Swimming horse race

Swimming horse race in San Fernando de Apure

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Swimming horse race in San Fernando de Apure

In previous articles we have mentioned several horse races that take place in Spain. Today corresponds the turn to make mention of Venezuela where in its splendid plains a very singular race is realized.

In San Fernando de Apure the Horse Race is carried out swimming through the Apure River. It is an annual show in this city of the central plains of Venezuela. The race brings together thousands of cowboys and their families to commemorate an important historic battle.

The competitors cross the river to commemorate the battle of “Las Queseras del Medio”. This battle took place in the year 1819. Where the patriots led by the independence progenitors José Antonio Páez and “El Libertador” Simón Bolívar, defeated a Spanish elite force in a surprise attack after crossing the river.

El Abordaje del Río Apure

Legend of the swimming horse Race

According to the legend, Páez, along with 153 of his best spearmen, crossed the river with his horses in recognition work, at times that prudently both sides expected the other to take the first step. Paez in a bold military action attacked and defeated more than 1,000 men of the infantry of the Spanish army, under the command of Pablo Morillo, a prominent general sent to quell the rebellion.

Competition of the swimming horse race today

Today, only horses cross the river, guided by competitors on board canoes. The spectators line up along a bridge to watch the preliminary races and for the final race. Participants compete for the honor, as well as for cash prizes.

The horse race swimming in the Rio Apure is a way to keep alive the traditions of the inhabitants of extensive plains, sparsely populated. These cover the center of Venezuela, 35% of the country, from the banks of the Orinoco River, to the east of the country, to the Venezuelan Andes, to the extreme west. Farmers and others are included among those who take part in the competition.

Swimming horse race in San Fernando de Apure
Swimming horse race in San Fernando de Apure

Characteristics of the race

The width of the river is about 1,800 meters, depending on recent rainfall. The race begins with a whistle so that the horses jump into the water.

Two men per canoe take part in the competition: One of them row furiously while the other holds a rein and encourages the animals to swim faster

This is how dozens of horses compete each year, between five and eight horses participate in each of the elimination rounds.

When the race ends, the competitors and spectators go to a nearby fairground. Where they have a feast in which grilled meat is plentiful, cold beer and traditional llanera music such as “el joropo”.

Other activities in San Fernando de Apure

In this way, adults enjoy the variety of activities within the framework of their fairs. In this case they enjoy watching the bullfights, the children play for prizes. It also includes the movement of the economy since own and foreign mount their posts. Therefore, they exhibit and sell a large number of articles alluding to fairs. Among the items they sell are cowboy hats, belts and leather boots.

It is important to emphasize that the traditions are kept alive year after year. All this is possible with the participation of all the actors involved. Since as a positive aspect it generates income to own and visitors





If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english








caballo-pura-sangre-Golden Horn-Gustavo-Mirabal

The horse an animal admired by Gustavo Mirabal

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The horse an animal admired by Gustavo Mirabal

When the passion for animals is very great, the human being focuses his goals and dreams based on the animals. This is exactly what Gustavo Mirabal did that rider who has given so much to talk about. The Hanoverian horse is one of the favorite breeds of this great horseman, being one of the most popular races in the world. Due to its attributes it is one of the races that conquered the heart of this lawyer and businessman.

Gustavo Mirabal Equestrian Victory
Gustavo Mirabal Equestrian Victory

Gustavo Mirabal Castro shows his love for horses

Since ancient times the horse has provided support and company to humanity. But beyond that he has been a devoted companion of battles, a means of transportation. On the other hand as a means of recreation has been a great companion. Reasons why the rider Gustavo Mirabal Castro maintains a fantastic friendship and love for horses.

The horse that conquered Gustavo’s heart  was Tropigold. From there arises that fervent love towards animals, especially towards horses.

Why is Tropigold the favorite horse of Gustavo Mirabal Castro?

The beloved horse Tropigold was used as racehorses. This specimen had excellent attributes such as: muscular strength, resistance to effort, speed and intelligence. These characteristics together sealed the course of what Gustavo Mirabal Castro would come to admire and love horses so much.

TROPIGOLD con Juan V. Tovar Clasico Francisco de Miranda 1981...!!!

All these experiences led him in his adulthood to create G & C Farm forming excellent riders today.

In another facet of this rider Gustavo Mirabal is a lawyer by profession, but he is really known internationally for his transcendental participation in various equestrian events. It should be noted that his affection for horses takes him in the veins, because his father was another fan of the equine world.

Tropigold on the cover of a horse magazine
Tropigold on the cover of a horse magazine

What is the favorite equestrian discipline of Gustavo Mirabal Castro?

The Venezuelan athlete Gustavo Mirabal Castro was inclined towards the equestrian discipline called Obstacle Jumping or Equestrian Jumping. Well, his father instilled the practice since he was nine years old.

The jump is one of the most spectacular equestrian modalities of the equestrian world. Many people consider it as the most modern specialty of equestrian sport, which has come to turn the classic sport of riding into a spectacle sport.

Media prejudice against Gustavo Mirabal Castro

The sportsman Gustavo Mirabal Castro has been the target of the dirty and ruthless work done by informative portals. Likewise, they have taken advantage of the multiple existing social networks where the action of discrediting and hatred has been marked with greater power. On the other hand, they multiply the mention of negative news causing damages and losses of this talented Venezuelan entrepreneur.

Blatant lies and convenient omissions in relation to events and lack of evidence attest to the shortcomings of Venezuelan journalism.

This is one of the reasons why journalism in Venezuela has been lost. Making spokespersons of rumors without any sustenance, family gossip and creating an altered opinion matrix. All of the foregoing has the consequence that they cause harm to people many times if they are entitled to refute what has been said.

With everything done by the media does not erase Gustavo Mirabal’s career and in the end the truth will come to light but the damage they have done to Venezuelan sports in the world will be and will delay us in our development in equestrian sports for decades thanks to ambition and lack of journalistic ethics.






If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english










Riding with music (Venezuela)

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Riding with music

The horse, a noble animal that has accompanied humanity since the dawn of history. The horse has won, in its own right, an important place in the culture and history of almost all civilizations. This important place has been reflected in all the cultural expressions of the humanity, including music.

There are many references to our equine friend in architecture, painting, literature, poetry and music. These are just some of the areas of art where the horse has had a prominent place.

Focusing on music, there are many pieces inspired by the horse. In the world repertoire are numerous pieces dedicated to exalting the qualities of the horse. Venezuela is not an exception in this matter.

Ray Conniff: Caballo Viejo

The Venezuelan “Llanero”

In the region of the Venezuelan plains, where the “llanero” is accompanied in its hard work with the cattle. The “llanero” fills his work with voices of strong and sentimental singing, and his faithful companion, the horse. This environment has been conducive to the emergence of inspired songs. Songs that tell stories that highlight the unbreakable bond of respect and love between the “llanero” and his horse. Other songs also arise that, in a roguish and metaphorical way, describe the very human aspects of the horse.

The “llanero” is the Venezuelan equivalent to the cowboy in other parts of the world. That tough man who rides a horse in the field while fighting against the wild elements of nature

This is exemplified by two iconic songs from the Venezuelan plain: La Muerte Del Rucio Moro, by singer-songwriter Reynaldo Armas, and Caballo Viejo, by maestro Simón Díaz.

Caballo Viejo (Music and lyrics by Simón Díaz)

Caballo Viejo - Simon Diaz with English subtitle

Simón Díaz, one of the main exponents of Venezuelan sentiment, immortalized popular songs that have been recorded in the memory of many. Singer and composer of universal renown, the father of the immortal “Caballo Viejo” (in english “Old Horse”) managed to make many of his songs captivate hearts around the world. This song was translated into 12 languages and recorded in more than 350 versions; which places it among the 20 most recorded songs in the history of music.

Simón Diaz - Music
Simón Diaz – Music

This song whose lyrics are inspired by the horse, was born in the 1980s after a “contrapunteo” (duel of improvised songs) between Simón Díaz and a young man. This young man answered the verses dedicated by Simón Díaz to a very pretty young woman as a compliment during a meeting between friends. And thus interlacing verses with a loud voice and winning the “contrapunteo”, he disarmed the young man and all this material served as an input for his masterful composition.

The Death of the Rucio Moro (Music and lyrics by Reinaldo Armas)

On the other hand, La Muerte Del Rucio Moro, one of the most popular songs of singer-songwriter Reinaldo Armas, the song was recorded in 1987. It tells the sadness of the llanero for the loss of his horse, due to a bad move of fate. The singer tells that he was based on a traumatic experience that he lived with only 7 years old. That fateful day when he went to look for his horse for the daily chore and found him lying down. Thinking that he slept, I try to wake him up and his impression was great when he did not wake up. The pain before the loss of his faithful friend is reflected from the beginning in the first verses of the song:

Spanish – English

Caramba ñero – Hey Pal
se oscurecieron mis días – my days darkened
alzó en vuelo mi alegría – it lifted my joy
cuando menos lo esperaba – when he least expected it
triste mañana – sad tomorrow
sentí perder un tesoro – I felt losing a treasure
mi caballo rucio moro – my horse rucio moro
donde yo siempre coleaba – where I always coleaba
Lo hallaron en el potrero – They found it in the paddock
en el potrero – in the paddock
con la nuca reventada…. – with the neck burst …

This song was nominated as best folk album in the Latin Grammy in 2015. And this is how music expresses the feeling between man and such a noble animal. Intercalating with verses and verses memories, nostalgia and feelings opens the heart of man.

Reynaldo Armas - Latin Grammy Music Prize
Reynaldo Armas – Latin Grammy Music Prize

Through songs inspired by horses we discover a powerful link between men and their horses. More than a transport animal, the horse is a friend.









If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english










Paul Walker Tamer

Paul Walker horse tamer

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The behavior of horses tends to be rough or nervous. Even sometimes horses can be difficult to handle by man. That is why there are people who are dedicated to dealing with the behavioral problems of horses.

The horse is a sensitive animal. Being an animal social instinctively seeks a leader. Communicating with the horse and establishing our dominance position is only possible if our language is adequate. For this we must be clear about the message that we transmit with our behavior with the message we want to transfer.

In this article we will tackle one of the pioneers in the rational dressage better known as Natural Horsemanship. Today we will talk about the Chilean-British Paul Walker who has dedicated his life to the friendly treatment of our friends the equines. We hope you enjoy this article but to start we leave you with this video about Paul Walker.

¿Who is Paul Walker?

Paul Walker is a citizen of Chilean and British nationality. Raised in Chile but of British descent has a mixture that makes it unique.

Paul Walker grew up in the Andean zone of Chile. Since childhood he learned from the simple life of the countryside. He grew up surrounded by horsemen, muleteers, animals, mountains, nature in general and above all grew up surrounded by horses.

Then he began the task of smoothing horses at age 14 using a traditional and Creole methodology. Some time later, he learned from many masters including John Lyons, famous British linguist who excelled in the field of semantics. This knowledge helped Paul Walker to understand how to communicate with horses and develop their technique

Paul Walker
Paul Walker

Throughout his life he has tamed horses in very diverse places and environments. Through his experience he discovered the nonverbal language that allowed him to communicate with horses and that is common among the best tamers and riders.

How much experience does Paul Walker have in the love of horses?

Currently Paul Walker has more than 30 years of experience in taming wild horses in Argentina and Chile. For ten years he has worked with the technique of natural horsemanship.

Given his career, he decided to found Amanse Patagonia, a company dedicated to the amanse of horses that exclusively uses the natural horsmanship technique.

Currently with his company he is dedicated to the reeducation of horses with behavioral problems. He also gives courses on handling and debrew with natural horsmanship in Germany, Spain, Italy and France.

“El caballo es un animal especialmente sensitivo, espejo fiel de nuestras intenciones y emociones y, al ser un animal de manada, instintivamente busca un líder. Comunicarnos con él es posible sólo si nuestro lenguaje es congruente con el mensaje que deseamos transmitir”

“The horse is an especially sensitive animal, faithful mirror of our intentions and emotions and, being a herd animal, instinctively seeks a leader. Communicating with him is possible only if our language is congruent with the message we wish to convey. “

Paul Walker

How does Paul Walker taming work?

  • The tamer makes the horse focus its attention on us, to generate a positive learning relationship.
  • You taught it to associate a stimulus with an answer.
  • The horse must repeat the learned behavior numerous times to fix it. It is important to give the time and space necessary for the horse to be aware of what it did well and who taught it. That way the horse will recognize in us a leader.
  • The first thing is to teach it to respect, and as we do it without pain, the horse begins to trust us.
  • It is a way to educate the horse and create links that allow to extend this learning in the future.

What is the right motivation for an untamed horse according to the natural horsemanship?

In order to help the horse we must give it a motivation, a reason to change. Food or love for horses are prizes, but they are not interesting motivations to achieve a change in the behavior of the horses.

By his instinct there is a motivation that is intrinsic to the horse, physical exercise.

Through clear and simple lessons we must teach the horse that his best option is to listen and respect us.

The more intrinsic the motivation, the greater effect it has on horses mind. If we let the horse decide for himself which is his best alternative, that learning will never forget it.

Paul Walker and those tampers who have opted for the natural horsemanship have opened a door to the future of horsemanship. Horses tamed in this way can express their potential better and we will see new limits for their performance. They have opened up riding to a more effective and humane world.






Artículo de Susanne Lenk – Escuela de Caballos



Animalistas en pie de guerra por proyecto que busca declarar a las jineteadas deporte nacional


If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english










Horse Breathing

Rhythmic Breathing in Equine Therapy

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Complementary strategies of relaxation in Equine Therapy

Many times Equine Therapy is applied to alleviate the negative effects of diseases or conditions on patients. However, to help accelerate the processes of improvement or rehabilitation, it is necessary to combine with other complementary strategies such as relaxation for patients receiving this type of alternative therapy. In this article we will specifically address Rhythmic Breathing.

Equine Therapy Transforms Student Lives

Main functions of the therapist to promote Rhythmic Breathing

One of the most common problems in equine therapy is hypertone muscle (involuntary muscle contractions) is mild or severe, it produces spasticity.

One of the main functions of the therapist is to promote muscle relaxation in the patient (this is often due to a relaxed psychic state) so that he can take the correct alignment and receive the therapeutic benefits provided by the horse.

Since ancient times, relaxation methods have played an important role in healing art. Nowadays, very efficient methods are known, from the ancient orientals to the modern western ones, which are combined in the old ones.

Rhythmic Breathing in Equine Therapy
Rhythmic Breathing in Equine Therapy

Rhythmic Breathing

In this article, Rhythmic Respiration is described as one of the relaxation methods of patients with muscle hypertonia. This method is done during horseback riding.

Most human beings are clear that good breathing is key to our health. This must be a deep breath that integrates abdominal, intercostal and clavicular breathing. Even to get to control a very strong pain or a moment of crisis, proper breathing is the most appropriate.

Riding on horseback (especially trotting) favors deep breathing on its own, but the therapist also has Rhythmic Breathing at his fingertips as a therapeutic method to achieve faster muscle relaxation. The basis of the exercise is exhalation, not inhalation. It is essential that you exhale all the air from your lungs and concentrate completely on your expiration, which should always be done through your mouth. The stronger the exhalation, the deeper the inspiration becomes with the consequent increase in oxygen

When using the step and the trot the therapist gives the example rhythmically exhaling with the rhythm of the movement of the horse, it does not matter if he is working with the patient in twin mount or from the floor

When working with children they are instructed to blow a lit candle rhythmically or to blow a small whistle

Breathing Horse
Breathing Horse

Effects of rhythmic exhalation

  • The horse begins to snort loudly, relaxing its muscles, especially the ventral one, which encourages the patient’s deep seat.
  • Then, the rider relaxes the abdominal and pelvic muscles and begins to use abdominal and intercostal breathing.
  • The rider captures the rhythm of the horse’s movement easier, achieving greater adaptation to the movement.

The therapist, making use of strong and long exhalations during the corrective movements of muscular stretching, will be surprised by the relaxing effects on the patient’s musculature that facilitate body alignment

Stimulation of abdominal breathing

Abdominal breathing is stimulated mainly by putting the trunk back. The therapist can apply the tapping: this method is based on the idea that mental attention is concentrated where the hand touches the body. By gently and rhythmically pressing the area of the navel. The patient’s stomach, changes in abdominal breathing with a relaxing effect in this area. Then, the patient’s psychic state are immediately noticed.

As we learned in this article, Rhythmic Breathing in Equine Therapy is fundamental for the recovery of patients. It not only helps correcting defects in breathing but also promotes relaxation of muscle tone. Relaxation, trust and the link between the patient and the horse are the key to therapy. Equine therapy is one of the modern tools for healing.




Gross, E. (2006). Equinoterapia: la rehabilitación por medio del caballo. Sevilla. Editorial: Trillas.


If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english












Ricardo Jurado

Rider and trainer of Equestrian Jumping Ricardo Jurado

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In the equestrian world there are different disciplines of which there are riders who are inclined to one in particular. In this case in the singular the rider of Salto Ricardo Jurado not only exercises as such. But he is also transmitting all his knowledge as he works as a coach thus leaving a mark on the relief of young people who are preparing for this activity. For this reason we will discuss everything related to this great Spanish rider and coach.

Ricardo Jurado & Spaceship One 15.7.12

Ricardo Jurado, new coach and coach of Saltos de la Real Spanish Equestrian Federation

  • On November 29, 2018, Ricardo Jurado has reached an agreement with the Royal Spanish Horse Federation to take on the duties of coach and national coach of Saltos for the next two years.
  • The Sevillian, who has been collaborating with the teams of minors of the federation in recent seasons, has in his extensive equestrian curriculum with five Absolute Spain Championships (1999, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2008).
  • I am part of the Spanish team in the Olympic Games (Sydney 2000); two World Championships (Jerez 2002, Aachen 2006).
  • In addition three European championships (Hickstead 1999, Arnhem 2001, Manheim 2007); taking part in 27 Nations Cup from 1999 to 2010.
  • He has also won the Nations Cups in Lisbon, Barcelona, ​​La Baule and Gijón (2).
  • On the other hand, as of the International Grand Prizes of Barcelona Final Samsung (2007), CSIO of Lisbon (2001), CSI3 * Dinard (2008), CSI2 * Fontainebleau (2008), CSI2 * Toledo (2006) and CSI2 * Barcelona ( 2006).


Achievements of the Sevillian Rider Ricardo Jurado

In a last day full of alternatives, the Sevillian rider, riding Procasa Julia des Brumes, managed to be the most regular of the three leaders of the championship, a position that after the first qualifying tests he shared with the Sevillian Manuel Fernández Saro and the Aragonese Pilar Cordón. The final test of the championship was disputed to two mangas, and in the first of them was Manuel Fernández Saro who more accused the pressure of playing the championship.

The rider from Sevilla, riding Romanee Banco del Bajio, penalized with nine points in the first round, which left him with few options to get a title that had been very close in the first qualifiers.

Ricardo Jurado was penalized, meanwhile, with four points, while Pilar Cordón did with five, so the championship was going to elucidate between both riders in a second round that was exciting.


Ricardo Jurado an icon of the Equestrian Jump in Spain

In summary, the rider, selector and instructor of the Spanish Equestrian Jumping team became an icon. As it is leaving its legacy to future generations that will put the European country on high in the jumping competitions. Since he not only has the skills to lead the team. But he also has experience in Olympic competitions where he has represented his country.






If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english










Athina Roussel

Amazon Athina Roussel

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In the equestrian world, the participation of influential women like Amazons is remarkable. It is like this, as in this section we have mentioned outstanding amazons in the world of equestrian competitions in Europe. It is for this reason that we are going to address everything related to the life of Athina Roussel.

Athina Onassis de Miranda & Camille Z in the #FTIWEF Finale Grand Prix

Athina Roussel Biography

Athina Helene Roussel Onassis was born on January 29, 1985 in Neully sur Seine, France) is an Amazonian and French heiress, of Greek origin. After the death of her mother, Athina was raised by her father, the French Thierry Roussel, who remarried Gaby Landhage of Sweden. At the home of his stepmother Gaby Landhage, in Lussy sur Morges, Switzerland, Athina grew up in a typically stable family environment.

Athina inherited a fortune from the succession of the Onassis family, estimated at 2,700 million US dollars. However, since his grandfather and his mother never fully trusted Athina’s father, they arranged for a board of trustees to have control of the estate until he came of age.

Athina bought a house near Brussels, Belgium, where she has stables with a large number of horses. She became the girlfriend of the Brazilian professional rider Álvaro de Miranda Neto, nicknamed “Doda” and twelve years older than Athina. In March 2003, Athina moved to Brazil, where the couple has lived together since then.

Marriage of Athina Roussel

Eleven years lasted the story of the Onassis family. Athina Onassis (32), and the Brazilian rider, Alvaro Afonso de Miranda Neto (45), known as Doda Miranda slowly distanced. A romance that began with the horses, when she was 17 years old. She fell in love with her riding teacher. The romance ended in a war that lasted eleven months with the equines involved and a ‘trust’ millionaire of companies to share

The couple is already divorced. This is indicated in a brief note by the Brazilian newspaper ‘Época’. Apparently, both have reached a “mutually agreed situation” and have ended “friendly”. All the terms of the process. Nothing is known in relation to the distribution of goods and how much the millionaire Onassis has been able to pay. She has a fortune amounting to three billion dollars.

The Young Athina and the foundation

The young woman had no chance to intervene in the foundation of her grandfather. When she turned 21 she took legal action. He commissioned the prestigious London lawyers Baker & McKenzie to bring their claim, because the managers changed the bylaws to prevent Athina from intervening and their participation in any type of operation was non-existent. However, that war had started much earlier. When the girl had reached the age of majority, Roussel began to move.

The distrust of his grandparents towards his father. A failed marriage and some managers of the foundation of his grandfather who were responsible for limiting their participation. Human beings who turned their backs or betrayed their trust.

Finally, the millionaire heiress and heiress Athina Roussel found a refuge in the horses after the death of her mother.

This is how humans come to establish strong links with animals. Achieving many times a unique and unparalleled connection.

A true friendship although of different species where love and respect for other living beings prevails.







If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english










Rucio Moro and Reinaldo Armas

The horse in music: “The death of Rucio Moro”.

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The horse in music: “The death of Rucio Moro”.

The horse has always been attached to art. This motivated her natural and balanced beauty, as well as her graceful and elegant movements. Its main place in ancient societies, classic and modern, has granted prestige to its owners. Likewise, the horse has been an incomparable companion for the human being. This is how poems and poems have been dedicated to him since antiquity. Today we will learn a little about one of the most famous horse songs in Venezuela, the land of Gustavo Mirabal Castro. Today we will meet and listen to the song “La muerte del Rucio Moro”. by Reinaldo Armas.

The man and the horse have not been alone. They have been mutual company in their territorial, agricultural or military conquests.

The death of the Rucio Moro is one of the most popular songs of the Venezuelan singer-songwriter “Reynaldo Armas”. The song was recorded in the year 1987 and belongs to the album “My creed”. This song tells the sadness of the singer for the loss of his horse by a bad move of fate. The song is an ode to the friendship between his horse and the singer-songwriter, a moving song.

Rucio Moro - Reinaldo Armas restaurant named like his horse in its honor
Rucio Moro – Reinaldo Armas restaurant named like his horse in its honor

Analysis of the lyrics Death of the Rucio Moro

The Death of the Rucio Moro is a masterful song to nature and an extraordinary description of the immensity of the plain. This letter is a lament for the loss of the horse, companion of the adventures and misadventures of the llanero. It is observed in this song a very detailed description of the facts that surround the death of this animal. In fact in the musical theme it is affirmed that:

“… they found it in the paddock with the busted neck, it seems that a sparkle gave it a turn in a bell …”

The author wants to indicate at first not sure of how the tragedy occurred because the verb seems to indicate a supposed but not a fact.

Rucio Moro - Reinaldo Armas restaurant named like his horse in its honor
Rucio Moro – Reinaldo Armas restaurant named like his horse in its honor

Comparisons and descriptions

Reinaldo Armas in “La Muerte del Rucio Moro” makes use of the linguistic connotation. When comparing his sadness with the mourning that seizes him in the following expression:

“… who was going to imagine that my little horse waited for something bad, to take his life leaving my soul in mourning …”.

The description continues with the bad omen he felt when he saw the stable a little lonely. It is at that moment when he goes to the place of the tragedy where he corroborates personally that the Rucio Moro had been hit by a spark

“… I arrived at the place where my horse was, I saw the impacts of lightning in the middle of four palms .. . “

Palm trees are an indication that the geographical environment is located on the plain.

The humanization in the lyrics of “La Muerte del Rucio Moro”

The death of Rucio Moro
The death of Rucio Moro

On the other hand, the process of humanization becomes evident. When a white heron that was observed in the ravine is given reflective faculty. As well as a “carrao” who sang on a tip of bush and a sad “paraulata” that silenced the savanna with its nostalgic song. Nostalgia, sadness and meditation attributed to the birds of the plain that are the transfers of their own feelings to the environment.

Melancholy also empowers the author when he observes in the sand of the river the traces of the horse that has just died. This style is a characteristic element of romantic poetry.


The Death of the Rucio Moro unleashes all the inspiration of the man-poet. A man who sadly assumes that his horse was entangled by the traps of fate. A “friend” who only in his memory and on the wings of inspiration, it will live eternally.

To culminate, the lyrics of this musical theme was inspired by the reality of the life lived on the plain, when the peons went to work and they were inspired by the rain, watching the herons fly in the sky.

Let’s play and listen this moving song from the heart ando soul of Reinaldo Armas… Listen the death of Rucio Moro

Then for those who wish to deepen with the lyrics. We leave the audio with the lyrics to accompany Reinaldo in his pain


Gustavo Mirabal and the good vibes

Gustavo Mirabal Castro did the “dirty” job of to put away the bad vibes

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To succeed in life you need two things: Determination and trust. Both qualities have the Venezuelan rider Gustavo Mirabal Castro who did the dirty work to ward off bad vibes.

Only leaving aside that which personally and professionally prevented his triumph is that he has done well.

Envy is in the air when victories and successes begin in a person’s life.

It seems incredible that even within your own family those voices of criticism and judgment that seek to destroy you arise.

Such is the case of this “caraqueño” rider who has fought against his own sister in order to achieve his goals.

G.M. do the dirty job
G.M. do the dirty job

Gustavo Mirabal Castro did the job

It is frustrating that even your sister is the stumbling block that seeks to make you fall.

But it is courageous to overcome this episode and overcome adversity.

With the attack of the Venezuelan media, which seek his fall based on gossip, and an international press that speaks of his equestrian triumphs and flatters him, this rider lives.

It is no surprise to anyone that riding is the true passion of Mirabal Castro, but it has also become the sting.

Everything begins when this athlete, who is also a lawyer and worked in a certain time in the banking of his country, Venezuela, and opens the way to the creation of an equestrian center.

That jump is what has caused rumors to rise that seek to destroy his career.

Reason why the press, which does not waste anything, weaves many theories of defamation.


This is the scenario that Gustavo Adolfo Mirabal Castro has had to deal with.

A whirlwind of false statements, accusations without evidence and negative news that comes and goes.

First of all, this hurricane of disinformation and defamation, the Creole horseman only continues forward in the company of his wife and children, who have already shown an interest in horse riding.

In this way, without offending his sister in public, he continues to focus on his work as a lawyer.

A distance from the equestrian world, which has given him so much, Mirabal Castro calmly awaits the moment when he can compete again and continue in parallel with his law firm Mirabal & Asociados.

He do the dirty job of to put away bad vibes
He do the dirty job of to put away bad vibes

Example of perseverance

Despite the media wave that accuses Gustavo, he has remained firm.

He is clear about his goal: Represent Venezuela with excellence.

Thanks to his perseverance, tenacity and discipline, values that he hopes to sow in his children …

This Creole horseman has overcome all the informational and emotional machinery that seeks to destroy him.

His parents, nephews, children and wife support him and believe in his dream of continuing to train athletes, train horses and of course, triumphing in fair riding.

Gustavo Mirabal do the dirty job putting away bad vibes
Gustavo Mirabal do the dirty job putting away bad vibes






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esartee Horse Digital Photo Painting by esartee [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/)]

The horse in the paint

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The fascination with the power of the horse in the paint and its connection with man accompanies us not only during the history of man but also from prehistory dating back to the late Paleolithic.

Paintings of horses in the Cave of Ekain
Paintings of horses in the Cave of Ekain

In the Cave of Ekain are the first reflections of the horse in the paint. It is located in the Basque country. Ekain has an outstanding collection of cave paintings of horses, relevant for their quantity and quality.

Throughout the different galleries there are 70 figures and of which 58% correspond to horses. For the studies carried out, these horses were not used for food but already become companions of the human being. The paintings of the cave are framed in the Magdalenian culture that dates between 14,000 and 6,000 BC.

It is one of the oldest records of the connection between man and horse. The cave of Ekain is a World Heritage Site of UNESCO since 2008.

Advancing in time, in the Chinese painting stood out the horse painter Han Gan during the Tang Dynasty, 8th century. Han had the reputation of portraying not only the horse but even portraying his spirit. This level of depth in the relationship between man and horse is admirable and few of us notice it today. With Han Gan the horse in the paint reach a new level.

Painting of Han Gan
Painting of Han Gan

The modern horse in the paint

Actually, the horse in the paint remains its importances. Today I am going to introduce you to two interesting representatives of equine painting who, besides being recognized, have a powerful attraction in their works. The selected ones are the French Théodore Géricault and the George Stubbs.

Stubbs - Whistlejacket | Art Reproduction Oil Painting

Théodore Géricault

Arabian gray horse bt Theodore Gericault
Arabian gray horse bt Theodore Gericault

Jean-Louis André Théodore Géricault was born in Rouen France in September 1791. Son of Luisa-Juana-María Caruel and lawyer Jorge Nicolás Géricault. In 1808, he had already made the decision to dedicate himself to painting, entering as a student in the studio of Carle Vernet enchanted by Vernet’s horse paintings. In his studio he met Vernet’s son, Horace, and Pierre Guérin with whom he had a long friendship.

Géricault’s passion for horses was his muse and horses would end up becoming the main distinguishing mark of his art and one of the most significant symbols. His images transmit freedom, power, but above all innocence. Two of his most significant works are reflected below

Théodore Géricault’s painting conveys a sense of familiarity and empathy between the man and the horse where the viewer approaches the feelings of the equine from his own feelings evoking in his spirit such a connection. Simply wonderful.

George Stubbs

Painter self-taught and in love with horses and their anatomy. Born in England, George Stubbs is mainly known for his horse paintings. He also felt a deep passion for anatomy, both human and equine.

Stubbs began his artistic training as an apprentice to the painter and engraver Hamlet Winstanley. Soon he was frustrated by Winstanley’s learning method. His method was to copy other works instead of studying and creating.

It is from this moment that he gave free rein to his passion for anatomy and ended up writing in 1766 “The Anatomy of the Horse” after spending a year and a half on a farm in Lincolnshire studying horses.

During his life Stubbs had several patrons who recognized his talent and commissioned many paintings such as the Duke of Richmond and the Marquis of Rockingham

The most famous work of Stubbs is Whistlejacket, a painting of a wild horse rearing that was commissioned by the Marquis of Rockingam, along with two other paintings, and whose distinctive feature funds without any vitality, concentrating the attention and energy of the viewer in the vitality of the horse. Currently the paintings are in London at the National Gallery.

Whistlejacket by George Stubbs
Whistlejacket by George Stubbs

Stubbs achieves the perfect representation of the horse anatomically in turn capturing the vital energy of horses. He managed to transmit all the power and beauty of the animal in its pure essence.

Stubbs and Gericault are worthy representatives of the horse in the paint and the equine art. Moreover, they are representatives of that part of humanity that has discovered the best companion of man, the horse.










If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english








