The closing of a year and the beginning of one that arrives have different ways of celebrating on the planet. Some countries have very unique traditions that may seem crazy to others. But this traditions varies according to the idiosyncrasy of those who celebrate these special dates. For this reason we will discuss about the new year’s eve celebration in the world and its variants.
The closing year is very emotional and many times people are a bit more cheerful and enthusiastic. In this sense receive the new year 365 new days to meet the goals, projects and desires of people.
new year’s eve celebration in the world is usually used pyrotechnics to welcome the following year. However, we must be considered with the planet, animals and people with autism when using pyrotechnics.
In 192 countries, the new year’s eve celebration takes place in the world in very different ways. One of the many ways to celebrate is Cava, confetti, fireworks, rituals, prayers, lingerie among others.
Table of Contents.
The new year’s eve celebration in the world: Venezuela
The new year’s eve celebration in the world is celebrated on December 31.
Particularly in the case of Venezuela the New Year Hug is received when the clock rings at midnight. Likewise, the “parranda” (party) continues in the early morning of the year that has arrived, that is, from January 1.
To celebrate these important dates that at the same time is the end of the Christmas celebrations, a series of customs are carried out, among which we can mention the following:
- Venezuelans eat lentils to attract prosperity
- Usually people have money in their hands or in their pockets, so that the year will grab them with money.
- Luggage for travelers after twelve o’clock at night, to travel frequently in the year that has arrived.
- The burning of the old year in the states that make up the Andean region.
- Finally, the 12 grapes of desires along with the bells
- The new year’s eve celebration in the world specifically in Venezuela has its authentic way of celebrating.
This is one of the new year’s eve celebration that Gustavo Mirabal Castro and his family have enjoyed in their homeland Venezuela.

New year’s eve celebration in the world in Times Square – New York
In Times Square, a large number of people congregate over a million. There you can see his famous ball annually. It rises at 6 pm and descends for 60 seconds at 11:59 pm.
Subsequently, the sky of New York at Christmas is filled with colors by the tons of confetti that are launched from the skyscrapers.
It is one of the most celebrated new year’s eve celebration in the world in movies.
This is another of the new year’s eve celebration that Gustavo Mirabal Castro and his family have enjoyed during their stay in the United States.
New year’s eve celebration in the world: Sydney – Australia
This point of the planet performs a very colorful celebration as fireworks decorate the air. In this way they say goodbye to the closing year and welcome to the new year.
This event starts minutes before 12 pm, with a duration of approximately fifteen minutes. The sum of seven million dollars is what this important event costs.
The festival has the Opera House as a backdrop. In addition, those present enjoy the boats parked in the bay.

New year’s eve celebration in the world: Copacabana – Brazil
Every December 31, approximately two million people are concentrated on the majestic Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro. The occasion is conducive to celebrations to the sound of the samba and fireworks,
On the other hand, it has a temperature of 24 ºC. In these places and visitors enjoy the party of the year that comes outdoors.
It should be noted that this is one of the largest concentrations of people in the world to receive the new year.

New year’s eve celebration in the world: The Hague – Netherlands
If we talk about celebrations a little strange the Dutch have an incredible custom. As these challenge on January 1 the low temperatures to shower in the North Sea, specifically in Scheveningen – The Hague.
Last New Year, the temperature was about 7 degrees Celsius. However, there are occasions where temperatures tend to be lower. Although this is no excuse for the Dutch when it comes to fulfilling this tradition.
This custom dates from the 60s of the last century. This started when the city swimming club established a grouped shower to receive the New Year.
At present this tradition is still valid. It is also replicated along all the coasts of the Netherlands.
New Year’s Eve celebration in the world: Chile
In Chile, as in most of Latin America, the new year is family and joy. We try to look at the past year, take stock of our progress and make resolutions for the new year.
The celebration of New Year in the world has many similarities between countries. However, the celebration between Latin American countries has much more in common because of its common roots.
One of the most interesting things is that the new year in Chile is greeted with spectacular weather. This is because Chile in December is at the beginning of summer. This gives it a connotation of joy and additional showiness.
Therefore, below we will tell you some of the traditions for the New Year’s celebration in Chile.
Chilean traditions of New Year’s celebration.
Fireworks seem to be a tradition in most countries. But in Chile, being summer, the view of the fireworks is spectacular.
One of Chile’s most famous fireworks shows is held in the port city of Valparaiso. In addition to being a city recognized for its beauty, it is also a tourist enclave, which reinforces its position as an axis of celebrations.
Being a coastal area, the reflection of fireworks on the water offers an unparalleled show.
To have good luck with money and financial prosperity, Chileans usually put money in shoes to receive the new year. It is a way of symbolically stepping on and dominating money. We certainly cannot miss the opportunity to try it.
There are two Spanish New Year’s gastronomic customs that Chileans have definitely adopted as their own. We refer to the following traditions:
- Eat the 12 grapes: Like Spain, Chile is well known for being a wine country. It is one of the largest producers of wines in the region, and with it, also producers of grapes. According to tradition, according to the taste of the grapes you eat will be each of the twelve months of next year. We should definitely look for the sweetest grapes we can to have an excellent year.
- Eat at least one spoonful of lentils: Another tradition associated with good luck with money and prosperity is the intake of at least one tablespoon of lentils. Chileans like legumes. Lentils are said to be superfoods. Therefore, in addition to giving us luck, we will also eat very well if we eat lentils receiving the new year.
But let’s get to know some other interesting traditions.

Other traditions for New Year in Chile
There are two traditions that have spread to many countries. One of them can be exhibited to everyone and it is about running around the street where we live with a suitcase. This ritual is supposed to bring us luck and secure a trip next year.
Surely in the year before Covid few people took out their bags. Now with the restrictions easing you can take out your suitcase again to travel next year.
Finally, a more intimate tradition, which couples can enjoy, is to wear yellow underwear on New Year’s Eve. In addition, some recommend that it be placed inside out…
This tradition is supposed to attract luck in love, or improve relationships. Make sure your partner doesn’t wear yellow underwear in hiding from you, lest he or she wants to replace you.
They say that the effect of this ritual is more powerful if the underwear is a gift. That is why we invite you to make a secret friend where everyone gives each other yellow underwear, to avoid misunderstandings …
With all this, Chileans receive the new year full of hopes, promises and with joy as a family.
Curious customs for the celebration of the new year
New Year’s customs vary from place to place to reflect the beliefs and traditions of each society.
From a sociological point of view, these customs can provide valuable information about the culture of each society. They also teach us about their rituals and how the communities interact.
Here are some of the most curious New Year’s customs:
Burning dolls in Ecuador and Venezuela:
In the city of Cuenca, people celebrate the New Year by burning dolls called “años viejos” or “Old years” in English. These dolls represent the year that is about to end, and their burning symbolizes the elimination of the old to make way for the new.
In the area of the Venezuelan and Colombian Andes this custom can also be observed, and the dolls usually represent undesirable people in society such as businessmen or corrupt politicians.

Eating 12 grapes in Spain:
In Spain and some other Latin American cultures, it is traditional to eat 12 grapes just as the clock strikes 12 strokes of midnight. Each grape represents a wish for each month of the coming year.
This ritual aims to attract good luck for each of the months of the coming year.

Spring Cleaning in Japan:
In Japan, a nation well known for its neatness and neatness, there is a New Year’s celebration, known as “Oshogatsu”.
“Oshogatsu” involves a deep cleaning and organization of homes during the last days of the year. This ritual symbolizes leaving the old behind and welcoming the new.
Coins in your pockets in the Philippines:
In the Philippines, it is a tradition to have coins in your pockets during New Year’s Eve. This custom is meant to attract prosperity and good luck.
Some people even walk around their neighborhood with coins in hand to attract fortune.
New year’s eve celebration in the world and its unique way of celebrating
Customs usually vary from one country to another, but the point in common is the celebration of the arrival of a new year. In this sense the New year’s eve celebration are diverse in relation to all types and colors. Well, some can be public, fantastic, sober and others very authentic.
However, they all share a characteristic of New year’s eve celebration in the world. In this sense, joy is the engine that moves all these celebrations.
New year’s eve celebration in the world
In summary
The New year’s eve celebration is a period of sharing family, friends and close people. The purpose is to close a year and welcome the one who arrives.
In the 192 countries of the globe celebrate the arrival of the new year, with some exceptions. But each of them has their genuine ways of celebrating
New year’s eve celebration in the world has many ways to live it with joy and excitement on the globe.
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