Elizabeth of Bavaria, Sisi the horse lover empress, the Austrian Diana

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The life of women after the monarchy has not always been easy. The rigidity of the courtesan label crushes the free spirits. Those who are accustomed to obeying function in a scheme where they are mere symbols of power. So today, we will speak of Elizabeth of Bavaria, Sisi the horse lover empress.

The nobility has always been associated with horses and horseback riding. Let’s remember Queen Elizabeth II of England and her passion for horses.

From the beginning the family of her future consort, the emperor Franz Joseph I, and his own family, knew that Elizabeth of Bavaria was not ready to be an empress.

But at the whim of the emperor Franz Joseph, I could not be denied anything. A man in love who had no time to attend to his own wife and left her in the hands of the suffocating rules of the royal courts.

One of the curiosities that all her personality has been that she was raised in the countryside, on the shores of the Starnberger See. This semi-rural area, full of nature, animals, and freedom, molded its way of acting and thinking. Changing the shores of the Starnberger Lake by the Hofburg Palace in Vienna was her penance and her condemnation.

The free spirit of Elizabeth of Bavaria, Sisi the horse lover empress, was imposed at times. However, but the courtier protocol and certain events ended up weakening their will and depressing it.

Today we will know as Elizabeth of Bavaria, Sisi the horse lover empress, lived in advance to their time loving the horses.

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Elizabeth of Bavaria, Sisi the horse lover empress

Born in Munich in December 1837, Elizabeth of Bavaria, nicknamed Sisi, was always a horse lover person. Her aunt was Elizabeth from Bavaria and Queen of Prussia due to her marriage to Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia (known in Spanish as Federico Guillermo IV). Her name was put as a way of honoring her aunt, which only 4 years later became the queen consort of Prussia.

Its origins already foreshadit a position in the nobility. However, who was being prepared for court and marriage with Franz Joseph I was her eldest sister, Helene. Helene was a disciplined, very religious, discreet young woman, attributes that made her perfect for marriage and Austrian courts.

However, little Sisi’s depression by a love disappointment made her enter the journey at the last minute. The cousin I had known as an 11-year-old girl had become a very beautiful 15-year-old lady. Since then, Franz Joseph I fell in love and there would be nothing that would change that.

However, both by her temperament, rebellious and free, and for her upbringing, Sisi was not ready for the European courts.

But let’s see who was Elizabeth of Bavaria, known as Sisi, the future horse lover empress, at the age of 15.

Elisabeth of Bavaria. Photography by Carl Pietzner
Elisabeth of Bavaria. Photography by Carl Pietzner

Bavarian’s Sisi, a free-born young girl

Elizabeth of Bavaria, Sisi, was an empress who grew away from the courts and was not prepared for it. He grew up in Munich at the Herzog Max Palace with no limited freedom or limited by his parents.

In addition, Elizabeth of Bavaria, Sisi, used to spend summers in the castle of Possenhofen, in front of the lake of Starnberg. This became the favourite home of the family and especially of Sisi.

The surroundings of the Castle of Possenhofen were full of nature and animals. It was there that from an early age he met and loved the horses, love that would last for his whole life.

It was a difficult student who did not want to learn French that at that time was the language of the European courts and the nobility. The English language if he mastered it, though it cost him enough.

With the music he had no affinity and hated the piano. However, drawing and poetry if they aroused their interest and demonstrated great skill. Where creativity showed its face, there was Sisi of Bavaria.

But where she really stood out was in the care of her physical appearance. Sisi was cared for with a protein-based diet and with a lot of physical exercise. In that exercise, she highlighted the long walks, taking her dogs for the palace and riding a horse.

For some people, the princess only ate healthy, walked, and rode on horseback. She had multiple horses which she often rode and used as a physical exercise.

Her love for the animals, the classical culture, and the Hungarian cause, made her very peculiar, and earned her the rejection of the court. However, this also earned her the love of the people.

Sisi horse lover empress
Sisi horse lover empress

The Princess Diana of Wales is the Austro-Hungarian Empire

With only 16 years Elizabeth of Bavaria became the wife of Franz Joseph I, and the Empress of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The rigid protocol of the Austrian court was to diminy his freedom and his will. Archduchess Sophie, her mother-in-law, oversaw the upbringing of her first daughter Sophie, as Sisi was considered incompetent to raise her.

However, with the birth of his second daughter Gisele, she regain the will to take over her daughters. There began a moment of joy that would soon dissolve.

On a trip to the provinces of Hungary, to which his mother-in-law was opposed, the archduchess Sophie, her little daughter Sophie would die of dysentery because of the lack of health.

This collapsed the will that remained of Sisi and ended up giving up Gisele’s upbringing to his mother-in-law.

No doubt, many parallels with the life of Princess Diana of Wales. A girl who was not ready for the hardness of the cuts and an old-fashioned system that did not know how to adapt.

The end of the empire occurred shortly after, and perhaps what happened with Sisi was an alert for the monarchy who decided to ignore it. Adapt or disappear… And who was in tune with the times really was Elizabeth of Bavaria, Sisi the emperor lover of the horses and perhaps the equivalent of “Princess Diana of Wales” of Austria.

Las Kungas en un grabado - Animales Híbridos de la Antiguedad

The Kungas the first hybrid animals

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In January 2022, several French researchers from the Jacques Monod Institute of the University of Paris made a major discovery. Progress achieved with the support of the laboratory of vertebrate evolution and human origin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This group of researchers have provided evidence of the first hybrid animal in human history, the Kungas.

For decades an animal called Kunga has been known. Remains of this rare animal were found in the ruins of Umm el-Marra. This was an important Syrian city that belonged to the Mediterranean Levant in ancient times.

It was a region with great commercial importance and at its peak housed more than 5,000 thousand inhabitants. There we found a cemetery where the vestiges of the Kungas were found, an ancient breed of equids that had not been fully identified until now.

Thanks to the combination of DNA sequencing technologies, it was established that this equine is the first hybrid animal in history.

These vestiges belong to a series of 25 kungas by different DNA sequencing methodologies. Due to the great deterioration of the genetic material attributable to the climatic conditions of the area, especially the temperature, it was necessary to innovate to obtain more information.


What is a hybrid animal?

A hybrid animal is the result of a cross between two species with high genetic similarity. But in these cases, their genetic differences are substantial enough for these offspring to be infertile.

It seems that raising hybrid animals makes no sense, but nothing could be further from the truth. In genetic theory appears a concept called “hybrid vigor” or heterosis.

Genetic differences between two individuals of a species allow genome errors to be compensated for with a pair of copies. These copies allow that as long as one is defective the other can substitute its function and beget a complete individual. Thus, the greater the genetic differences between individuals, the greater the genetic resistance and adaptability of the progeny.

This is how, as the differences increase, the chances of genetic adaptability are greater. Thanks to this, hybrid animals inherit the best attributes of their parents in order to enhance the result. However, such are the genetic differences that end up being infertile.

But let’s elaborate a little more on these characteristics.

Kungas in an engraving - Hybrid Animals of Antiquity
Kungas in an engraving – Hybrid Animals of Antiquity

What are the characteristics of hybrid animals?

Typical characteristics common among hybrid animals are:

  • They are the result of the crossing of two animals of different species. These animals must be genetically similar enough to produce offspring, but different enough not to belong to the same species.
  • They are infertile: Due to the substantial differences between the genome of their parents, they are unable to father. This generates a problem because two species must be bred to be able to cross them and obtain the desired result.
  • Obtain physical and psychic attributes from their parents: Depending on the genetic strength of the genes, the resulting hybrid animal obtains attributes from both its female and male parent.
  • They tend to live longer, to be more adaptable to the environment, and to suffer fewer genetic problems and diseases.

Thanks to this, hybrid animals have obtained an important place in human society. Recall that we did an article about mules and hinnies, hybrid animals that are widely used today.

These potentialities make them more valuable and useful than their parents. This is how the Kungas in ancient times were very valuable, but we will talk about that below.

The value of the Kungas in ancient times.

The Kungas are animals that preceded the incursion of the horse into the Eastern world. These are reflected in the archaeological remains of ancient tablets that use cuneiform writing, typical of the Sumerians.

In these tablets are references to the breeding of equine animals. These animals in the references are called Kungas and are indicated to be bred for the following purposes:

  • Religious ceremonies
  • Diplomatic functions
  • War and battle technology

According to archaeological records, Kungas were worth 6 times more than a normal donkey. This indicates the high value of these equids.

Probably, their infertility was one of the attributes that made them scarce and therefore valuable. But there are also the attributes where they acquire the best characteristics of their parents, which made them very special.

But how it was determined that the Kungas were hybrid animals. Here we tell you.

Painting on the use of Kungas in ancient Mesopotamia
Painting on the use of Kungas in ancient Mesopotamia

Modern techniques used to unearth the past

In order to obtain sufficient information on the deteriorated genetic material of the 25 skeletons found, different techniques had to be combined:

  1. Nuclear DNA sequencing: This DNA is inherited from both the female and male parts, as it is a mixture of both genetic materials. Thanks to this we can value the contribution of both male and female in the progeny. This analysis is performed by sequencing nuclear DNA
  2. Mitochondrial DNA sequencing analysis: This DNA is inherited exclusively from females of the species and has fewer pairs. This DNA is found in the cell’s mitochondria, which are the structures that provide energy to the cell. This analysis is performed using the polymerase chain reaction technique -PCR- to mitochondrial DNA. It only allows to analyze and follow the female roots of the species


By combining both techniques and complementing them, it was possible to obtain a genetic profile of the kungas.

Moreover, this information was compared with several genetic profiles of equids from the region whose existence was temporarily compatible.

One of the genetic profiles was that of the remains of some Hemipos. The hemipo is a team known as the Syrian wild ass, a subspecies domesticated by the Sumerians and now extinct. One was an 11,000-year-old hemipo and two others were the last extant hemipos before its extinction.

Thanks to these comparisons it was confirmed that the Kungas were descendants of male hemipos and female asses.

Kungas, the intrinsic value of differences

Due to the age of the vestiges, we confirm that the Kungas are the first hybrid animals in history, so far.

Hence its high value, remember the theory of hybrid vigor. This hybrid vigor makes the genetic differences between the two parents make their offspring stronger and more resistant.

In this way we see that genetics shows us that our differences strengthen us, as long as we know how to accept them. Well-understood differences make us more flexible and adaptable. Conversely, stubbornness and desires for unique races or thoughts castrate our flexibility and lead to failure.

Let us find in our differences our greatest strengths.

Un caballo tomando agua, un componente esencial de la alimentación de los caballos

Water is an essential component for feeding horses

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Most living things on the planet depend on a fundamental fluid, water. In the case of mammals it is more important because we cannot get it from the air or soil. Water is an essential liquid for life and for horses it is no exception. That is why today we will talk about water as an essential component for feeding horses.

Although horses do not spend much time drinking water, its intake is absolutely essential.

A horse of standard weight has a weight of about 500Kg. It is estimated that between 60% and 70% of a horse’s body weight is composed of water. This implies that your body is made up of between 300 and 350 liters of water exclusively. The more water an organism contains, the more essential it becomes for its proper metabolism.

Horses are characterized by being able to spend long periods of time without eating food. They are able to conserve liquids very efficiently thanks to their fur that limits evaporation. However, if you lose too much fluids, your health will be compromised.

A horse that loses 10% of its body mass in fluids, either through urination or sweating, has its life compromised.

Horses have very conservative water intake habits. However, the water intake of horses cannot be neglected to preserve their health.

Next, we will tell you how water is an essential component of your diet and how to use it to ensure your health. Let’s start now.

How much water does your horse need?

The hydration habits of horses

Horses are especially efficient when it comes to hydration. And it is that equines dedicate the minimum possible time of their daily time to this activity.

This is due to several reasons:

  • Horses conserve the water they ingest in an excellent way. In this way water losses are minimal for a day.
  • Natural selection has led the horse to have a high instinct for conservation. This implies that their access to water sources must be fast and efficient, almost stealthy. Remember that water sources are places highly frequented by predators when looking for prey. Drinking water quickly and withdrawing is a form of protection.
  • Its large body reserves of water make it a perfect animal to wait to ingest water when it is safe.

Thanks to all this, the horse only spends a few minutes a day drinking water. It is estimated that a horse in good health and hydration takes between 2 and 10 minutes a day to hydrate. The amount of vital liquid required can be distributed between 2 to 8 water intakes in a day.

This means that drinking water for a horse can take between 1 and 4 minutes per dose at most.

These amounts and times refer to horses that are well hydrated. If we consider a horse subjected to conditions of lack of water, the horse will take the necessary time to replenish its reserves.

But many will wonder how the mechanisms that drive the horse’s water intake work. Since water is an essential component in the feeding of horses, let’s know the elements that drive their thirst and water intake.

A horse drinking water, an essential component of horse feeding
A horse drinking water, an essential component of horse feeding

What drives thirst and water intake in horses?

Horses efficiently manage their consumption. Water intake from them is driven by two fundamental factors:

  • Decrease in body water reserves: This may be due to urination or sweating of the horse. We must consider that climate is a fundamental part of this assessment.
  • Increase in electrolytes and blood glucose: The feeding of a horse is essential to determine the nutrients in the blood, in addition to the “waste”. Feeding a horse determines the need to maintain electrolyte balance. With this, if these nutrients are in greater quantity with respect to the ingested water, the horse will need to compensate. This is how the horse’s urination will serve to release substances too much and the increase in water will also serve to balance the concentration of these.

With a healthy diet, the horse will have a low water consumption.

A change in their water intake patterns can alert us to problems with their diet or illness. That is why taking care of good hydration and feeding, and the surveillance of these can be a fundamental factor to ensure the health of the horse.

Sources of water intake as an essential component of horse feed

Horses have several ways to get the water they need for their metabolism. In case of not ingesting water, they can resort to other mechanisms to acquire this essential component of horse feed.

The means by which horses usually obtain water are:

  • Drinking it directly pure from natural sources such as rivers or springs, or in the case of tamed horses, from the supply that is given.
  • Extracting water from food. Many foods have a high-water composition. This allows them to replenish some of the water they lose through their diet. There are certain grasses such as ryegrass that because of their high-water content. Thanks to this, if we feed our horse with ryegrass, the horse will be able to obtain all the water it needs from this foliage.
  • Generating water through metabolism: When processing carbohydrates for energy, small amounts of water are generated, as with combustion. Thanks to this metabolic process, the horse will be able to obtain part of the water it needs to maintain optimal health.

It is important to ensure abundant and good quality water for stable horses. Horses are able to detect poor water quality and refuse to drink, even if it only tastes strange. It is therefore important to ensure the health of hydration facilities for horses.

Horse drinking water
Horse drinking water

Water, an essential component for horse feed and health

As we can see, either because of the body composition of the horse or because of the problems that its deficiency can generate, water is an essential component for the horse.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro wants to create awareness in the owners to attend to such an important task with the horses. The hydration of horses cannot be underestimated. Gustavo Mirabal’s experience has led him to take this need for his horses very seriously. This is one of the secrets to getting the most out of high-performance horses.

That is why we invite you to learn more about the subject or to advise you about it so that you can give a good quality of life and health to your horse. Remember that a healthy horse is a happy horse and a horse with good performance.

Linda Kohanov - Guru del Coaching asistido por caballos

Equine assisted or Horse-Assisted Coaching

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Horse-assisted coaching is a form of coaching that uses interaction with horses as a tool to help people. It is an innovative way to use horses to work on interpersonal skills. That is why today we will tell you more about assisted coaching with horses.

The goal of coaching is to develop skills and achieve personal and professional goals. In this case, horses are facilitators and channels to enhance verbal and non-verbal communication.

Many celebrities begin to use this type of coaching and have begun to popularize it. Remember that learning to ride has always been considered an important element in great leaders. A well-kept secret that is now revealed to everyone.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro admires horses. Thanks to them I develop leadership, communication, and confidence skills from a very young age. These skills helped him become the successful financial advisor and entrepreneur we all know.

Child mounted on a horse
Child mounted on a horse

What and how does horse-assisted coaching work?

Horse-assisted coaching trainers are known as Equine Coach trainers. These trainers believe that interaction with horses can help people improve the following:

  • Self
  • Confidence
  • Communication

Trainers use different activities with horses for that purpose such as:

  • Horseback riding
  • The manipulation of horses on the ground
  • Communication with horses and their relationship

These activities work to challenge people. This can help them identify and work on areas of opportunity. Later, we will deepen this topic indicating the objectives of these activities in horse-assisted coaching.

Horse-assisted coaching is a novel and increasingly popular form of coaching. Horse-assisted coaching is used in a wide variety of fields. Some of the areas in which horse-assisted coaching is being applied are:

  • Business coaching
  • Personal coaching
  • Coaching for young people.
Horse-assisted coaching for youth and children
Horse-assisted coaching for youth and children

Typical therapeutic activities in horse-assisted coaching

The typical activities of horse-assisted coaching are very diverse. These activities may vary depending on the coach’s focus and goals. Another aspect to consider is the needs and skills of the people involved in coaching.

Some categories of common activities that can be done are:

  1. Horseback riding: Horseback riding can be used to improve people’s confidence and decision-making.
  2. Working with horses on the ground: This activity may involve manipulating horses in different ways. Some of the ways to work with horses are to walk alongside them or have them walk in circles. This can help people improve their communication and leadership.
  3. Games and Playful Activities: Coaches often use games and playful activities to help people relax and have fun while learning. These activities help you learn to relax and manage stress.
  4. Discussions and reflections: Trainers can use activities with horses as “triggers.” The result of the activities is used to stimulate discussions and reflections on topics relevant to the person or company.

These are just a few examples of activities that can be included in horse-assisted coaching. Coaches can tailor activities to the needs and goals of the people involved in coaching.

But one of the things that arouse the most curiosity is how a horse can help in the coaching process. Next, we will tell you the importance and role of the horse in the horse-assisted coaching process.

Working trust with a powerful animal like the horse is essential
Working trust with a powerful animal like the horse is essential

The role of the horse in assisted coaching

In equine-assisted coaching, horses play the role of “co-trainers.” Horses are mainly used for two functions:

  • As tools to help people develop skills.
  • To achieve personal and professional goals.

You must understand that the horse has attributes that make it ideal for working communication and confidence skills.

On the one hand, horses are social animals. This makes them very sensitive to the emotions and energy of the people around them.

While horses can’t understand our words, they can interpret our body language and intentions. Therefore, horses in coaching activities can be excellent “readers” of non-verbal communication.

This skill can be helpful in helping people identify and work in areas of opportunity. Among the areas they can work on are self-confidence, non-verbal communication, and effective communication.

In addition, horses are very large and powerful animals. This can be intimidating for some people. As a result, working with them can be an effective way to challenge and overcome fears and insecurities.

In summary, the role of horses in horse-assisted coaching is to help people through interaction with horses improve their:

  • Self-knowledge
  • Confidence
  • Communication skills.

Which famous coaches use horse-assisted coaching?

Equine assisted coaching is a relatively new and uncommon form of coaching, so it’s unlikely that there will be many celebrities who use this approach in their work.

However, there are some trainers and experts in horse-assisted coaching who are known in the coaching world and who have contributed to spreading and promoting this approach. Some examples of outstanding trainers and experts in horse-assisted coaching are:

  1. Anna Twinney: Anna Twinney is an Equine Coach trainer and founder of the “Reach Out to Horses” school. Twinney is known for her work with horses and people with disabilities and has written several books on horse-assisted coaching. Anna Twinney has given lectures and workshops on this topic around the world. In addition to her work as a horse-assisted coaching coach, Twinney is also an actress and theater producer.
  2. Linda Kohanov: Linda Kohanov is an American author and Equine Coach trainer. She is known for her work with horses and people with anxiety disorders and trauma. Kohanov is the author of several books on horse-assisted coaching and has given lectures and workshops on the subject. Kohanov is the founder and director of Epona Equestrian Services, a horse-assisted coaching and equine therapy company.

Without a doubt, horses in coaching will give a lot to talk about in the coming years. These will become an important tool for the betterment of the human being. Horse-assisted coaching will be an important therapeutic and personal growth tool for years to come.

Alberto Arvelo, Gustavo Dudamel, Mimi Lazo, Edgar Ramirez y Rene Solelo - from left to right - Birthday of Rene Sotelo

Creole liveliness, the dark side of Venezuelan talent

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Venezuelans around the world are demonstrating their talent more and more every day. We have seen Venezuelans become political, scientific, business, and social leaders around the world. That is why today we will know the Venezuelan talent that leaves the name of Venezuela high, and its dark side that has hindered the growth of Venezuela, the Creole liveliness.

The Venezuelan exodus in search of better opportunities has led to demonstrate the enormous human capital that Venezuela has. Perhaps the lack of use of this talent in Venezuela is the great pending task.

Idle talent without productivity becomes a danger. Putting it into production according to its own interests and the need of the country is a logical step. But in Venezuela the “lever” or influence peddling has always been much more important than desire and talent. This has relegated talent to places of frustration that can become the wrong force. If we talked about Star Wars we would be talking about the dark side of the force… That is Creole liveliness.

As we know that in Venezuela, we are facing an accumulation of poorly channeled talent. Well, let’s talk about the Venezuelan talent that has dispersed around the world leaving the name of its land high.

We leave a video of a Venezuelan talent who has left the name of Gustavo Mirabal’s country high in Spain.




Venezuelan talent scattered around the world.

Venezuela is on everyone’s lips in these times. We can see them win competitions and become leaders in the institutions where they work. Below, we will see some of the names of Venezuelans that are resonating in the world:

Venezuelan in the professional works

  • Sumito Estevez (Venezuelan Chef): He is currently in Chile and works at the Center for Gastronomic Innovation of INACAP. He has participated in several gastronomic businesses in Venezuela and abroad and was Founder of the Culinary Institute of Caracas.
  • Enrique Limardo (Venezuelan Chef): Chef of the restaurant Imperfecto, located in Washington DC, this chef achieved a Michelin star for this fabulous restaurant.

Venezuelan talent in science

  • René Sotelo (Venezuelan Physician-Surgeon): world leader in lamparoscopic surgery has trained dozens of doctors around the world. He has performed more than 2000 surgeries around the world. He received validation of his medical degree in the United States due to his exceptional talent (without showing papers o certifications). A Venezuelan talent that leaves Venezuela high.
  • Ernesto Medina (Pure Sciences – Tropical Ecology – Venezuelan Biologist): He is the Venezuelan scientist with the highest number of references, which says a lot about the work he has done. This biologist graduated from the UCV is a world reference in Tropical Ecology and has won several awards among which are the Lorenzo Mendoza Fleury and the national science award. A great representative of Venezuelan science. He is currently working from Puerto Rico and maintains his collaboration with Venezuelan universities and institutions.
  • Evelyn Miralles (Venezuelan Technology Specialist): Evelyn Miralles is a computer engineer from the UCAB pioneer in virtual reality. He works at NASA. She is the chief technology officer of the virtual reality program used to train astronauts. She has been recognized as one of the 20 most influential Latinos in the United States in 2015 and 2016.

Venezuelan talent in the arts

  • Gustavo Dudamel (Music, conductor): At 41 years of age, Gustavo Dudamel is considered one of the most innovative, original, and talented classical music conductors. With only 19 years of age he became the director of the Simón Bolivar Symphony Orchestra, the most important in Venezuela. He has won 4 Grammy Awards and is currently director of the Paris Opera.
  • Edgar Ramírez (Venezuelan Actor): This social communicator from the UCAB, has been nominated for the Emmy Awards, the Golden Globe Awards. He is our Venezuelan actor in Hollywood
  • Rafael Cadenas (Venezuelan poet). This Venezuelan poet is the first Venezuelan to receive the Cervantes literature prize. He has also won the National Prize for Literature in Venezuela, the Prize for Literature in Romance Languages of Guadalajara and the Federico García Lorca Poetry Prize. His trajectory speaks for itself.
  • Leonardo Padrón (Venezuelan Playwright): This playwright has transcended the novels of Venezuela and is currently with a successful miniseries on Netflix making the name of Venezuela resonate around the world.
Venezuelan talent: Alberto Arvelo, Gustavo Dudamel, Mimi Lazo, Edgar Ramirez and Rene Solelo
Venezuelan talent: Alberto Arvelo, Gustavo Dudamel, Mimi Lazo, Edgar Ramirez and Rene Solelo

Venezuelan in sports

  • Rubén Limardo (Venezuelan fencing athlete): This Venezuelan fencer has won gold medals in Olympic Games, World Championships and Pan American Games. A fail-safe talent.
  • Yulimar Rojas (Triple jumper): He has gold medals in Olympic Games, World Championships, Pan American and South American Games. But above all he currently holds the world record in triple jump with 15.74 m and the Olympic record with 15.67 m

But talent needs a moral compass as we will see below.


Talent without probity is a scourge.

Without a doubt, talent is a source of skill. But the important thing is that all these Venezuelans have used their talent with ethics as a compass in their lives.

The most famous Venezuelan in history, Simón Bolívar, liberator of 7 nations, said “talent without probity is a scourge.” Therefore, we will talk a little more about the effect of dishonesty in everyday life.

When we have talented and influential people, but without honesty, that can lead us to elect populist dictators, for example.

On populist dictators we could have the case of Mao Zedong, the Chinese leader who with an eye on his revolution ended up being responsible for 30 million people.

In this same line, there is Adolf Hitler who with his charisma led Germany to the abyss. Adolf Hitler was responsible for a world war and the deaths of 6 million people.

We also have the example of people like Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of Theranos. An intelligent and talented woman who spoke multiple languages, graduated with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Stanford University and who obtained numerous patents throughout her life and that of her company. He promised a revolutionary reagent-free testing technology that never existed and that brought his company and his person to the top of the bioengineering field. She was recently convicted of fraud and sentenced to 11 years in prison.

In this way talented people can become scourges of people and society. Many times, the psychopathic personality has been talked about, and how some psychopaths with great abilities have committed atrocities.

Undoubtedly, “talent without probity is a danger to society.”

Ahorra considerando la inflación y los instrumentos de ahorro

Save smart – Don’t lose your money’s worth – Gustavo Mirabal Castro

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We always hear how important it is to save money. Saving means foresight, stability, and ability to face unforeseen events. Saving is essential to have healthy personal finances. Therefore today we will talk about savings; their importance and we will give you some tricks to save smart, making your savings more effective and enjoyable.

We constantly hear people say they can’t save. The truth is, even people who have low incomes should save. We know that there are people below the poverty line who can’t really do it, and yet these people should try.

This is because the more precarious my situation, the more forecasts I should take. However, this is not easy and therefore today we will tell you the tricks to save despite the circumstances.

Money and save smart
Money and save smart

What does it mean to save money?

Saving is the action of keeping and accumulating money, which implies that our income is higher than our expenses. The savings allow us to:

  • Make large purchases that we cannot make with our immediate income.
  • Cover unforeseen expenses such as expenses of illnesses, accidents, among others.
  • Have a fund for emergencies or for cases where our income stops (serious illness, dismissal from work, among others).

Saving in order is to set aside part of the money that enters us to make a later expense. We save because:

  • The expense we want to make cannot be done at present because we do not have enough money.
  • The money is intended for expenses that we have not planned.
  • We do not want to depend on our regular income for all expenses.
  • We want to create a fund to sustain our expenses while we do not work.

With this in mind let’s discover how we can save if we do not have enough money.

Save Smart are the key to healthy personal finances
Save Smart are the key to healthy personal finances

How to save if I don’t have enough money?

To save, our income must be greater than our expenses. If we do not have enough money to save we must evaluate the options we have to act on our income and expenses.

In our income we can increase them by resorting to one of the following alternatives:

  • Look for additional income options, such as a second job or piecework.
  • Request a salary increase at my workplace.
  • Find another job in which the salary is better.

In our expenses we can choose to reduce them, either by completely eliminating some expenses or reducing their frequency. We talked about this topic at length in the video about ant expenses. However, the main tips are:

  • Evaluate which are the expendable expenses (vices, luxuries, entertainment and comfort)
  • Establish which expenses can be made less frequently or reduce their amount (vices and ant expenses).
  • Change our behavior patterns by choosing less onerous alternatives.

The only way to balance our personal finances and manage to save is to analyze our income and expenses. To get our finances back on track you can watch our videos on 7 steps to achieve financial freedom (Video in Spanish to which we can enable the English subtitles automatically translated).

We talk about save smart because there are ways to save in which our savings can lose their value… Find out below.

I can always save if I balance expenses and income
I can always save if I balance expenses and income

Are there the wrong ways to save?

If we save in a currency or an instrument that does not maintain the value of our money, we will end up losing part of our savings.

We must choose the means of saving that maintain the value of money. Some people have saved in cryptocurrencies, and to date they have lost part of their savings. Although crypto assets gained a lot of value at the beginning, they were volatile assets and not recommended to save.

Other people have kept their money in savings accounts denominated in currencies that have high levels of devaluation and inflation. This causes money to lose value.

Even more so if the amount we save is equivalent to the loss of the value of the accumulated money we will not be making any savings. We will look at this in more detail later.

The important thing is that saving means saving money and safeguarding its value. That is why sometimes saving involves investing or managing savings instruments such as gold, jewelry, stocks, among others. Next, we will see some tips in this regard.

Save by considering inflation and savings instruments
Save by considering inflation and savings instruments

Tips for save smart

Saving requires that the value of the money we keep is maintained over time. Saving with a currency in constant devaluation or inflation is a mistake that can be made frequently. The solution to this point is to seek to save in a hard currency or look for ways to buy goods that can be tradable and retain their value.

Some people choose to save in a hard currency like the dollar or euros. Other people look for products they can buy to sell and make a profit. This gain can be part of our savings and compensate for devaluation and inflation.

To save we must consider the following points:

  • Look for an instrument (currency, commodity or physical or financial product) that is stable and allows above all to preserve the value of money. This point seeks to accumulate value rather than make it grow. At the point of growing the value is made in the investment process which is a step after saving.
  • It must be a stable instrument that minimizes risk and therefore we will see that its profitability will be relatively low.
  • We must evaluate that the amount we save is always greater than the relative loss of the value of the saved. This is because when savings have accumulated, there may come a time when the amount of money we add to what we save is less than the loss of value due to inflation or devaluation.

Next, we will explain this point better.

Save Smart grows value
Save Smart grows value

Savings and the loss of the value of the accumulated.

The idea of saving is to increase the fund that serves us to face future expenses. With this in mind, we must say that the idea is that savings always grow.

As our savings grow, inflation and devaluation will affect its value. If this loss of value is greater than what we can add period by period, we will have to reconsider our alternatives. Let’s look at the following example based on current US inflation:

  • Inflation of 7.7%
  • A savings capacity of $ 100 per month. Annually we can add to our savings fund $ 1,200
  • Consolidated savings of $16,000

Our consolidated savings will lose value for an equivalent of 1,232 dollars annually due to inflation (7.7%)

Anyone who can only add $100 a month to their $16,000 savings fund can no longer grow their savings, they’re just making up for losses. The next step on your journey to financial freedom will be to invest that money to try to earn more than inflation.


Save Smart, another step towards financial freedom

Save Smart will naturally lead us towards investment. Accumulating money without receiving a return for this money tends to make you lose your purchase value. If we want to ensure our retirement or achieve our financial freedom, we will have to save and when the time comes to preserve its value through investment.

In future videos we will give you some tips to diagnose your personal finances and improve them.

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Woo, una abogada extraordinaria - Una serie de Netflix para toda la familia

Extraordinary Attorney Woo on the autism spectrum

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The series Extraordinary Attorney Woo has broken audience records both in her native country and on Netflix. This series tells the story of overcoming a little girl named Woo within the autism spectrum who becomes an extraordinary lawyer.

The series is a magnificent combination of legal drama, social drama, comedy, and romance that leaves no one indifferent. Today we will tell you a little about the impact this series is having on the world. Extraordinary Attorney Woo is changing fate for many.

Woo’s success in South Korea has been indisputable. The series has transformed into a success both the small television station that transmitted it and its producer AStory. In addition, the “Woo” phenomenon has been such that it has boosted South Korea’s television industry and tourism to the places featured in the series.

But the most important thing has been the transformation of the awareness of South Korean citizens and around the world about the autism spectrum. In South Korea, there are strong taboos regarding disabilities and mental illness. Thanks to Woo, some of these taboos are becoming the topic of the moment.

On the other hand, the Netflix series has had the genius of bringing to light countless social issues that afflict South Korean society. That is why today we will talk about the legal aspects reflected in the series, the social aspects, and the impact it has and is having in your country and in the rest of the world.

Let’s first meet those who worked to make it possible to see Extraordinary Attorney Woo on the autism spectrum.

Extraordinary Attorney Woo | Official Trailer | Netflix

Cast and production team of Extraordinary Attorney Woo.

The television series Extraordinary Attorney Woo was surrounded by a team composed of the best of South Korea.

The production company AStory comes from the experience of having produced Kingdom for Netflix, one of the most interesting series on the platform. This series mixes genres in a very skillful way and perhaps this is the key of the AStory production company. In Extraordinary Attorney Woo, genres as dissimilar as legal dramas, social dramas, comedy, suspense, and romance are mixed.

Perhaps this is the first key to the success of the series.

On the other hand, the producer and the script have been risky in presenting taboo topics and situations for South Korean society. Thanks to this, they have come to create an impact on society. This will surely be the second key to its success.

Last but not least, the choice of production, direction and acting team has been fundamental to its success. Betting talented South Korean actors to interpret a subject as sensitive as people with autism spectrum has been very important.

Next, we will tell you a little more about the characters of the series and the actors who play them.

Lee Sang-baek - the producer and CEO of AStory
Lee Sang-baek – the producer and CEO of AStory

Actors and actresses who bring Woo’s world to life.

The characters of the Netflix series Extraordinary Attorney Woo, and the actors who play them are:

  • Woo Young-woo: She is a young lawyer recently graduated from the autism spectrum who gets her first job at a top-tier law firm. Played by Park Eun-bin, a veteran actress who has been acting since she was 7 years old. With only 30 years the actress already has 24 years of experience, 47 participations in television, 7 participations in cinema. She has also been a television presenter, stage actress, model and has participated in numerous music videos. Without a doubt a trajectory that shows why she was chosen for the role. In addition, she has a degree in psychology and media.
  • Lee Jun-ho: A lawyer at the law firm where Woo works. He is in charge of evidence collection and research. A character who shows great kindness to people with problems and disabled. In the series he will become a great friend of Woo and perhaps a possible romance. Played by Kang Tae-oh an actor with an interesting career that has proven to win the affection of the public. Thanks to this character his popularity has multiplied by 4. He won two awards for his participation in “The Tale of Nokdu”
  • Jung Myung-seok: He is a lawyer of great trajectory who will be responsible for guiding Woo’s first steps in the practice of the legal profession. A teacher who will learn a lot from Woo about prejudice and passion for the law. Played by Kang Ki-young, an actor with an extensive career, participating in 23 television series, 8 films and theater. He won 3 awards for his performance in Korean television series.
The actors of Extraordinary Attorney Woo
The actors of Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Extraordinary Attorney Woo is one of the favorite Netflix series of lawyers

One of the most interesting things this series has achieved is to bring legal dramas closer to the public. Legal dramas can become a genre for a very particular type of person.

Lawyer and financial advisor Gustavo Mirabal Castro said he loved the series because he could share his legal passion with his children and his wife, Maria Carolina Chapellin, through the series.

Even this legal drama has made Gustavo Mirabal’s children consider their father’s profession as an option in the future.

The series has helped humanize the profession of lawyers that is so reviled by society. Thanks to Extraordinary Attorney Woo, viewers can see the ethical and moral dilemmas that lawyers face quite closely.

“The series [Extraordinary Attorney Woo] shows in a candid way how lawyers help make our society a better place”

Gustavo Mirabal Castro

Woo demonstrates that although the law is tough and rigid, lawyers need to be creative to understand their clients’ problems and protect their interests.

Extraordinary Attorney Woo - A Netflix series for the whole family
Extraordinary Attorney Woo – A Netflix series for the whole family

A series of lawyers for the whole family

As we mentioned before, Extraordinary Attorney Woo is a series for the whole family. We can see how law and goodness can lead us to be better people and have a better society.

Thanks to the social impact that Woo has had, the situation of families with people on the autism spectrum will be improved, the life of dolphins and whales will be a reality and a small production company, and an unknown television channel will have the opportunity to emerge.

This is how small things that seem insignificant at first glance can have an incredible impact. Small acts that transform the lives of people and societies overnight.

Christmas in Venezuela – Traditions and customs

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Christmas in Venezuela for Gustavo Mirabal

Series Article #80:


Christmas in Venezuela

The holiday season is approaching where Christmas is celebrated in most countries. Of course the unique Christmas in Venezuela has its charm in each of its celebrations. This is a time of reconciliation, of spending it with family, sharing with friends, in order to enjoy the most beautiful time of the year.

On the other hand, there are mixed feelings because it is the end of a year people evaluate the goals that were set for this period. On many occasions they achieve the objectives in others they achieve only some.

Throughout the country Christmas is celebrated, where the enthusiasm and excitement of the people is the order of the day.

Christmas in Venezuela is celebrated as in most countries in the region. The Christmas season is special since family gatherings, “aguinaldos” and “Venezuelan gaitas”, exchange of gifts among others.

The gastronomy is one of the most outstanding with all the delicacies that are prepared for the occasion.

In this installment we will address a little more about Christmas in Venezuela.

Christmas in Venezuela
Christmas in Venezuela

History of Christmas in Venezuela

In relation to the history of Christmas in Venezuela is based on the birth of baby Jesus, and all commemorations in the country are based on this fact of great relevance to Venezuelan culture.

The historical narratives that exist of Christmas in Venezuela relate that it is a tradition of Spanish culture, which came to the country as part of all the methods and traditions that were reached in the region in the colonial period.

In general, Christmas in Venezuela was formed as part of the religious orders imposed by the conquerors within the framework of the Christianization of all aboriginal peoples.

In relation to the birth of the Child Jesus, it begins in Europe and through cultural assimilation was assumed as a tradition in Venezuela.

Ornaments showing the birth of the baby Jesus with Joseph and Mary
Ornaments showing the birth of the baby Jesus with Joseph and Mary

Traditional Christmas holidays in Venezuela

Venezuela is characterized by having a very wide cultural diversity, due to the mixture of Spaniards, Africans, and aborigines. In addition to this, many European immigrants, and later South American immigrants, arrived in Venezuela in search of better living conditions. All these immigrants also brought their own customs that were incorporated into the miscegenation of Christmas in Venezuela.

This element is mentioned a lot, since the customs are taking other nuances and are enriched. Of course, these customs have the touch and the typical Venezuelan essence.

Christmas in Venezuela usually rotates according to religious celebrations. Since in Venezuela the arrival of the birth of the baby Jesus is the main reason for this celebration. The Venezuelan population is essentially Catholic Christian.

Later it is also celebrated on New Year’s Eve, December 31. The New Year’s celebration also has some very unique customs.

The Christmas tree and the Christmas manger. Typical Christmas decorations in Venezuela
The Christmas tree and the Christmas manger. Typical Christmas decorations in Venezuela

This essence is maintained throughout Venezuela…

All these celebrations begin the first days of December and extend for forty days until the celebration of the feast of Candlemas, when the Purification of the Virgin is evoked.

It should be noted that during the first days of January the paraduras of children in the Venezuelan Andes (Táchira, Mérida and Trujillo) are carried out.

This is how Venezuelan Christmas extends to the first days of January. In this way, elements such as the celebration of the 3 wise men, among others, are incorporated.


Start of Christmas in Venezuela

In general, Christmas in Venezuela starts shortly before the start of December. However, because it is a fundamentally religious celebration, its formal beginning is marked by the Christmas Masses.

Christmas Masses are celebrated from December 15 until Mass on December 24 on Christmas Easter.

Throughout the national territory different celebrations are carried out among which we can mention the following:

  • “San Benito”, “Los Pastores”, “Las Locainas”, “La Burriquita”, among others.
  • The main celebration is Christmas Eve on December 24 and Christmas Day on December 25.
  • To close the cycle of the year with a flourish, New Year’s Eve is celebrated on December 31 and the New Year on January 1.
  • the Epiphany of the Lord or On January 6 the celebration of the Magi takes place
  • In the Venezuelan Andes the traditional “Paraduras del Niño” are held that extend until February 2 where the Day of the Virgin of Candelaria is celebrated.
  • In the case of Zulian people, Christmas begins on November 18 with the adoration of the “Virgen de la Chinita”.
  • Christmas in Venezuela is celebrated to the sound of Venezuelan Christmas music, composed mainly of the Zulian Gaitas and the aguinaldos.
Concert of Venezuelan Gaitas
Concert of Venezuelan Gaitas

Christmas Gastronomy in Venezuela

One of the most outstanding aspects of Christmas in Venezuela is the gastronomy. For example, for Christmas dinner is shared with the family where they eat the typical hallacas, ham bread, chicken salad.

It should be noted that the elaboration of the hallacas will vary depending on the region of the country. Since in some areas they add other additional ingredients. Or also the way of cooking is different.

Among the drinks or you may miss the popular cream punch. In addition, desserts such as “dulce de lechosa” or papaya sweet among others are served.

On this website we have a very detailed article about Christmas gastronomy in Venezuela that you can visit to learn more.

For the New Year’s Eve celebration, pig leg, chicken salad and bread are usually served. In addition, in most cases the hallaca returns to be the protagonist of the New Year’s dinner.

Also, a table is served with grapes, tangerines, almonds, black cake among other delicacies

Although the most important thing about these dates is to share in harmony with the family and enjoy good health.

Typical Christmas foods in Venezuela
Typical Christmas foods in Venezuela

Christmas in Venezuela, a time of joy, food and loved ones

We can see the importance of Christmas in Venezuela, being considered one of the most relevant celebrations for Venezuelan culture.

In Venezuela, Christmas is considered as the season of the year that begins from the first days of December. It is from there when you see the streets and the ornate shopping centers alluding to the occasion.

In addition to the birth of baby Jesus, Venezuelans have a great diversity of festivities during all these dates. So, it is very common to listen to Christmas music like “Venezuelan Gaitas” and “aguinaldos”.

Without a doubt, Christmas is a time of reconciliation, forgiveness, encounters and rethinking the way we perceive our environment.

On the other hand, it is time to consider the real goals for next year.

Cartel del SICAB 2022

Sicab 2022 – The largest equestrian event in Spain

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Sicab 2022: An important event of the equine world in Spain

Spain is one of those countries that has an exuberant culture. In addition, Spain stands out significantly in the equine world in various aspects such as competition, breeding and equestrian tourism. This event is dedicated to Purebreed Spanish Horse.

For this reason, various equestrian events are held in Spain throughout the year. However, there is one that stands out above all, the Sicab, also known as The International Horse Show.

Throughout this installment we will address what is related to Sicab 2022. We are talking about the most important event in the equine world in Spain. Without further ado, let’s get started.

SICAB 2022: el espectáculo más esperado

The International Horse Show SICAB 2022

The International Horse Show SICAB (Spanish acronym for “Salon Internacional del Caballo”) is the most important sample of purebred Spanish horses in the world. But it is also the opportunity for Spain to show the advances in horse racing and the equestrian world. SICAB has become a Equestrian Trade Show, dedicated to Purebred Spanish Horse.

This is a unique opportunity for Spain to highlight the importance of the famous breed of horses.

This great event of the Spanish equine world has been held in Seville since 1991 uninterruptedly. In this way, the event already has more than three decades of antiquity in which people have been able to enjoy this event.

This trajectory makes this equestrian event a reference for the equestrian sector nationally and internationally. This event brings together farmers and breeders from more than 60 countries.

The Sicab 2022 is an important event of the equine world in Spain is celebrated every year the third week of November.

In this event it has become the third most significant program in the city behind Holy Week and the April Fair. This puts the equestrian world at the level of the most important celebrations in the country.

Without a doubt, Seville continues to stand out in the tourist part thanks to this appointment of the best in the equine world.

Gustavo Mirabal had the opportunity to enjoy this event while he was residing in this European country.

Pure Spanish Horse - The protagonist of SICAB 2022 - Spain and Gustavo Mirabal
Pure Spanish Horse – The protagonist of SICAB 2022- Spain and Gustavo Mirabal

Celebration in November – Sicab 2022: An important event of the equine world in Spain

This event brings together the best representatives of the sector. The Sicab 2022 will be held at the facilities of the equestrian show and will arrive in Seville from November 15 to 20

There are six days in which the activities of Sicab 2022 will be developed: An important event of the equine world in Spain

SICAB whose meaning is the “International Horse Show” in Spanish (“Intertational Horse Show”) is an event that by custom takes place annually and specifically the third week of November.

In this event of the Spanish equine world more than 1000 copies of Pure Spanish Race are registered.

These specimens are from more than 300 national and international farms. This activity from the tourist point of view has enormous potential for this country in Europe.

The scope is enormous since for the celebration of Sicab 2022: An important event of the equine world in Spain more than 200,000 visitors attend.

This has an economic impact on the region’s economic and tourism sector.

So the city of Seville dresses up in the equine world to receive locals and visitors to enjoy all the activities scheduled for the edition of Sicab 2022: An important event of the equine world in Spain

The place where this great event of the equine world will take place is nothing more and nothing less than: The Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Seville.

The facilities of the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Seville has an area of 15,000 square meters each.

It should be noted that in this 2022 the 32nd edition of this important event will be held.

SICAB 2022 poster
SICAB 2022 poster


Within the framework of the PRE Horse and Mares Morphology World Championship are the following finals of the ANCCE Cup:

The riding disciplines that will participate in SICAB 2022 will be the following:

  • Dressage
  • Cowboy Dressage
  • High School
  • Working Horse Riding
  • Jump
  • Hooking
  • Tradition Hooks
  • Amazon (woman riders)

The registrations of the participants in these competitions are already active since October 3. It is expected to be one of the most important exhibitions of recent years due to overcoming the coronavirus pandemic.


Sicab 2022 the most important event in the equine world in Seville, Spain is already arriving.

The equine events that take place in Spain are simply exceptional because they can be enjoyed from competitions of various disciplines of riding to expert speakers in areas of breeding and reproduction of equines.

It is certainly a great opportunity for all lovers of equestrian culture and for horse lovers. We hope you do not miss the opportunity to enjoy them, and you are in Spain. You can also plan your visit through a travel agency.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro loved the culture of Spain and particularly saw how this world develops in which he gave an important contribution.

To close we leave you a beautiful famous phrase alluding to equines.

Caballo Esqueleto

Horseback on Halloween… About ghost and headless riders

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Halloween is a holiday that began in English-speaking countries and has spread to the rest of the world. The idea of dressing up and enjoying terror, or scaring other people, has become tradition. Everyone can enjoy Halloween, including horses. So today we will tell you what activities you can do on horseback on Halloween, days of ghost riders and without heads.

Typical Halloween activities often include getting scared, decorating, trick-or-treating, and dressing up. If we exclude the scary, they are all activities suitable for a horse. And we emphasize this because horses are especially sensitive beings and a scare can traumatize them … That is why it is better for our horses to scare others and not to scare them. But we’ll talk about this a little later.

One of the things we can do with our horses is to disguise them, either alone, or disguise them to match ourselves.

We can decorate your stable or do something together where the horse is part of the decoration. The horse can become a monster of the underworld or be part of a decoration in the style of the headless rider. Without a doubt a very interesting touch.

We can also choose to go and ask for sweets on the back of our horse, which could be especially original for these dates. We will certainly be the attraction of the day.

Finally, what we decide to do including our horse will always be interesting. However, we must take certain precautions to prevent our horse from being affected by the experience. Next, we will tell you how we can address this situation. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Taking My Horse Trick-Or-Treating!

Precautions for horseback riding on Halloween.

As we indicated in the introduction, horses are sensitive animals. We must take this into account to use them as part of our participation in Halloween. Choose a horse that is familiar with people and that is very docile and calm. We must avoid scares that will traumatize the horse.

With this we should be aware that children who approach should be warned not to scare the horse. It would be convenient for the horse to be put in contact with decorative elements and Halloween style and even with costumes. This would make it possible to desensitize the horse to the stimuli of the festivities of Halloween.

Finally, it would be advisable to keep a safe distance from people and children. As long as we see that our horse remains calm we can relax. We will also be counting on a choice of a docile horse to be more flexible.

In addition, the more terrifying the disguise of our horse it may be easier to keep the curious at a safe distance. This is a plus to participate in Halloween with our horse.

Taking precautions to go horseback riding on Halloween is essential. In this way, we will be protecting our horse and the people who enjoy the celebrations.

And now we ask ourselves, how to make this effort worthwhile. Well, then we will see the many activities that we can enjoy riding a horse on Halloween. Our horse will be an integral part of these activities and we will enjoy them together.

Thanks to this our horse will not stay aside while we enjoy Halloween. Even our horse will help us find a new way to enjoy these holidays. Let’s find out.

Costumes for our horse

Halloween is fundamentally a day dedicated to the dead, witches and terror. However, many people choose to wear less terrifying and more pleasant costumes, as if they were carnivals.

The celebration of Halloween, as well as carnival, is an opportunity to enjoy and unleash our creativity. Next, we will see some more or less pleasant costume options. In addition, we will give you some terrifying options for horror lovers.

Without more to add, let’s start with the most interesting options of costumes suitable for everyone.

Costumes for all ages and tastes

Dog costume: If our horse is white, you can paint some spots and put a dog collar … It will be the biggest Dalmatian we’ve ever seen.

Unicorn costume: This costume can be as simple as putting a horn on the horse, as if we want to put some colored lines to resemble a rainbow in the fur

Pegasus: A very original costume that can help us stand out. Looking for beautiful wings we can turn our horse into one of the important representatives of Greek mythology, the pegasus.

Zebra costume: If our horse is white, we can paint some lines, or if it is colored, we could paint it with a white base and then draw the stripes. The truth is that it is an ideal costume for white horses, and not so much for the others.

Dragon Horse: This is a costume that requires a very elaborate drawing. We must choose a base color for our dragon that could be green, red or black. Then with some other color we would draw the scales. It is recommended some additional detail to highlight the skewers of the dragons.

Next, we will tell you about the most terrifying costumes.

Horseback on halloween with your dragon
Horseback on halloween with your dragon

Horseback on Halloween to terrorize everyone.

Skeleton Horse: This costume is ideal for black horses. To these we can paint on the sides the figure of the bones of the horse. This way it will give a very good impression in the dark.

Zombie Horse: We can draw or make up on the head, tail and sides some “wounds” as torn skin. This will allow us to give the impression that our horse is rotting. It’s a good idea to dress up to match our horse, that is, as a zombie.

Ghost Horse Costume: By placing large sheets we can have our own ghost horse. We must be careful when placing it so as not to affect the vision of the horse and so that it will not get tangled when walking or running. It is suggested that the sheets do not touch the floor when the horse walks.

The headless horseman’s horse: This is necessarily a costume for two. In this case we should try to give some demonic touches to our horses. We can use horn or some detail that makes it look terrifying. But this disguise requires us to disguise ourselves as a headless horseman. For this we must wear a long suit whose neck we can put on our head, resembling that we are decapitated. It’s a costume that will create a lot of impact. We must be careful to have good visibility inside the suit to avoid accidents.

The horse of death: This costume is like the previous one. The burden of the costume is at our expense and some details for our horse. Disguising ourselves as death and riding the horse may be enough. But without a doubt a terrifying decoration for our horse will be the perfect complement.


Skeleton Horse
Skeleton Horse


Decorations for your block

Decorating Halloween is always a pleasure. You can enjoy making terrifying decorations. What we must avoid is trying to turn the stable or the stable of our horse into a house of scares. Children’s cries can cause disturbances in horses and traumatize them.

Some of the suggested decorations include webs of spiders, insects, spiders, bats and other typical Halloween things. We can also choose to use ghosts, vampires, or skeletons to decorate the corridors of the horse stable.

In addition, if we use our horses with their costumes, it can be an experience to share with our visitors. Without a doubt an unforgettable experience.

We can also take a tour leaving sweets for our visitors, large and small, and who can enjoy the decoration and costumes of the horses.

You must avoid using loud sounds. We recommend placing at the entrance some instructions on the behavior to keep during the stay in the block. In this way people will know how to enjoy the decoration without disturbing the horses unnecessarily.

If we are going to take pictures, try to avoid strong flashes that can disturb the horses. We must always preserve the tranquility of the horses so that it is an enjoyment for all humans, animals, monsters and ghosts.

Tell us on social networks what theme would you like to decorate your block on Halloween? How would you disguise your horse? We read you on our social networks.


Trick or treat on horseback on Halloween.

Complementing the theme of decoration, a well-decorated block is the perfect place to maintain the tradition of the trick or treat. Sweets can be both for humans or for children and adults. It’s an opportunity to connect with your community and even for our neighbors’ horses to befriend each other.

There could be a horse candy contest and a horse costume contest. Anything you can take advantage of to involve your horse will be welcomed by him.

In addition, you can take the opportunity to pamper your horse with some sweets for horses. It is a great opportunity to put into practice the recipes of sweets for horses.

Can we take our horse to get candy on horseback on Halloween? Of course, we do, that’s why we disguise our horse. What we must be attentive to that our neighbors are aware of the care with our horse, and we be aware of not damaging the lawn of our neighbors. We must know which of them have sweets suitable for our horse or failing to prepare sweets for it.

We must not forget that the horse is not just another Halloween decoration, but we must make them part of the enjoyment of the date. In this way, next year our horse will be our best ally in the search for the trick or treat.

Pole for horses - Recipes for Treat-or-trick
Pole for horses – Recipes for Treat-or-trick

Some interesting activities on horseback on Halloween.

There are people who prepare walks through dark forests on horseback on Halloween, to transmit the fear of the season. Also, these walks can be nocturnal to give it a style of the “curse of the Blair witch”.

With this we can take some good scares or at least the tension necessary to celebrate Halloween.

Some walks go further by making the journey on horseback to spend a night camping. One night in the middle of the forest on Halloween night with our horse. Very tender and creepy at the same time. Only the horror stories in the middle of the night are missing to have the perfect cocktail for a night of terror.

But yes, we cannot forget the Halloween decoration for camping and the sweets to exchange. These sweets will serve us as we huddle in the tent scared to spend the night awake when listening to the sounds of the forest… Quite a Halloween experience.


Can I enjoy the company of my horse on Halloween?

Definitely yes… Our horse can be a great companion and comfort us when we are too scared. Whether you want a night of costumes, a trick-or-treat a night of scares in the middle of the forest, your horse will be your best company.