Frederick Pignon and a White Horse in scene

Fréderic Pignon: A Worlclass Equestrian Artist

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The Frenchman Fréderic Pignon is dedicated to the noble art of dance. But the dance to which Fréderic Pignon is dedicated is slightly different from the one we are used to. He is dedicated to dance with the noble horses.

Putting together your feelings and communication, you build a relationship with the horses that allows you to make dance with horses a way of expressing friendship and love. He does not order them to do what they do, he builds a relationship of trust, a relationship of friendship.

Frédéric Pignon et ses étalons

What kind of horses does Fréderic Pignon prefer?

He has a special preference for Spanish horses although his shows have also been made with different breeds of horses. Currently 9 horse breeds are integrated into their show. He loves Spain and there he has many friends.

To build that trust, you must be constantly aware of the needs of horses: food, health and affection

What makes the Fréderic Pignon Shows so special?

We can enjoy beautiful images of their shows but it will never be like watching it live. Images of beautiful steeds spinning with him guided by the bond he has built over the years and his care and attention. Fréderic Pignon is a very special man.

The deep dedication of this artist to his art that he builds according to his own words from silent communication with the horse. Beyond the aesthetic considerations, only the fact of establishing such a deep connection with the horses is beautiful. However it is still wonderful to witness one of his shows full of lights, colors, animals, music and dance … We can not ignore such beauty and depth together

Two Horses and their Master Frederick Pignon
Two Horses and their Master Frederick Pignon

What is the relationship between Fréderic Pignon and the horses?

Fréderic Pignon is more than a tamer. He is only the leader of a dance group composed of animals and humans alike. Or we could say that it is a dance group of animals that work equally because the human remains an animal, sometimes a little more rational and sometimes not so much.

The horses of Fréderic with his brothers of dance, feeling and music. But this is not only Fréderic’s passion. Together with his wife Magali Delgado they built the horse dance show.

Along with Norman Latourelle (one of the creators of the “Cirque du Soleil”) Magali and Fréderic have created a wonderful show called Cavalia which has had more than 5 million viewers which makes it one of the most successful shows worldwide and perhaps the most successful show of its kind. That speaks to us of a great trajectory and amount of spectacles because the tent scarcely has a capacity for 2000 spectators.

Know Cavalia, meet a special man who builds a true communication with his “companions by trade” because in Cavalia Fréderic and Magali are members of a multi-species dance team. It is the experience of a show and the riding became art.

Is Fréderic Pignon a tamer?

Dressage in general, as we have seen in some of our articles, is about controlling and dominating. Although there are more sensitive ways to tame the horse, the relationship that is established is hierarchy between riders and coaches and horses. The dressage and / or the traditional one uses the force and the power to establish the hierarchy as in the military organizations and the animal hierarchies. In the natural dressage a loving bond is built but always from a domain perspective, as parents do with their children. From the dressage the horse is governed.

Fréderic Pignon builds a relationship of equals, of companions between the horses and him. Only in this way can the horse’s feelings be natural and it could be considered an art. In the shows you can notice the special communication not based on orders but in a dialogue between equal animals.

Frédéric Pignon ‘s art is not based on taming and subjugating but on loving the same, dance. There is no vestige of violence or force in their shows because it is art and communication that drives everything.

Taming is power over the horse, and as we said before even if violence is not used if emotional bonds are created that create a hierarchical relationship and domination. Some say to Fréderic Pignon charming horse. I think that from the understanding of horses and what he does, we can say that Fréderic Pignon is a horse lover. Because only from love is such a spectacle possible.

Frederic Pignon and his two horses
Frederic Pignon and his two horses

Really horses are participants in the show?

Perhaps during the show it is incredible to realize how the horses follow Fréderic’s instructions and to believe that this can only be achieved with a good relationship. Cavalia’s horses respond to Fréderic’s gaze, his soft touch and the love that has been built over the years.

But not everything is what it seems Fréderic tells us. The shows are not always the same because the horses on stage also make decisions. In each show the horses are free to do according to their feelings and, although there is a script for the show. Horses do not always do what is written in the script or in Fréderic’s directions.

Perhaps a horse in love tries to dazzle with his jumping stallion skills or with his speed. The truth is that horses are out of the script because this is not a show to show anything to anyone, it is a show for dancers to have fun and show their art, including horses. That is what makes Cavalia different.

For Fréderic, sharing time with horses is an unparalleled enjoyment. This shows us the artist who exercises his trade with total passion and we do not just talk about Fréderic Pignon.

The show is a game in which everyone participates. All the dancers, horses and humans, are equal and enjoy the execution of their part within a whole. During the show, Fréderic and the horses have fun riding on stage, rather than for their spectators, for themselves.

Who are the creators of Cavalia?

Frederic Pignon and Magali Delgado in Horse Shows
Frederic Pignon and Magali Delgado in Horse Shows

Frédéric Pignon is the protagonist of Cavalia. Together with his wife Magali Delgado and Norman Latourelle they are the creators of Cavalia. Fréderic is also the Equestrian Director of Cavalia. We could say that Cavalia is the favorite son of Fréderic Pignon.

The venture began with his wife Magali Delgado. Magali is also a very important figure within Cavalia and her life partner. Magali and Fréderic travel the world with a multitude of shows but Cavalia is her dream come true.

What are the influences of Fréderic Pignon?

Fréderic Pignon was born among horses. His family instilled in him the passion for horses that would follow him the rest of his life. Pignon’s parents owned horses and showed him the treatment they should give their animal brothers.

Fréderick Pignon studied performing arts and after testing himself in different disciplines of art decided to study horseback riding with one of his brothers.

Why did Fréderic Pignon create Cavalia?

In horse riding training center where he was learning with his brother, he discovers the mistreatment to which horses are subjected in the majority of human activities.

From that discovery arises a new need. Build an artistic expression that will help rescue the importance and noble role that the horse had in the history of humanity before it was relegated by the fuel machines as a means of transport and cargo.

What is the creed of Fréderic Pignon?

In all the interviews Fréderic Pignon mentions his creed of life, the importance of the horse for human beings and the importance of the respect they deserve, not only horses but all nature. It is that we have forgotten the value of nature and in the end it is she who gives us food and is our great home.

“He usually does it offstage. The more freedom I give, the more interesting the relationship becomes; Let’s say that the show we decided together: if a horse enjoys, it can do a lot. “

Fréderic Pignon

Fréderic Pignon, an artist and horse lover who thanks to his sensitivity and art has become in the background an activist for the rights of animals. A man worthy of admiration and Cavalia is a show that we must see at least once in a lifetime.

Gallop to Freedom Magali Delgado and Frederic Pignon ...



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Horses language

The horses language

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Most people when they talk about communication say that communication is an essentially human phenomenon. But the advances in the investigations of science, today can lead us to extend to consider communication as a phenomenon that covers not only humans, but also animals. Today we will talk about equine communication, that is, the horses language

EquiFACS: The Equine Facial Action Coding System

Let’s talk about communication

What characterizes human language is the presence of rationality, the search for meaning and response. Of course, all this implies an intentionality.

When we make these reflections, we reach a conclusion and indeed we can talk about communication between living organisms.

Professor Jeremiah O’Sullivan says that communication in its broadest sense refers to the fact that living beings are connected to the world and in a progressive relationship between them.

Communication: encounter between living organisms

Sullivan affirms that communication “is the meeting of a living organism with its environment or environment, when that encounter is understood as the reception of information from the surrounding world and a reaction to the information received” (Sullivan, 1996: 11)

We would say then that communication is essentially the same reality, that it is impossible to live without communicating.

Horses language - Comunication between human and horse
Horses language – Comunication between human and horse

What is the language, as we currently understand it? How is the language of the humans?

People communicate with each other through the voice.

They can tell stories, laugh or talk loudly in a discussion. When they tell secrets or whisper words of affection, they use a low voice.

Oral language can be supported in many ways, especially body language, a closed fist, shrunken shoulders, arms crossed with disdain … adds meaning to what is being said.

The face is also expressed; the more intense and emotional an argument is, the more often the eyebrows are raised, the forehead wrinkles, the mouth frowns or the lines of the smile appear.

Speech, facial expression and body language function as a set in which words always carry most of the meaning, while body language is used to emphasize them.

We can say that speech is only one of the components of language. That is why the facial expression, body and sounds that can emit a living being constitute a form of language.

Horses language
Horses language

How is the horses language?

Understanding that language is not just words we can begin to understand that horses have their language. So we will know a bit about the horses language

The communication between the horses is a question quite different from the one we are used to.

The conversation between horses, is much more silent, takes place fundamentally without audible expressions. It is often imperceptible to us, humans.

With a little effort, we can verify that our horses talk, especially using their bodies to transmit signals and meanings.

A slight movement of the head may be enough to tell another member of the pack: “Listen, I’m the boss here and I want you to get out of my way right now!”; or to ask another partner: “Could you please scratch me here?”

Training ourselves to be able to “perceive” the horses language  is essential if we want to establish good communication. It is the same as with our wife or our children 😛

The sound in the horses language

It is true that horses also make noises to communicate, but what we hear does not have the same meaning as our language.

Equine conversations are conducted silently, using the different parts of the body separately or together to convey a message.

The way each member of the group of horses has to position their bodies plays a special role when it comes to informing others about their age, sex, social status and humor. These signals are sent continuously and are often virtually invisible to the human eye, as well as difficult to interpret.

In other words, horses use body language in the same way that we use words, pronounced or written, and only use noises to reinforce physical gestures or when they need to communicate at very long distances.

Dictionary for the horses language

Jennifer Wathan and Karen McComb, researched University of Sussex (United Kingdom) a method for communication through the ears. This is a method to unravel much of the communication of horses and in turn the horses language

The ethologists recorded facial expressions and their ears through video and photography for subsequent translation. The objectives of the investigation were:

– To deepen the understanding of equine communication and the horses language

– Systematize signs with common meaning for all horses and codify them, obtaining for practical purposes a dictionary for the horses language

The dictionary is in full development. It was called EquiFACS and it was available on the website and is in constant development and evolution. For this purpose, it describes the movements and an approximate meaning in the extent to which the development is going forward.

Horses and humans use similar facial expressions to communicate

What was the methodology to interpret the horses language?

Wathan and McComb documented the expressions of the horses and showed them to other horses. These images contained what the researchers assumed were specific messages. For example, an image where the place where the food was located was indicated. The investigation was able to confirm the meaning of the messages as the tests were carried out. Little by little, the horses language is unraveled

What did they discover about the horses language?

Thus, they were able to confirm that the position of eyes and ears is especially important in their communication, much more than the sounds and movements of the head.

Ethologists discovered that by hiding the ears and eyes of photographs, the receiving horse had difficulty interpreting the message.

They could also detect that the horses judged the message differently depending on the identity of the horse in the photo. This indicates that there is a level of individualization of the communication. For the researchers, individual facial features can also be important in the communication of these animals.

Which senses intervene in the horses language?

Horses language
Horses language

The main communication routes of horses are: chemistry, physics, visual and tactile. Practically, no animal species uses only one of the sensory channels as a means to transmit information. In general they broadcast messages by different ways and the combination of them gives precision to the horses language. It’s like combining the right words with tone and body language.

Visual signs

The sight of the horses has evolved due to being adapted to warn the presence of predators

Through visual signals, horses transmit their emotional state and intentions through postures and expressions. In addition, the hierarchical order of the group is established and links are created between individuals.

Touch signals

The sense of touch of the horse covers the entire body but the ears, eyes and mouth have greater sensitivity.

These signals are key to the formation of social bonds. Horse grooming is part of this tactile signal and has social and comfort purposes.

The ears of the horse

The ears of horses have a large range of movement, which allows them to detect the orientation of the sound accurately. Likewise they emit diversity of sounds that can mean threat, nerves or boredom. They are key to know the language of the horse as indicated by the researchers

The sense of smell

The sense of smell is very developed. They have great relevance to inform other groups of horses of their presence, for guidance within the group, to scare off competitors as part of the sexual ritual and, in the case of females, they are essential for the creation of the maternal-filial link. It is the sense of identity

Horses couple - Horses language
Horses couple – Horses language

As we can see, equines have their own language. We should only be more attentive to the corporal expression of the equines and the sounds they emit in order to understand them. With this we can establish a magical link between us and the horse. This will result in a feeling of well-being for the horse and will also allow us to know when we should not disturb him. As with our partners or children: P

Good communication is the key to every relationship, even with horses. Let’s learn the horses language and grow with them.



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Diving Horse

The Diving Horses Show

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As the man evolves he has also gone backwards in terms of the treatment of animals. This to the extent that circuses, dolphinariums, and all those shows that are made with animals have emerged. It is no secret to anyone that events where animals are used, animals are generally subjected to cruel treatment by their coaches. The victims range from dolphins that are separated from their herds, tigers, bears, horses among others. However, in this issue we will address what is related to the macabre event of the diving horses or also called “Diving Horses”.

The struggle that has been maintained by multiple animal protection organizations has been arduous. This in favor of eliminating these events that use and profit from animals.

Diving Horses: A Wild Attraction for the Daring Rider (1923) | British Pathé

The show “Diving Horses”

In the world of horsemanship there are several disciplines that are considered equestrian sports and that has many followers. However, this is far from riding itself.

This event of “Diving Horses”,  the humans guide the horses. The horse is not by mistake going to want on his own just to be subjected to a risk. Even more those horses that are somehow nervous and scary.

The main show of “Diving Horses” was given in the Atlantic City Steel Pier. Where the horse was mounted on a platform twenty meters high and from there they threw themselves into the water. This being a very risky practice for both the horse and the rider.

Unfortunately on several occasions the rider, the horse or both were injured. In the case of the rider he had to assume the consequences as being rational and thinking that he is. However, the horse was innocent of this situation.

The person who came up with the idea was Willian Carver, who put the idea in his head. Then he put his daughters and daughter-in-law as a guinea pig. Of these guinea pigs, which was affected was his daughter-in-law, who was blind after an injury in a thrown.

However, this woman did not pay attention to its terrible consequences of losing sight. Likewise, the daughter-in-law continued for a decade more performing such a practice. From this dramatic circumstance was born the idea of ​​taking to the movies the story of this woman, which was titled “Wild Hearts Can not Be Broken”.

Sonora Webster - The girl who became blind because the show
Sonora Webster – The girl who became blind because the show

History of “Diving Horses”

This practice arose in the United States of America what could be a little more than fifty years in Atlantic City New Jersey. There in New Jersey emerged this striking and dangerous practice of “the Diving Horses”.

This attraction was somewhat controversial because on many occasions the performers were hurt. These horses were subjected to this four times a day. The idea is that with time the horses would get used to this unusual task.

The work gained popularity in the area in such a way that it expanded to other areas within the United States. This represented great profits for the owner of these spaces.

Later it expanded beyond the borders of the United States as they founded the Amusement Park Point Hanlan located in Toronto, Canada.

The emergence of this event in which they used horses was the brainchild of Dr. William Carver. A 19th-century gunman who visited every space in the United States with events where previously trained animals participated with shooting exhibitions.

Diving Horses into a tank
Diving Horses into a tank

The arise of Diving Horses

Basically the idea arises from an inconvenience that occurred on a wooden bridge that he and his horse were crossing and it fell. In effect William Carver and his horse fell into a river. The experience enchanted her and she imagined taking it to reality in her presentations with the animals. In this case with the horses that later gained followers becoming a big business.

This is how this event arises with diving horses or Diving Horses where he involved his children in the team. In this sense, his son not only helped to take care of the animals, but also participated in the corresponding training.

Willian Carver’s daughter was the first woman to jump with a horse into the water. Later her daughter-in-law joined, unfortunately, she lost her sight in this practice. By the year 1923 Willian Carver already had two horse specimens and performed in different cities.

For the year 1,927 the creator of this event Willian Carver died motivated to health problems. The death of his favorite equine brought down the spirits of this man, which added to his poor health depressed him. After the death of William Carver his son continued to manage this event. This lasted for a few more decades.

Injuries in the practice of Diving Horses

Apparently there is no record of injured horses on the practice of “Diving Horses”. And if at some point there were some, it was not convenient for them to make this public because of the legal consequences that it could bring. Well, the animal protection organizations were not going to rest until they managed to close the site.

While in the riders there were disadvantages in this regard. Approximately two riders were injured per year. However, the figure may be higher. In some cases the riders resulted with major fractures.

It should be noted that one of the cases that most caught the attention of the public was Sonora Webster. Being one of the most famous jumpers on horseback. However, he continued doing this practice for a few more years as he was very young for the time.

Diving Horses
Diving Horses

Role played by the organization of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

After a hard work by organizations in defense of animals among them PETA. The owners of the Atlantic City steel dock had no choice but to eliminate the plans to reactivate the show of the Diving Horses. In these events the animals were forced to jump off a high-rise ramp.

According to company records, an injured horse was never found. However the investigations of the organizations defending the animals gave results. They discovered that the horses did suffer bone fractures, dislocations, tendon ruptures. As well as varied wounds in his extremities.

The Diving Horses event ceased in 1978, however they were reactivated for a short time in 1993. By that time the owner of this space was nothing more and nothing less than the current president of the United States Donald Trump. Thanks to the pressure generated by all the animal rights organizations that participated to definitively close this Diving Horses show.

What do you think about it?

Diving Horses: A Wild Attraction for the Daring Rider (1923) | British Pathé

If we observe well the horse has utility in many disciplines of horsemanship. Therefore it is unnecessary to subject these animals to activities that involve risks, like the “Diving Horses”.

It is inhuman to expose equines to the harmful consequences of these activities such as fractures and even death. The role of these animal defense organizations worldwide is worthy of admiration.

If we really want to be evolved humans we must change our way of seeing animals. This implies having more empathy and compassion with our younger siblings and they are the animals.




If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

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Maracay racecourses

Maracay racecourses

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Maracay, a city linked to the animal world. The city of Maracay is closely related to the animal world. Beginning with the origin of its name and the importance of horses, its zoo and Maracay racecourses in its history.

The city of Maracay owes its name to the cacique Maracay (word Caribe meaning tiger), chief of the tribes of the araguas and who stood out for his bravery and strength.

On the other hand, Maracay is a city remembered in other times for its famous zoo, nowadays things have changed, but in other times the Maracay Zoo was recognized for its variety of species and its striking.

Another aspect that characterizes it as a city closely related to the animal world, is the history of Maracay racecourses, in which we will stop later. But first we will know a little more about this wonderful city, capital of the state of Aragua.

Where is Maracay and what makes it special?

Its territorial political division has undergone changes over time. That is why in history we talk about Maracay as Villa of the Province of Caracas; later as the city of La Provincia de Aragua. Later, Maracay is considered part of the Guzmán Blanco State, of the Great Bolívar State. Finally, Maracay will finally become the capital of the Aragua State.

It is located in the far left of the geography of the Aragua state, at the foot of the imposing Lake of Valencia, surrounded by beautiful valleys and bordered by rivers. It was founded by Andrés Pérez Almarza in 1697.

In the year 1800, Alejandro de Humboldt, impressed by its forest beauty and its wide valleys, called it the Garden City.


Maracay City, Venezuela
Maracay City, Venezuela

Its economy and its versatility

Some historians indicate that in the year 1777, the economy of the region had a significant impulse from the first sowing of indigo, a crop that would give it importance for a long time.

In every economy promoted in the 19th century by agriculture, the horse plays a fundamental role. Hence, sooner rather than later, the Maracay racecourses became important.

It is a city rich in historical monuments, cultural institutions and is the birthplace of Venezuelan Aviation. It has a beautiful Plaza Bolívar. Some people claim that it is the largest in Latin America. Others, who love Maracay over all the cities, say it is the most beautiful Plaza Bolivar in the world.

Another important aspect to highlight in the city of Maracay is the quality of its people. The people of Maracay are friendly, their treatment is cordial, their delicacy. Its inhabitants are usually willing to offer hospitality to its visitors and tourists.

Maracay City
Maracay City

The Children and Youth Symphony Orchestra is based in Maracay

The Children and Youth Symphony Orchestra of the State of Aragua, as with most of the country, is not only a space where children and young people develop a musical artistic activity. This orchestra became, for many years, a space of significant social importance. He has rescued children in street situations.

As it happened in the case of the Children of the San Vicente neighborhood. Nowadays they have transformed their life experience from music and community experience, with other children of the Orchestra.

It is an experience that goes beyond music. In this experience, the spiritual growth and the social development of its participants are integrated. This results in the cultivation of good citizens.

The Children and Youth Symphony Orchestra of Aragua state, has participated in national and international events. The Orchestra has also received important recognitions worldwide.

Interesting fact: Origin of the word Orchestra

The term “orchestra” comes from the ancient Greeks. They called the choir “orkestai”, which was accompanied by zithers that danced in the front of the altar consecrated to the God Dionysus. It is a musical group formed by the instruments and the people who execute those instruments. It is made up of string, wind and percussion instruments.

Maracay racecourses: city of horses and splendor.

The city of Maracay, in addition to everything we have previously mentioned, has a particularity in the development of its history and it is precisely that it is a city in which three racecourses were built and at different times.

The assistance to the horse races, in these spaces was always surrounded by extraordinary elegance. Men and women who attended these races put on their best clothes and the women were distinguished especially by wearing beautiful and showy hats. The hippodrome was a place for the meeting of the elite of Maracay and even of other nearby cities.


Maracay, Juan Vicente Gómez and the racecourses

Maracay racecourses
Maracay racecourses

The history of the city of Maracay would be incomplete if the history of its racecourses is not mentioned. Experts and Chroniclers of the city of Maracay always mention them because of the importance they had in the social development of this city, as a space for recreation and interaction in the capital of the state of Aragua.

The history of Maracay racecourses is closely linked with Juan Vicente Gómez.

Gómez ruled Venezuela from 1908 to 1935. He was passionate about hippies. In 1910, Juan Vicente Gómez bought the Racecourse of Paraíso in Caracas, which was a private organization and later passed the racecourse administration to the state.

Gómez always liked the city of Maracay, so much that he established his residence in this city.

In 1912, he ordered to build what would be the first of Maracay racecourses for his personal benefit and enjoyment and that of his closest friends. The racecourse was on Las Delicias Avenue.

The connoisseurs of the history of the racecourses say that this track had a rectangular shape and housed a small tribune in which the worthy, his family and very select friends could fit.


Maracay racecourses
Maracay racecourses

¡Maracay Racecourses, the Racecourses of the Garden City!

David García, in Anecdotes of Equestrian Venezuela (2015), refers some data on the creation of racecourses Maracay. He says that in 1921 the second racecourse was created in the spaces close to the Maestranza and there is currently the Museum of Contemporary Art of Maracay.

Gómez dies in 1935 and the third hippodrome is built in 1940 by José Eduardo Mendoza, known as “Miralejos”. This racecourse was located on the grounds of what is now “El Centro” Urbanization. They say that the track had more than 1200 meters.

It is said that at this racetrack there were interesting equestrian seasons that were narrated by the same Miralejos and Pancho Pepe Cróquer.

From Maracay racecourses to Maracay car racetraks

Turagua Autodrome
Turagua Autodrome

This racecourse lasted a short time, because in the feeling and in the mind of the majority was returning the experience of the racecourse and the horse races to Caracas.

The experience of this third of Maracay racecourses lasted about five years and later the horse racing track was turned into an automobile racing track. The autodrome (car racetracks) was opened in 1952 and this motivated the population of Aragüeña a lot and then the Turagua autodrome was created. It is called the Pancho Pepe Croquer Speedway.

It was as well as the galloping of the horses, its elegant and stealthy jogging was replaced by the automotive speed. It’s the same passion but with different costumes and clothing, it’s the passion for adventure, for racing, for speed. Only the actors, the characters and the vehicles are a little different.

It is important to say that although in a different way Maracay has distinguished itself by “speed”. The best car racers have left this country and this is where the country’s car racing movement is.

Maracay a city of natural beauties and “speed” that is worth visiting. Discover its history, the history of its horses and Maracay racecourses.




If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

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My Boyfriend horse - Ghost

Horse in the comic and its role

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Horses as the evolution of the human in the world of artistic expressions grew these have been present in almost all. In this way the horse has conquered spaces of the scenic arts such as cinema, theater. Also in plastic art in painting, iron sculptures, wood, bronze among others. In this sense we aspire to deepen the role of the horse in the comic.

In one of many comics in which the horse in the comic is the protagonist is called “My boyfriend horse.” This is a comic produced by Xiomara Correa.

The horse in the comic produced by Xiomara is a bit fanciful and unreal expression. In reality, a relationship between an animal and a human being is socially rejected in most cultures. Therefore, the author plays to invent something that in the real world is not seen with good eyes. This is a comic that goes out of all parameters.

In the comic it raises how a woman is capable of entering into a zoophilic relationship with a horse. Considering this a paraphilia, ie a pathology from the point of view of sexology. You can also see the use of narcotics, parties if control where somehow the protagonist called Chavala is uninhibited. In this sense, the author is inspired by a slightly acid and unreal sense of humor.

We must also understand that this comic is part of their society. Spanish society is a society that on the one hand is very traditionalist and on the other totally open, especially to their sexuality. Xiomara Correa was born in a polarized society from the sexual and moral point of view.

How Chavala meets her boyfriend horse?

The protagonist meets her boyfriend a horse in an event of a very famous singer known as Amy Winehouse. Then they decide to establish a coexistence process. His immediate surroundings of friends are aberrated with the decision of this girl. There is also a disagreement on the part of the equine family because they do not accept this relationship outside of normal.

The horse in the comic in this case seeks to be a disruptive of the narrative. Xiomara Correa seeks to draw attention and at the same time place the usual situations in a strange frame so that they are looked at with greater objectivity.

The author of this unacceptable love story in every sense of the word sees with some concern touching such delicate aspects. The public that follows it has come to make strong criticisms in relation to this particular comic. However, the graphic artist does not take these opinions into account at all. On the contrary, he continues with his work of creating an imaginary world.

My boyfriend Horse - Kiss
My boyfriend Horse – Kiss

Fantasies and comics

Well, that’s what fantasies are about, there everything is allowed. It is like when we enter our deep imagination and we are able to create scenes in our mind, that maybe because of shame we would not dare to reveal this to anyone. It is as permissive as dreams themselves because you can dream any amount of nonsense and madness that if the accounts can call you crazy.

This is how this world of graphic creation works. The artist is carried away by his line of thoughts or philosophy of life. In the United States for example, people are fans of the superhero comic. These are hard-core collectors and are able to spend large sums of money on the editions they publish.

The comic book “My boyfriend horse” is composed of 160 pages and edited by the brand Reservoir Books. The author of this controversial and controversial cartoon leaves the right thing only for work. In relation to the rest he has a very broad mentality.

The grace of this illustrative material lies in the prominence of the horse in the comic. It is definitely a crazy story that can attract people and follow it to the end. This may be able to give to generate a series for adults of the punk wave. For they would feel identified with some characters and of course recommend it until they even became famous.

Every fable has a moral, where people can see themselves reflected in one of those characters and thus make a profound review of their behaviors and attitudes.

Placing the horse in a relationship gives us an idea of the role of the horse in the comic. By its attributes, the horse is capable of being a metaphor for man’s behavior, a symbol of it.

My Boyfriend horse - Ghost
My Boyfriend horse – Ghost

Juliet and his pets – adventure and friendship with horses

Juliet and her pets
Juliet and her pets

Just as we have given a brief explanation of what my horse boyfriend’s comic book means, he also wants to tackle a comic that is on the web to be read online (you can read it in the follow link ).

This is about a young woman who moves to live somewhere else. The uniqueness of this is that it is surrounded by beautiful scenery and noble animals with which you can share your life.

In this story is wrapped in a series of beautiful experiences surrounded by wonderful animals. Maybe the dream of a person who loves animals and pure air and the peace and tranquility that Mother Nature offers us. Here is where horses enter the comic because the girl does not only take care of the animals. In this case, learn the art of riding.

This is a comic book story that is suitable for children to enjoy and from childhood they can be encouraged to care for the environment and love animals.


Juliet’s Cimarron horse

One of the characters that make up Juliet’s comic is just a horse named Cimarron. This equine character was found in the forest by his great friend Francisco. Unfortunately the animal was in unfavorable conditions, looking extremely fragile and dispersed.

In this, the role of the horse in the comic is that of a pet, best friend and companion. One of the oldest relationships between the horse and man. Also that is still present in love in that relationship but more naively

This noble man took the horse to the shed to heal the wounds and feed it. However this rogue animal turned out to love treats, carrots and apples. It also showed an unparalleled tenderness playing on the grass and shooing the colorful butterflies. As responsible owners they took Cimarrón to the veterinarian because he had a hurt knee due to his wanderings through the forest.

At the time when his wounds were healed and he was in better condition, they wanted to try the horse to visit the site. However, he let out his indomitable side and did not allow it. After a long time and with great patience they placed the saddle. Presuming that the future with adequate training they can use and take out the potential that has for the transfers through the forest.

Juliet and her pets - Cover #2 Issue
Juliet and her pets – Cover #2 Issue

The role of horse in the comic

As we can see, we have mentioned two comics in this issue, one aimed at adults. This one with a somewhat controversial vision but accepted by an open-minded culture. In addition to people who share the vision of life of punk.

On the other hand we tell the story of online comic directed to children where it teaches interaction with pets and helps promote values ​​such as companionship, respect, empathy towards other humans, towards nature and animals. An extremely didactic material that is recommended to the smallest of the house.

We can see with this the different aspects of the horse in the comic. The horse in the comic diversified for a segment of the population. Indeed it can be directed to people with more extravagant tastes as the case of the punk with the illustration of “My boyfriend horse”. Some more bloody and terrifying comic strips that are aimed at the most daring that nothing causes them fear. On the other hand some that are aimed at the population of all ages. In short, comics represent a world where imagination has no limits… and the role of the horse in the comic book either



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Pegasus, the winged horse

Pegasus, the winged horse

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Greek mythology is one of the richest, most diverse and most widespread mythologies in the world. Today you will know one of the most widespread myths of Greek mythology that has permeated popular culture as well as being a symbol used in various human activities. Today we will know the myth of Pegasus, the winged horse.

Whether because of the creativity that the Greeks expressed in their myths or because Greece was the cradle of western civilization expressed today is expressed in at least 3 of the 5 continents (America, Oceania, Europe). The Greek culture and its mythology even greatly influences the other two remaining continents. Be that as it may, Greek mythology has much to offer us from mythology and show us how man understands the world.

Pegasus: The Winged Stallion - Greek Mythology Explained

Greek mythology reflects Greek society, its needs, dreams and limitations. The Greek Olympus, the equivalent of the Christian sky, is where the gods resided, but when we review a little more, Olympus is also the highest mountain in Greece. This tells us that because of the difficulty of access and its height, the Greeks conceived the gods where they could not reach. But there was someone who could reach and that was Pegasus, the winged horse.

The Olympus

The real version of Mount Olympus is 2919 meters high. It is the highest mountain in Greece and the largest natural reserve in Greece, full of beauties brought by God or the gods according to the religious tradition that is followed.

The winds on Mount Olympus are strong and the climate is relentless so the ancient Greeks there sheltered their gods. It could only be reached by magical means and there Pegasus ’ place enters the scene.

Pegasus is the only one, apart from the gods, who could come and go from Olympus. With its beautiful wings, Pegasus was capable of the protective mists of Olympus and overcome any obstacle. His wings freed him from the limits of humans and normal horses. For this Pegasus was very coveted because those who wanted to get to Mount Olympus wanted to climb on the back of the wonderful Pegasus.


The twelve Olimpians

In Olympus the main Greek gods took refuge, according to the tradition in general, they are considered to be 12 gods representing different facets of the human nature:

Zeus: God of thunder and “boss” of the gods. He achieved this place by dethroning Titan, his father, through the murder. Cronos was not an exemplary father either. He devoured his children to avoid being thrown from the throne.

Hera: Wife and sister of Zeus, goddess of marriage and family. Some say she was also the goddess of jealousy and “snakes” [ROLF].

Poseidon: God of the seas and brother of Zeus. He is also considered the god of horses, which will make him interesting for a future article.

Aphrodite: Goddess of love and beauty. Daughter of Zeus and Dione a granddaughter of the Titans. Although he married Hephaestus he had too many lovers.

Ares: God of war, is the son of Zeus and Hera. Also fond of his sister aphrodite.

The rest of the Olimpians

Athena: The virginal goddess of wisdom and strategy. Daughter of Zeus with Metis, a granddaughter of the Titans.

Hermes: God of rhetoric and commerce, also served as messenger of the gods. Son of Zeus with a nymph.

Apollo: God of the sun, is also associated with the arts and music. The fundamental symbol of Apollo is the sun. He is the son of Zeus with a daughter of the Titans named Leto.

Artemis: Goddess of virginity and hunting. Its fundamental symbol is the bow and arrow with which it was defended to remain a virgin. She is the twin of Apollo.

Hephaestus: God of fire. One of the few legal children between Zeus and Hera. Despite this they threw him out of the newborn Olympus.

Demeter: Daughter of Crono and Rhea, is the goddess of agriculture and fertility. One of the symbols to which it is most associated is wheat.

Hestia: Goddess of home, of order. She was the goddess who cared for Olympus when the gods went to battle.

Hades: In some myths Hades is considered to be within the 12 Olympians. In another cases, it is excluded from the twelve Olympians. The truth is that Hades is one of the most important gods. He is the god of the underworld and the dead. His kingdom waits for all those who leave the earth.

Greek mythology is full of symbols. So we can ask ourselves what does Pegaso mean?

The origin of Pegasus

Within Greek mythology it is common that these myths have different versions that were adapted to the times and to the symbolic necessity. Here we present the different versions of the birth of Pegasus.


Versions of the birth of Pegasus

The first version talks about Pegasus being the son of Poseidon and Medusa … No comments. On the other hand there is talk that Pegasus comes out of Medusa’s neck when Perseus beheads him after using his shield as a mirror to avoid looking directly into the eyes of Medusa, an interesting version. Following the line of thought of this last version, it is said that the blood shed by Medusa mojo and fertilized the earth until from it was born the winged horse Pegasus.

Likewise, the myth of Pegasus is associated with the waters near Mount Helicon. This myth tells that when Pegasus was born, he bucked with such force that caused an earthquake and from the cracks water flowed that ran everywhere making it a source of inspiration.

From this birth it is known that it was finally Bellerophontes who was its owner. Although some versions of the myth say that this was delivered to Bellerophontes by Athena. Other versions indicate that Pegasus was delivered to Belerefonte by Poseidon.

Bellerophontes and Pegaso

Bellerophontes and Pegaso were inseparable companions of adventure. Together they defeated the Amazons in endless battles. But his greatest achievement was the defeat of the Chimera. Monster of multiple heads, one of lion, one of goat and another of dragon, representing the most terrible beasts and evil (the head of a male goat represented the evil one). Each head vomited fire and it was thanks to Pegasus and Bellerophontes that the monster ceased to exist.

Such was the pride of Bellerophontes that went to his head and decided to go up to Olympus to claim his position but could never … Some stories say that Pegasus refused for fear of punishment from the gods, others say that for fear of killing Bellerophontes and the most picturesque speaks of Zeus sending a mosquito to bite Pegasus. Pegaso felt the bite turned and threw Bellerophontes to the ground leaving him on the ground forever thanks to his pride.

Belerefonte and Pegasus
Belerefonte and Pegasus

What does it mean to dream about Pegasus?

The horse is a symbol of freedom and dreaming of Pegasus is a symbol of absolute freedom. It is a powerful dream because it is tied to mythology and corresponds with a universal symbolism that links all human beings to the need for freedom.

Pegasus’s dream represents the desire for unlimited freedom beyond those imposed by the gods themselves. Also for the mythological and symbolic qualities of the horse and the Pegasus where nobility and purity play a very important role, the human being who decides to opt for climbing such a freedom must have these qualities and must be ready to release the ties that they hold him.

Pegasus Dreams
Pegasus Dreams

This dream is capable of recharging you with energy and it is a dream that can be followed but first we must cut with the chains that are oppressing us spiritually and mentally. Only in this way that freedom will not hurt us with feelings of guilt. Freedom always has its sacrifices.

Mythological dreams are universal, magical and powerful. If you dream about Pegaso, do not think you’re fantasizing, it means you need a change and it’s in your hands.



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Equine Behaviour - Stimulate the horse

How to stimulate the horse?

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The horse like any other animal close to the man requires special care… likewise it is not only necessary to take care of it but to stimulate the horse to get the best of itself. To stimulate the horse we must motivate him. In this way, we can see how happy the horse develops. We will see the horse develop its full potential by giving us the best of himself.

Like people, horses need that emotional strengthening. For this reason we will dedicate this article to give you multiple tips to stimulate the horse you love and to tell you about the benefits of stimulating the horse.

Horse Play and Behavior

Stimulate your horse …

The horse is an animal with emotions on the skin. He can be very nervous or self-confident. The reactions of the horse will depend to a great extent on the way it is treated.

Horses are wonderful animals, noble, friendly, charismatic, but if they mistreat them, they will probably react negatively. That is why early and permanent stimulation is a key factor in the equine breeding process.

Taming them is not an easy process because by nature they want to be free that nobody controls them … It is essential that, instead of breaking their will as traditional dressage does, we create a bond of trust. Once their domestication is achieved it is amazing what the horses achieve.

The link of the horse and the rider can be powerful and is able to draw the potential of the horse, either from the emotional and physical point of view. That is why investing our emotions with horses gives good profits.

Stimulate the horse
Stimulate the horse

Stimulate the horse to create a bond

Creating a horse-rider bond is building affection, trust, and mutual respect so that they can grow and build a true relationship.

These are the bases so that a horse can feel totally comfortable with the human beings that surround it: riders, trainers, caretakers, etc.

The lack of confidence in the horse can generate adverse reactions because it will try to protect itself from what it considers to be threats to its integrity.

In case of an aggressive response to the horse you can not be held responsible for such response. We have conditioned such response through our stimuli and behaviors. That is why the encouragement to the horse must be early to prevent bad habits from being established in it

That is why one of the advantages of stimulating the horse correctly is to prevent unwanted and even violent behavior. In this way we will avoid negative feelings such as anger or fear and begin to suffer from lack of confidence. Lack of confidence will affect your performance either in the races or in the riding competitions.

How does an unstimulated horse behave?

Horses and humans have many things in common. Among them is that when they are not stimulated they react in a wild way. This does not mean that it is always a negative reaction, but it is an untrained reaction.

Humans and horses require education to manage their emotions so that they can handle them and not let them dominate them.

Emotions in their brute form can cause a horse in a state of tranquility to become disobedient because he has no one to lead him. It can also go through a diversity of emotions ranging from rebellion, bitterness, sadness or even can lead to depression.

These emotional problems in horses, just like in humans, can turn into physical problems. The horses, like human beings, somatize their emotional problems.

We conclude that the correct stimulation of the horse is not only a matter of effectiveness in its performance. Stimulating the horse also helps us ensure your physical as well as your mental wellbeing.

Equine Behaviour - Stimulate the horse
Equine Behaviour – Stimulate the horse

How to stimulate the horse correctly?

If someone knows your horse well, it is you. No expert advice can replace your intuition at the level of communication. It does not matter how much we know about horse breeds or equine psychology. Each horse has its own personality and this is the first key.

He must become an observer of his horse. He must discover the things that he likes, the ones that annoy him and the ones that baffle his horse. In this way you will know with what stimuli you can reward him and with what punish him if it is extremely necessary.

The key is that you should know everything about your horse. You should know that you like to eat, what you like to do, how long you train and how long you rest. You must know in depth the things you enjoy and the things you do not and in what proportion.

Horses love apples, sugar cubes and carrots. But it is clear that your horse will prefer one of them in particular and you must know the difference.

If you know what he likes most, you will be able to give him something that he likes when he behaves well and a “dessert” when his behavior is especially good. It is at that moment that we are training your emotions.

3 puzzles to mentally stimulate your horse

Additional information to stimulate the horse

The care of horses has evolved significantly. In ancient times the emotional problems of humans were treated by a counselor and little by little it evolved to have psychologists who study the way humans behave and which may be the source of their problems.

It may surprise us to know that there are now psychologists for horses, but this is the natural evolution of things.

Obviously psychologists for horses can not hear the problems of horses. Thanks to the study of his natural behavior and the corporal codes of his behavior, the horse psychologist will be able to “read” it

These horse psychologists are called equine ethologists and help horses overcome their traumas. Through the body language of the equine, this will indicate what your ailments are. In this way the ethologist will seek in his knowledge to help him, always with the help of “its humans”

Together, the doctors, the psychologists and their “family” (the horses and humans that surround them), the horses can overcome any emotional obstacle. With patience, love and respect we can build a bond of trust that helps the horse grow and become the animal it is meant to be.

Give it prizes to stimulate the horse

Stimulating the horse as we said at the beginning is an observation exercise to know what equines love the most. In this way we are able to know how to reward them when they have a desired behavior.

You are right. Prizes are one of the most widespread and effective ways to positively stimulate horses. We must reward their good disposition to train every day, to do it well, in each of the improvements of the times or of the jumps.

In the same way we should reward him when the day ends and do everything we ask him to do. Because one of the keys is to reward their obedience at the beginning to train their emotions and their good behavior so that it is then automatic.

Likewise, caresses can be a way to stimulate their good behavior.

In a next opportunity we will be able to deepen in these aspects. Stimulate your horse to take care of him, his physical and mental health and to become the best version of himself.



If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

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Federico García Lorca

The horse of Federico Garcia Lorca

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The horse of Federico Garcia Lorca

Federico García Lorca
Federico García Lorca

There have been many authors who have given prominence to the horse in his work. As we have seen throughout numerous articles, painters, sculptors among others, have put the horse in the first row of his work. One of them was Federico García Lorca

Today we will talk about a great writer who has placed the horse as a symbol in an important place of his work. Today we will talk about Federico García Lorca and the horse in his work.

Many writers have given a preeminent place to the horse among his prose, verses, metaphors and great stories.

Eloy Cebrian (or better known as Eloy M. Cebrian) has written at least 4 books about the memoirs of Alexander the Great but from the perspective of Bucéfalo, his horse. Also the journalist Hans-Heinrich Isenbart who became a sports commentator but also the author of the Great Book of the Horse. From Isenbart we spoke in the past and from Eloy Cebrian we will speak in future publications.

But today we will talk about the preeminent place of the horse in the symbolism with which Federico García Lorca has endowed his work.

Blood Wedding Star-Crossed Lovers

Who is Federico García Lorca?

Federico García Lorca is one of the most important Spanish dramatists of the 20th century. Likewise, his character as a poet has stood out as one of the most read Spanish poets today. He also devoted himself to prose with enthusiasm, drawing and music. An integral artist in the whole rule.

Federico García Lorca was born into a well-to-do family with no pretensions. Belonging to the Generation of 27 within the neopopularist trend. A generation of artists that became popular in the context of a cultural movement around the homage to Luis Góngora made in 1927.

The mixture of the cultured and the popular in his work brings him closer to the people without distancing him from the most avant-garde literary trends.

Federico Garcia Lorca | Literature | Showcase

Federico García Lorca and his youth

Young Federico García Lorca
Young Federico García Lorca

Born on June 5, 1898 in Granada under the name of Federico del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús García Lorca. His love for literature was stimulated by his mother Vicenta Lorca Romero who worked as a teacher. These early influences were very important for his artistic inclinations. In spite of this, Federico García Lorca inclined in his youth more for music than literature thanks to his taste for the piano.

In his youth he studied music with Manuel de Falla who, foreseeing Federico’s literary talent, decided to stimulate it. His personal differences in terms of style were also decisive for Federico García Lorca gradually define his artistic proposal away from the strict limits imposed by the musical style of his teacher. Because of this Federico García Lorca would be inclined towards the traditional freedom of poetry and theater. These forms of expression have always been closer to symbolism and hidden messages.

Within his work life and death go hand in hand … His need for duality is present in his symbols and in his work.

Death and life are always associated with the same symbol according to the context and its “movement”. Sexuality, life and death form the sacred triad of Lorca in regard to symbols of human experience and its drama.

Symbology in the work of Federico García Lorca

Federico Garcia Lorca consistently uses symbols in his poetry, something very common. While these symbols have a dominant interpretation, context and tone make these symbols even represent their opposite, within the understanding that both are a representation that are inseparably linked.

Some of the most recurring symbols in Lorca’s work are:

Full Moon
Full Moon
  • The moon: It is the most widespread symbol within the work of Federico García Lorca. Its most recurrent meaning is the symbol of death, but also closely associated with the symbol of fertility, eroticism, sterility or beauty. The cycle of 28 days, both the cycle of the moon and the menstrual cycle are indissoluble elements that generate this association … Blood, death, life, fertility and eroticism in the understanding that the moon as inducer of those behaviors “to the shadow”. The moon as hypnosis and provocative … Light in the shadow to commit sin.
  • Water: In Lorca’s work the flowing water becomes a symbol of life and vitality. It is the way life extends. When water is stagnant and without movement, water represents death. Is that the symbol is not purely the element but its context.
  • The blood: representative of life as well as the moon, and when it is spilled, is the main symbol of death. Likewise blood can symbolize in women the fertile, the sexual. It is fundamental as we see that the symbol can not be clearly distinguished without its context.
  • The horse and the rider: it is one of the recurring symbols in the work of Lorca. Federico García Lorca plays his symbolic triad. The horse and the rider carry with them the meaning of death but also and by their indivisible trinity are associated with vitality (life) and sexuality (fundamentally male eroticism)

Another Simbols of Federico García Lorca ‘s work

  • The symbol of the bull: García Lorca, as a bullfighter, described his relationship with them in the following way: “I believe that bullfighting is the most cultured festival in the world. It is the pure drama in which the Spanish shed their best tears and their bile. It is the only place where he leaves with the security of seeing death surrounded by the most dazzling beauty (…) ». Although at present this vision of the bullfighting activity would awaken repulsion, especially that of the animal and anti-bullfighting defenders, we must remember that Lorca developed in an environment full of drama where the brute force is the only one recognized as the true force.
  • Herbs: its fundamental value as a symbol is death however, as in the other cases, this interpretation varies according to the context.
  • The metals: metals and the flashes of them in the light of the moon appear conform under the entity of white arms, univocally associated with tragedy and death.

The horse in the work of Federico García Lorca

It is to this last symbol, the horse, that we will dedicate a few additional lines to deepen the perception of the horse in the work of Federico García Lorca

Wild Horse
Wild Horse

Español / English
Por una vereda venía Don Pedro. / Don Pedro came along a path.

¡Ay, cómo lloraba / Oh, how I cried
el caballero!/Montaba en un ágil / the gentleman! / rode in an agile
caballo sin freno. / horse without brake.
Venía en la busca / I was looking for
del pan y del beso / of bread and kiss
todas las ventanas / all the windows
preguntan al viento / they ask the wind
por el llanto oscuro / by the dark weeping
del caballero. / of the gentleman.

Por el camino llano / On the flat road
dos mujeres y un viejo / two women and an old man
con velones de plata / with silver candles
van al cementerio. / they go to the cemetery.

Entre los azafranes / Among the crocuses
han encontrado muerto / they have found dead
al sombrío caballo / to the dark horse
de Don Pedro. / of Don Pedro.

Federico García Lorca

The horse in the work of Federico García Lorca represents that force that makes its way despite and that makes itself heard … That makes tremble and that it is life, it is strength and if it is tried to contain it is also death in what it becomes.

In the House of Bernarda Alba, the horse is the best expression of restrained passion. This “passion” kicks until it is released through escape or death … Life has to get exits and the horse expresses the imposing force of life.

The House of Bernarda Alba | Trailer

The origin of the Horse in the work of Federico García Lorca

Likewise Federico García Lorca finds in the horse a close element thanks to his life in the field in his first years of life. A common symbol with which any common Spanish could feel identified. That force of neopopularism arising in the natural but hiding under its wings the symbols of those passions that it had to restrain.

The horse as the perfect symbol of that which can not be tamed or contained for too long … That which makes its way from life to escape or death and death in the work of Lorca because in a traditional society getting out of the norm was social death or better still death before the impossibility to fit.

Lorca’s horse was nothing more than the need to express his art and his sexual orientation. This need born in a repressed and traditionalist society that suffocated him. The same traditionalist society that finally shot him through the Franco regime … Life that leads to escape or death … The horse of Lorca is the life of Lorca



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Role of the horse

The present and future of the role of the horse

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The present and future of the horse

The horse is as old as the human itself. This majestic mammal of great size has served as a faithful companion of the human’s adventures. Likewise, the horse has worked hard since this species exists.The role of the horse was very clear.

In principle as a means of transport for people for long distances. Undoubtedly this animal went through them in less time, which made the activities of man more productive

National Geographic Documentary - Horses - Amazing Story about this wonderful creature!

But as man evolved, changing customs, assuming new lifestyles. It brings as a consequence that the horse is being seen in another way.

The horse has gained prominence in other fields of human activity and, of course, has served as inspiration for many artists throughout world history.

The way of seeing the horse has changed since today it assumes different roles from a guide horse to a painter horse. This makes us change the way we perceive this animal.

What are the changes in the role of the horse?

The role of the horse is not only a means of transport, it could even be predicted that this role of the horse will soon disappear with the exception of distant areas where these animals are essential.

While in large cities and the role of the horse as a means of transport role is not exercised because different organizations of animal protectors have engaged in an arduous struggle to locate in better conditions equines that provided this type of services.

The current society can see the role of the horse within a choreography, a horse dancing, a guide horse of a person with visual disability. In this order of ideas you can also see a horse as a cotherapist. In short it would seem that the uses of the horse transcend the old ones. Although still the protagonist of the different disciplines of horsemanship, how could it be otherwise.

Cargo Horses
Cargo Horses

Evolution of the role of the horse and its care

Due to the change of perception of the current man in relation to the role of the horse has also brought with it a series of changes in terms of the care of the horse is concerned.

Before humans focused on providing basic food to the animal and even reached its reach. As we have advanced, the owners of the horses are much more aware of the specific care that this animal requires. Hence, professions such as veterinarian, ethologists and others have emerged. This in order to monitor the health of the horse both physically and mentally.

Vet cares to a horse
Vet cares to a horse

In addition trades of saddlers and blacksmiths to make the saddles, accessories and horseshoes appropriate to the type of horse. As if that were not enough, the invention of special shoes for horses has emerged.

If we look deeply we can notice numerous advances in science and technology to promote the welfare and comfort of horses. In addition to this have also created a vitamin supplements in order to strengthen the health of the horse.

Even for people who do not have adequate space in their houses, there are so-called shelters.

This is a place where they take care of the horse and adapt to the needs of the client. As we see, the care of equines has evolved along with the role of the horse and has improved considerably in its scale of evolution of the 20th century and has continued in the last two decades of the new millennium.

The role of the horse An animal of many races and singular attributes

Today the horse according to the perception of modern man can become a beloved animal. In these cases, the owner is aware of the minimum that this requires. This means that the horse went from being an animal subjected to forced labor to an animal that transmits elegance, style, imposing, in reality the list falls short.

Fortunately the horses that suffer abuse and humiliation has diminished enormously since the human has been sensitized very much in the vision that it has in relation to the role of the horse.

The evolution of the horse has brought with it a great diversity of races. These are differentiated by their size, coat, behavior, and affinity for certain specific tasks. There are some that are more given to the other skip to dressage.

There are some horses that have special abilities as guides or co-therapists. Then among diversity of races and the qualities that these beautiful animals can have is very diverse.

Man can choose the specific race according to what he wishes to develop with the animal. For example miniature horses are trained as horse guides for people with visual disabilities. While an Andalusian horse is perfect for dressage and choreography. Then there we will see what was mentioned above.

The nature of this beautiful animal links us in a special way with mother nature showing us its most sublime qualities. The bond that is created between a horse and a human is very special.

New trends in the role of the horse in society

In the measure that the human and the horse evolved in time also their perception of reciprocal way. This step from being an animal cruelly exploited to a beloved animal protected by society.

One of the points that made this happen was the emergence of the competences of the various riding disciplines. In these competitions the horse could win prizes and considerable amounts of money. On the other hand, families that used to spend weekends in areas outside the city could have a horse in a country house. Consequently enjoy trips through the prairies with your beloved animal.

One of the new trends in horse breeding focuses on covering a specific market. As an example of them we have the singer and businessman Vicente Fernandez in the reproduction of miniature horses these are used as pets.

Within these tendencies also means were developed to transport the horses by land in a comfortable way for these. Being some cars specially designed for this purpose.

In relation to experts who care for horses has been innovated with equine dentistry, ethology, equidinamia among others. That is, depending on the needs and the role of horses, new professions have emerged that help improve their quality of life.

In summary…

Horses today transmit an inspiration of strength, courage, loyalty and freedom. It shows us that we should have more contact with nature enjoy the simple and forget about the daily stresses.

The role of the horse in today’s society is multifaceted, since it can be developed in different riding disciplines. In addition, the role of the horse is also important in the performing arts, in the area of ​​health, as pets, as stallions for the improvement and improvement of other races.

These animals give humans a lesson that almost any skill can be developed. If they, as non-thinking beings, can do so many things, it is an indication that humans as a perfect machine can go very far.

Finally the community of the equine world made up of experts, innovators both in the professions and in the trades should continue joining forces so that the role of the horse evolves and shows us the full potential of this beautiful animal. This seeks to promote the good treatment and care of these noble animals that God gave us.



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Metro Meteor - A painter horse

Metro Meteor the painter horse

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The horse again and again shows us its intelligence and courage to overcome extreme situations. Sometimes they help humans and sometimes being helped by some humans who understand them as beings of great value. Today we will talk about a particularly intelligent horse. A horse that also has helped many horses with its actions. Today we will talk about Metro Meteor, the painter horse.

The horses have given us their support as transport of people for their speed and resistance, as transport of cargo and drive for their strength in physical work and as a company given their high intelligence and nobility.

Horses have shown great sensitivity, strength and courage. In this way it is not surprising that their sensitivity has led them to stand out in a new field for them … The arts.

Gettysburg horse takes up painting after retiring from the race track

The horse has inspired many artists throughout history. Many poets, writers, filmmakers have dedicated their “muse” to the qualities and presence of the horse. But just as the horse has been an inspiration, now it is the horse that finds inspiration in its own existence and explores one of our fine arts, painting. Today we will know better this precious and noble animal

Perhaps the horse becomes a competitor of men not only in speed but in artistic sensibility but at least we already have the first among them.

Metro Meteor in an art auction
Metro Meteor in an art auction

What forces forge the artist? Which forces forged our painter horse Metro Meteor?

Metro Meteor was a horse that, after an accident, went from being a successful racehorse to an injured horse. Thanks to the support of a human, it strength and it sensitivity it was able to overcome the limitations of life by becoming a painter horse.

The circumstances of life shape us and the need to express ourselves is what makes us artists … That special awareness that separates us from the rest and allows us to transmit the beauty of reality beyond their circumstances.

It is under these circumstances that Metro demonstrated its gifts as a plastic artist. Perhaps some are surprised to see a horse become an abstract art painter, but those who have had the pleasure and honor of knowing them can only confirm their suspicions.

How did Metro get to paint?

Metro Meteor seeing its art
Metro Meteor seeing its art

Metro Meteor was a horse whose work and performance predicted a bright future career in horse racing. Until just before his injury, Metro had begun to stand out. What lasted his career had  successful participation in which he won a considerable amount.

However, a disease of the knees ruined its future and among the options that gave his owner was euthanasia. But Metro Meteor ran with the great luck of being adopted by a man with a big heart capable of thinking “out of the box”. His adopter was a plastic artist named Ron Krajewski and he was the one who taught him the art of painting.

Metro Meteor was adopted by Ron for his wife Wendy to recreationally set up. However, after a visit to the veterinarian they were able to verify that the damages to its knees were worse than those indicated by their previous owner. Ron and Wendy took him to the veterinarian. The vet prescribed the medications, special horseshoes and physical therapy that gave him a better quality of life.

In 2012, during a visit to the veterinarian, they discover that their condition is getting worse rapidly. The life expectancy for Metro was two years old. That’s when Ron decides to take matters into his own hands.

Metro Meteor Painting
Metro Meteor Painting

Metro Meteor and Ron Krajewski heading for the unknown

“I did not want to put him to pasture and forget him [Metro Meteor]. I was thinking about how to spend time together, I wanted to improve their quality of life “

Ron Krajewski


While Ron Krajewski was dedicated to thinking how to give Metro a better quality of life. By its way, the horse did everything possible to get the attention of Ron and Wendy making movements with his head and raising things.

The Metro Meteor movements captured Ron’s curiosity. Understanding that this was the way of Metro to communicate decided to stimulate it. Ron began to teach him to touch the canvas with his nose. Then Ron taught it to do it with a brush in his mouth. This convert Metro communication and his need to draw attention to his own artistic expression.

An artist collaboration
An artist collaboration

Ron began to reward it positively for its capacity of expression and reinforcing his free manifestation instead of pigeon-holing him into careers and obeying … This is how the natural expression of Metro became a work of art

Not satisfied with it, Metro began to show emotion and interest in such activity. So much was its interest in this new activity that when he was shown a canvas he immediately began to paint. In this way towards brushstrokes turning his expression into art very abstract but colorful at the same time.

Ron became his artistic director and assistant at the same time placing colors and brushes in his mouth.

The paintings were worthy of exhibiting in a space. So the owner made the decision to take them to a gallery. At the first week was a resounding success, managing to sell four pieces, nothing bad to begin with.

Metro Meteor’s success

“The brushstrokes of Metro do not resemble anything a person can do, because he does not think what he is going to do before doing it. His strokes are thick, random and sometimes broken, which makes the other colors can be seen. All that vibrates on the canvas”

Ron Krajewski

The fact that a horse has developed the ability to make works of art in this case paintings on canvas captured the attention of the public immediately. Its history was transmitted in television. Metro Meteor gained fame and followers in the United States its country of origin.

Currently, a Metro box has a value that can range between fifty and five hundred dollars. This income that the horse has received has served as a base to pay for the expenses of his treatment.

Metro was a self-sufficient horse, a worthy example for many humans. Only in the course of 2014 he had an extensive list of people interested in acquiring his unique works of art.

Metro MeteorMetro Meteor Birthday - March 13th Birthday - March 13th
Metro Meteor Birthday – March 13th

In relation to his medical treatment, the veterinarian in charge of this case came up with the brilliant idea. This consisted of creating a practice to use a substance called Tildren only on his knees. In effect it had positive results for this wonderful artist horse.

For the short time the results of the imaging tests showed that the abnormal growth of his joints had stalled. Therefore this gives hope that the horse will continue its existence and so continue to continue making those beautiful and unique paintings.

Plastic artist Ron Krajewski

Many times life takes us along paths where we must reinvent ourselves and bring to light all that potential that we carry inside.

Ron Krajewki and Metro Meteor
Ron Krajewki and Metro Meteor

Ron was raised in Alaska where his work was dedicated to fishing. Then he placed himself under the command of the United States Navy. Later it is when it takes its creativity to afloat thus becoming a potential artist.

If you look at his story there is a bond that links him to his horse Metro. Both were engaged in totally different tasks before embarking on what today unites them for life the love of art.

This artist together with his wife show their altruistic and kindly side as an important part of the profits from the sales of the paintings that the horse paints Metro donate to a charity that is dedicated to helping other horses.

Despite all the difficulties Meteor Metro had an excellent quality of life thanks to Ron and Wendy and enjoyed to the maximum the fact of painting the paintings that gave many joys and lengthened the lives of many horses.

Metro Meteor pass away

“Through long talks with Metro’s vet, it was realized that Metro’s quality of life had become drastically reduced and he was living in constant pain. The meds we had to give him to treat one aliment, were causing new ailments. There was no way to win, and nothing more we could do for him. Even though he had lived five years passed his original prognosis, and had overcome every obstacle he faced, Metro just had too many obstacles now, and was losing the battle. The heartbreaking decision was made that it was best for Metro to let him go. To ease his pain. Metro was humanely euthanized on March 28th by his vet and longtime friend, Dr. Kim Brokaw. Metro was 15 years old.”

Metro Meteor Website

It left a legacy … Dozens of horses saved, their own life extended and full of life and works of art that will make us remember forever … Metro Meteor an artist horse, a painter horse

In Memory of Metro Meteor
In Memory of Metro Meteor



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