Don Quixote riding Rocinante

The horse in literature

The horse in literature The horse is said to be the most beautiful and harmonious living being on creation. It has been present in several spaces such as mythology, literature and art. Symbolically, the horse…

Dreamer Movie Poster

The horse in the movie ” Dreamer “

Dreamer is an American film released on September 10, 2005 at the Toronto Film Festival and on October 21 for the general public. It was directed by John Gatins and starring Kurt Russell and Dakota…

Rocinante, the horse of Don Quixote de la…

Rocinante is the name of the horse of Don Quixote de la Mancha, classic character of literature. This horse and the history that contains it has inspired a multitude of artists. Today you will meet…

Babieca, The horse

Babieca, the horse, and the Cid

Babieca, the horse, and the Cid Very rarely in life when someone gives a gift to another person, gives them the option to choose. Well, most of the time it's a surprise. However, in this…

Footage of Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron – indomitable steed

Spirit, the indomitable steed Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is a traditional 2D and 3D animation film. Launched by Dreamworks Animation for the year 2002. This film was under the direction of Kelly Asbury and…

Iñigo Muguerza

Iñigo Muguerza sculptor and rider

Iñigo Muguerza's biography Iñigo Muguerza Sainz de la Maza was born in Madrid in 1963. He is a Spanish sculptor and comes from a family of artists. He is grandson of the guitarist Regino Sáinz…

Artax the horse: an infinite story

In the film industry adaptations of books have been made, which in many cases corresponds to the essence of the book. While in other cases it differs from the message left by these literary works.…

Dancing Horses

Dancing Horses: Trust and beauty show

The dancing horses are those that offer a show of coordination, elegance and confidence. In fairs or competitions these stand out for their talent and interaction with the rider. In this article we will tell…