Riding his favorite horse, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon river horse to put out the fires of civil war. A popular man whose political rivals, men of the high nobility, decided to remove his power due to the growing popularity of Julius Caesar and the rumors that made foresee that he would increase his power … A horse called Genitor and a Julius Caesar changing the world. Genitor was a horse that was born in the stables that the general and Roman dictator Julius Caesar had in his house andthe horse became his greatest weapon.
A horse that the augurs had predicted would make the man on his back to dominate the world. Pphysical deformation that would be converted into a sign of good luck. A horse whose legs had three fingers and looking at them looked like the feet of a human.
Portentous horse and outstanding horseman who took great care of his battle “tool”. When the battle could be dangerous, Julius Caesar got down fighting like another Legionary and kept his horse away from danger. Transport, augury, psychological tool and great war technology, Genitor was everything.

In honor of his father
Baptized Génitor in honor of his father who died in the year 85dc when Julio Cesar was 16 years his name means in Latin “creator”, “father” or “reproductive”. A powerful title for a powerful omen that would accompany him the rest of his life.
Julius Caesar erected a statue of Genitor erected in front of the temple of Venus Genetrix (which had been erected in honor of his mother) so that the deities could protect him during the battles. The spiritual essence of his mother and father protecting his adventures, Horse and Temple.
The military adventures of Julius Caesar
His power, his strategy and his great popularity made him to strengthen his political career at the same time as the military one. With each success fed his popularity even more. Their great battles extended the dominion of Rome on the territories that today form countries like Holland, France, Belgium and Germany. He was the first Roman general to enter the territories of Britannia and Germania.
His popularity was also enhanced by his role as speaker and writer. Julius Caesar also made him famous in fields such as politics and astronomy.
It was this popularity that made Pompeyo fear his former ally the possibility of assault on power. Before that he devised a strategy to strip him. It was then that Julius Caesar really became dangerous to the Roman politicians who opposed him.
Fear and Pompeyo’s plan
Given the growing popularity of Julius Caesar, Pompeyo decided to remove him from the military leadership. He wanted to remeve before he could be presented to any political office. Pompepy wanto to judge him for alleged crimes of his first consulate and finally remove him from politics. Given this circumstance and before the illegal organization of Pompeyo’s troops, Julius Caesar decides to undertake a military campaignThat campaign would lead him to defeat the Pompeyo’s troops in Spain and follow him to Greece, and then to Egypt. Julius Caesar discover in Egypt that he had been sadly murdered. Julius Caesar lamented that he had not been able to offer his forgiveness and renew his alliance with Pompeyo.
It is said that the ability of Julius Caesar riding horses was extraordinary. The historian Plutarco says that since childhood he trained on horseback with his hands crossed behind his back to exercise balance. He also tells that he used to go on horseback while dictating letters simultaneously to two of his scribes. His ability to stand on a horse was legendary.
Returning to the Rubicon

Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River on the night of January 12, 50 AD, AD to occupy power in Rome. He did it on the back of Genitor and pronouncing his famous phrase “Alea jacta est” (luck is cast). He was sending a clear message, he would dominate the known world. These auguries were strong and became a reality. Auguries also caused him death by forgetting that a man is only a man even if he rules the world.
The link between the horse and its symbolism and the military power obtained by Julio Cesar is a small sample of the importance of the horse in the ancient era. Military technology, battling partner and definitely the ultimate psychological weapon before the decision to take over the world. That was Genitor, the spirit of Julio Cesar’s father.
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