//Advice for the proper handling of the horse (II)
Horses Handling

Advice for the proper handling of the horse (II)

We recall that in the previous article the horse is a sensitive animal with great strength. Due to its strength and to preserve the integrity of those who deal with the horse it is important to build a relationship between the horse and those who deal with it. This is also achieved through the proper handling of the horse.

The proper handling of the horse guarantees your physical and mental health. And the mental health of the horse is a guarantee of security for the human beings around him.

The proper handling of the horse depends mainly on its caregiver. The patience, the tact and the appropriate firmness so that the animal is allowed to handle. It is a balance that allows the potential of the horse to be extracted.

Today we will talk about the safety in the handling of the horse and to recognize some communication signals of the horse. Let us begin…

Horse Safety -Horse Instincts, Handling and Equipment

Safety in the proper handling of the horse

Here is a series of tips when you are near the horses. Whether you mount, in the routine of maintenance or when you simply stroke it, you must keep the following cares:

  • Remain calm and calm. Otherwise the horse can recognize his nervousness and absorb it.
  • Move slowly. Sudden movements can cause the horse to kick or jump sideways.
  • Never stand directly behind a horse.
  • The safest place to stand is by the shoulders of your horse, because they can see each other there. Otherwise, it is also recommended to stay 3 meters away or more.
  • For any maintenance routine such as cleaning a horse’s hooves or putting on a bandage, do not squat or kneel. Stand and lean forward so that if the horse moves you can get out of his way quickly.
  • Do not insert your fingers into the feeding pails while eating. Horses can confuse their finger with a carrot.
  • When passing through a door, make sure that the door is open so that your horse does not hit with it, this can scare him and cause him to drag or trample him.
Safety knot to tie a horse
Safety knot to tie a horse

Precautions when dressing for the proper handling of the horse

  • Never take the reins around tied to any part of your body. If your horse begins to jog, it can be dragged.
  • Wear sturdy shoes or boots that protect your feet in case your horse walks over them.
  • When tying a knot, use a quick-release snap in case your scared horse can be released quickly. The feeling of being constricted can cause you to panic to the point of hurting yourself or you.
  • When you are preparing to saddle your horse or clean it tie it. A loose horse in a barn can cause havoc.

Remember that horses are very sensitive animals and any disturbance can cause unexpected reactions. Its force can cause a small disturbance to become a major accident.

Signs to pay attention to the good handling of the horse

The horse is a very communicative animal. As we can see, we should only be attentive to their ways of communicating. To complement the security measures, follow these signs to identify the mood of the horse:

  • Right ears: distrust.
  • Right and moving ears: watching and watching. Check your environment
  • Ears in opposite directions: does not understand or confused.
  • Ears back: aggressive, violent mood.
  • Lying ears and open mouth: ready to attack.
  • Fallen ears: fatigue and / or sleep.
  • Eyes wide open: Fear.

As we can see, as small care and paying attention to the reactions of the horse we can “understand” them. Communication is essential for good horse management.

In the next article on the proper management of the horse we will talk about other communication signals and also about the basic care we should have. Likewise we will learn how to recognize some vices that the horse develops as a way to communicate. Until next time.







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