crean electricidad

Crean electricidad con estiércol de caballos en Finlandia

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Crean electricidad con estiércol de caballos

crean electricidad

En 2015 surgió la idea de hacer sostenible las competencias de caballos en Finlandia. Es por ello que decidieron usar el estiércol de caballos para producir electricidad.

El experimento funcionó y ahora con sólo dos caballos una familia finlandesa puede tener energía durante todo el año.

Algo que sin duda está llamando la atención en el mundo entero ya que las competencias ecuestres podrían ser autosostenibles.

Además pueden generar recursos tan importantes para los seres humanos como es la energía eléctrica.

Crean electricidad con excremento de caballos

Los organizadores de la Copa Mundial de Salto Ecuestre en Helsinki, capital de Finlandia, crean electricidad a partir del excremento de los caballos.

Su logro es tal que no sólo proveen energía para el desarrollo de la Copa sino para calentar los hogares de esa ciudad.

Así que los grandes protagonistas de esta historia son los caballos. Algo que le va bien a la Federación Internacional Ecuestre (FEI, por sus siglas en inglés).

Ya que este es el organismo bajo el cual se circunscribe la Copa Mundial de Salto Ecuestre.

El proceso mediante el cual crean electricidad permite activar luces, marcadores e incluso estaciones de carga. Todo lo demás alimenta la fuente de energía de los hogares de Helsinki.

En este sentido, la Federación Ecuestre Internacional espera mostrar cómo los eventos deportivos pueden tener un papel en el apoyo a la sostenibilidad, asegura el director del campeonato, Tom Gordin.

Gordin sostiene que soñaban con “hacer un mundo más limpio”, pero en aquel entonces “no teníamos idea de cómo comenzar”.

Explica que:

“Luego saltamos a un patrocinio y asociación con Fortum, una gran compañía internacional de energía, y se les ocurrió esta invención con el estiércol, así que nos llevó a esta idea y construimos una visión de que nos gustaría ser el evento ecuestre líder en sostenibilidad”.

La Copa Mundial de Salto Ecuestre reúne a los mejores jinetes y caballos del mundo. Se realiza de manera individual y constituye un evento de alto rendimiento para los atletas de esta disciplina.

Primer pruebas

Como toda idea o proyecto tiene su fase de pruebas, y en 2017, cuando comenzaron a probar se dieron cuenta del alto potencial que hay en el excremento de los caballos.

Con 235 caballos y las 112 toneladas de estiércol que produjeron, ese año, los expertos lo transformaron en casi 170 megavatios de energía.

Este año, 2019, 100 toneladas de excrementos de 370 caballos se usaron para generar 150 megavatios de energía.

Los cuales suministraron electricidad para los cuatro días que duró el evento y además brindó calefacción a casas de la capital finlandesa.

Fortum HorsePower

Este sistema con el que crean electricidad a partir del excremento de los caballos es desarrollado por la firma Fortum HorsePower.

“El sistema de estiércol a energía tiene un potencial inmenso para los países con grandes poblaciones equinas”, dijo el vicepresidente de Fortum HorsePower, Anssi Paalanen.

Sostuvo que es necesario recurrir a ideas innovadoras y realmente imaginativas si se quiere obtener combustible de una forma que no degrade el planeta.

“Es posible cargar un teléfono con solo 0,2 decilitros de estiércol de caballo”, acotó Anssi Paalanen.

Por su parte, el presidente de la FEI, Ingmar De Vos, dijo que la iniciativa es una prueba de que la comunidad ecuestre es seria en lo relativo al medio ambiente.

“El sistema de estiércol a energía ha demostrado que las ideas de soluciones energéticas alternativas pueden venir de los lugares más inesperado”, señaló De Vos.

Los habitantes de la capital de Finlandia están muy contentos por esta iniciativa y ahora se sienten más complacidos de albergar la Copa Mundial de Salto.

Puesto que con el excremento de esos caballos obtienen electricidad.

Este proyecto que inició en 2017 se consolida en 2017 y ahora en pleno 2019 ha demostrado que posee grandes bondades y es por ello que hay otros lugares en el mundo donde ya se quiere seguir su ejemplo.

Experiencias similares en Colombia

Dicen por ahí que las cosas buenas son dignas de imitar y es por eso que en la Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), en Colombia están intentándolo.

Es decir, están buscando la forma de crear combustible a partir del excremento de los caballos.

El combustible que se espera producir en dicha casa de estudios ubicada en Bucaramanga, es el biogás.

Quienes adelantan esta investigación la titularon: “Producción de biogás a partir del estiércol equino en un reactor tubular”.

A través de este proyecto aspiran a mejorar la calidad de vida de quienes habitan en zonas rurales.

“La idea es que permita reducir la pobreza energética”, dijo la Institución.

Posteriormente añadió:

“Y darle un valor agregado a lo que hoy era considerado solo un desecho para abonar la tierra y fertilizar cultivos”.

Tal declaración fue emitida por la Universidad en un comunicado de prensa y recogido por medios colombianos como El Espectador.

La investigación en esta parte de Colombia, es liderada por la bióloga argentina, Alejandra Vega.

La meta de este proyecto es:

“Brindar alternativas tecnológicas de bajo costo que ayuden a reducir los impactos económicos, ambientales y energéticos”, dijo Vega.


Excremento como fuente de energía

Quién podría imaginar que el excremento de un caballo sirviera como fuente de energía… Pero los miembros Fortum HorsePower lo descubrieron.

Más no se quedaron sólo en la teoría sino que lo llevaron a la práctica.

Ahora en asociación con los organizadores de la Copa Mundial de Salto lograron que los caballos sean los máximos protagonistas y promotores del evento.

Su estiércol es recolectado y de esa manera en la edición 2019 de dicho certamen crean electricidad para las instalaciones donde se desarrolló el evento.

Además iluminaron los marcadores y crearon zonas de carga donde las personas podían poner a cargar sus celulares entre otros dispositivos móviles.

Con esta invención la famosa frase: caballos de fuerza entra en una nueva etapa puesto que ahora serán más apreciados.

El caballo, un animal sorprendente

A lo largo de la historia se conoce que los caballos tienen una fuerza impresionante, potencia y velocidad.

Esas virtudes hicieron que cuando se crearon los automóviles se hablara de que un auto tiene 4,5 6 caballos de fuerza.

Más ahora, con este uso de su estiércol se convierten en animales aún más valiosos para la humanidad.

Es por ello que se deben cuidar de la manera adecuada y respetar. Los caballos son animales realmente sorprendentes.

Son capaces de correr a toda velocidad, con gran potencia y llevar al hombre de un lado a otro, pero también son fuente de electricidad.

Eso los convierte en una especie privilegiada que se debe conservar.

Actualmente en Finlandia, una vivienda unifamiliar se alimenta con la energía creada mediante el excremento del caballo.

Y sólo hacen falta dos animales de estos para que gocen del servicio eléctrico durante todo el año.

Lo cual es una enorme ventaja para los finlandeses.

Enhorabuena estos animales siguen siendo de gran beneficio para el ser humano. Por eso, exhortamos al cuidado correcto y protección de la especie equina.

El dato

De acuerdo a las investigaciones realizadas en este sentido, se comprobó que el estiércol de los caballos es un combustible muy potente, tanto como la corteza de madera.

De hecho, en Helsinki existe ya una planta a la que llega la mezcla de estiércol y en donde se produce energía y calor para más de 1.000 clientes y vecinos de la zona.











Fuentes consultadas:

Gustavo Mirbal Castro facing the attack

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a man who lives the law

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Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a man linked to law

Inspired by their parents who are legal professionals. Gustavo Mirabal Castro decides to study law in his hometown Caracas.

In that way he continued with the family tradition of being a lawyer and shared with his father his love and passion for horses.

Since he was young, he dreamed of being successful like his parents, since both turned out to be very good in his trade and that made little Gustavo want to be like them.

As time went by he had a life dedicated to studies in two totally opposite but equally exciting branches.

When talking about two exciting branches, we are referring to his law career and riding. Well Gustavo Mirabal Castro, is a man who lives the law and who was also an equestrian jumping rider. Gustavo Mirabal is currently retired from competitive activity.

Both careers have given him great satisfaction and many lessons.

This man works tirelessly on his professional and financial growth. He is currently dedicated to financial advice and he wants his clients to grow with him.

At the same time he keeps his firm in Caracas, Mirabal & Asociados. From his firm he works for different companies in the Venezuelan territory.

We invite you to learn more about the advantages of Gustavo Mirabal’s tax and financial advice in Dubai, its experience and how it will help you stay within the law. For his signature is to keep you and your money safe and in accordance with the law.

The DIFC Advantage

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a linked to the world of law

During the time that Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos’ son lived in Venezuela, he concentrated on his work as a financial lawyer. His father Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos was the president of the National Racetrack Institute and a prominent politician of the Democratic Action party

Gustavo Mirabal performed with excellence in various banking institutions in his country.

This knowledge in the future would serve him for everything he later undertook.

So although now he does not exercise law in general, but is dedicated to financial and tax legal advice, it was those first steps in the banking sector that gave him the training he needed.

There he got involved and managed to acquire the management tools that years later he could apply in the sports world since he is Gustavo Mirabal Castro, he is also linked to the equestrian world.

The law opened the doors in all areas of his life. Since his knowledge of the functioning of the legal world, he was able to advise others in fiscal and financial matters.

We recently interviewed this distinguished Venezuelan lawyer whose life is interesting and multifaceted.

And to show your exciting life we explain that we are talking about a former equestrian jump rider who had his own sports training center. As if that were not enough, he is also a lawyer and is now responsible for financial advice.

!! Congratulations!! We could learn a lot from him. Come on!

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a linked to law
Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a linked to law

The interview: Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a linked to law

As we said, we recently interviewed this Venezuelan, a pride of equestrian sport in Venezuela.

The issue we addressed was precisely related to his training in law.

During that conversation he stressed that the fact of studying law was born when he saw his parents working as lawyers.

His parents’ dedication inspires him to follow his example and somehow have the same family line, as far as a professional career is concerned.

Why dedicate yourself to the world of law?

“My parents are lawyers and very successful, this pushed me into the world of law”


So after knowing that his inclination for the world of laws comes from home we ask him:

How Gustavo Mirabal has obtained his success as a lawyer and financial advisor?

“I would say that my success as a financial advisor was achieved thanks to my success as a lawyer during the years I exercised banking law in Venezuela. I dedicated myself to being a lawyer of the Republic in the most difficult banking moments” Gustavo Mirabal Castro

A successful professional

From that time he worked as a financial lawyer in several banks in Venezuela rescues his passion for this branch of laws. Without a doubt, that defined his professional future.

“Little by little I am firmly establishing myself in legal advice in the financial area,” GMC

What characterizes Gustavo Mirabal as a lawyer?

“I always do what I do in my life with passion”

Currently Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a law associate lives between Spain and Dubai where he has opened his new law firm. So the topic of exercising his profession in this country was also addressed.


In what way or how do you practice your legal profession in Spain?

“I do not practice my legal profession in Spain. I dedicate myself to the financial and fiscal advice of important clients ”

Although it was clear that Caracas is not exercising the right, it was important to ask. All this to discredit the gossip and malicious rumors that have been woven around him.


What do you like most about being a lawyer?

“What I like most about being a lawyer is that it gives you a totally different perspective on business. From the very beginning you know what you can do in business and it will not harm you. It also helps you determine how far you can go without having legal entanglements. I have always liked to be exercising the law within the law ”

Tips and secrets to be a great lawyer

What is your secret to succeed in the world of law?

“I believe that success is achieved with a single word WORK WITHOUT REST” Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a man linked to law.


What advice can you give to a person who graduates by law to be successful in his career?

“My advice is what they have to do before they graduate, that is, work in courts, banks, legal desks, among others. Your career cannot start when you graduate, the first day you start is what class should be the first day of work. Law is an easy career to study difficult to exercise ”

Gustavo Mirabal Castro the financial advisor

As a financial advisor, Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a person linked to the law knows that commitment to clients is important and that is why he works day by day based on continuous improvement with them.

That is, as a financial advisor, it is your responsibility to help clients wisely manage their resources, assets and family assets.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a man who lives the law
Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a man who lives the law

After all, those are some of the things that those who do that kind of work should do.

A financial advisor is someone external who can analyze the market in a more objective way (because he sees things from outside) and thus has the ability to see what others do not see.

It also analyzes the market, creates strategies that protect the investments and resources of its customers, as well as design mechanisms that boost its customers’ products.

Above all, he has a duty to ensure that his clients’ profits increase and remain stable in the market. That is, there is a whole intellectual work behind financial advice.

Fortunately Gustavo Mirabal Castro has a work team that helps him expand his business vision. He currently has offices in various parts of the world to carry out his management as a financial advisor.

Although he is based between Spain and Dubai with his wife and children, the Caracas has offices in countries such as the United States, Spain, United Arab Emirates and of course, Venezuela.

His new office in the Arab Emirates

He recently opened an office at the Dubai International Financial Center. Well now bet on customers who want to make their investments in that part of the globe.

His firm also seeks to attract customers from the Asia and Middle East area. Dubai is a city strategically located and with a very beneficial tax regime.

For that reason, an office opened in Dubai last September, which adds to the one already existing in Abu Dhabi.

Regarding this, he was asked what is the objective? to which he replied:

“The idea is to advise clients of the Asian continent which is growing impressively and from the Emirates we are closer to our clients. It is also a city that our customers like to visit, so everything is easier”

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a man linked to the world of law maintains the following about his wishes:

“We want to open relations with the Emirates. From here we can give our clients a different platform, taking advantage of the tax and residence benefits offered by the Emirates ”

As you can see we are facing a very academically prepared man with extensive work experience both in law and in equestrian sport. Without a doubt, a smart choice when choosing a financial and tax advisor.

We invite you to learn more about the advantages of Gustavo Mirabal’s tax and financial advice in Dubai, its experience and how it will help you stay within the law. For his signature is to keep you and your money safe and in accordance with the law.



If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Legal Word, go to:


Labor rights of persons with disabilities

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Labor rights of persons with disabilities

People with disabilities have the right to a decent life and with equal conditions.

That is why in recent years the labor gap for these people has been reduced.

Now companies are more aware and hire staff with some type of disability. The above is done so that these citizens feel included and develop their potential in the area most suited to them.

In both America and Europe, people with disabilities have been treated more respectfully lately. Despite this, there is still a long way to go so that there is no discrimination.

People with disabilities have this condition due to some genetic abnormality or an accident.

In any case they are people worthy of respect, admiration and of course inclusion.

Access to a job is essential. Those who, in the midst of their limitations, can develop a job or lucrative activity must be included in the labor field. To guarantee this is to guarantee the labor rights of people with disabilities.

When it comes to people who cannot fend for themselves, the matter is different. But there is a large percentage of people with disabilities who can train and work.

Labor inclusion is something that certainly brings many benefits. Beyond a monetary income this means the opportunity to feel useful and productive for society.

Labor rights of persons with disabilities

The fact of allowing these citizens to be part of the payroll of a company constitutes a fact of claim and inclusion.

This is so important for them that it elevates their self-esteem, they feel cheerful and will try to do their best in each task.

Currently you can see people with disabilities working in supermarkets, hardware stores, archives, offices, internal messaging, gardening, among others.

This is because the population is waking up and promotes the existence of opportunities to improve the quality of life of these citizens.

The interesting thing is that at the same time scientists are developing mechanisms to facilitate their access to the labor field.

Inventions that favor the labor rights of persons with disabilities.

For people who cannot see because they are blind from birth or lost their sense of sight in an accident there are several options.

Depending on the degree of visual impairment you can use various technological instruments.

Currently we can find the braille writing system on the computer, as well as a voice system that tells the user where in the computer it is.

Through these tools the blind user is located within the computer system. You can even surf the internet, chat and send emails, something that in previous decades was inconceivable.

Another less advanced technological instrument is the magnifying glass. It can be used by those who have low vision problems. The magnifying glass is a device that expands the size of the text and so they can read what the books say and even text messages sent to the mobile.

In addition to this it is in the accessibility system in smart phones through which the phone speaks to the user, reads the messages, tells who is calling, etc.

The blind person follows the instructions and arrives at the point of sending messages, calling and making video calls.

Scientists have also created a device that is placed on the wrist of blind people and guides them when they go to the beach. It’s called AudioPlaya.

This tells them how many meters the water is, how deep it is, etc. Something innovative and surprising.

AUDIOPLAYA Sistema de ayuda al baño para discapacitados visuales.

Types of work depending on the degree and type of disability

Everyone in the world has the labor law. The work is good for your personal and professional growth.

However, when it comes to people with disabilities, it must be recognized that not everyone can do it.

Since if it is a person who cannot move and must be in bed all day it is obvious that he will not be able to work, but if the disability is mild and even moderate then there is opportunity.

People with down syndrome have proven to be very capable and we see them working in supermarkets, factories, offices, etc.

There are also autists who teach people without disabilities, who have written books, etc.

Your access to employment will depend on the degree and type of disability you have.

There are many professionally trained people who, after an accident, become invalid and work in various areas according to their career.

That is, they have an opportunity and the labor market is available to them.

Some real examples of the labor rights of persons with disabilities.

In Venezuela, the home country of businessman and sportsman Gustavo Mirabal Castro, there is a Law of People with Disabilities quite inclusive.

It states that all public and private companies must have at least 5% of their payroll with a disability.

But the experience is more rewarding when these people enter a specialized education and are subsequently transferred to another institution where they are trained for work.

That institution is called the National Labor Education Workshop.

In this workshop they are taught a job depending on the degree and type of disability they have and then help them find employment. This way they are guaranteed the labor law.

The institution trains them in areas such as internal messaging, gardening, archival order, receptionists, woodworking, cleaning and planting of plants.

Work that is useful and necessary in society. The result is very good because young people with down syndrome have worked as internal messengers in offices and even banks.

Additionally they learn to take photocopies and write on the computer.

Labor law for people with disabilities at Walmart

In both Mexico and Central America, the Walmart supermarket chain carries out a labor inclusion campaign.

He is aware of the right to work that people with disabilities have and that is why this year, 2019, has promoted job fairs.

Through which he meets the candidates and gives them the opportunity to work.

For 2018, when the inclusion program began, this chain hired 70 people with visual, hearing, physical and down syndrome.

This year he held his job fairs between June and July. There are no concrete figures about how many have hired.

Ana Chan Regional Deputy Director of Agribusiness & Corporate Affairs Manager Guatemala expresses the following:

“Through the diversity and inclusion program, Walmart Sin Barreras has been able to create an inclusive environment that ensures equal opportunities based on skills, expanding the possibilities of the labor market”

In this sense there is a whole movement of inclusion in Latin America and Europe where it is news that these people have a job. Which is admirable.

The goal of labor inclusion is that we are not surprised that people with disabilities are included. We have to look for everyone to have the opportunity to work together and nurture each other’s abilities and knowledge. That is why we need to promote the labor rights of people with disabilities

Spain, promoter of the labor law of persons with disabilities

Spain is a country that promotes social and labor inclusion of people with disabilities.

The Spanish community gives a lot of respect and trust to these citizens. It is common to see that even young people with down syndrome have worked as secretaries, receptionists and related areas.

Also in Spain is where the AudioPlaya device was invented that we discussed earlier.

The facts mentioned above speak to us of a sincere human interest. People with disabilities supported by technology can have a better quality of life



violencia familiar

Violencia familiar – Derecho a una vida emocional sana

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Violencia familiar

violencia familiar

La violencia familiar siempre ha existido. No hay una fecha que indique cuándo y dónde se originó, pero lo que sí existe es la penalización.

La agresión física y emocional hacia una persona se considera un delito con pena de cárcel.

Nada justifica un acto de violencia familiar. Se supone que la familia es el núcleo de los valores, el respeto, la lealtad.

Pero cuando estos principios se quebrantan aparecen las expresiones denigrantes, los empujones y finalmente los golpes.

Se trata de una cadena que va de lo mínimo hasta lo máximo. La mayoría de las discusiones entre la familia vienen por no estar de acuerdo con algo.

Lamentablemente el ser humano siempre busca imponer su criterio sobre el de otro para demostrar quién es el más fuerte.

Posteriormente, cuando las cosas se le salen de las manos pretende justificar sus acciones y defenderse, por lo que de una frase como: estúpido, se llega a un puño y finalmente a una paliza.

Para que exista violencia familiar se necesitan dos personas: el agresor y el agredido.

Violencia familiar

Dentro de la familia suelen darse varios roces. Son personas diferentes en cuanto a carácter y pensamiento.

Pero el respeto es un valor que debe prevalecer a pesar de las diferencias.

Además, con golpes no se soluciona nada y aunque no lo parezca ambos salen heridos.

El agresor se queda con la amargura y el agredido con el dolor físico, pero también moral y emocional.

En conclusión, ambos resultan afectados después de golpearse o insultarse.

Todos son diferentes

Aunque se trate de hijos de la misma madre y el mismo padre son totalmente diferentes y hay que aprender a convivir con esas diferencias.

En la vida no todo sale como se desea, pero tampoco hay que imponerse y dominar. Esa naturaleza colérica tiene que mermar porque sino se vivirá la tercera guerra mundial en casa.

Lo más sabio para evitar la violencia familiar es respetar a cada quien con sus virtudes y defectos. Todo ser humano tiene derecho a una vida emocional sana.

Y en la diversidad de pensamientos y caracteres también hay un gran enriquecimiento.

El respeto es la clave.

¿Cómo llevar una vida emocionalmente sana?

No es tan sencillo como se dice porque esta consiste en vivir en armonía con todos los miembros de la familia y personas externas.

Implica madurez, saber renunciar al ego, aprender a aceptar los errores y morir a ese deseo de vengarse cuando le hacen algo malo.

Para tener una vida emocionalmente sana hay que pasar por sanidad interior. Es decir, soltar los malos recuerdos y perdonar.

El perdón libera al agresor y al ofendido. De lo contrario a donde se vayan, tanto el uno como el otro, llevará consigo ese rencor.

La violencia familiar se da tanto en lo físico como en lo psicológico.

Tales agresiones surgen en un momento de rabia, frustración, amargura, peleas y problemas de pareja.

Lo que sí queremos dejar claro es que bajo ninguna circunstancia se justifica la violencia familiar.

Traumas emocionales

La violencia familiar crea traumas emocionales que no son tan fáciles de sanar.

Se necesita de valor para reconocerlos y que salgan de las emociones.

El ser humano es muy emocional, sobre todo las mujeres, y en este sentido las palabras quedan en el subconsciente de la persona.

Por lo que retumban una y otra vez hasta calmarse, pero no callarse, puesto que en momentos cruciales de la gente aparecen de nuevo.

Sirven como apagadoras de sueños, de personalidad, de vida.

Quienes reciben palabras como: no sirves, no vales, el otro es mejor que tú, etc, al principio dicen que no es cierto, pero después lo creen y aplican.

Es por ello que cuando deben enfrentar situaciones fuertes, tomar decisiones importantes, creen que no pueden, que no son mejores que otro, que no valen nada, etc.

Pareciera algo tonto, pero en realidad las palabras duelen más que los golpes y se quedan por mucho más tiempo en la mente y corazón de la gente.

Una palabra o frase mal dicha a alguien la puede marcar desde su infancia hasta una edad adulta, es decir, toda la vida.

Consecuencias de la violencia familiar

Las personas terminan con traumas emocionales tan grandes que se retraen, no son sociables, se obsesionan.

Se sienten abandonados y traicionados todo el tiempo. Les cuesta confiar en alguien y cuando lo hacen la relación puede tornarse obsesiva por miedo al rechazo o el abandono.

Los traumas emocionales son reales, no son un invento. Mucha gente en el mundo vive con ellos y actúan según estos le indican.

Esa es la razón por la que en países como Estados Unidos jóvenes llegan a las escuelas disparando a otros sin un aparente motivo.

A esto se suma el consumo de drogas, pero básicamente todo se debe a desequilibrio emocional.

Niños con problemas a raíz de la violencia familiar

Generalmente los niños llevan una gran cuota de violencia familiar.

Ellos suelen pagar los platos rotos de los errores de sus padres.

La violencia dentro de la familia se presenta de tantas formas, como, por ejemplo, palabras hirientes, desprecio, humillaciones, golpes, rechazo y abandono.

Sí, el abandono también es una forma de violencia porque se está destruyendo el hogar.

Los adultos suelen pensar que los niños son niños y no entienden lo que ocurre a su alrededor.

Y por eso los maltratan, ignoran, rechazan y abandonan.

La pregunta es… ¿qué mensaje está recibiendo ese pequeño?

La respuesta está a la vista: Una generación que piensa que amar es golpear cuando la mujer o el hombre no están de acuerdo en la relación de pareja.

Una generación temerosa al momento de asumir la responsabilidad de formar una familia, miedo al compromiso, al matrimonio.

Y se pone peor la cosa: esa generación llega a pensar que el maltrato es normal y por lo tanto le hará lo mismo a su pareja e hijos.

Pues sólo así, desde su punto de vista, tiene el control de las cosas y se gana el respeto.

El respeto se gana, no se impone

El respeto es algo que no se puede imponer. Quienes piensan que con la violencia se ganan el respeto ajeno están errados. Sólo obedecen porque tienen miedo.

La familia es el núcleo de la vida. En ella se forman la personalidad y el carácter basados en los valores correctos.

Sólo así es que hombres y mujeres podrán estar seguros de sí mismos. No se impondrán sobre otros y si lo intentan sabrán reconocer que se equivocan y bajarán la guardia.

El problema está cuando el ejemplo familiar no está asociado al bien común sino al delito, a la traición, los golpes, el tráfico de droga, etc.

Cada quien es libre de escoger el camino que quiere en la vida, pero debe saber que las acciones tienen consecuencias.

Es por ello que mediante este artículo exhortamos al buen ejemplo dentro de la familia, al respeto y la integridad.

Si queremos que la sociedad actual tome mejores decisiones tenemos que formar a los miembros de la familia en valores, en compromiso, el trabajo esforzado y la superación personal sin atropellar al prójimo.








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Flirty the horse that travels in first class

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Flirty the horse that travels in first class

In today’s world there are many changes that undoubtedly surprise us. It is necessary to break paradigms and be more open to sharing spaces with assistance animals. Therefore, in this installment we will focus on Flirty the traveling miniature horse.

This miniature assistance horse is causing sensation on social networks. This happened after a trip he undertook with his owner in the cabin of an airplane in the United States.

What must be made clear is that it is not a whim of its owner but a necessity. Well, the role played by the Flirty horse is to provide emotional support.

For some time emotional support had been handled with cats and dogs. But the limits of emotional support animals have been extended. However, the fact that a miniature horse travels with its owner on the plane is usually seen in a unique way.

The flight in which Flirty, the assistance horse, accompanied its owner was a national flight. The flight route was from the city of Chicago to Omaha in the United States. Those who boarded this flight were extremely surprised to see a miniature horse as a flight companion.

The protagonist of this story is the miniature assistance horse called Flirty. This beautiful animal enjoys being able to fly with humans.

This is a milestone presented in the history of commercial aviation in the United States. So we are probably going to see this scenario in other countries and airlines.

To accept this type of animals in the cabins as emotional support companions must be accepted by the regulations of the airline and the airport where they will travel.

This is a breakthrough for people suffering from panic attacks, or who have some type of disability.

Mujer viaja con su mascota dentro de avión.... ¡un caballo!


A miniature horse at the Chicago Airport

Can you imagine being at your city’s airport and seeing a miniature horse?  Now, many people are probably curious and others are tender. It is possible a mixture of feelings of the people who are there.

It was just what happened a few days ago at the Chicago airport when those present noticed a lady with a miniature horse. These were very surprised.

So much was the surprise of the people at the airport who dared to record it and spread it through social networks. In this way the peculiar scene was viralized.

However, the most shocking part had not yet happened.  The most amazing thing was when the horse entered as a normal passenger. This miniature horse has the special mission of providing emotional support to its owner.

Thus they undertook the flight corresponding to the American Airlines airline, which catalogs it and positions it as a pet friendly company. This is a point in favor for the company since it is very possible to attract potential customers with assistance animals.

This can mark a differentiating element with respect to other airlines.

Animals that provide emotional support

It is no secret to anyone that animals are capable of transmitting harmony to humans. That calming effect that these have is common to see in cats, dogs and horses.

For this reason today these wonderful animals are providing support to people with disabilities so that they are autonomous. They are also being used in order to provide emotional support to their owners during air travel.

It is possible that in the near future it will be frequent to run into a travel companion that is a dog, cat or miniature horse.

Miniature horses are accepted in the cabin, like any passenger in the United States. The reason is that they are considered an emotional support animal.

Emotional support animals are usually positive for people with autism, people who convulse or suffer from diabetes.

In the case of people with diabetes or seizures, support dogs are trained to alert the person about an impending seizure or an alteration in blood sugar.

It should be noted that the airline company American Airlines, takes into account as emotional support animals dogs, cats and horses like Flirty. This Flirty horse caused so much sensation that even the cabin crew took pictures with it.

Without a doubt, this horse marked a before and after in the history of commercial aviation in the world.

The Flirty horse, an animal protagonist

The miniature assistance horse known as Flirty, became the protagonist capturing all the attention of those present. It also captured the flash attention of the cameras at the airport and plane, where he provided emotional support to his owner Abrea Hensley.

In this regard Abrea Hensley expresses the following:

“Flirty is my support animal. I need to have him by my side at all times to receive medical alerts and help me with my travels.”

It should be noted that the horse did not have an assigned seat on the plane. However, the person who traveled next to him behaved very kindly with Abrea and with her miniature assistance horse. The advantage is that it had no seat in the front and the horse could be located there comfortably.

We already know that animals that provide emotional support to their owners are allowed on flights in the United States. The United States Department of Transportation allows emotional support animals to travel in the cabin, provided they are well trained and up to a certain size.

So scenes like those of the Flirty horse are probably going to be more common from now on.

Flirty horse
Flirty horse

Importance of pets

In this regard, the American Airlines company through a spokesperson states the following:

“We recognize the important role that dogs, cats and miniature horses can play in emotional support in the lives of people with disabilities, but not only with regard to the blind, deaf or with reduced mobility. They are welcome in the cabin, free of charge, if they meet the criteria”

So they are responsible for evaluating cases and giving the necessary consent for these people to enjoy this right. This becomes a very important advance in the lives of these people as well as their families who are also positively impacted by such a decision.

In summary

Horses play a fundamental role in the lives of human beings because they provide their love, company and unconditional support. Their mission today has gone a little further so they are now allowed in public spaces such as the subway, airplanes, pet friendly areas, among others.

However, much remains to be done since it may vary according to the laws that govern each particular country. However, the United States is setting an example and becoming a reference in the subject.


If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

caballo se hace el muerto

Caballo se hace el muerto para impedir que alguien lo monte

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Caballo se hace el muerto para que nadie lo monte

caballo se hace el muerto

Esta semana un caballo ha llamado la atención en las redes sociales. Se trata de un ejemplar que se hace el muerto para impedir que alguien lo monte.

Jingang es el nombre del caballo que se ha hecho viral en la internet. Su vídeo lleva más de 23 millones de visualizaciones.

Y es que la actuación de este equino es digna de una película de Hollywood.

Es impresionante cómo se lanza al suelo y finge estar muerto cada vez que una persona hace el intento de montarlo.

Pero eso no es todo. Resulta que sus dueños dieron a conocer que tampoco le gusta colaborar con las tareas del rancho.

Por lo que también se echa y hace el drama. Al punto que es muy cómico y realista. Hace una actuación brillante.

Caballo se hace el muerto

El ejemplar de color marrón claro no está dispuesto a colaborar así que en el vídeo se ve cómo cada vez que intentan montarlo se lanza al suelo.

Ha desarrollado una técnica muy graciosa en la que se lanza con firmeza pero sin ser brusco.

Se va bajando lentamente y cerca del suelo se echa absolutamente. Cierra los ojos y saca la lengua.

El acto resulta jocoso y si ves el vídeo seguramente os parecerá gracioso.

Los dueños del animal decidieron apoyar su actuación y grabaron su comportamiento. Posteriormente editaron y dejaron sólo los mejores performance.

Una vez que lo subieron a Facebook se hizo viral muy rápidamente y las personas lo comparten con sus amigos para dar a conocer las mañas de Jingang.

Los actos del equino fueron compartidos 635 mil veces en otros muros de Facebook. Tanto es su impacto que muchos medios de comunicación han registrado la noticia como: caballo se hace el muerto.

Por lo que puede decirse que el animal logró su cometido: darse a conocer.

Curiosamente en su técnica de hacerse el muerto ha dejado claro que ni siquiera hace falta que tener la persona al frente.

Sólo basta con que él note que un humano está caminando hacia él y se tira al suelo.

La técnica – caballo se hace el muerto

Cada vez que Jingang ve que alguien se quiere acercar a él comienza a sacudirse simulando que le da un ataque.

Luego se queda totalmente inmóvil esperando a que la persona se aparte.

Cuando presiente que ya no está cerca se levanta como si nada y deja ver que se trata de un truco muy suyo para evitar a los humanos.

El vídeo del caballo que se hace el muerto

A continuación os mostramos el jocoso vídeo de Jingang, el caballo que se hace el muerto para que no lo monten.

El caballo que se hace el muerto


Las razones por las que el caballo se hace el muerto

Las razones que llevan a este caballo a hacerse el muerto son un misterio. Ni siquiera sus dueños lo saben.

Pero lo que sí es claro es que no se trata de un caballo común sino de un ejemplar que decidió no ser como los demás. No seguir órdenes y hacer las cosas a su manera.

Este animal encuentra placer en la jocosidad. Probablemente sus dueños sigan haciendo vídeos y sigamos viendo las actuaciones brillantes de Jingang.

Buen sentido del humor

Este caballo tiene un buen sentido del humor. Sabe en qué momento lanzarse al suelo y cuándo levantarse.

La caída a veces es suave pero otras más exageradas. Cada vez hace más creíble su drama.

A este caballo le da flojera el trabajo del campo, así como ayudar a sus dueños en cualquier otra cosa.

Incluso si eso implica que una persona lo monte.

De hecho, cuando alguien trata de montarlo, si es que no se desploma primero, espera a que se monte y una vez sobre sus lomos se tumba al suelo.

Así que hace que el jinete también se ensucie un poco y le ayude a hacer su número completo.

Sin duda este es un animal muy peculiar y ya sabemos que hasta a los caballos les da flojera el trabajo. Aún cuando el salir a montar sea algo divertido.

Jingang se ha buscado su propio estilo de evadir el trabajo y hacer reír a las personas. De hecho, hay imágenes en el vídeo en el que se aprecia al ejemplar junto a otro que está de pie y lo mira como si dijera: “Ya levántate, deja de jugar al muerto”.

Incluso los cuidadores del animal ya saben que deben esperar que se levante del suelo y volver a intentar agarrarlo.

Poco a poco le van agarrando la técnica para cepillarlo y cumplir con el aseo diario que requiere el animal.




Los caballos

Los caballos son animales extraordinarios, nobles, fuertes, fieles y divertidos.

Cada raza tiene sus peculiaridades, por eso es que los métodos de doma que funcionan con uno con otro no es igual.

En este sentido se debe respetar la forma de ser de cada caballo y ayudarlo a sacar su potencial. El maltrato no debe ser una opción. Todo lo contrario, la motivación y el amor son el motor constante.

Si el animal no se siente confiado de sus dueños o del lugar donde vive seguramente no va a cooperar.

Es por ello que mientras más cómodo se sienta el animal más va obedecer. Mejor saldrán las cosas en los entrenamientos y aún mejor en los resultados deportivos.

Ahora, si hablamos de un caballo para labores del campo, éste responderá mientras no lo sobrecarguen.

Hay dueños que se olvidan de que los equinos son animales que al igual que el hombre se cansan y necesitan cuidado.

Cuando el humano pierde esa noción se acostumbra a sobre cargar al caballo hasta llevarlo a sus niveles máximos de agotamiento.

Finalmente el animal pierde fuerza y se desploma. En la mayoría de los casos esas personas piensan que el animal ya no rinde igual y lo sentencian a una muerte segura.

Relación entre el hombre y el caballo

Desde tiempos muy antiguos el hombre y el caballo han tenido una relación muy estrecha.

Se han vuelto amigos muy cercanos, compañeros de viajes, de aventuras y emocionantes encuentros. Así como soldados de guerra.

El caballo y el hombre han compartido tantas cosas… Son infinitas las historias que pueden contarse sobre ese tipo de anécdotas.

Películas, libros, cuentos, novelas y cortometrajes recrean esos escenarios épicos.

Por lo que no se trata del uso del caballo como medio de transporte o como instrumento para el trabajo agrícola. Sino de un amigo grande, con mucha fuerza e inteligencia.

Los caballos son nobles y muy comunicativos. Ellos expresan lo que sienten con su lenguaje corporal. De hecho es muy importante analizarlos y conocerlos.

El movimiento de sus orejas resulta clave cuando alguien se quiere acercar a él.

Estos animales son tan sensibles y capaces de percibir si la persona que se está acercando les quiere hacer daño o va con buenas intenciones.

Dado esto se ponen ansiosos y relinchan cuando saben que alguien malo va camino hacia ellos.

Si el animal se encuentra en el establo comenzará a caminar dando vueltas buscando la forma de salirse y si se le abre la puerta intentará salir corriendo.

Así que si se enfurece no se detendrá y huirá porque su instinto le guiará. Su único objetivo será mantenerse a salvo.

Más si la persona va con buenas intenciones se acercará y hará un vínculo emocional con ella. Es capaz de hacerse su amigo y abrirle su corazón.

No hay nada más bonito que ver a un jinete o dueño de un caballo tener una linda y sana relación con él.


Fuentes consultadas:

Traumatized horses

Traumatized horses and how to help them

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When a loud noise or something unexpected happens in the stable it may affect the horse. Something can also happen in the transport truck or in a competition. Because of these events we are likely to have to deal with traumatized horses.

Traumas or scares are not just for humans. Animals are also scared because they are living beings and at the same time horses are very sensitive.

That is why when faced with a strong situation, your equine can present discomfort, fatigue, fear, and certainly traumas. That is why we must learn how to deal with trauma situations in horses

Some things that can scare horses are:

  • Lightning and thunder during a storm,
  • An annoying horse that is all the time anxious and kicking,
  • Persistent pain,
  • A sharp fall
  • Abuse by humans.

Accidents, screams and blows also cause physical and emotional injuries in these animals.

In conclusion we have traumatized, injured and fearful horses.

More today we will learn to work with traumatized horses to heal the horse’s psyche.

Video 1: Gaining a Traumatized Horse's Trust - The Assessment

Symptoms of traumatized horses

A horse that is impacted by this circumstance begins to move away, retract, does not want to be with other horses or with humans.

The traumatized horse prefers to be isolated and when it is sought to remove it from the stable or take it from outside to the stable it rises on its hind legs and neighs.

It becomes arisco and does not want to be touched.

There are even times when he becomes aggressive with the people it knows, who spend time with it.

If you notice symptoms like the previous ones on your horse, pay attention because he could be traumatized.

Even rebellion appears as a defense mechanism in horses.

The animal considers a protection and that with that behavior nobody can harm him.

Starting from that scenario, you cannot fall into your game, but put yourself in your place to understand it.

To remember what the animal has lived recently to find the reason that makes it act that way.

Only in this way will it be possible to know what has it doing so and begin to take measures to heal it.

Traumatized horses
Traumatized horses

How to help traumatized horses

One of the most common things in traumatized horses is that they do not respond to the orders of their masters, riders or trainers.

They become rebellious and aggressive. Cranky and distant.

Faced with this, what must be done is to regain the trust of the animal. Remind him that You are not a threat to him.

Once the animal begins to yield, it will try to set its rules and that is when you have to say who is the leader of the pack.

Horses are sociable and affectionate animals but when they are traumatized fear makes them act differently. When the horse is traumatized it activates its survival instinct and can become aggressive

Leadership cannot be imposed by force, it is earned with respect

To make a horse understand that you are the leader of its pack, it is not necessary to resort to violence.

Overuse of the whip or whip can even make things worse. Aggression may cause you to fear approaching and may become aggressive. Therefore, with a traumatized horse, care and affection must be doubled.

The only way to tell the equine who the leader is is to return to the basics: the dressage in the pen.

Circling around and making the horse trot causes it to drain.

The key is that the trainer should not give up if the horse does not collaborate. Those things take time. No one tames a horse completely in one or two days.

We can see samples of this behavior in the movie “The Horse Wisperer” which we recommended some time ago.

Video 2: Gaining a Traumatized Horse's Trust - Using The Rope Method

How long does the healing process take?

The process of training a horse will take several days or weeks depending on the temperament of the animal. However, day by day the horse will show small advances.

The interesting thing about returning to the pen is that the horse, if the coach does not give up, can whinny, get up on two legs and show signs of rebellion. At the end of the day the horse will be forced to recognize that the human is the leader.

The secret for that horse to see man again as his guide is that he shows him that he can take care of it and teach it.

You don’t need blows and screams with ugly words. Only firmness and resistance when the animal becomes restless. And perhaps it is good to show some affection when the horse lowers its guard.

The pen really helps the horse to focus again. We must show the horse that we are not a threat to it.

How can the horse overcome the fear of humans?

If the horse is afraid of people it is because someone mistreated him so much that he traumatized him.

In that case the trainer has to show him that not all humans are bad or have bad intentions with him.

Earning the animal’s respect is the next step and especially you have to earn it without violence. Again the taming of poultry works very well for these cases.

Turning it around and making it trot while offering an apology on behalf of the person who has hurt it works.

The horse will understand that not everyone is bad and that he can trust. Also, if you give carrots or apples, the horse will also see it well. This is the same way if a child is the cause of that fear in the horse.

The therapy that will help traumatized horses overcome that fear is getting closer.

The child who is used for that therapy will have to stay out of the pen. This is a safety measure so that in case the horse is disturbed it does not harm him.

In this sense it will help the child to talk to him and feed him. I caressed it while he gave it the food.

Thus the animal will feel that this little one is not equal to the child who mistreated and traumatized him.

Traumatized horses
Traumatized horses

Tips to overcome fear of jumping or racing

When it comes to an athlete horse, one cannot forget that despite being an athlete, it is still a horse.

The traumatized horse needs to return to the field and share with other horses, eat quietly and at his own pace, graze in peace.

This harpa that relaxes and has fun being what it is: a horse.

The problem occurs when the animal is forced to train hard without recess, when its owners become obsessed and exploit it.

The animal suffers and does not collaborate. Which affects the rider because the horse does not perform the same.

Human obsession can reach the point of discarding it when what it needs is a rest.

After these cases appear the horse has to be treated calmly.

It should not be forced. You have to let it be itself again.

And if the problem that the animal has is the result of a fall while jumping obstacles or running, you must work on the safety of the horse.

But not in external security but in internal. The animal has to know that it is safe on the track and that damage will not happen again.

Patience in these cases is vital because all horses are different, they have their own rhythm.

The horses learn in their own way and speed. They should not be forced because otherwise they refuse training.

Reflection on our relationship with horses

People often talk about how amazing horses are helping people.

Equine therapy is spoken of as salvation for many lives that have physical and emotional traumas, even psychological ones.

It is time for us to worry about horses, what they need and what we can give them to be themselves again.



If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian World, go to:

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el valor de la mujer

El valor de la mujer – Derechos humanos- Gustavo Mirabal

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El valor de la mujer

el valor de la mujer

La mujer no tiene un precio económico sino un valor fundamental dentro de la sociedad.

Ella es la única que puede dar vida en su vientre y formarla durante nueve meses hasta que nace el bebé. Posteriormente el trabajo de ser madre la hace aún más fuerte e importante.

Pero lamentablemente la sociedad actual mira a la mujer como un objeto más que como una bendición.

Por naturaleza las mujeres son fuertes, aguerridas, luchadoras, esforzadas, ordenadas y visionarias.

Más en muchos países las ven sólo como damas de compañía mientras el hombre es el héroe.

Los tiempos cambian y la mujer ahora no vive tan sometida socialmente hablando. Sin embargo, hay países donde esa esclavitud permanece.

El valor de la mujer

El valor de la mujer está asociado al rol que ejerce en la sociedad. No se puede pensar en la multiplicación de la especie humana sin ella.

Así que la mujer no vale por su cuerpo, su forma de vestir, su dinero en la cuenta. La mujer vale porque es esencial para dar vida.

La mujer no vale por su cuerpo

Hay un determinado grupo de la sociedad que piensa que la mujer vale por la belleza de su cuerpo.

No precisamente hablamos de trata de blancas sino de la imagen errada del género femenino.

La misma se difunde a través de los medios de comunicación, la prensa, las revistas, los vídeos musicales, el internet.

A diario y con mucha frecuencia circulan fotografías y vídeos donde aparecen desnudas, así como revistas en las que la mujer tiene que posar como Dios la trajo al mundo para alcanzar fama.

No debe ser esa la forma en la que mujer alcance el reconocimiento, la admiración. Por el contrario es el objeto sexual de cuanto sádico se masturba viendo las imágenes.

La mujer tiene derecho a una vida sin violencia

La violencia contra la mujer no se resume en golpes, moretones y la muerte. También tiene que ver con el trato vulgar hacia ella.

Sea verbal, auditivo o escrito la mujer tiene derecho a una vida sin violencia.

Y aunque muchos no lo vean así el hecho de difundir una imagen sexista y vulgar de la mujer es una manera de violentarla.

Basta de usar a la mujer como objeto- el valor de la mujer

La música actual, en su mayoría, trata a la mujer como objeto sexual. Bajo ese concepto ella sólo sirve para llevarla a la cama y ponerla en miles de posiciones.

Pero en realidad a pesar de que el hombre pregona que una mujer con un cuerpo perfecto es la que busca. En su interior realmente desea una que cuya pureza se mantiene y lo ama.

Esas son las cosas irónicas de este mundo loco en el que vivimos actualmente donde a lo malo llaman bueno y a lo bueno malo.

Los valores están en crisis desde hace mucho tiempo y todos somos culpables de ello cuando permitimos que nuestros principios sean quebrantados.

El valor de la mujer debe estar por encima de cualquier cosa. El reguetonero llama a la mujer: loca, zorra, perra.. se le olvida que nació de una mujer.

La amnesia le hace olvidar que tiene una madre y que si no fuera por ella no estaría allí.

Por otro lado la mujer de hoy, en muchos países, siente que el libertinaje es la única forma de vengarse por el maltrato verbal y psicológico del que es víctima.

Pero en realidad sólo se hace daño a su autoestima. Ella misma contribuye con su degradación.

No colabores con la propaganda sexista

Una de las razones por las que aún seguimos viendo vídeos musicales en los que son más las mujeres casi desnudas o desnudas totalmente es porque hay consumidores.

Y tristemente hay miles de mujeres convencidas de que entre más muestren más valen y serán valoradas, cuando es todo lo contrario.

Si eres mujer y lees este artículo os recomendamos dejar de consumir pornografía, bailar eróticamente cada vez que escuchas una canción que sólo habla de perreo, meneo, etc.

Por qué os quejáis de que los hombres no saben lo que tienen hasta que lo pierden si la primera que consiente la llamen “perra, prostituta, zorra, etc” sois vosotras mismas.

No se trata sólo de igualdad

Hay una tendencia desde hace varios años que defiende los derechos de la mujer.

Alude a que el valor de la mujer es tal que también puede realizar casi cualquier trabajo que el hombre. Pero más allá de eso hay una batalla que no están librando.

La batalla del respeto.

De nada sirve que la mujer tenga acceso a la misma oferta laboral que el hombre si no es respetada.

Las mujeres son inteligentes y muy capaces. Pueden lograr prácticamente todo lo que se proponen.

Pero si ellas no ponen de su parte en esta batalla por el respeto a su dignidad están perdiendo mucho más.

Mostrar más no te hace más mujer

Sin ir muy lejos, las redes sociales son una herramienta de trabajo e interacción social que une a personas así vivan a miles de kilómetros.

Pero con la llegada de esa alternativa que acerca familias también vino el incremento del sexismo y el exhibicionismo.

Los amantes del porno ya no tienen que comprar revistas o ingresar a páginas puntuales. Ahora sólo les basta con abrir su instagram y usar los # que los lleve a contenido pornográfico.

Miles y millones de mujeres todos los días, minuto a minuto, suben fotos y vídeos en los que tienen poca ropa, están casi desnudas y algunas totalmente desnudas.

Niñas cuyos padres les regalan un smartphone también se hacen víctimas de retos virales en los que tienen que aparecer sin ropa o con muy pocas prendas para formar parte de un grupo.

Jóvenes que ven en el mostrar un placer y forma de decir: Estoy muy linda; Qué bien me veo.

Mujeres adultas que comparten desde el café de la mañana hasta la ubicación de su vivienda. Lo cual pone en peligro el derecho a la privacidad.

La internet es un mundo enorme pero lleno de ventajas y desventajas si no se usa de la forma adecuada.

El valor de la mujer – Eres más que un # ¡Respétate!

Mujer si quieres que un hombre te valore debes tener más respeto por ti misma.

El mostrar lo que no está en venta en las redes sociales no hará que seas más mujer. Por el contrario, pone en riesgo vuestra vida.

La integridad y dignidad como mujer está ligada al respeto, al cuidado personal, al derecho a la privacidad.

Muchas personas viven influenciadas por el poder de las redes sociales. Hay quienes dicen que si no estás en internet no existes.

Esa es la razón por la que muchas piensan que si no hacen nada trascendental entonces vivirán en el anonimato.

Esto es una teoría absurda ya que si la mujer no se respeta y valora a sí misma nadie más lo hará.

Podrán hacer muchas marchas, protestas y campañas en los medios de comunicación pero si vosotras seguís colaborando exhibiéndose, adoptando una conducta vulgar no están haciendo nada.

Es como tener un doble discurso. Lanzar la piedra y fingir que no fuisteis vosotras. Si no te das tu puesto nadie más te lo dará.

¿Quieres que un chico te ame por cómo eres? ¡Ámate tú primero y valora tu cuerpo, tu vida, tu familia, tus principios!

El valor de la mujer tiene que ver con su dignidad, su propósito en la tierra, su pureza.







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President Trump in UN

What means Donald Trump impeachment inquiry? Impechment Trump

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Everywhere we talk about the political trial or Trump impeachment inquiry. Some support President Trump and others reject him. The truth is that impechment is a procedure that they have tried to apply with Trump on several occasions without success.

On the one hand the Democrats and on the other hand the Republicans. Polarization is gaining ground in the United States around issues such as immigration and social programs.

Trump’s proposal to combat illegal migration and strengthen the US role. in the world attracted many adherents.

President Trump cover-up allegations - BBC News

What is an impeachment?

The impeachment is a political trial conducted on an acting president in the US. This trial can lead to the impeachment of the president. The trial is held at the US Congress.

This only applies to treason, bribery or serious crimes.

The process consists of 3 parts:

  • Preliminary investigation in the house of representatives
  • A vote in the House of Representatives that decides with a simple majority if the political trial proceeds
  • Trial chaired by the president of the Supreme Court of Justice. The members of the House of Representatives act as prosecutors and those of the Senate as the jury.
  • A vote where if two thirds of the Senate finds the president guilty, he is removed from office. In this case the vice president concludes the mandate

Why does Trump Impeachment Inquiry occur?

It was caused by the denunciation of a call between Trump and the president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. Bilateral issues and topics on corruption are discussed in the phone call.

The members of the Democratic party allege that the call represented a pressure on Zelensky. Specifically they accuse Trump of using his power to harm Joe Biden, a potential contender in the presidential race.

The truth is that the phone call can be interpreted in several ways and is not compromising. But because of it, an investigation will be conducted that will seek evidence to compromise Trump.

Most likely, the Trump Impeachment Inquiry will stay on the road. With the Republican majority in the Senate it is almost impossible for him to be even accused. It seems like a waste of state resources to weaken Trump.

Donald Trump against Impechment Inquiry
Donald Trump against Impechment Inquiry

How did Trump get to power?

Trump came to power after an election race within the Republican party. There he competed against the following contestants:

  • John Kasich
  • Ted Cruz
  • Marco Rubio
  • Ben Carson
  • Jeb Bush
  • Jim Gilmore
  • Carly Fiorina
  • Chris Christie
  • Rand Paul
  • Rick Santorum
  • Mike Huckabee
  • George Pataki
  • Lindsey Graham
  • Bobby Jindal
  • Scott Walker
  • Rick Perry

After the nomination there was a rather intense electoral contest. Finally in the voting those who obtained electoral votes were:

  • Donald Trump: Won 46 territories with 1725 delegates
  • Ted Cruz: Won in 7 territories with 484 delegates
  • Marco Rubio: Won in 2 territories with 123 delegates
  • John Kasich: Won in a territory with 125 delegates
  • Ben Carson: He did not win in any territory and obtained only 7 delegates
  • Jeb Bush: He did not win in any territory and obtained only 3 delegates
  • Rand Paul: He did not win in any territory and obtained only 2 delegates

In this way he obtained the candidacy for the Republican party. No one would say that someone would try a Trump impeachment I inquired.

Trump’s election campaign began with the slogan “We are going to make our country great again.”

A close and controversial election campaign

Donald Trump’s campaign was controversial from the start. Concerns such as illegal immigration and new competitors in foreign trade were the center.

Some proposals were controversial as a wall between Mexico and the United States. to avoid illegal Mexican immigrants.

He criticized the military conflicts in which the United States had entered. and also the increasingly less important role in the world economy and politics.

Donald Trump got 56.5% of the electoral votes sweeping in places that were considered Democratic strongholds.

Trump became the richest president in the history of the United States. This is true even considering inflation adjustments.

Some wonder then why an impeachment Inquiry against Trump? Some say the Trump Impeachment Inquiry is because the Democratic party takes advantage of its low popularity and its controversial way of acting. Let’s see a little more about this.

How is Trump’s popularity right now?

Trump’s popularity remains between 40 and 45% according to different pollsters. While Trump’s approval has not exceeded 50%, the truth is that he won the election.

But surveys can’t explain everything. There are people who do not answer them, there are people who do not answer the truth, and there are people who answer polls and will not vote.

With this in mind, what we can say about Trump’s popularity is really unpredictable. In the last electoral polls Trump has closed the distance or surpassed his rivals. Trump’s ground has always been controversial.

The Trump Impechment Inquiry could be the opportunity Trump is looking to show himself a winner against the Democrats.

With the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, although the impechment advances, dismissal is almost impossible. The impechment is a possible free stand to expose your ideas.

Donald Trump Impeachment Inquiry
Donald Trump Impeachment Inquiry

Why do the Democrats move forward with their impechment proposal?

Because 2020 is an election year. The rostrum offered by the Trump Impeachment Inquiry could allow him to investigate and expose situations that injure his electoral possibilities.

But this situation can be a double-edged sword for the Democratic party. Because this is a platform for the current president to defend his ideas and present himself as a persecuted politician.

In a political analysis of Chris Cillizza, with which we agree, the reasons why political judgment should be avoided are set out. This article is still valid although it corresponded with a previous accusation of Impeachment.

Reasons to avoid Trump Impeachment Inquiry

There are several reasons to avoid the Impeachment trap. Here we offer several reasons:

Reason 1: Most Americans disagree

Surveys show that most Americans disagree about spending money and energy on the Trump Impeachment Inquiry.

Reason 2: You will never be formally charged

The investigation will advance and show what you have to show. But the Republican majority in the Senate is unlikely to approve the accusation for the trial to continue.

Reason 3: Turn Trump into a victim of political persecution

The trial can become a stage for Trump to expose his ideas with the certainty that he will never be charged. It is possible that this was raised from the beginning.

Reason 4: Polarize the country more

In a polarization scenario, Trump has everything to gain. Moderate positions could cool down but those who support Trump endorse an aggressive and determined style. This in addition to dividing the population could strengthen Trump.

Reason 5: Won’t win votes

Nancy Pelosi, the spokeswoman for the Democratic Party, is trying to concentrate her speech and efforts on the health issue. Surveys show that voter concerns are focused on the health system and immigration.

Polls also show that Donald Trump’s impeachment is not among the voters’ priorities and would be a distraction to the central speech.

However, the process has started and let’s see what state it is in.

Nancy Pelosi anouncing Trump Impeachment Inquiry
Nancy Pelosi anouncing Trump Impeachment Inquiry

What state is the Trump Impeachment Inquiry?

The Trump Impechment Inquiry is currently under investigation.

Who benefits from the Trump Impeachment Inquiry?

Senator Elizabeth Warren has benefited from the Impeachment. She is the only Democrat candidate who has increased chances of winning an election against Trump.

Driving the efforts of Democrats and with the exposure of Joe Biden in the case also sinks. His proposals are social democratic and many are skeptical that he can achieve such profound changes.

But this type of more radical proposal would be the one that would benefit from the climate of polarization promoted.

The result of Trump Impeachment Inquiry

It is predictable that he will be accused and try to expose Trump’s weaknesses as much as possible. On the other hand, the Impechment will become the electoral platform for Trump, just as he will become a persecuted politician.

It will depend on the political ability of the contenders that becomes something positive for one or the other. What is guaranteed is greater polarization in US policy. and an early electoral contest thanks to Trump Impeachment Inquiry.

From here with Gustavo Mirabal, we will keep you abreast of the progress of the situation with great objectivity. Legal changes on immigration and health will be relevant for the next generations and the world.

Donald Trump Impeachment Inquiry
Donald Trump Impeachment Inquiry



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Lucien Laurin with Penny Chenery

Lucien Laurin the Secretariat trainer

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Lucien Laurin is a horse trainer of Canadian origin whose career begins as a rider in 1929. During that time Laurin competed in the Blue Bonnets Raceway in Montreal, Quebec, his homeland.

In 1942 he began working as a coach in New England. In New England he would work as a horse trainer for 45 years. This work would take him to the top of the success of horse racing.

While working for two different stables, he enjoyed a long and successful partnership with owner Reginald N. Webster.

For Webster, Laurin trained several winners, including Quill. Quill was the 2 yr old American Champion of 58.

He also trained the horse Amberoid. This horse won the 1966 Wood Memorial Stakes. Amberoid gave Laurin the Belmont Stakes.

John Malkovich discuss his role as Lucien Laurin in "Secretariat"

Arrival at Chenery’s Meadow Stable

What Laurin never imagined is that Lucien’s arrival in Penny’s life would be transformative.

This encounter occurs when Roger Laurin, Lucien’s son, worked as a coach at Meadow Stable.

Roger subsequently accepts a job offer for Ogden Phipps and suggests to Penny Chenery Tweedy that his father could help her temporarily.

Lucien Laurin and his strange retirement

Upon leaving his retirement in 1971, Lucien Laurin went to work at Meadow Stable for what was supposed to be a temporary period.

At that time, the stable had financial difficulties, but things soon changed.

With his foal, Riva Ridge, earning more than 500 thousand dollars. Riva Ridge also won the title of two-year-old American pony champion in 1971. Meadow Stable with the help of Lucien Laurin would soon become the number one stable in races.

Together they won numerous major Stakes races and five of the Six races of the Triple Crown of the United States in 1972 and 1973.

Lucien Laurin and Ron Turcotte

Under the tutelage of Lucien Laurin, Canadian jockey Ron Turcotte rode on the back of Riva Ridge.

Together they won the 1972 Kentucky Derby and the Belmont Stakes.

Due to a strong storm that clouded the track at Pimlico Racecourse, Riva Ridge did not get the last victory. Otherwise, Ridge and Turcotte could have won the Triple Crown.

By 1972, Lucien Laurin is named winner of the Eclipse Award from the National Thoroughbred Racing Association as the most prominent horse trainer in North America.

Lucien Laurin and Ron Turcotte
Lucien Laurin and Ron Turcotte

However, despite these successes the best was yet to come. Laurin is better known as the coach of the Great Red Secretariat.

Secretariat was elected as the 1972 Two-Year American Champion, and the Horse of the Year of 1972 and 1973.

Being also 1973 the year in which the first Triple Crown was awarded.

Secretariat was also ranked # 2 in Blood-Horse magazine, on the list of the top 100 best racehorses in the United States of the 20th century.

Second retirement of Lucien Laurin and his masterful return

Lucien Laurin retires from racing for the second time in 1976, but returned in 1983 as coach and partial owner of Evergreen Stable.

In total, he trained a total of 36 Stakes winners and was admitted to the National Museum of Careers and Hall of Fame in 1977.

He was consecrated in the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame the following year.

Lucien Laurin’s death

Laurin lived at his home in Key Largo, Florida, when he died in 2000 at a Miami hospital.

His admission to the health center was due to a hip injury after a fall at home.

The hospital reported that Laurin died on Monday morning, June 26, 2000, after complications after surgery to repair a hip fracture.

Testimonies about the life of Lucien Laurin

Although his work with the great Secretariat would be his greatest legacy, it was not the only thing. Laurin completed his professional career as a horse trainer. At every step he took he left a smell on the racetrack tracks. Laurin was considered a genius when talking about training horses.

His friends talked about his way of being:


“He had a terrible temper, that’s true. But he was a perfectionist, and if people were not as precise as him or worked so hard, he trampled and screamed. But it was so adorable. And I wanted a happy barn, with happy people. ” said Penny Chenery, owner of Secretariat.

Lucien Laurin and Penny Chenery had an affair
Lucien Laurin and Penny Chenery had an affair


“If he had a foul, it was his bad mood, but he simply hated losing.” Ron Turcotte, rider who led Secretariat

When Laurin finally retires from training in 1987, he had 36 Stakes winners and three champions: Riva Ridge, Secretariat, and the two-year-old champion, Quill.

“He trusted me a lot. And in turn put a lot of confidence in the horses. How many trainers do you know who really listen to their athletes? I can count them with one hand. He was one of them ”Ron Turcotte.

Franco-Canadian victories and origins

Like Ron Turcotte, Lucien Laurin was born and raised in Quebec, Canada. Both took pride in their country of origin and their Franco-Canadian education.

He began training on the New England tracks in 1942 and then trained for Reginald Webster and AB “Bull” Hancock Jr.

“What people forget, something I never read in the newspapers, is how good Lucien was with the 2-year-old children. That is the sign of a great coach, someone who can put a big butt on a horse. ” Ron Turcotte

Lucien Laurin saddling
Lucien Laurin saddling

Lucien Laurin in the movie Secretariat

On October 8, 2010 the movie Secretariat opens in the United States. The film was made by the famous Disney film company.

A film in which the life of the Great Red, the Penny Chenery and roughly that of Lucien Laurin and the rider Ron Turcotte are collected. Lucien Laurin is played by John Malkovich

It shows a Lucien who was not happy with his life as a retired man. I was bored of playing golf as if it were the most important …

In the film they also take advantage of highlighting their temper and a touch of arrogance. Some characteristics that finally vanish when I had confidence with people.

The film shows the tense relationship that the Canadian coach has with the owner of Secretariat at the beginning.

But little by little their relationship is strengthened after the growth and evolution of the horse.

How do they show the historical Laurin in Secretariat?

The film also shows the stubborn and perfectionist man he was. The one who wanted to get the best out of the horse and the rider. Laurin is the coach who does not give up in the face of difficulties or poor results. He was a persevering man who kept going and defending his cause.

Laurin develops great empathy for the owner of Secretariat, Penny Chenery, and they form a virtually invincible team.

The truth is that Lucien Laurin left a great legacy for American hypism.

One that has to do with passion, perseverance, continuous training and the close relationship that a coach should have with the team that surrounds him.

Likewise, it shows the value that Secretariat had for him. Laurin protected the horse’s health and avoided the horse’s overload.

In a moment of the film you can see how the rider, the coach and the owner of the horse were so united that they looked like a family.

Family that went through strong tests but thanks to their tenacity they managed to overcome and become one of the most amazing stories in the history of American equestrian races.

Lucien Laurin with Secretariat
Lucien Laurin with Secretariat

Box office results

The film had a great acceptance in the public, although there were also criticisms. But the truth is that the message arrived and people went to the cinema to see it.

The result of this excellent work of Disney managed to raise around 59 million dollars in the United States. While, if international collections are added up, the figure amounts to 60 million.

For a general average of approximately 120 million dollars. Not bad for an equestrian movie! !! Congratulations!!

The film leaves us a great message about teamwork. It also tells us about hard work and how with effort all difficulties can be overcome. A great movie that we recommend for the whole family.



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