activities are meditation, yoga, and a host of activities. Only that the rider must be willing to participate in the one that suits him best and to manage emotions properly.
On the other hand, the advice of a motivational coach can work and work on these aspects that affect him in his performance as an athlete.
Furthermore, proper nutrition and hydration can have a positive effect on the equestrian athlete’s mood.
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