International Mother Earth Day

World Nature Protection Day

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World Nature Protection Day

Planet earth is so far the habitable and suitable planet for human beings. Unfortunately, over the years, the growth of the industry coupled with the lack of education and awareness the planet has suffered irreversible damage.

So it’s time we reflect and adopt healthy lifestyles that protect the planet. To achieve the recovery of nature we must reduce the consumption of plastics and other elements harmful to the environment.

Today many Non-Governmental Organizations, foundations and some governments have joined in this cause for the protection of the environment.

In the field of law is environmental law, this is imposed in some countries. However, it is a call to governments, industries, and consumers to conserve the environment.

Without a doubt, World Nature Protection Day is a special occasion to reflect and see what we are doing from the individual to change the planet?

In the current context we are facing a pandemic of a lethal disease such as covid-19. In addition, news of the fires in Australia, Brazil and the United States is worrying.

If we add to all the above hurricanes, rains, floods and plagues we worry.

Have you ever wondered how you can help the planet?

One Earth - Environmental Short Film

Celebration of World Nature Protection Day

World Day for the Protection of Nature has been celebrated since 1972.

On February 21, 1972, the former president of Argentina, Juan Domingo Perón, sent a message in Madrid expressing the following:

“The time has come for all peoples and governments of the world to become aware of the suicidal march that humanity has undertaken through the pollution of the environment and the biosphere, the squandering of natural resources, the unbridled growth of population and the overestimation of technology. It is necessary to immediately reverse the direction of that march, through joint international action.”

These words came into the hands of Kurt Waldheim, then secretary of the United Nations, through a letter sent by Perón himself.

The words touched the soul of the secretary of the General Assembly of this body. In this way, the important anniversary of the World Day for the Protection of Nature was achieved.

Undoubtedly, this Argentine president left a legacy in favor of nature, because this is a day to reflect and create positive changes in the behavior of men towards their environment.

UN Secretary Kurt Waldheim promoted that same year the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. This was held from June 5 to 16, 1972, in Stockholm. That was the first conference to make the issue of the environment a central theme.

Thanks to this conference, on July 5 of each year we also celebrate World Environment Day.


Ways to help our planet Earth

Today, one of the main objectives of the United Nations is to achieve a more sustainable world. Well, this is what it promotes in the 2030 Agenda, to ensure that countries obtain their development without affecting nature, rather taking advantage of the renewable resources it possesses.

The best way to help with this project is by practicing the following goals:

  • Use renewable energy sources.
  • Recycle and reuse plastic and all waste material with which new products can be created.
  • Build green roof urbanisms.
  • Generate organic compost in our homes to reduce garbage in cities.
  • Carry ecological shopping bags.
  • Reduce the use of plastic or the purchase of products whose packaging is highly polluting.
  • Reduce our carbon footprint.

These are just a few tips, but there are many other actions you can take to keep our planet clean and healthy. It should be noted that the support of the rulers in establishing policies that take care of the environment.

But in principle we are each one of us who must take the first step to achieve the planet we want.

We can help by carrying eco-friendly bags
We can help by carrying eco-friendly bags

How to celebrate World Nature Protection Day?

There are many ways to celebrate World Nature Protection Day. Here are a few:

  • You can join some of the activities planned by NGOs.
  • You can also coordinate with friends to clean up a park or hand out pamphlets with information about environmental conservation,
  • Attend a craft workshop with waste materials.

But remember, everything you share do it with the hashtag #WorldNatureProtectionDay.


Environmental protection

The basic objective of environmental protection is to anticipate risks and prevent damage. Also, protect natural spaces, those that have unique values of vegetation, fauna, landscape.

In addition to directing efforts to make human development compatible with the protection of the environment.

In the current context, our ecological footprint exceeds the planet’s capacity to regenerate what is consumed. For this reason, we must protect nature from the individual to the collective.

There is still hope for a better planet – World Day for the Protection of Nature

There is still hoped to achieve a positive impact on the planet and thus take the right steps to build a future based on the sustainable consumption of natural resources.

The protection of nature is the task of all human beings.  Although to achieve this, the development of adequate environmental policies by institutions is of vital importance.

On the other hand, in the role of awareness, environmental education is essential at all levels and modalities of education, considering that education is the most powerful weapon to change the world.

Hence the importance of an education established in environmental values applicable to any social attitude. The purpose of this is to train people with critical observation skills that protect the environment around them.

By planting trees we can help protect the environment on World Nature Protection Day
By planting trees we can help protect the environment on World Nature Protection Day

World Nature Protection Day in brief

Every October 18 is celebrated the World Day for the Protection of Nature and is a special occasion to transmit through social networks relevant information on the subject.

On the other hand, it is a call to the rulers to assume from their role actions aimed at improving the environment. Gustavo Mirabal Castro invites us to become aware of the protection of the environment.


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Innovation in entrepreneurship and the vision of Gustavo Mirabal

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Many businesses fail in their first years of life. In the United States, 20% of companies do not exceed the first year. In addition, it is estimated that 80% of companies fail before 10 years of life. Companies require tools that help them achieve success and survive the competition. That is why today we will talk about innovation, its role in entrepreneurship and the vision of Gustavo Mirabal.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

What is innovation according to Gustavo Mirabal Castro?

Innovation refers to the process of introducing changes or improvements to something existing. This seeks to create value or solve a problem in a new and creative way. In business terms, innovation relates to the development and implementation of new:

  1. Ideas
  2. Products
  3. Services
  4. Processes
  5. Working methods

These new elements improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness of a company.

Innovation can be disruptive or incremental.

Disruptive innovation refers to the introduction of an entirely new idea or technology. This idea radically changes the way a task is performed, or a problem is approached.

Incremental innovation refers to small improvements to an existing process or product. These improvements accumulate over time to produce significant change.

Innovation can also be classified into different types, such as:

  • Technological innovation
  • Social innovation
  • Business model innovation
  • Other forms of innovation.

In short, innovation is a key process for the growth and success of companies. Innovation can generate significant impacts on enterprises, the economy, society, and the environment.

What is innovation? | Innovation and Entrepreneurship [FAU Science]

Is innovation important for entrepreneurship?

Yes, innovation is crucial to entrepreneurship and the success of a startup. Entrepreneurs need to find new and creative ways to solve problems or discover market needs to create value and stand out in a competitive environment. Innovation can help entrepreneurs differentiate themselves from the competition. It also helps them attract customers by offering unique and more efficient solutions.

In addition, innovation can also help entrepreneurs improve the quality and efficiency of their processes and products. This allows entrepreneurs in turn to reduce costs and improve the profitability of the company.

Innovation can also help entrepreneurs explore new markets and business opportunities, and adapt to market changes and customer demands.

In short, innovation is essential to the success of entrepreneurship and can be a powerful tool to drive the growth and sustainability of a startup.

Innovation is a guarantee for success for entrepreneurship and companies
Innovation is a guarantee for success for entrepreneurship and companies

Success stories of innovation supporting entrepreneurship

Innovation has been key in the formation of many modern companies. Many of the most successful companies have been able to stand out in the market thanks to their ability to innovate. This has allowed them to develop unique products, services, and technologies. Here are some examples of modern companies that have been instrumental in innovation:


Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia founded Airbnb in 2008. Their goal was to help travelers find affordable and unique accommodations around the world.

Using an online platform, users can rent anything from a room in someone’s home to an entire apartment for their stay.

The idea for Airbnb was innovative and disruptive in the hotel industry. The founders focused on user experience, which resulted in a very successful business. Airbnb now operates in more than 220 countries and has been valued at more than $100 billion.

Innovation turns vacation rentals into a millionaire venture like Airbnb
Innovation turns vacation rentals into a millionaire venture like Airbnb


Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp founded Uber in 2009. Their goal was to solve the problem of finding a taxi in a congested city.

Uber’s platform connects passengers with private drivers who can take them to their destination efficiently and inexpensively. Uber’s key innovation was its mobile app that allowed users to:

  • Request a trip
  • Make payments easily and securely.

Uber allows drivers to:

  • Find customers easily and consistently
  • Ensure the payment of the trip safely.

Uber revolutionized the transportation industry. In addition, it has expanded its business model to include food deliveries and freight forwarding services.



Elon Musk founded SpaceX in 2002. Its goal was to reduce the costs of space travel and make space exploration more accessible.

SpaceX has been a pioneer in the aerospace industry by developing innovative technologies such as reusable rockets. This has made it possible to significantly reduce the costs of space launches.

SpaceX has achieved:

  • Carry out successful missions to the International Space Station
  • Has won NASA contracts to send astronauts into space
  • It has become one of the most important space technology companies in the world.



Apple is a company that has been a pioneer in product innovation. It has launched products such as the iPhone, iPad and MacBook, among others.

Apple’s innovation lies in its ability to combine design and functionality to create highly attractive and easy-to-use products.


Google is a company that has innovated in the way people find information online. Its search engine has pioneered online content search. This has allowed people to find information faster and more efficiently.

Google has innovated in other areas, such as online advertising and the development of technologies such as Android and Google Glass.


Amazon has been key in innovation in e-commerce. The company has created an online platform that offers an easy, secure, and convenient shopping experience. In this way it has transformed the way people buy products online.

In addition, Amazon has pioneered the innovation of technologies such as drone delivery and artificial intelligence, which have further improved the efficiency of its operations.

These are just some of the success stories of modern companies that have been fundamental in innovation, and that have managed to stand out in their respective markets thanks to their ability to innovate and develop unique products, services, and technologies.


Innovation for entrepreneurship according to Gustavo Mirabal

For Gustavo Mirabal, entrepreneurship only exists if there is innovation, not every business is entrepreneurship. For him, a business can only be classified as entrepreneurship when it seeks to solve a novel problem or uses innovation to reach new levels of productivity.

He himself has used innovation for entrepreneurship: his law firm, his financial advisory business and for the equestrian farm he managed for several years.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro believes that, without innovation, a business is destined to fail. This is because a business that does not innovate will not be able to differentiate itself from its competition.

For this reason, Gustavo Mirabal recommends to anyone who wants to start a business the training in innovation in addition to the typical training in finance, planning and business administration. Only in this way will you guarantee the success of your business.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, from modest life in Venezuela to luxury owner

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Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a man who went from a modest life in Venezuela to being an international financial advisor who owns riding farms, yachts and other luxuries. How did Gustavo Mirabal Castro come to have a life full of comforts and luxuries? Today we will discover how Gustavo Mirabal went from having a modest life in Venezuela to being an international financial advisor.


Who is Gustavo Mirabal Castro the Venezuelan financial advisor in Dubai?

Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a renowned Venezuelan lawyer and financial advisor, who has settled in the United Arab Emirates, specifically in Dubai. There he has developed a successful career in the financial and investment field.

Mirabal Castro has worked in important financial and banking companies in Venezuela. He has been recognized for his expertise in corporate law and international finance. In Dubai, he has advised clients in the investment sector and has been part of major financial transactions.

In addition to his work as a financial advisor, Gustavo Mirabal Castro is also known for his passion for horses and horseback riding. He has created an equestrian center in Madrid, Spain, and has participated in equestrian competitions nationally and internationally.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro - Venezuelan Financial Advisor and Lawyer
Gustavo Mirabal Castro – Venezuelan Financial Advisor and Lawyer

Did Gustavo Mirabal Castro have a modest life in Venezuela?

Almost all people start from the bottom. Unless you’re the son of a billionaire, you’ll have to carve out a path on your own.

Gustavo Mirabal is the son of a pair of excellent middle-class Venezuelan lawyers. Without great luxuries, they were able to give their children everything they needed. His parents taught him to save and life taught him to invest.

But it was contact with corporate banking and insurance companies in Venezuela that Gustavo Mirabal discovered his passion for finance. This led him to become an entrepreneur. But his success was gradual and his beginnings were hard work and life with limitations.

But thanks to his parents who taught him to save money whenever he could, he had the fundamental foundations for healthy personal finances.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a lawyer and financial advisor with experience in corporate law and international finance. In addition, as we mentioned before, he has worked in important financial and banking companies in Venezuela before settling in Dubai.

It is important to mention that a person’s standard of living does not necessarily determine their ability to be professionally successful. Many people have achieved success in their careers despite having started with few resources. Dedication, effort and talent can be more determining factors to achieve success.

Gustavo Mirabal’s vision and ability to diversify made him find success in an unexpected place. That unexpected place that took Gustavo Mirabal to new heights was also a passion for him, equestrian jumping.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro interview español latino completo. Asesor financiero y emprendedor venezolano

How did show jumping put Gustavo Mirabal Castro in the spotlight?

Equestrian jumping has been one of Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s passions for many years. His love for horses and his dedication to this sport has led him to participate in equestrian competitions nationally and internationally.

Gustavo Mirabal has participated in important amateur competitions. Gustavo Mirabal’s horses have achieved outstanding places in professional competitions.

This has put him in contact with important personalities who enhanced his client portfolio.

Remember that horse riding is a high-cost sport, widely practiced by celebrities and people with high incomes. His success in the equestrian world put him in the right place to find clients who valued his ability and expertise.

In this way he went on to manage the assets of celebrities and their families through his family office. Thanks to this, their income skyrocketed. But this would not have been maintained over time if it were not for its enormous capacity to multiply and protect the assets of its clients.

This is how little by little, managing well the assets of his clients, and his own, he began to grow and become known as the great financial advisor that he is. Thanks to this, he founded G&C Farm, a dream that also brought him even closer to clients with high net worth.

The demonstration of his financial management with G&C Farm put him on everyone’s lips. His “Equestrian Disney” appeared in magazines and attracted the attention of many people.

Such was its success, that this already allowed it to internationalize towards the European continent and then to the Middle East and Asia, with its office in Dubai.

But how Gustavo Mirabal really achieved a life of “luxury” is something that we will reveal to you below.

Gustavo Mirabal Showjumping
Gustavo Mirabal Showjumping

Gustavo Mirabal’s secrets to a life of luxury

The most interesting thing is that for some, Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s life is one of luxury. He has certainly enjoyed trips with his family, good food and clothing, but nothing exceptional. Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s trick is that he knows what he wants and doesn’t spend for the sake of spending.

Next, we will give you the secrets to the life of luxury of Gustavo Mirabal Castro:

  • Saving is an obligation, not an option: You should always save, you can’t live on the limit or paycheck to paycheck. Saving is the way to know that expenses and income are under control. If you don’t save a month, that means you spent more than you earned.
  • You should always earn more than you spend: If you want to spend more you should strive to earn more money. Whether it’s through second jobs, investments, changing jobs, or a promotion, your income should fit the expenses you want to have.
  • You should always spend less than you earn: It seems silly to reverse the previous premise, but there are people who forget to decrease their expenses when their income decreases. They want to lead their lives as if their expenses should have no relation to their income. If your income decreases, you will have to adjust your expenses until you increase your income again.
  • Do not borrow unnecessarily: Borrowing can be very profitable at times and according to the conditions of indebtedness. Going into debt to buy something you can buy by saving a couple of months is bad business. Always try to get into debt on things that help you decrease costs or increase profits.

Through these tips you can improve your quality of life, lead a quieter life and get your financial freedom.

Gustavo Mirabal in Dubai
Gustavo Mirabal in Dubai


Is Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s life really a life of luxury?

Luxury is subjective. For what some is luxury, for others they are “necessity”… This is not the case with Gustavo Mirabal Castro. For Gustavo Mirabal the needs are few, and luxuries are the way we enjoy our money.

For some people this means buying a lot of things or spending it on extravagances.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro enjoys outdoor sports (especially horse riding), sharing with his family, getting to know new cultures and managing his money and investments. The purchase of clothes represents nothing more than the way to acquire their clothes.

What Gustavo Mirabal teaches his clients and friends is to sincerely differentiate between needs and tastes. In this way you will know what things you can eliminate depending on being able to invest in those things that really make us happy.

Luxuries for Gustavo Mirabal Castro is neither a necessity nor an obligation. Luxury is just the way to call those things that make us feel well-being or tranquility. Under this concept, economic freedom is a luxury that not everyone can afford. Only those who are willing to sacrifice immediacy for future tranquility will be able to attain it.

Gustavo Mirabal wants us to be aware of where we spend our money. And with this he wants us to become aware if this expense is aligned with our dreams and aspirations. In this way we can reformulate our budget and orient it to those things that bring us closer to true happiness.

Only in this way will we attain what we desire in this life. We will remove from our lives those things that distract us from our goals and we will be able to head to a brighter future.

The life of “luxury” of Gustavo Mirabal

Thanks to these “secrets” Gustavo Mirabal Castro has a life of luxury in view of the world. And it is that good administration, saving and not spending on unnecessary things can provide us with a better life for all.

In addition, his success as a financial advisor to celebrities has brought him a portfolio of clients that anyone would envy.

Certainly, Gustavo Mirabal Castro was a man who went from a modest life in Venezuela to owning riding farms, yachts and other luxuries. But this was not due to the mere effect of luck or his contacts. Hard work has always been part of his personal brand. But in addition, his ability to organize himself financially led him to multiply savings.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro is an example of the efficient use of resources and that hard work with perseverance and effort pays off. Do you also want your life of luxury? Follow us on our social networks and discover the secrets of this financial advisor.

Caballo Westfaliano

Westphalian horse a german blood horse

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On our planet there are many breeds of horses and although they have similar attributes, each of these breeds have a unique appearance. In this case, we refer to a breed of horses of German origin.  Throughout this installment we will address what is related to the Westphalian horse breed.

The Westphalian horse, one of the most appropriate European horse breeds for various equestrian disciplines and the second most famous horse breed in Germany, only after the Hanoverian himself.

We welcome with a phrase alluding to horses:

“There are wonderful places in the world, but one of my favorites is on horseback.” – Rolf Kopfle

Westphalian horse - A beautiful specimen
Westphalian horse – A beautiful specimen

The Westphalian horse, an elegant horse

The Westphalian horse breed is an extremely elegant, majestic, and stylish specimen.

This breed of horse comes from Germany, although the history of this equine is not very clear.

At present it is known that the region where this breed has been bred is Rhineland in Germany, in the province of Westphalia.

This horse has in its genes breeds that have been part of the genetic crossing where the English, Hanoverian and Arabian thoroughbreds have participated.

It should be noted that the Westphalian horse is a breed considerably known throughout the planet. However, the place of its origin is still the best to care for and preserve it.

Westphalian horse
Westphalian horse

Physical characteristics of the Westphalian horse

  • The height of this horse can range from 1.60 to 1.72 meters.
  • It is an animal that adapts to different tasks such as dressage, complete competitions, jumping and dressage among others.
  • This species has a defined, athletic body and have a defined musculature.
  • The elevation is wide, accentuated and thanks to its good size it is easy to be ridden by riders.
  • Colors of the mane and tail are usually dark.
  • The profile of these animals is very elegant, with small tip-shaped ears which makes up the delicacy and elegance.
  • The horse’s coat seems to take on a more bronze color, although its base color is dark.
  • Eyes are large, expressive, with an imposing, confident look, this attribute being very common in most races.
  • In relation to behavior it is considered a noble, calm horse. For this reason, he is friendly with his riders and caretakers.
  • Horses of this breed are calm, affectionate, loyal, confident, firm, strong
  • This breed of horse easily stands out in competitions and any equestrian activity.
  • It is very possible that the magic pair of rider – horse is achieved, this makes it ideal to participate in equestrian competitions.

Specimens of Westphalian horse that left traces in the equestrian world

The Westphalian horse breed is recognized for participation in Olympic competitions such as full competitions, jumping and dressage.

One of the most famous horses of this breed is Legolas 92, this specimen stood out in the Olympics and managed to conquer several significant awards.

This breed began to stand out after World War II and its peak occurred in the seventies.

Germany has stood out for its participation in various equestrian tournaments, while it is necessary to remember Ahlerich who made binomial rider – horse with Reiner Klimke. This magical duo managed to win a gold medal in dressage.

On the other hand, another example of Westphalian horse is Rembrandt who will always be remembered for reaching four gold medals in the eighties and early nineties.

In this order of ideas, Siox, another great specimen that participated in the Olympic Games of the seventies as part of the complete test team.

We can note that several specimens of the Westphalian horse breed have left a legacy full of success in various competitions.

Undoubtedly, this makes the breeds stand out, be remembered and in turn grows the demand for these animals.


A versatile horse of German blood

The Westphalian horse is an attractive, great animal, and with skills and abilities that make it perfect for some disciplines of riding.

Correspondingly, this breed has a great temperament, and this makes them easy to handle for riders and keepers.

Among the benefits of this equine breed is that it is ideal for riding activities.

The Westphalian horse is an animal with great resilience and can adapt to different equestrian sports and excel in competitions.

It can be seen throughout contemporary history that this specimen has a legacy of success and recognition. Well, throughout his career in different equestrian competitions he has shone in style.

Finally, this animal is a pride for the Germans since it has left the country very high with its participation in important world events.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro loves horses and therefore every day he empowers himself by reading about the different breeds of horses that exist in the world.

We close with a phrase alluding to horses:

“Horses teach us about respect, hard work, dealing with disappointment and, of course, about love.” – McClain Ward

Alirio Palacios: An equestrian artist

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Alirio Palacios is a Venezuelan plastic artist known for his great versatility that stood out in his career as an equestrian artist. He is a Venezuelan artist who has left his mark thanks to his work and who we will talk about today.

At present, we can see the evolution of equestrian art that has been changing, since the first artistic manifestations are known, such as the petroglyphs. Today we can see paintings, sculptures, comics, traditional drawings, digital drawings, comics, movies, plays where horses are the protagonists.

Throughout this installment we will address what is related to this great contemporary artist Alirio Palacios.

We welcome you with a phrase alluding to the world of plastic arts.

“Art is not what you see, but what makes others see.” Edgar Degas

Alirio Palacios - An Equestrian Artist
Alirio Palacios – An Equestrian Artist

Alirio Palacios, a versatile artist

Art has been manifested by human beings since ancient times, proof of this are the hieroglyphs they drew.

Little by little art evolved and with it the artist. Well, every time he has had access to more materials, tools and even academic training.

Undoubtedly, the Venezuelan Alirio Palacios has left traces in the world of the arts.

This is an extremely versatile artist since he has worked as a painter, draftsman and also in engraving. For the above, he managed to become one of the most important plastic artists in Venezuela in the second half of the twentieth century.

The brilliance of an artistic star of the sixties

Brilliance as an artist in the 60s, and the drawing boom of the 70s, which made him worthy of the National Prize for Plastic Arts in 1972.

Alirio Palacios made his art a cosmopolitan style of life and creation.

Alirio Palacios expressed the following in relation to horses:

“… I have always been fascinated by horses, I traveled to China and other places in the world drawing horses, drawing, drawing, paper, paper that I want to do until the last day…”

His admiration for horses gave Alirio Palacios that impulse to develop as an equestrian artist in Venezuela.


Biography and academic background of Alirio Palacios: A versatile artist

Alirio Palacios was born on December 12, 1938, in the community of “el Volcán”, Delta Amacuro state. As a child he liked to paint the Orinoco and the animals of the area where he lived.

Around 1955, Alirio Palacios began his studies of pure art and graphic arts at the School of Plastic and Applied Arts in Caracas.

He shone in the arts, and proof of this was that in 1959 he traveled to Vienna representing his native country at the VII World Festival of Youth and Students.

This was the beginning that gave him the impetus to start his cosmopolitan life. Alirio then settled in New York, but frequently traveled to Caracas.

Later, he focused on his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.

He later won a scholarship from the Chinese government to attend the University of Fine Arts in Beijing. In this University he dedicated himself to studying woodcut and developed the calligraphic stroke. This was the differentiating element of other artists, giving a unique touch to their works.

Later he returned to Venezuela and worked with Alejandro Otero in the Design Workshop of the National Institute of Culture and Fine Arts (INCIBA).

A little more about the academic training of Alirio Palacios, an equestrian artist

Continuing with the academic training of this equestrian artist is the following:

  • In 1968 he was in charge of designing the National Journal of Culture and IMAGEN Magazine
  • Started training at the University of Warsaw, in order to specialize in graphic techniques.
  • The following year he continued his training process in the engraving workshop of the West Berlin Academy of Art.
  • In 1973 he studied at the Centre for Contemporary Engraving in Geneva.
  • Between 1975 and 1985, that is, for a decade he was part of the teaching team of the Neumann Institute in Caracas.
  • He was in charge of making the series “Memorias del latifundio”, where he showed his skills in the different techniques learned throughout his academic training in the world of the arts.
  • In 1976 he founded together with other colleagues the Graphic Arts Workshop (TAGA).
  • He joined, In 1977,  as a teacher at the Center for the Study and Teaching of Graphic Arts (CEGRA) in Caracas.
  • He participated with Carlos Hernández Guerra in the XIV Sao Paulo Biennial.
  • In 1985 he reinstalled his workshop in Soho, New York.
  • In 1987 he was attached to the permanent mission of Venezuela to the UN.
  • He started the series of Magic Horses, in the nineties , inspired by Chinese painting. In this product he is shown as a great equestrian artist.
  • In 2014 he made an amazing exhibition at the Ascaso Art Gallery, in Caracas, entitled “Manchas de asombro II”.

Undoubtedly, Alirio Palacios’ career as a plastic artist was varied and interesting.

How did your diverse training influence the work of the Venezuelan artist?

It is noteworthy the training in different universities of the world, where he was able to learn various techniques and give a very unique aspect to each of his works.

An extremely versatile artist, this is the great Venezuelan Alirio Palacios who left the Venezuelan tricolor very high.

Maestro Alirio Palacios died on September 11, 2015 in Caracas, at the age of 77.

This man left a legacy in the world of the arts and stood out in the world of plastic arts inside and outside Venezuela.

Undoubtedly, this artist is an example for all those who are making works of painting, sculpture, engraving among others.

Works by Alirio Palacios
Works by Alirio Palacios

Equestrian art as a form of admiration for the horse

Gustavo Mirabal Castro loves horses, which is why he greatly values equestrian art.

He usually looks closely at each sculpture, painting or other work of art that pays homage to horses.

In addition, Gustavo Mirabal admire the career of this artist who, although versatile, has dedicated a space to shape his works of art highlighting the beauty of horses.

We close this article with a phrase alluding to the world of the arts.

“The aim of art is not to represent the outward appearance of things, but their inner meaning.” Aristotle.

Gastronomía de Semana Santa en Iberoamérica

Gastronomy and Traditions of Holy Week in Ibero-America

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Latin America is an eminently Christian continent. Estaña and Portugal are framed together with Latin America in what we call Ibero-America. All Ibero-America professes mainly the Christian religion. Holy Week is one of the main Christian religious commemorations. Therefore, today we will talk about the Gastronomy and Traditions of Holy Week in Ibero-America

Throughout the region, the passion of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice to save humanity are commemorated with great joy and reflection. Holy Week reminds us that Jesus Christ was persecuted, betrayed, delivered, imprisoned, and killed for his opinions and the profession of his Faith. Therefore, today we will talk about the particular gastronomy and traditions in Holy Week in Latin America, Spain and Portugal.

The Faith of Jesus Christ that puts at the center love for neighbor, forgiveness, and kindness. According to Christian beliefs, Jesus knew his destiny and did not deny him, because through his sacrifice he would save the souls of men and women. Through His sacrifice He would seal a new agreement between God and mankind.

That is why Holy Week is so important, it reflects the suffering of Jesus and the sacrifice he made for humanity. In the same way, there are small differences during the Easter season regarding food consumption.

From the point of view of religious doctrine, the restriction of consumption of certain foods is imposed, which leads us to feed ourselves differently.

This forces chefs to be more creative during Holy Week. Thanks to this, some of the most delicious dishes in these countries have emerged. Without a doubt an opportunity won.

We will see this point later in more detail, knowing that foods cannot be consumed according to Christian religious doctrine.

Holy Week in Three Minutes

Why is Holy Week relevant in Ibero-America?

Holy Week is, along with Christmas, one of the most important religious celebrations of Christianity. According to the Christian religion, before Jesus Christ men and women were born stained by original sin, the one for which Eve and Adam were expelled from paradise.

Jesus through his sacrifice comes to forgive original sin. With this, Jesus came to establish above punishment and rules, love, learning and forgiveness.

Christianity culturally marks all the countries of Latin America, Spain and Portugal.

Both Spain and Portugal had Catholic Christian kings. This marked both countries culturally and so it did with their colonies in Latin America and the rest of the world. Just as this colonization left its mark on countries like the Philippines. In some Philippine cities such as Zamboanga Spanish is still spoken.

Also, in some African countries Spanish is still spoken as an official language or of great importance. Some of these countries are the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and Equatorial Guinea.

Portuguese is spoken in East Timor, Macau and some cities in Malaysia, India and Indonesia

The language permeated and remained in various parts of the world. So did religion. An example is represented by the Philippines where 90% of the population is Christian.

If there is a region where this influence was decisive in culture, it was in the so-called Latin America. Latin America is one of the largest and most homogeneous regions of the world in the world.

In Ibero-America we find almost 700 million inhabitants who can communicate with each other, with common cultural and religious roots.

A global community that has great respect for the sacrifice of Jesus of Nazareth.

In Holy Week Christians pay homage to the sacrifice of Jesus of Nazareth
In Holy Week Christians pay homage to the sacrifice of Jesus of Nazareth

Why is the gastronomy at Holy Week different in the Ibero-American region?

In the Christian religious tradition, flesh and sins have a great relationship. In the same way sacrifice is seen as a work of piety.

According to the different versions you can see red meat related to lust, gluttony, or ostentation. Some also relate red meat to the body of Christ sacrificed for our salvation.

They also see the opportunity to deprive themselves of red meat to honor Jesus’ sacrifice.

In ancient times, fasting and abstinence from red meat were practiced at Easter. Today the church urges the faithful to abstain from red meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

The church also invites believers to make other small sacrifices during Holy Week. Some of the suggested sacrifices are abstaining from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or parties, to honor Jesus’ sacrifice.

This makes Holy Week a very special commemoration that lies at the heart of Christian values.

This abstention from red meat makes the Gastronomic creativity during this season rise. That is why the Gastronomy at Easter in Ibero-American countries is so interesting, with exclusive flavors of the season.

But let’s discover a little more why the gastronomy of the Easter season is so different.

Easter Gastronomy in Ibero-America
Easter Gastronomy in Ibero-America

Fish as the main protagonist of the Gastronomy of the Season.

Abstinence from red meat is one of the requests of the Catholic Church. However, there is no recommendation regarding which food replaces red meat.

One of the peculiarities of the season is that although chicken is not red meat, it is not customary to use it in Easter Gastronomy. This is because religious tradition links Jesus to fishing, because many of his disciples were fishermen.

Even Jesus told His disciples that He would make them “fishers of men.” Additionally, there is the biblical passage of the multiplication of loaves and fishes. With this, fish was closely linked in the Gastronomy of Holy Week throughout Latin America.

This is how in the gastronomy of Holy Week great priority is given to recipes and fish-based dishes. Next, you will know some of the most beloved dishes of Holy Week for some countries of the so-called Ibero-American Gastronomy.

Easy Fried Fish Recipe | Holy Week

Star dishes of the Gastronomy of several countries in Holy Week

Next, we will know some of the dishes that are prepared throughout some of the countries of Ibero-America for the Easter season.

Argentina: Vigil empanadas are the star dish of Holy Week. Prepared with a stuffed thin wheat dough that wraps the tuna or some other fish filling and baked. The Argentine gastronomy of Holy Week also includes salmon, seafood, and fried fish. A delight to visit Argentina this season.

Mexico: A strongly religious country exhibits a gastronomy in Holy Week according to its beliefs. In this season they serve soups based on fish and seafood and tacos with fish. Other delicious dishes that you cannot ignore are corn toast with shrimp, shrimp with coconut and fish with seafood filling.

Spain: One of the typical dishes of Spanish cuisine during Holy Week is the vigil stew. Vigil stew is a vegetable stew, usually based on chickpeas, spinach and cod. In different parts of Spain, it is made with different ingredients. For example, in Asturias it is called Lenten stew and is made from eggs, peppers, tomatoes and the aforementioned ingredients.

Venezuela: In Venezuela, a country with wide coastlines, fish dominates the Holy Week season. One of the tastiest dishes is the cake of “Chucho” (mongrel fish) or dogfish.

A cake based on cartilaginous fish seasoned with sweet pepper, onion, and other spices. One of the most delicious dishes you can try, typical of the land of Gustavo Mirabal. In the video below you can learn a little more about that delicious dish and others.

Gastronomy at Easter, a gift from God.

Undoubtedly, the Gastronomy in Holy Week in Latin America is the result of the religious influence in the region. Thanks to this religious influence we can have a season full of creativity and surprising flavors.

Christians will be able to take advantage of this Holy Week to appreciate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and taste some delicious flavors that fish brings and that do not result in a great sacrifice.

And if you are not a Christian it is also an opportunity to taste the delicious gastronomy of Holy Week that at the same time is very healthy, thanks to the fact that it is based on fish and vegetables. Take the opportunity to live a gastronomic experience in your country or during a trip to these countries of the world.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro es Gustavo Mirabal

Entrepreneurship and New Business, according to Gustavo Mirabal

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Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship are all the rage. In every finance or economics video we hear about it. The truth is that personal and business entrepreneurship is the source of wealth in many countries. But it is still true that the success rates of ventures are very low. Therefore, today we will know the unique perspective on entrepreneurship and new businesses of Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a financial advisor and serial entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship is the buried treasure of the modern world. And like any treasure hunt, there are false maps, death traps, and the simple inability to achieve it. And out of hundreds of treasure hunters, only one can take the prize. This is what entrepreneurship is like…

Entrepreneurship in the modern world is a mixture of innovation, determination, brute force, stubbornness, and lots and lots of luck.  For Gustavo Mirabal Castro, success is hard work, perseverance, and some luck. Talent is important, but it only matters if you put hard work into it.

SME failure rates reach 80% in 5 years and 90% fail before 10 years. Entrepreneurship is the seed of micro and small enterprises that then become medium-sized companies if they manage to survive.

That is why today we will know the opinion of Gustavo Mirabal Castro on entrepreneurship and new businesses. We will also know some of the secrets, not so secret, of Gustavo Mirabal’s success. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Serial Entrepreneurs, examples of entrepreneurship
Serial Entrepreneurs, examples of entrepreneurship

Is every new business a entrepreneurship?

The short answer is no. There are many businesses that are based on existing business models, or on buying and selling products.

Entrepreneurship goes far beyond a company. There are those who say that every venture becomes a company, but not every company is an entrepreneurship.

The truth is that not every entrepreneurship becomes a company. Especially in Latin America, entrepreneurship remains informal. That is why they are businesses that have not become companies. Only some of them that manage to grow are formalized and follow the upward path.

Why do entrepreneurship and new businesses fail, according to Gustavo Mirabal?

As we mentioned before, SMEs fail by 80% in the first 5 years. Entrepreneurships have a much higher failure rate, as some never become small businesses.

The first thing we should know is that entrepreneurship is a process of trial and error. Many of the ventures will fail, but the entrepreneur does not fail until he gives up. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle where various ideas are tested and then can become businesses.

Carrying out these ideas and executing them systematically can be considered an undertaking. But there are certain conditions to consider that a simple idea is an entrepreneurship such as:

  • Offer an innovative product or service
  • Expected to grow rapidly
  • The business has a clear objective beyond generating money
  • Planning is a fundamental part of entrepreneurship
  • Risks are taken, as it is not a common business
  • It has a clear differentiating element, associated with the innovative product or by the innovative approach to a particular need
  • The entrepreneur as a leader is an important and unique factor of entrepreneurship.

The entrepreneur is a person with very particular characteristics. A entrepreneur makes innovation his mantra and his impulse. He is a person who sees everywhere opportunities to meet needs. But in addition, the entrepreneur is capable of a sustained effort over time to achieve his objectives.

Therefore, below we will tell you about the psychological profile of the entrepreneur.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro - An example of serial entrepreneurship
Gustavo Mirabal Castro – An example of serial entrepreneurship

The psychological profile of the entrepreneur and its importance for entrepreneurship

The entrepreneur requires to persist in the pursuit of his objectives and the achievement of his goals special characteristics. Some people possess them naturally, while others who want to undertake need to cultivate them.

These attributes help you persist in your idea despite obstacles and stay optimistic despite setbacks.

Below, we give you a brief description of each of the characteristics and experiences that differentiate and make an entrepreneur special:

  • Innovation: They add a different component either to the product, service, processes or attention that essentially alters the final product or service, generating a differentiating element. They are attracted to the new.
  • Independence: Entrepreneurship requires independence. If we are guided by what others say, we will not depart from what everyone else does.
  • Autonomy: They can make decisions for themselves. They listen to advice, but they make their own decisions.
  • Internal locus of control:
  • Risk propensity: They tend to seek to do things differently and look for innovative ways. By moving away from traditional ways, they do not feel discomfort with risk. On the contrary, they may feel euphoria about the risk involved.
  • Tolerance to ambiguity: They can handle themselves in situations of uncertainty and insecurity. They don’t believe in external control and are prone to believe they are in control of everything. Therefore, they can handle undefined situations better.
  • Need for achievement: They want to show that they can do things better and be recognized for it.
  • Self-efficacy: They constantly evaluate their performance and optimize it to achieve better results. They are obsessed with doing things better and better.
  • Optimism: This is the final and indispensable ingredient for an entrepreneur. Being able to see the bright side makes it easier for them to face the difficulties of entrepreneurship.
Persistence is very important for the success of the entrepreneur
Persistence is very important for the success of the entrepreneur

Conscious reaffirmation of psychological attributes to achieve entrepreneurial success.

These characteristics are intrinsic to personality but can also be worked on consciously. If we want to be successful entrepreneurs, we must reinforce the characteristics of an entrepreneur.

Life experience can also be fundamental for entrepreneurship. Next, we’ll look at which experiences help people become entrepreneurs.


Transformative experiences for entrepreneurship.

Researchers have discovered that there are life experiences that encourage entrepreneurship. If we want to undertake some of the experiences that we will point out later, they can be of great help. In other words, we can look in our experiences that increase our entrepreneurial possibilities.

  • Diversity of work and academic experiences:
  • Closeness to other entrepreneurs and people with similar characteristics.
  • Work interruptions or unemployment increase the chances of being an entrepreneur:
  • Are people prone to or seeking the “flow” mental state

For Gustavo Mirabal to promote the psychological attributes of an entrepreneur. In addition, trying to live the kind of experiences that favor entrepreneurial success can make a difference. This is one of the secrets of success in Gustavo Mirabal’s venture.

Later we will tell you other secrets of this avid Venezuelan entrepreneur.

Most expensive horses in the world 2023

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Do you want to know which are the most valuable horses 2019? In this we bring you the information of the best rated horses of 2019. This is an update of our highly valued ranking of the most expensive horses in history.

But we also tell you which have been the most expensive horses in history. Without more to add let’s start our story

Galileo - the story of the super-stallion - in the words of Aidan O'Brien and MV Magnier

A tribute to Galileo {Runnin}

How a horse is valued

Horses signify power, through their strength, speed and elegance. This meaning is linked to the advance of human beings for a long time, both for work and for war.

Famous horses accompanied the troops in former times, they served as cargo drag or simply were used, and are used, in sport. Hence, an equine breed in general has high costs in the international market.

The assessment of a horse is based on many variables, but many of these horses will never be sold. We only have the reference of expert experts to determine the value of the horse. That is why we also have the historical record of the horses that have been sold.

The power to improve the next generations

Linked to tourism, travel, the natural world in the case of wild horses, the temperament of many people and businesses or careers, equines represent a lot and distill history and traditions on all four sides.

A horse of high performance in particular can be worth thousands of dollars. They are bought for their particular ability or to turn them into stallions and improve the next generations.

But many are questioned, the price of these animals especially in the case of sports and exhibitions.

Sometimes people wonder why there are expensive horses and what is the cost. In this article we will try to give a couple of examples

The 10 Most Expensive Horses Ever Sold


Where does the cost of expensive horses reside?

A foal for various purposes, as there are many, has a high price, which can only be paid by some clubs or wealthy people, linked to that market or competitions.

Behind it there is an industry related to the horse which is fed from the results of competitions, races, competitions of all kinds or breeding and training

For a horse to qualify in that group of horses highly valued, it must have incredible qualities. Horses are majestic animals, experts say, endowed with an incredible physique and strength, used by men for activities as varied as pulling cars, sports, taking walks, races, among many others.

Each skill, therefore, translates into a value. That is why it is possible to find very well paid animals.

The value of a horse

The value of a horse depends on the races he has won and how he has won them. But it’s not just about the prizes. The true value of a horse is in its ability to breed winners. A horse as a stallion produces much more money than a horse in racing.

That is why the most expensive horses of today 2019 are not valued only for the sale value. To do this, estimates of their productivity will be made to generate new winners

Frankel the British horse produced 3.4 million dollars in prizes but is valued at 180 million dollars. During each year of his retirement he produced 16 million dollars annually. Frankel produced 4.7 times more money in his first year of retirement than in his entire active career.

In this way we can understand that careers are only one way to check the genetic potential. With this in mind we can understand that horses are valued at much more than what they paid. Many of these horses are never sold.

The most expensive horses 2019

Here is the list of the most expensive horses version 2019. This is a list of the best rated horses according to expert experts in 2019:

  1. Galileo: It is Irish Thoroughbred valued at 180 million dollars. His offspring has more than 300 winning horses. Currently he has few years to live but the prolific nature of his offspring makes him very attractive. Galileo was sacrificed in July 2021, at 23 years of age, due to an injury that made him suffer Galileo at the time of his death charged $ 700,000 for each mare covered. In his career as a stallion he fathered 2,306 horses
  2. Frankel: The horse we mentioned earlier. It is an English thoroughbred. It is estimated that its value is 167 million dollars despite being 10 years younger. Each ride is valued at 138 thousand dollars but Frankel is a true stallion. Frankel is able to make up to 4 assemblies a day.
  3. Tapit: Valued between 100 and 140 million dollars is Tapit in third place. This is an American horse. Each assembly is billed in 300 thousand dollars. It is estimated that it has generated 35 million dollars in one year.
Frankel. A british thoroughbred racehorse
Frankel. A british thoroughbred racehorse

World’s most expensive sires in 2022

Below you can know the most valuable stallions after Galileo’s death and the fee for covered mare:

  1. Dubawi: 301.500 USD
  2. Into Mischief: 261.000 USD
  3. Frankel: 241.000 USD
  4. Curlin: 235.000 USD
  5. Quality Road: 209.500 USD
  6. Tapit: 284.000 USD

The most expensive horses in history

In this list we will consider the most expensive horses ever sold. This list is based on specific sales and auctions. A list although more objective, not less interesting.

Hence, we count the 3 most expensive horses of the world, whose names are Fusaichi Pegasus, Shareef Dancer, Totilas, Green Monkey, Palloubet D’halong, Seattle Dancer, Meydan City, Snaafi Dancer, Jalil, and Plavius:

1.-Fusaichi Pegasus.

Fusaichi Pegasus
Fusaichi Pegasus

This remains the most expensive horse in the world today. Recognized in such a case for his talent was acquired by an astronomical amount of money. Fusaichi Pegasus is considered the most expensive horse sold, nothing more and nothing less than 70 million dollars. This specimen won the Kentucky Derby in 2000. He concluded his sports career with nine starts, six victories and two defeats. In total, he earned almost two million during his active life.

Fusaichi Pegasus currently lives in Kentucky with a fee of seven thousand dollars as a stallion. The figure resulting from a reduction of its initial quota of 150 thousand, after not offering good results as breeding stock.

2.- Shareef Dancer.

Shareef Dancer
Shareef Dancer

This specimen was bought for 40 million dollars by the emir of Dubai in 1983. He is a descendant of Northern Dancer and had a career of successes like no other. It turned out to be even better as a stallion to accumulate profits exceeding two million dollars.

3.- Totilas:


Besides being one of the most expensive, it is also one of the most publicized and repeated in the specialized press, for an incomparable beauty.

This is one of the copies that shows the price at which it was sold: 21 million. Totilas was listed as the most outstanding horse of Dressage in the world. This copy has numerous records to its credit. Also, it is the only dressage horse that scored more than 90 points in a competition.

Totila and his rider Edward Gal were recognized as species of rock stars in the equestrian world. The fate of this animal changed in 2011 when it was sold to a German property, later denounced for animal abuse. It is said that Totila did not perform well in competitions since then.

4.- Annihilator

Annihilator is one of the most expensive horses. But it is also one of the horses that has been less profitable and productive. That is why some ranking excludes it, however we can not say that the price is always accompanied by results.

It was sold for over $19 million, which would mean it deserved a spot on the list of the most expensive horses of all time despite its limited results.

Annihilator was a thoroughbred racehorse that only won about $3,000 in prize money. Additionally he has not had an outstanding offspring, which is also a sample of his limited results as a stallion, with a success was also moderate.

5.- The Green Monkey

The Green Monkey was an English thoroughbred specimen, developed in the eighteenth century in England. The Green Monkey is descended from Northern Dancer, a horse used to achieve long-distance running calves, and the Big Red, Secretariat.

It is the English thoroughbred in its category sold at the highest price in the world. The Green Monkey was sold at auction for $16 million. Unfortunately, he had to retire after 3 races due to injury. In those 3 brief careers he managed to earn 10.4 million dollars, offsetting 2/3 of his cost. He was later used as a stallion at a value of $5000 per breeding.

He had to be “asleep” in May 2015 due to a condition called Laminitis, which caused him excruciating pain while standing.

His offspring had great success, including Monkey Business, the winner of Panama’s triple crown on July 12, 2015, just months after The Green Monkey’s death.

We can observe how with the last example, a winning horse and expensive horses can be degraded by the mistreatment of the human being. High performance human animals and competitors not only require challenge, but require care and motivation. This is how we take care of the “hens of the golden eggs”. With love the investment in expensive horses is taken care of



If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to: or



El desfile de la patria gaucha - mayores desfiles con caballos del mundo

The largest parades with horses around the world

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Horses have an important place in the world. But there are countries and regions where horses are most valued. This is the case of countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom, Argentina, Mexico or Spain, where the horse is highly valued. In addition, there are other countries where the horse is also revered. One of the ways humans incorporate horses is in parades. That’s why today we will tell you about the largest parades with horses in the world.

The larger the parades with horses, the more important the horses are in that society. Therefore, today we will know the largest parades with horses around the world.

Parades are a demonstration of respect and power. Therefore, the inclusion of horses in important parades around the world are proof of the importance of horses.

Sometimes the horse is only part of the ceremonial. In others it is an important central part of the activity. That is why today we will know the largest parades with horses around the world and we will analyze the place of the horse in each of these.


The Ghode Jatra Festival

In Nepal every year one of the largest parades with horses in the world takes place, the Ghode Jatra festival.

Nepal is a rural country with a rather depressed economy. Nepal’s main economic activity is agriculture. In this context, the horse has a particularly important place as a support in agricultural activities and as transport.

Additionally, horses have played a fundamental role in the country’s political conflicts.

Given the background, we can consider that the horse in Nepal has a fundamental role in Nepali society. That is why the Ghode Jatra festival is one of the largest horse parades in the world.

This festival takes place in Kathmandu’s cavalry fields, known as Tundikhel.

Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal and seat of political power.

In Tundikhel, hundreds of horses, soldiers, and senior political and civilian officials from Nepal gather once a year. Even the Ghode Jatra festival is attended by the country’s president.

The festival takes place between mid-March and early April.

On that day they gather to celebrate Ghode Jatra, a festival that aims to scare away demons and commemorate a dark moment in their history.

The Ghode Jatra festival in Nepal - Parades with horses around the world
The Ghode Jatra festival in Nepal – Parades with horses around the world

The origin of the Ghode Jatra festival, one of the largest horse parades in the world.

In Kathmandu there was a time when many children disappeared in the city. People attributed the disappearance of children to demons. Therefore, they decided to scare them away by demonstrating all their power by running their horses around Tundikhel.

Over time this ritual began to be performed annually to appease evil spirits and demons. Subsequently, Ghode Jatra became a national holiday, and one of the largest horse parades in the world.

Soldiers and horses show off their skills and battle techniques to deter demons, and perhaps political dissidents as well.

The role of the horse in Ghode Jatra is a major role, as the horse is one of the main technologies of warfare in backward Nepal. In addition, the horse is revered, because it has a fundamental role both in its defense, security, and in its economy.

Ghode Jatra shows us that although in many places the horse has been displaced by technology, horses still have an important place in the world.


The parades with horses of the “Patria gaucha”

A small country in the American continent hosts one of the largest parades with horses around the world, we talk about Uruguay. But what is due to this preeminence of the horse in the Uruguayan nation. Today we will tell you about this wonderful parade and the reasons why the parade of the “Patria Gaucha” has such an impact on this small nation.

Uruguay is a country that has 176,215 square kilometers and approximately 3 and a half million inhabitants. At the very least, we can say that it is surprising that the parade of the “Patria Gaucha” can summon thousands of riders with their horses. The Uruguayan Gaucho is the equivalent of the American cowboy.

But one of the most important things is that Uruguayan was born is an agricultural and agro-exporting nation. However, Uruguay currently has one of the lowest proportions of rural population in the region.

There is a struggle to reclaim and protect the rural population. The decline in the rural population may pose a threat to Uruguay’s food independence and economy.

Perhaps this drives this type of activities and claims of the figure of the Uruguayan Gaucho. But what does the “Uruguayan gaucho” mean? We’ll see it next.


the Uruguayan Gaucho

The Gaucho is a historical figure like the American cowboy. He is a country man, typical of the plains of Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. They are the product of the union between descendants of Spaniards and Indians and their culture is a mixture between both, with a predominance of the rural.

His existence runs between the plains and the unpopulated areas, an adventurer whose exploration expands the territories. Thanks to his skills as a horse rider he can expand those horizons and reach where other men have not reached. It is precisely his characteristic of expert rider and his link with the rural, which has strengthened the gaucho in the face of adversity and in the face of modernity.

This struggle against modernity has created a common front that drives them to fight for their identity. A struggle to recover what they call the gaucho homeland that is in the rural.

The parades with horses of the gaucho homeland

This parade with horses has been held since 1986 in Tacuarembó, a Uruguayan city characterized by a livestock economy. That characteristic makes it a refuge for what remains of Uruguayan gaucho culture.

This parade with horses is one of the important bastions of its culture and tourism. It takes place in the area of the lagoon of the washerwomen, a natural mirror of water one kilometer from the city.

In 2022, more than 4000 riders and horses participated in the parade of the gaucho homeland. For 5 days all kinds of recreations, contests and activities are carried out in honor of the figure of the Uruguayan gaucho.

Desfile de la Patria Gaucha con más de 4000 caballos - 35 Edición 2022

As we can see, parades with horses are not only linked to the size of the country but also to its culture and the importance of the horse in it.

For Gustavo Mirabal Castro it is important to highlight the role of the horse in modern society to give it the dignity that this animal nobel deserves.

Caballo Pura Sangre Ingles

The History of the Thoroughbred

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The Thoroughbred horse is an equine breed that has been renowned for its speed, elegance and skills in horse racing for centuries. That is why today we will tell you everything you should know about the history of the Thoroughbred Horse.

Also known as Thoroughbred, this horse has had a significant impact on the history of horse riding and horse riding. In this article we will cover the history since its creation in the seventeenth century in England.

We will also talk about his adoption of the Thoroughbred horse around the world. This breed of horses is recognized as one of the most popular racehorses.

The story of the Thoroughbred horse is a fascinating account of its evolution and development. In this article, we will explore the history and legacy of this legendary horse.

But first, let’s know a little more about the characteristics of the Thoroughbred horse that have made it one of the most valued throughout history.

About the Thoroughbred | Horse Breeds

What are the most valued characteristics of the Thoroughbred?

Among the most valued characteristics of the Thoroughbred horse are:

  1. Speed: This breed is known for its speed and agility in horse racing.
  2. Elegance: The Thoroughbred horse is an athletic and elegant animal, with a strong bone structure and an imposing silhouette.
  3. Intelligence: They are intelligent and easy to train animals, which makes them ideal to be ridden in competitions.
  4. Docile temperament: Despite their competitive nature, these horses are known to have a docile temperament and be easy to handle.
  5. Pedigree: Pedigree is an important factor in the evaluation of an Thoroughbred horse, and the presence of champion lineages in its genealogical history is valued.

These characteristics have made the Thoroughbred horse a highly valued breed in the world of equestrian and have contributed to its popularity around the world.

Let’s get to know a little about the impact that this set of characteristics in the same horse had on the history of equestrian sports.

Thoroughbred Horse
Thoroughbred Horse

What has been the impact of the horse breed on the history of horse riding and horse riding?

The Thoroughbred horse breed has had a significant impact on the history of horse riding and horse riding.

They were developed in England in the late XVII and early XVIII centuries to improve horse racing.

The Thoroughbreds are known for their speed, agility and intelligence. These features have made them popular for horse racing, sport riding and jumping riding. They have de facto become a standard in horse riding, horse riding and horse racing.

Thoroughbred horses have an important presence in equestrian disciplines such as jumping and dressage. We can also see them a lot in recreational riding.

In addition, its influence has spread to many other horse breeds. And it is that from the crosses with the Thoroughbreds new breeds have been obtained, including racehorse breeds and equestrian sports around the world.

The Thoroughbreds have been an important part of the history of horse riding and equestrian and remain a valued and respected breed today.


History of the formation of the Thoroughbred horse breed

Thoroughbred horse breed was formed in England in the XVII century. The first funding horses were imported to England by Arab traders and crossed with English draft and riding horses.

The original intention was to create a horse that could be used for horse racing as well as military cavalry. He quickly became the quintessential racehorse in England.

Throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Thoroughbreds continued to evolve. The breeders improved through careful selections of the best racing specimens.

These horses were, and still are, valued for their athletic abilities and beauty. Thanks to their great courage, Thoroughbred horses became a symbol of wealth and social status.

Over time, PSI horses expanded outside of England and were introduced to other countries, including the United States and Australia.

Today, it remains one of the most valued and respected horse breeds worldwide. It is used both in equestrian competitions and in recreational activities.

The formation of the Thoroughbred has been a continuous process of improvement and improvement. Its impact on horse riding and horse riding is still strong today.

Next, we will know a little more about its presence in equestrian competitions.

Darley Arabian - One of the founding horses of the Thoroughbred breed
Darley Arabian – One of the founding horses of the Thoroughbred breed

What is the proportion of Thoroughbred horses in equestrian competitions?

There are currently no exact statistics on the proportion of Thoroughbred horses in equestrian competitions. This proportion varies significantly according to the equestrian discipline and the level of competition.

However, it is common to see this horses, due to their speed, agility, and athletic abilities, in:

  • High-level horse racing competitions
  • Jumping events
  • Dressage Events

In horse racing, Thoroughbred horses are dominant. Meanwhile, in other disciplines, such as jumping and dressage, it is more common to see diversity of horse breeds.

However, it is important to note that not all Thoroughbred horses compete. Many of the horses of this breed are also used solely for recreational activities.

In general, the percentage of thoroughbred horses in equestrian competitions can vary, but their impact on equestrian and horseback riding is undeniable.

Its success and influence in history

The history of the thoroughbred horse breed is a story of success and influence.

Since its development in the seventeenth century in England, this breed has become a standard in horse riding and horseback riding. This as we mentioned is especially true in the discipline of horse racing.

Thoroughbred horses are still highly valued today for their speed, intelligence, beauty, good character, and friendly disposition.

This horse breed has had great influence on the formation of many other horse breeds around the world.

Although there is no exact percentage of thoroughbred horses in equestrian competitions, it is common to see them in high-level, professional, and Olympic events. Its impact on horse riding and horse riding is undeniable.

The thoroughbred horse breed has been an integral part of the history of horse riding and horse riding, and its legacy continues today.