Pancho Villa and his horse Siete Leguas

The horse Siete Leguas, Pancho Villa’s Horse

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Pancho Villa and his horse Siete Leguas

Regarding the history of Latin America, we cannot forget an important character that we will talk about today. This character was the protagonist of the Mexican Revolution in the 1910s. This man is named: José Doroteo Arango Arámbula. José Doroteo is best known for his nickname “Pancho Villa”. Thanks to the figure of “Pancho Villa”, the horse Siete Leguas became a transcendental character in the framework of the Mexican Revolution

Pancho Villa is an icon for the 1910 era. And is that Siete Leguas was the horse of the revolutionary leader of the contemporary history of Mexico José Doroteo Arango Arámbula. This is distinguished as Pancho Villa.


In the course of each freedom crusade, the soldiers went out with their horses, thus making them their companions during the trip. Tradition tells that Pancho Villa sympathized with the horse Siete Leguas and forged a wonderful and authentic bond.

Pancho Villa

Pancho was one of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution. His military performance was decisive for the defeat of the regime of then President Victoriano Huerta.

Villa was originally from the state of Durango. He was born on June 5, 1878 and was killed in an ambush in Hidalgo del Parral (Chihuahua) on July 20, 1923. It should be noted that during the revolution he was known as “The Northern Centaur.”

This man marked a milestone in the contemporary history of Mexico. Since I fight to move his country forward. For this great mission this man had the support of his faithful friends, the horses. Hence, the horse Seven Leagues will be unforgettable for Mexicans.

Pancho Villa
Pancho Villa


Pancho Villa and his horse “Siete Leguas”

The story tells that in each campaign the soldiers went out with their horses in an inseparable way. They became partners for weeks, and even months during long expeditions.

Pancho Villa, who was no exception, acquired a special affection for a horse that took it as his frequent transport. This horse had the name “Siete Leguas”.

This famous horse was one of Pancho Villa’s favorites. It should not be forgotten that he found his name through his very destiny.

Siete Leguas was a Mexican Criollo Horse. Some biographers say that it was not a horse but a strong, brave, brave mare.

This animal presented extraordinary qualities, with which it managed to make it a place in the history of the revolution

Without a doubt, the valuable contribution given by the horse “Seven Leagues” to its owner Pancho Villa was very large. So it marked an indelible mark on the life of this man as well as on the history of an entire great nation such as Mexico.

By the way, today Mexico is one of the main producers of the equine industry in Latin America.

Even some celebrities of the show such as singer Vicente Fernández have their own farm. In these spaces they are dedicated to the reproduction and breeding of horses.


How was born the name of the horse Siete Leguas, Pancho Villa’s horse?

Pancho Villa after a campaign across the border with the United States had to make a particularly long trip. On that trip he had to double the distance of the trip he had planned.

It is worth noting that he had few provisions and accessories necessary for camping, as did some of his soldiers. However, they did not wish to be at the mercy of the impossible sun and the fierce desert climate.

Then they decided to take the risk of returning to the nearest town that was located seven leagues away from where they were. The rest of the soldiers were left behind, since their horses were very exhausted.

Villa’s horse managed to complete the entire journey in one day. The next day, back with his platoon, he placed the funny name envelope of Seven leagues. It is important to highlight that “Siete Leguas” in English means seven leagues. Pancho Villa’s horse earned his nickname for the distance he was able to travel even though it was exhausted.

Pancho Villa and his horse Siete Leguas
Pancho Villa and his horse Siete Leguas

This story shows us the great spirit of the horse Siete Leguas, while the other horses did not see the trip resisted. The horse drew strength and supported its owner to undertake a trip to the nearest town and return.

This was definitely a warrior horse that deserves all the love and attention of who was its owner.

So Siete Leguas is a name that represents the horse and its ability to withstand long trips in very difficult conditions.

This animal left its species very high thanks to the contribution to its owner, its bravery and fidelity. In other words, a great equine friend that any horse lover would like to have.

Meaning of the word “Legua”

The word “Legua” is a Mexican regionalism that is interpreted as the distance the horse travels on a gallop day. It is also a measure of distance used in some metric systems. In English the word legua is used

The word league expresses the distance traveled on foot or on horseback by a person. It is estimated that it is between 4 and 7 km. In the Anglo-Saxon metric system the league measures 4.83 Km

In this case a league is approximately 6 kilometers which is what an average horse travels. Having a productivity per horse of 30 kilometers per day (5 leagues) without having problems with the trip.

Through this you can explain the distances that exist between town and town in most of the Mexican territory. For the convenience of the villagers, they built the neighboring villages at a distance of one day on horseback.

Pancho Villa on horseback
Pancho Villa on horseback

Finally, Pancho Villa, as a good horse connoisseur, grew up raising them since childhood in his grandparents’ stable.

During that time I had not found a horse that “endured so much.” However, fate allowed him to meet a very curious one, who with his endurance might give him what he was looking for.

Seven Leagues was a fundamental tool so that together and at full gallop, they took the great step to the future of the revolution.

As mentioned above, the Pancho Villa Mare was even faster and braver than an average horse.

The horse Siete Leguas was able to travel an approximate distance of 42 kilometers a fairly complicated distance to travel for a normal horse.

Siete Leguas in the Mexican collective imagination.

Like Pancho Villa, Siete Leguas is very present in the minds of Mexicans. So much so that we can find the name of seven leagues in different products and elements of Mexican popular culture.

Next, you will know some of these elements that make Siete Leguas the most important horse in Mexican culture.

Siete Leguas tequila

An example of this is the aged tequila brand Siete Leguas. It is one of the most important and recognized tequila brands. In his brand he uses the name and image of Siete Leguas, Pancho Villa’s horse.

On their page they sell merchandise related to the brand where you can also see the image of the horse. Among the available merchandise you can find the horse’s pin, sweaters and shirts related to the brand.

We can also find on their page the bottle of an anniversary edition called “Seven Decades”. This 700 ml bottle of Siete Leguas tequila to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the brand. This bottle contains pure blue agave tequila processed 100% handmade.

Undoubtedly, Siete Leguas, Pancho Villa’s horse and tequila are two remarkable elements of Mexican culture.

Tequila Siete Decadas de la marca Siete Leguas basada en el nombre de el caballo de Pancho Villa
Tequila Siete Decadas de la marca Siete Leguas basada en el nombre de el caballo de Pancho Villa

The “Corrido” of the Siete leguas

One of the most famous corridos in Mexico is called the “Corrido de Siete Leguas”. It is a song that tells the story of the name of this famous horse.

This corrido has been performed by numerous Mexican singers of international projection such as:

  • Vicente Fernández
  • Antonio Aguilar
  • Brilliance.
  • Luis Aguilar
  • Yolanda del Rio
  • Pedro Infante
  • Lola Beltran

The best-known version of the popular corrido of Siete Leguas is the version of Graciela Olmos. This composer and singer also fought in the Mexican Revolution.

Graciela Olmos rubbed shoulders with personalities of the time such as Diego Rivera and Pablo Neruda. Certainly, a woman of arms, and musical instruments, take.

It is certainly very interesting that a soldier of the Mexican revolution has also composed the best-known corrido on Siete Leguas. A corrido that comes with force to our days to give us a look at Siete Leguas, Pancho Villa’s horse.



Graciela Olmos met Pancho Villa when she was Pancho Villa’s soldadera. A soldadera was a woman in the service of the Mexican Revolution. Graciela Olmos, whose real name was Marina Aedo, was nicknamed La Bandida because her late husband’s nickname was El Bandido.

This inspired him to compose his well-known corrido “Siete Leguas” which has been performed by so many Mexican singers.

Siete LEguas Automotive

Siete Leguas is a company dedicated to the design and manufacture of parts for suspensions, engines and transmissions for machinery brands such as Suzuki, Caterpillar or John Deere.

With 30 years in the market, Siete Leguas Automotive carries the name of Mexico and its best-known horse.

Made with high-precision numerical control castings and lathes, its products meet the highest global manufacturing standards.

The power of Siete Leguas and its power are the symbol that Siete Leguas Automotive has chosen to represent its brand.

A sign that the Mexican industry is committed to its values and Mexican culture.

Siete Leguas Automotive
Siete Leguas Automotive

The importance of the horse Siete Leguas

Pancho’s Villa horse is an iconic horse of Mexican history and culture.

Seven Leagues made a valuable contribution to what was the team that commanded the famous Pancho Villa who was a milestone in the contemporary history of Mexico.

An equine celebrated in the history of a country. As well as the horse of the illustrious Venezuelan and liberator Simón Bolívar. We can see that throughout history at different times and different regions of the planet the horse has achieved a wonderful status.

That is why the animal that has contributed the most to the human being is undoubtedly the horse. Added to this a great travel companion, loyal friend among so many goodnesses that this noble animal offers us. So if you have the privilege of having a horse take care of it, love it and respect it because he will be giving his best.

As always we remember the important role of the horse in the history of the human being. And Gustavo Mirabal consider that man’s best friend is the horse. A friendship that transients the pages of our history.



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Colección de Libros de Heartland - Lauren Brooke

The Horse in Pop Culture: From Movies to Art

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The Horse in Literature and Other Forms of Pop Culture

In addition to film and television, horses are also protagonists in literature and other forms of popular culture. From books like Black Beauty to video games like Red Dead Redemption 2, the horse is very much present. These animals are used as symbols of freedom, loyalty, and courage, captivating a large audience, and generating an important cultural impact.

The presence of the horse permeates all forms of human culture, including pop culture as we will see in this article.

We can confirm this with the large number of equestrian and equine movies and series that we can find on the Netflix streaming platform. Undoubtedly, this is a way to pay homage to the horse and give it a place in modernity and equine pop culture does not escape it.

The Influence of the Horse on Equine Pop Culture Today.

Representation of horses in pop culture has transcended beyond the screen and the pages, reaching fashion and music.

From fashion designs inspired by horseback riding to songs that talk about the relationship between riders and their mounts, the influence of equine pop culture is evident today and continues to be a source of inspiration for many.

Horses in Equestrian Pop Culture: Influence on Film, Television, Art, and Fashion
Horses in Equestrian Pop Culture: Influence on Film, Television, Art, and Fashion

Recommendations on the responsible consumption of the image of the horse in pop culture.

Although the image of the horse in pop culture can be seen as positive and fascinating, it is also important to note that it can reinforce certain stereotypes and tendencies. These include the glorification of horseback riding and the exploitation of these animals for commercial purposes.

As consumers and creators of culture, it is critical to be aware of the impact of our choices and to promote a more balanced and respectful relationship with horses.

Equine Pop Culture: The Presence of Horses in Popular Culture

Equine pop culture has been present in various forms of entertainment throughout history. Since the famous novel The Lord of the Rings by JR. From the film adaptation of an epic trilogy to the acclaimed television series The Crown, horses have played a starring role in popular culture.

The Horse in Equestrian Pop Culture: Influence on Film, Television, Art, and Fashion.
The Horse in Equestrian Pop Culture: Influence on Film, Television, Art, and Fashion.

This presence of horses in pop culture has had an impact on both the people who are involved in the creation of these works, as well as those who consume them. From directors and writers to fashion designers and musicians, they were inspired by the majesty of these animals and their close relationship with humans.

The Presence of Horses in Film and Television

In the film industry, horses are central to many productions, from period films to action films. Her screen presence has generated an emotional connection with the audience. Whether it’s through moving stories or scenes of great visual impact. Undoubtedly, the greatest representation of horses in pop culture can be found in cinema.

Numerous films depict horses as fundamental pieces of the narrative, or even make them its protagonists.

On television, horses have also played an important role.

Series like The Crown and Game of Thrones have made it clear that horses not only serve as a means of transportation, but also as a symbol of power and status in the fictional world.

In addition, television programs focused on horseback riding, such as La Hípica or Maestros del salto, have allowed the audience to learn more about these impressive animals and their relationship with humans.

Heartland, the TV series based on the books by Lauren Brooke, took the horse to the climax of pop culture
Heartland, the TV series based on the books by Lauren Brooke, took the horse to the climax of pop culture

Influence on art, fashion, and music.

The influence of horses on pop culture isn’t just limited to film and television. The influence of the image of the horse extends to other fields such as art, fashion, and music. In the visual arts, horses have been depicted in paintings and sculptures since ancient times. In addition, her image is part of fashion designs, from clothing to accessories.

Even in music, horses are objects of inspiration, as in the famous song Caballo Viejo by Simón Díaz.

In conclusion, equine pop culture has a significant presence in various forms of entertainment and has left its mark on different aspects of society. The relationship between horses and humans has had an emotional impact on people, and their presence in popular culture will continue to be relevant in artistic productions and in everyday life.

Thanks to this, we can ensure that horses will continue to be an important figure in our culture and in our lives.

Therefore, there is no doubt that equine pop culture is a fascinating subject that has transcended time. Their representation in various works and their influence in different fields show the close relationship that exists between these animals and humans.

The presence of horses has left a mark on society, and on humanity in general. Undoubtedly, horses will continue to be a source of inspiration in pop culture. They will always be present in our lives in one way or another.

Be sure to read our article “The Horse in Netflix series and movies” so closely linked to this interesting topic.

Equine Pop Culture

Undoubtedly, horses, their image and symbology conquered pop culture. The horse has been one of the best friends of human beings. Even though machines have largely replaced the use of horses, the horse remains one of the pillars in the construction of modern civilization.

That’s why Gustavo Mirabal is so serious about giving the horse its place in history. Perhaps the horse gets its place through equine pop culture and the feelings they have managed to arouse.

Equitación con equipos inteligentes

Modern Riding: Discover the advances in horseback riding!

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Technological advances and its impact on horseback modern riding

Can you imagine being able to monitor your horse’s health in real time during a competition? Or have you a virtual trainer corrected your posture while riding? Thanks to technological advances in horseback riding, these innovations are already a reality.

Technology has brought about a revolution in the world of horseback riding. It gives us new tools to improve performance and ensure the safety of riders and horses. Among the latest trends are equine health monitoring devices. These devices allow you to measure heart rate, temperature, and other important indicators during exercise in real time.

Smart Equipment & Mobile Apps for Riders

The use of smart equipment such as fall detection vests or helmets with wireless communication technology have also been part of the advances in horseback riding. Not only do these devices improve safety, but they also offer valuable data to analyze the rider’s performance and their connection to the horse.

In addition, mobile apps for riders have gained popularity thanks to their ease of use and the plethora of features they offer.

From tracking routes and workouts to meal plans and recording health data, these apps allow for more accurate and efficient control of equestrian activity.

A smart garment to detect diseases in horses
A smart garment to detect diseases in horses

Benefits and Challenges of Technology and Advances in Horseback Riding

Although technological advancements in horseback riding have brought great benefits, they also present some challenges. On the one hand, the technology can be expensive, making it difficult for all riders to access.

In addition, it is important not to rely exclusively on these tools and not to neglect the importance of traditional training and connection with the horse.

In conclusion, technology has drastically changed the world of horseback riding, improving the safety and performance of riders and horses. However, it is important to use it responsibly and complement it with a good training base and knowledge of equestrian sport.

Let’s take advantage of these advancements and keep moving forward in horseback riding!


How is technology transforming horseback riding?

Since ancient times, the art of horseback riding has been one of humanity’s most challenging and fascinating disciplines However, thanks to technological advances in horseback riding, this practice has been elevated to a new level The use of cutting-edge technology in horseback riding has revolutionized the way people train, Race and take care of the horses.

Below, we’ll explore the latest technological innovations and their impact on the sport.

Horseback riding is an activity that requires a great deal of coordination, strength, and physical skill from both the rider and the horse. Thanks to technological advances, it is now possible to monitor and analyze the performance of both accurately and objectively.

One of the most popular devices in this field is the EquiPulse wireless sensor, which attaches to the horse’s body and measures its heart rate, temperature, and muscle activity.


Technology has also made training easier for riders of all levels.

With the help of smart training equipment, riders can improve their balance, posture and technique. Some equipment is the Equicube sensory saddle or the FitHorse biomechanical training hoops. Not only do these devices provide real-time feedback, but they also record data for long-term monitoring. This allows riders to set goals and measure their progress over time, thus improving their riding performance.

Equicube Marketing Video

Technological advances have also spurred the creation of mobile apps for riders that provide a variety of useful services. Some services include tour tracking, workout journals, nutritional counseling, and event scheduling.

One of the most popular apps is Equilab, which uses GPS to record the rider’s movement and allows you to analyze their riding style and set training goals. Not only do these apps increase efficiency and accuracy in horseback riding, but they also offer a fun and easy way to stay motivated and connected with other riders in the community.

Another area where technology has had a big impact is in biomechanics. By analyzing rider and horse movement and strength, experts can identify and correct posture, balance, and coordination issues that affect the duo’s health and performance. Not only does this reduce the risk of injury and illness, but it also improves communication and connection between rider and horse.

Examples of biomechanical tools are the Equestic SaddleClip system and the EquiGym motion sensors. These tools use the latest motion capture technology to evaluate and improve riding technique.

A smart garment to detect diseases in horses - Technological advaces in riding
A smart garment to detect diseases in horses – Technological advaces in riding

The Future of Advances in Horsemanship: Technology and Balance

Technology has opened up new possibilities in horseback riding, from improving horse health and performance to helping riders reach their peak power. However, as with any technological advancement, there are also challenges and ethical questions that must be considered.

For example, what is the boundary between using technology as a tool and relying too much on it? Can technology replace the intuition and emotional connection between rider and horse?

In addition, with the increased use of monitoring and analytics devices in horseback riding, concerns arise about the privacy and security of the data collected. Who has access to this information and how will it be used? What impact will it have on the fairness of competition?


Technology and Its Role in Advances in Modern Horsemanship

Despite these challenges, there is no doubt that technology will continue to evolve and play an important role in horseback riding. As riders, it is our duty to take advantage of these advances responsibly and always seek a balance between technology and tradition.

At the end of the day, our relationship with horses is built on trust, respect, and emotional connection, and technology can never replace that. However, if used wisely and consciously, it can enhance our experience and lead us to new levels of success in horseback riding

In conclusion, technological advances in horseback riding have pushed the boundaries of what is possible in the sport and improved efficiency, accuracy, and safety in all areas.

From monitoring the health of the horse to the biomechanical analysis of the rider, technology has enabled a deeper and more scientific understanding of horsemanship. However, it is important to remember that ultimately riding is a combination of art and science, and we must never lose sight of the importance of the human and equine bond in this beautiful and challenging sport.

For more information, visit “Artificial Intelligence for Horse Monitoring” where you will find some of the technological applications that help modern horsemanship.

Equitación para todos sin limite de edad o habilidad

Discover horseback riding for everyone. Any age or ability

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Horseback riding for everyone, all ages and skill levels: an article for all horse lovers

Today, horseback riding is an activity that we can enjoy at any age and skill level. It doesn’t matter if you are a child, adult, or senior, you can always learn to ride a horse and enjoy the many benefits that this activity has to offer. From introductory lessons to professional training programs, horseback riding offers a wide range of options for all tastes and needs.

The diversity of programs available is impressive. There are programs focused on teaching the fundamentals of horsemanship, programs to improve advanced skills, and programs for those interested in a professional career. No matter what your goal is, there will always be a suitable option for you.

That is why Gustavo Mirabal wants to raise awareness of the equestrian world and the associated sports… Let’s go for it.


Riding options for everyone adapted to you.

In addition, many schools and centers offer adapted horseback riding programs for people with disabilities. Horseback riding not only offers physical benefits, such as muscle strengthening and improved coordination and balance, but also mental and social benefits. Horseback riding is a great way to relieve stress and improve mental health.

Also, by joining a riding center, you can meet other people with the same passion for horses. All of this can lead you to find new friendships and enriching experiences.

With such a well-rounded activity, it’s no wonder that horseback riding is a sport for everyone. No matter your age, skill level, or interests, you will always find a suitable option for you in the world of horses.

So don’t think twice and get in touch with a nearby riding school or center to start your journey into the wonderful world of horseback riding!

Horseback riding for everyone with no age or ability limit
Horseback riding for everyone with no age or ability limit

Recommendations: Opportunities and Threats in Horseback Riding

It’s important that you consider your abilities and goals when choosing a riding program. If you’re new to horseback riding, be sure to start with an introductory program and progressively work your way up to more advanced programs. It is also crucial to choose an equestrian school or center that meets safety standards and has well-trained horses.

On the other hand, while horseback riding is a wonderful activity, it also comes with risks. It’s important to take proper safety precautions, such as wearing a helmet and proper riding gear, and following your instructor’s instructions. In addition, it is essential to take good care of horses and treat them with respect and love to ensure their well-being and our safety.

Horseback riding for everyone with no age limits
Horseback riding for everyone with no age limits

Horseback riding: a practice for all ages and skill levels

Riding is an activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. From introductory lessons for children to vocational training programs for adults and seniors, there is a wide variety of riding programs available for everyone. But beyond being a simple recreational activity, horseback riding has several physical, mental, and social benefits for all stages of life.

First, horseback riding is a complete physical exercise that involves the whole body. When riding, muscles in the legs, arms, abdomen, and back are used to maintain balance and control the horse. In addition, the simple act of riding and staying on the back of a moving animal is challenging for the cardiovascular and respiratory system, helping to improve endurance and coordination.

Positive Mental Health Consequences

Horseback riding also has a huge impact on the mental health of those who practice it. Being in contact with nature and animals generates a sense of calm and relaxation that helps reduce stress and anxiety. In addition, the bond that is created between the rider and his horse fosters confidence and self-esteem, as non-verbal communication is established based on trust and mutual respect.


An activity for all ages and stages of life

Horseback riding is a practice that can be enjoyed at any age and at any stage of life. Children can start riding at an early age and learn skills such as body control, balance, and coordination. For adults, horseback riding can be an escape from the daily grind, as well as a way to stay active and fit.

From a very young age, Gustavo Mirabal learned to ride a horse. When he was only 11 years old, he participated in his first competition and since then he has not stopped riding horses.

And for seniors, horseback riding can be a low-impact activity that allows them to stay active and strengthen their bodies.

People Involved in Horseback Riding

In addition to riders, horseback riding also involves other important actors: horses and instructors. Horses are noble and faithful beings. Horses become the traveling companions of riders.

Their training and care are essential to ensure that they are in the best condition to be ridden. Instructors, on the other hand, oversee guiding riders in their learning and making sure they do so safely and effectively.


A philosophy of life: riding for everyone

Horseback riding is not just about horseback riding, but it can also be seen as a philosophy of life.

The bond that is created between the rider and his horse, based on communication, respect and trust, can be transferred to other areas of life. Horseback riding also teaches values such as perseverance, teamwork, and discipline, which can be applied in any aspect of life.


Sharing horseback riding with other loved ones, riding for everyone

It’s always a pleasure to share something we’re passionate about with the people we care about, and horseback riding is no exception. Some people may not have the opportunity to get to know this world, so spreading the word about the benefits of horseback riding can be a way to incentivize them to try this activity. In addition, horseback riding with friends and family can also be a fun and enriching activity.

For Gustavo Mirabal, horseback riding is for everyone, and it’s one of the most beautiful and enriching sports, a passion he shares with his family. In addition, Gustavo Mirabal Castro loves horses.

In conclusion, horseback riding is a practice that brings positive consequences on a physical, mental and social level. It is an inclusive activity suitable for all ages and stages of life. Horseback riding goes beyond being a simple activity, it can be a philosophy of life that provides values and teachings that can be applied in all areas of life.

So don’t hesitate to explore the world of horseback riding and share it with your loved ones

For more information, visit our article about “Centered Horseback Riding” where we talk about respectful methods to practice it.

L'équitation par la technique Alexander - Alexander Riding - Véronique Bartin

Alexander Technique on horseback Riding

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In the world of horseback riding, fundamental aspects must be taken into account, such as: appropriate clothing and correct posture when riding a horse. For this important reason, a technique called Alexander riding was born by its creator Veronique Bartin.

L'équitation par la technique Alexander - Alexander Riding - Véronique Bartin
L’équitation par la technique Alexander – Alexander Riding – Véronique Bartin

Alexander Riding Concept

This technique of psychophysical re-education aims to restore the proper use of the body through the conscious avoidance of harmful habits such as those associated with undue tension and bad posture.

This entails in those who practice it a constant unlearning of bad habits and body postures and learning to maintain the correct postures.

The Alexander technique is an approach to the horse that involves more sensitivity than technique. It is a technique that champions mobility, looseness and flexibility both internally and externally. It arouses in the rider a curiosity about his own body, a physical need to know better how the body works in general. Indeed, knowing and knowing your body keeps you well-being, which translates into a better quality of life for the rider and for his environment, in short, a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of the Alexander Technique

It serves to relieve the pain caused by the numerous muscle tensions related to stress and incidents of everyday life.

The Alexander technique allows the person to explore their internal mechanisms, that is, their way of thinking, their way of moving, the way they manage their emotions.

At the same time as training, the student of the Alexander technique becomes able to expand his self-awareness, to increase his self-control and to include, in his own way, complementary knowledge, without the risk of confusion.

All the benefits mentioned above translate into the person feeling good about themselves. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Since the human being is a complement to all these aspects that if they manage to balance their life will take a huge turn. In addition, it would be creating a positive impact on its environment. Hence the phrase that says healthy mind in healthy body…

Benefits of Alexander technique
Benefits of Alexander technique

Keys of the Alexander Technique

  • How to do something is more important than what to do.
  • The means are far more important than the end.
  • Knowledge of our body schema is paramount.
  • False sensations limit progress.

Through our body we can transmit messages to our horse, get them to understand our aids and appreciate the changes in their behavior and attitude. In this way, our communication with the horse will be more fluid knowing how to interpret not only our body language, but that of the horse as well. This makes the rider more perceptive and wiser.

Conscious bodily functioning requires some grounding before riding the horse. Thanks to this awareness-raising work, the rider will be prepared to solve any situation that comes his way.

These principles of Alexander Technique are used by Centered Riding and you can check them out in our article on the subject.

Think before you act; That’s what the Alexander technique applied to horsemanship is all about

Veronique Bartin

International Equestrian Events: A World of High Performance

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International Equestrian Events: A World of High Performance. Global equestrian glory.

The International Equestrian Events are a showcase of excellence in the equine world. There we find renowned competitions such as the Olympic Games, World Championships and World Cups.

These events are a unique opportunity to see the best riders and horses in action.

The disciplines of show jumping, dressage and eventing stand out in international competitions. They offer a show full of emotion and technique. Riders of various nationalities fight to be the best in their category and win a medal for their country.

The Great Riders and Horses of the International Scene

High-performance horseback riding and international equestrian sporting events allow us to meet the best riders and horses in the world.

Elite athletes such as Beezie Madden, Charlotte Dujardin and Michael Jung have excelled in these competitions, demonstrating their ability to manage their equine peers and achieve glory.

In addition to riders, horses are also the stars of international equestrian events. Horses such as Valegro, Dujardin’s famous dressage horse, and Sam, Jung’s mount in eventing competitions, have become legends in the equestrian world.

Undoubtedly, in these events the best of the equestrian world shines both at the level of riders and horses and are the opportunity to see them in all their splendor.

Outstanding riders and horses in international equestrian events. - Sergio Álvarez Moya y Álamo
Outstanding riders and horses in international equestrian events. – Sergio Álvarez Moya y Álamo

Get to know the International Equestrian World, a dynamic world

Keeping up to date with the latest news in the international equestrian world is key to knowing the trends and news in this sport. From competition victories to records set by riders and horses, it’s all part of the excitement of staying on top of international equestrian events.

However, it is also important to mention that, as in any sport, there are threats and challenges in the equestrian world. Dishonest competitors, doping issues in horses, and the constant fight for fairness in competition are issues that also need to be addressed and resolved to ensure the integrity of these events.

International equestrian events are a unique opportunity to witness the high performance and beauty of horseback riding. Additionally, they are the opportunity to meet the best riders and horses in the world. Undoubtedly, they are an experience that every lover of equestrian sports should have at least once in their life.

SICAB Poster - One of the most important international equestrian events
SICAB Poster – One of the most important international equestrian events

Elite Riders and Horses at International Equestrian Events

In the world of equestrian sport, high-level International Equestrian Events are the stage where elite riders and horses compete for the title of the best in various disciplines, such as jumping, dressage and event.

To achieve success, rider and horse must achieve a transcendental connection. Only in this way will they be able to get the most out of each other and achieve victory.

Reaching the pinnacle of the equestrian world is a team effort between the human being and the horse, this is what makes these disciplines so special.

Rider and horse together
Rider and horse together

Consequences of a demanding and elite sport

High-performance equestrian and international competitions are not just a spectacle. High-performance riding is a display of dedication, effort, and pushing the limits for both riders and horses. However, this sport is not without physical and emotional consequences for both.

The pressure to achieve perfect performance and the demands of competition can lead to injuries to both rider and horse. In addition, rigorous preparation and the constant search for perfection can generate a high level of stress and anxiety in athletes.

That is why in the search for perfection we must not neglect the health of both the rider and the horse. Sustainable sports development is fundamental to true success in sports and in life.

The Real Protagonists: Riders and Horses

Behind every success at an International Equestrian Event is a rider and a horse who have worked hard to achieve excellence.

These two make a unique couple, in which emotional connection and mutual trust are fundamental to success.

Riders not only train physically and technically, but they must also develop mental skills. Being able to stay calm under pressure, make quick decisions, and work as a team with your equine companion are key qualities for successful competition.

On the other hand, horses are not only extremely athletic and powerful animals. These are also sensitive animals and may require specific training that suits their personality and abilities.


Horseback riding, a sport for philosophical minds

Beyond physical and technical skills, high-performance equestrian is a sport that requires a philosophical and analytical mind. Riders and horses must be able to adapt quickly to changing situations, overcome obstacles, and learn from each experience in order to keep moving forward. All this requires a very particular attitude towards life, with large doses of determination and flexibility at the same time.

In addition, each International Equestrian Event is a showcase of cultural diversity and admiration for the beauty and skill of these magnificent animals. It is an opportunity to reflect on respect and connection with nature.

This is one of Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s pleasures. The flexibility and determination he learned on horseback is what has given him the key to success in business. These are attitudes that can be very useful in any field of your life, and you should learn.

Share the love for International Equestrian Events

International Equestrian Events transcend beyond sport. These are an opportunity to meet people who share the same passion and admiration for elite riders and horses.

These events are a way to promote camaraderie and spread the values of equestrian sport globally.

If you can attend or see an International Equestrian Event, do not hesitate to do so. Not only will you witness an impressive spectacle, but you will also witness the dedication and love that riders and horses have for the sport.

Share this experience with those you care about and help us spread the passion for International Equestrian Events.


International equestrian events.

Gustavo Mirabal is a lover of equestrian events and therefore wants to give them greater projection. That’s why you’ll find information about equestrian events, horses and riders on their websites and social networks.

For more information about equestrian events you can visit our article about SICAB, one of the most important equestrian events in Spain.

Equitación para todos sin limite de edad o habilidad

Ethical and sustainable equine care. The well-being of the horse

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Sustainable equine care, the key of the well-being of the horse.

The well-being of horses is an increasingly present concern in modern riding. That is why the latest trends in equine care and management include sustainable practices that promote the physical and emotional well-being of equines.

Sustainable equine care is one that seeks to maintain a balance between the needs of horses and the environment. This means that, both in their diet and in their training and veterinary care, practices that do not negatively affect either the equine or the environment are considered.

In addition, it seeks to foster emotional connection and communication with the horse, making horseback riding a more enriching experience for both parties.

Horse Care For Beginners

Proper feeding and sustainable practices for the well-being of the horse.

One of the pillars of sustainable equine care is proper nutrition. This means giving the horse a balanced and nutritious diet.  Also use sustainable methods in the production and obtaining of food.

For example, opting for local and organic sources, as well as reducing waste and the use of plastics in food. In addition, in equine training, the use of techniques free of violence and based on communication and respect is promoted, avoiding the use of elements of control or punishment.

This not only promotes the horse’s emotional well-being, but also a greater connection and trust between him and his rider. Some pages are dedicated to giving tips to help us improve the well-being of our horse, such as the “Blog de Pavo”.

Recommendations for sustainable and ethical equine care

Sustainable equine care is critical to promoting horse welfare and ensuring a sustainable future for horseback riding. It is important to note that while there are certain threats to equine well-being, such as overwork or mistreatment, there are also opportunities to improve and promote more ethical and sustainable practices.

As riders and horse lovers, it is our responsibility to seek out information and educate ourselves on sustainable equine care and apply these practices in our day-to-day lives.

Promote the well-being of the horses with sustainable care
Promote the well-being of the horses with sustainable care

It is important to support and promote initiatives and organizations that promote equine welfare and work together to ensure a sustainable future for these majestic animals. Only in this way will we be able to enjoy horseback riding in a more conscious way and in harmony with nature.

The well-being of the horse
The well-being of the horse

Sustainable Equine Care: Promoting the well-being of the horses

Horse welfare is an increasingly relevant topic in the equine community.

Knowing the latest trends in the care and management of these animals is essential to ensure their health and happiness. Ethical and sustainable riding not only benefits the equine, but also has a positive impact on the environment. It can even have a positive impact on the economy of the people involved in the equestrian industry.

That is why equine care must seek the sustainability of any industry or operation that has the equipment. In this way, the goose that lays the golden eggs is protected.

Consequences of Poor Equine Care

A horse’s well-being is not only affected by its physical appearance, but also by its emotional state. A horse that does not receive proper feeding, veterinary care, or respectful handling can suffer from discomfort and disease.

In addition, it can also present trust and behavioral problems. Even this situation can result in serious physical injuries that affect your ability to be ridden.

Poor equine care is not only unfair to the animal, but it can also have serious consequences for the people who depend on the horse.


People Involved in Equine Care

Sustainable equine care is the responsibility of all those who come into contact with horses, from owners and trainers to riders and caretakers. Each of them plays an important role in ensuring the well-being of the horse and promoting sustainable practices in the equestrian industry.

There needs to be open and respectful communication between everyone involved in the horse’s care to ensure that the best decisions are made for the horse’s well-being.

Equine Veterinary Examining - Horse care
Equine Veterinary Examining – Horse care

Reflecting on sustainable equine care

Sustainable equine care goes beyond applying correct practices in the handling and feeding of the horse. It is also about becoming aware of our role in the lives of these animals and in the environment.

More and more people are questioning traditional training methods. These people are looking for alternatives that are more respectful and empathetic to the equine. We live in a constantly evolving society, and it is important that this evolution is also reflected in the care of horses.

Gandhi said that the measure of a society’s development was in the treatment of the weakest groups in society, such as women and children. We could say that in this category we can include animals, and especially horses.


Sustainable Equine Care Practices for Promote the well-being of the horses

One of the main sustainable practices in horse care is feeding.

It is important to provide a proper diet that includes quality forage and supplements if necessary.

Foods with high levels of sugar and starch should also be avoided. This type of food can be harmful to the health of the equine.

On the other hand, it is important to consider manure management, as this can affect soil and water quality in the areas where the horses are found.

Other sustainable practices include the use of recycled or renewable materials in the construction of structures for horses. Last but not least, we must consider minimizing the use of chemicals in the cleaning and care of the horse.



The Future of Sustainable Equine Care and Horse Welfare

The well-being of the horse is a responsibility shared by all It is important to continue informing and educating ourselves about sustainable and ethical practices in the care and management of equines.

In addition, we must be willing to adapt and evolve in our practices to ensure the well-being and happiness of these amazing animals Let’s promote sustainable equine care and share this philosophy with those we care about to make sure horse welfare is a priority in the equine industry and in our society at large.

Be sure to read our website and articles about horse lover Gustavo Mirabal Castro.



Sustainable equine care and the well-being of the horses

For more information, visit Equine and Equine Physical and Emotional Well-Being.

Equine wellness – Gustavo Mirabal

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Equine wellness

Everything related to the good health of horses is an issue that concerns producers in the equine industry. However, it is also the responsibility of the livestock production agencies of the different countries. If an epidemic occurs, they must take corrective actions in relation to the disease that is occurring in the area. For this reason, we will address the issue of equine wellness.

The ideal thing in relation to the issue of equine wellness is that above all else, prevention is maintained. This will partly guarantee the success of the equine industry.

When we refer to the topic of equine wellness, it is very broad. For there to be a complete state of wellness in the animal, all its basic needs must be covered. Among them we can mention the following:

  • Balanced diet according to your needs
  • Provision of potable and fresh water
  • You must have a space where you can sleep, rest and cover yourself from the cold, sun and rain.
  • Ideally, they should treat their caregivers well. This will allow the horse’s behavior to be balanced and trauma-free.
  • The vaccination schedule must be up to date, thus guaranteeing some protection against contagious and immunopreventable diseases.
  • A space to have fun and play with the herd. Since the development of play and social interaction with their loved ones is vital for their mental health.
  • Aspects such as locomotion and sensory stimulation are vital in these sensitive mammals.
  • Hence, Gustavo Mirabal is one of the people who has been aware all his life in relation to the issue of what equine welfare implies.
Equine wellness for Gustavo Mirabal
Equine wellness for Gustavo Mirabal


The laws in the world in relation to equine wellness

The problem that arises in relation to the legal framework that protects animals worldwide is precisely with the regulations. Since there is no unified criterion in the countries of the world. Even within the same countries, laws are often different from state to state.

In relation to equine wellness everything related to the principles and freedoms of animals is very profound. This is where the problems often arise since laws can be interpreted subjectively. Unfortunately, it is no secret to anyone that the laws in many countries are not enforced.

However, an advance in this area of equine wellness is the hard work and performance of non-governmental organizations. Likewise, from foundations and associations in favor of animal rights. This has had a positive effect on the population as there is more awareness on the part of the people.

If this work continues, it is possible that future generations will be more sensitive to animal suffering. So, we will have a fairer, more aware and committed society with the animals of the planet.

In relation to these legal issues, Gustavo Mirabal has in-depth knowledge.  Since your profession as a lawyer concerns you everything that has to do with laws, regulations, decrees, regulations, among others.

This path is not an easy one for animal welfare activists. However, thanks to social networks, their reach is now greater, and all the information can be disseminated through these means.

Therefore, the population is more aware of the progress. At the same time, it is a little more committed to the environment.

Equine Wellness 2013 Testimonials

Positive Approach to Equine Wellness

Equine well-being should not be measured only from the negative, that is, when there are signs and symptoms of lacuna pathology. On the contrary, it is necessary to take into consideration what is related to positive experiences.

In relation to the equine’s quality of life, it is a complement of measures that consider the balance between positive and negative emotions. This from the horse’s perspective.

It is quite a challenge to measure the elements that imply that a horse considers itself happy in all its glory.

At the 2017 meeting of the International Society for the Science of Horsemanship. On this occasion, representatives from various countries participated. There it was concluded that the various scientific successes must be valued. As well as the appraisals from the ethical point of view when referring to the issue of the horse’s quality of life. That is, what equine welfare means and implies.

For his part, Professor Waran said:

“How to best assess the expression of horses’ emotions? Whereas, physical and measurable indicators of stress may be independent of visible changes in behavior. Therefore, the measures that are currently used are useful, but not exhaustive when we talk about emotions.”

Everything related to equine welfare is of utmost importance to Gustavo Mirabal.

Equine Wellness
Equine Wellness

Wellness is performance.

Equine wellness is a challenge for the equine industry team. Hence, experts such as veterinarians, ethologists, researchers, producers, among others, are involved in this team.

It is assumed that if a horse is happy, it gets sick less and its performance is efficient regardless of the field it performs. Hence, in the horses that participate in the different disciplines of riding, it is necessary to try as much as possible to keep them happy.

In this sense, Gustavo Mirabal has always made sure that the horses that have surrounded him are in good health and in a good mood.

venezolano Gustavo

Logo Cuacolandia

Horse sanctuaries. The case of Elena Larrea and Cuacolandia

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tgisIn Mexico, the Cuacolandia initiative, led by the young Elena Larrea, stands out as a sanctuary dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of abused horses. Cuacolandia is located in El Carmen, 74368 Atlixco, Puebla, Mexico ‘Haras Ciudad Ecológica’, Puebla.

In the past, Cuacolandia has been home to up to 100 specimens. This sanctuary for horses offers them a home to experience a new life after suffering cruel treatment.

Thanks to the courage of its founder and leader, Elena Larrea, to date it has managed to rescue 350 horses from cruel treatment.

Cuacolancia is located in a large space of 50 hectares. The sanctuary has become a heaven-reflecting haven for these rescued horses.

Many of the horses arrive with injuries and traumas due to the misuse of harnesses and saddles, as well as the exploitation suffered.

The joy of these beautiful animals is manifested in their behaviors: they trot in packs, dive into small ponds, while others recover from injuries caused by overwork.

The rehabilitation work at Cuacolandia is carried out by a multidisciplinary team that includes:

  • Nutritionists.
  •  Veterinarians.
  •  Blacksmiths.
  •  Dental care.

This team strives to provide the necessary rehabilitation. Each member takes into consideration the individual needs of each horse.

The recovery process, usually six months to a year. The process ends with the reintegration of the horses into a habitat designed to replicate their natural environment as much as possible, allowing them to live free of work for the rest of their lives.

Cuacolandia, el refugio mexicano para caballos maltratados

Who is Elena Larrea, leader of Cuacolandia?

Elena Larrea, the leader of Cuacolandia. She expresses the essence of the sanctuary as follows:

“Cuacolandia exists for the purpose of being a place where horses can come to be quiet, away from human cruelty, where they retire from the life of abuse and exploitation to which they have been forced.”

In addition to its focus on rescue and rehabilitation, Cuacolandia stands out for its commitment to education. The sanctuary offers volunteer programs, workshops, and public visits. Its goal is to raise awareness of animal welfare and raise funds needed to cover the costs of feed, medicines, and employees.

Elena Larrea also advocates for a change in the perception of horses. Elena points out the need for laws in Mexico, and in the world, that punish animal abuse.

Her love for these animals led Elena Larrea to found Cuacolandia. This rescuer stresses the importance of seeing horses as sentient beings who deserve respect.

In short, Cuacolandia not only represents a shelter for abused horses in Mexico, but also an educational platform and a call to action to change the way society views and treats these majestic animals.

#tvazteca #fuerzainformativaazteca #cuacolandia #elenalarrea ♥️🐴


What Are Horse Sanctuaries?

Horse rescue sanctuaries are facilities and spaces dedicated to providing shelter, care, and rehabilitation to horses that have been abused, abandoned, or are at risk.

These sanctuaries seek to give them a second chance, offering them a safe environment and providing them with medical care, adequate food, and in some cases, physical and emotional rehabilitation.

Some common aspects of horse rescue sanctuaries include:

  1. Rescue and rehabilitation: Many horses arrive at these sanctuaries in precarious health conditions. Sanctuaries work to improve their health through veterinary care, balanced diet, and exercise.
  2. Education and awareness: In addition to physical rehabilitation, some sanctuaries also focus on educating the public about equine welfare, abuse prevention, and responsibility in horse ownership.
  3. Responsible Adoption: Many sanctuaries work to find responsible adoptive homes for horses once they are ready to be placed in new environments. Responsible adoption involves ensuring that the adopter can provide the necessary care and is committed to the horse’s well-being.
  4. Volunteering and Community Involvement: Sanctuaries often rely on the support of volunteers and the community at large. People can offer their time and skills to help with daily tasks, animal care, and other necessary activities.

Importantly, horse rescue sanctuaries play a vital role in the protection and well-being of these animals, helping to combat mistreatment and providing opportunities for horses to lead full and healthy lives.


What is the importance of horse sanctuaries like Cuacolandia to society?

Yes, horse sanctuaries are very important for several reasons:

  1. Animal welfare: Sanctuaries offer shelter and care to horses that have been abused, abandoned, or are at risk. They provide veterinary care, proper feeding, and rehabilitation so that the horses can recover physically and emotionally. They contribute significantly to the well-being and quality of life of these animals, offering them a safe environment and appropriate care.
  2. Prevention of animal abuse: By rescuing and caring for horses in situations of abuse or abandonment, sanctuaries contribute to the prevention of animal abuse. They can also participate in raising public awareness about horse welfare and the importance of treating animals with respect.
  3. Public Education: Many sanctuaries have educational programs to inform the public about proper horse care, signs of abuse, and the importance of responsible adoption. This contributes to raising awareness and promoting more ethical practices in horse ownership.


Other Important Aspects Horse Sanctuaries Contribute To

  1. Responsible Adoption: Sanctuaries work to find responsible adoptive homes for horses once they are rehabilitated. They encourage conscious adoption, making sure that new owners are committed to the ongoing welfare and care of the animals.
  2. Contribution to breed conservation: In some cases, sanctuaries may house horses of specific breeds that are in danger of extinction. By caring for and preserving these animals, they contribute to the conservation of the genetic diversity of equine breeds.
  3. Community Contribution and Community Support: Sanctuaries often rely on community support and volunteers. They involve people in the care of horses. Involving people in activities related to horse care creates a community support network and promotes values of compassion and responsibility.
  4. Equine Therapy: Some sanctuaries offer equine therapy programs, which can benefit people with physical or mental disabilities. Horses have the ability to make emotional and physical connections with humans, which can contribute positively to people’s health and well-being.

In short, horse sanctuaries like Cuacolandia play a crucial role in the protection and welfare of these animals. At the same time, they educate and sensitize society about the importance of treating horses with compassion and respect.

Analysis of the case of Cuacolandia and Elena Larrea

Where does Cuacolandia and Elena Larrea succeed and where does it fail? What can be improved from this success story?

The use of a platform such as OnlyFans to obtain financial resources has been controversial in Cuacolandia. Using OnlyFans to support a volunteer and animal rescue cause raises several important considerations.

First, there is the question of the use of sexuality to a beneficial end. While the intention behind this strategy may be noble, it’s important to consider how it’s done. It is crucial to consider whether the use of sexualized images of women is ethically justifiable.

Some argue that this tactic is exploitative of women and femininity. It can thus perpetuate gender stereotypes, reducing women to sex objects for economic gain. Moreover, it can be objectionable from a feminist perspective, as it reinforces the objectification and commodification of the female body.

On the other hand, it also raises questions about the morality of the means used to achieve an ethical end. But let’s look at the case from various perspectives below.


Perspectives on using Onlyfans to support volunteer causes.

Let’s analyze this case through utilitarianism, an ethical theory that seeks to maximize happiness or well-being. From this perspective, if the use of sexualized imagery leads to more funding and greater benefit for rescued animals, then it could be justified.

From the perspective of deontologism, which focuses on moral duties and obligations, the validity of this approach would be questioned. In this  perspective, certain means, such as sexual exploitation, are inherently wrong, regardless of the positive outcomes they may generate.

We also need to consider the long-term implications of using controversial strategies to raise funds. Some questions we can look at are:

  • Can this tactic undermine the credibility and integrity of the cause it seeks to support?
  • Could it alienate potential supporters who find the strategy objectionable?

These are important questions to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of this approach.

Using OnlyFans to support a cause raises complex personal and ethical challenges that require careful examination. Analyze the values, principles, and consequences for all involved. It is essential to consider not only the immediate impact of these strategies, but also their broader implications for justice, equity, and moral integrity.

A long-term cause can be damaged by short-term results

It is possible that using an OnlyFans image platform to obtain financial resources could generate short-term benefits. An increase in fundraising can be achieved due to the media attention and interest generated.

However, this approach can undermine the long-term benefits of volunteering activities. This is because it can affect community activities and the credibility of the initiative in several ways:

  1. Loss of credibility: The use of controversial tactics, such as sexualizing women, can damage the credibility of the initiative. This can damage the public’s perception of their integrity and motivations. People may question the authenticity and ethics of an organization that resorts to sensationalist methods to garner support. All of this could negatively impact your reputation and trust.
  2. Alienation from the community: Controversial tactics can alienate parts of the community who find these strategies objectionable or insensitive. This can lead to exclusion from key support groups and community resistance to getting involved with the initiative. This will limit the impact of initiatives such as Cuacolandia and their long-term effectiveness.
  3. Harm to the cause: The focus on the sexualization of women can divert attention from the core message and mission of the initiative. This can result in a distorted or superficial understanding of the issues being addressed. The cause can lose relevance and make it difficult to raise awareness of the underlying issues being addressed.
  4. Risk of stigmatization: The use of sexualized images could lead to the stigmatization of Cuacolandia and associate it with questionable and unethical practices. This can make the initiative subject to negative criticism and judgment, making it difficult for it to be accepted and supported by the general public.

Using controversial tactics can yield immediate benefits, such as an increase in fundraising. However, these benefits can be short-lived and can undermine long-term efforts to build an engaged and supportive community around the cause. It is critical to consider potential long-term negative impacts. It is important to look for strategies that promote community participation, integrity, and credibility.

New Year's Eve Celebration

New year’s eve celebration in the world

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The closing of a year and the beginning of one that arrives have different ways of celebrating on the planet. Some countries have very unique traditions that may seem crazy to others. But this traditions varies according to the idiosyncrasy of those who celebrate these special dates. For this reason we will discuss about the new year’s eve celebration in the world and its variants.

The closing year is very emotional and many times people are a bit more cheerful and enthusiastic. In this sense receive the new year 365 new days to meet the goals, projects and desires of people.

new year’s eve celebration in the world is usually used pyrotechnics to welcome the following year. However, we must be considered with the planet, animals and people with autism when using pyrotechnics.

In 192 countries, the new year’s eve celebration takes place in the world in very different ways. One of the many ways to celebrate is Cava, confetti, fireworks, rituals, prayers, lingerie among others.

New Year's Eve celebrations around the world

The new year’s eve celebration in the world: Venezuela

The new year’s eve celebration in the world is celebrated on December 31.

Particularly in the case of Venezuela the New Year Hug is received when the clock rings at midnight. Likewise, the “parranda” (party) continues in the early morning of the year that has arrived, that is, from January 1.

To celebrate these important dates that at the same time is the end of the Christmas celebrations, a series of customs are carried out, among which we can mention the following:

  • Venezuelans eat lentils to attract prosperity
  • Usually people have money in their hands or in their pockets, so that the year will grab them with money.
  • Luggage for travelers after twelve o’clock at night, to travel frequently in the year that has arrived.
  • The burning of the old year in the states that make up the Andean region.
  • Finally, the 12 grapes of desires along with the bells
  • The new year’s eve celebration in the world specifically in Venezuela has its authentic way of celebrating.

This is one of the new year’s eve celebration that Gustavo Mirabal Castro and his family have enjoyed in their homeland Venezuela.

New Year's Eve celebration in the world - Venezuela
New Year’s Eve celebration in the world – Venezuela

New year’s eve celebration in the world in Times Square – New York

In Times Square, a large number of people congregate over a million. There you can see his famous ball annually. It rises at 6 pm and descends for 60 seconds at 11:59 pm.

Subsequently, the sky of New York at Christmas is filled with colors by the tons of confetti that are launched from the skyscrapers.

It is one of the most celebrated new year’s eve celebration in the world in movies.

This is another of the new year’s eve celebration that Gustavo Mirabal Castro and his family have enjoyed during their stay in the United States.

New year’s eve celebration in the world: Sydney – Australia

This point of the planet performs a very colorful celebration as fireworks decorate the air. In this way they say goodbye to the closing year and welcome to the new year.

This event starts minutes before 12 pm, with a duration of approximately fifteen minutes. The sum of seven million dollars is what this important event costs.

The festival has the Opera House as a backdrop. In addition, those present enjoy the boats parked in the bay.

New Year's Eve celebration in the world Sydney - Australia
New Year’s Eve celebration in the world Sydney – Australia

New year’s eve celebration in the world: Copacabana – Brazil

Every December 31, approximately two million people are concentrated on the majestic Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro. The occasion is conducive to celebrations to the sound of the samba and fireworks,

On the other hand, it has a temperature of 24 ºC. In these places and visitors enjoy the party of the year that comes outdoors.

It should be noted that this is one of the largest concentrations of people in the world to receive the new year.

New Year's Eve celebration in the world Copacabana – Brasil
New Year’s Eve celebration in the world Copacabana – Brasil

New year’s eve celebration in the world: The Hague – Netherlands

If we talk about celebrations a little strange the Dutch have an incredible custom. As these challenge on January 1 the low temperatures to shower in the North Sea, specifically in Scheveningen – The Hague.

Last New Year, the temperature was about 7 degrees Celsius. However, there are occasions where temperatures tend to be lower. Although this is no excuse for the Dutch when it comes to fulfilling this tradition.

This custom dates from the 60s of the last century. This started when the city swimming club established a grouped shower to receive the New Year.

At present this tradition is still valid. It is also replicated along all the coasts of the Netherlands.

New Year’s Eve celebration in the world: Chile

In Chile, as in most of Latin America, the new year is family and joy. We try to look at the past year, take stock of our progress and make resolutions for the new year.

The celebration of New Year in the world has many similarities between countries. However, the celebration between Latin American countries has much more in common because of its common roots.

One of the most interesting things is that the new year in Chile is greeted with spectacular weather. This is because Chile in December is at the beginning of summer. This gives it a connotation of joy and additional showiness.

Therefore, below we will tell you some of the traditions for the New Year’s celebration in Chile.

Chilean traditions of New Year’s celebration.

Fireworks seem to be a tradition in most countries. But in Chile, being summer, the view of the fireworks is spectacular.

One of Chile’s most famous fireworks shows is held in the port city of Valparaiso. In addition to being a city recognized for its beauty, it is also a tourist enclave, which reinforces its position as an axis of celebrations.

Being a coastal area, the reflection of fireworks on the water offers an unparalleled show.

To have good luck with money and financial prosperity, Chileans usually put money in shoes to receive the new year. It is a way of symbolically stepping on and dominating money. We certainly cannot miss the opportunity to try it.

There are two Spanish New Year’s gastronomic customs that Chileans have definitely adopted as their own. We refer to the following traditions:

  • Eat the 12 grapes: Like Spain, Chile is well known for being a wine country. It is one of the largest producers of wines in the region, and with it, also producers of grapes. According to tradition, according to the taste of the grapes you eat will be each of the twelve months of next year. We should definitely look for the sweetest grapes we can to have an excellent year.
  • Eat at least one spoonful of lentils: Another tradition associated with good luck with money and prosperity is the intake of at least one tablespoon of lentils. Chileans like legumes. Lentils are said to be superfoods. Therefore, in addition to giving us luck, we will also eat very well if we eat lentils receiving the new year.

But let’s get to know some other interesting traditions.

Grapes and Chilean wine - Celebration in Chile
Grapes and Chilean wine – Celebration in Chile

Other traditions for New Year in Chile

There are two traditions that have spread to many countries. One of them can be exhibited to everyone and it is about running around the street where we live with a suitcase. This ritual is supposed to bring us luck and secure a trip next year.

Surely in the year before Covid few people took out their bags. Now with the restrictions easing you can take out your suitcase again to travel next year.

Finally, a more intimate tradition, which couples can enjoy, is to wear yellow underwear on New Year’s Eve. In addition, some recommend that it be placed inside out…

This tradition is supposed to attract luck in love, or improve relationships. Make sure your partner doesn’t wear yellow underwear in hiding from you, lest he or she wants to replace you.

They say that the effect of this ritual is more powerful if the underwear is a gift. That is why we invite you to make a secret friend where everyone gives each other yellow underwear, to avoid misunderstandings …

With all this, Chileans receive the new year full of hopes, promises and with joy as a family.

Curious customs for the celebration of the new year

New Year’s customs vary from place to place to reflect the beliefs and traditions of each society.

From a sociological point of view, these customs can provide valuable information about the culture of each society. They also teach us about their rituals and how the communities interact.

Here are some of the most curious New Year’s customs:

Burning dolls in Ecuador and Venezuela:

In the city of Cuenca, people celebrate the New Year by burning dolls called “años viejos” or “Old years” in English. These dolls represent the year that is about to end, and their burning symbolizes the elimination of the old to make way for the new.

In the area of the Venezuelan and Colombian Andes this custom can also be observed, and the dolls usually represent undesirable people in society such as businessmen or corrupt politicians.

New Year's Eve Tradition in the Venezuelan Andes
New Year’s Eve Tradition in the Venezuelan Andes

Eating 12 grapes in Spain:

In Spain and some other Latin American cultures, it is traditional to eat 12 grapes just as the clock strikes 12 strokes of midnight. Each grape represents a wish for each month of the coming year.

This ritual aims to attract good luck for each of the months of the coming year.

Grapes and the New Year's Celebration around the world
Grapes and the New Year’s Celebration around the world

Spring Cleaning in Japan:

In Japan, a nation well known for its neatness and neatness, there is a New Year’s celebration, known as “Oshogatsu”.

“Oshogatsu” involves a deep cleaning and organization of homes during the last days of the year. This ritual symbolizes leaving the old behind and welcoming the new.


Coins in your pockets in the Philippines:

In the Philippines, it is a tradition to have coins in your pockets during New Year’s Eve. This custom is meant to attract prosperity and good luck.

Some people even walk around their neighborhood with coins in hand to attract fortune.

New year’s eve celebration in the world and its unique way of celebrating

Customs usually vary from one country to another, but the point in common is the celebration of the arrival of a new year. In this sense the New year’s eve celebration are diverse in relation to all types and colors. Well, some can be public, fantastic, sober and others very authentic.

However, they all share a characteristic of New year’s eve celebration in the world. In this sense, joy is the engine that moves all these celebrations.

New year’s eve celebration in the world

In summary

The New year’s eve celebration is a period of sharing family, friends and close people. The purpose is to close a year and welcome the one who arrives.

In the 192 countries of the globe celebrate the arrival of the new year, with some exceptions. But each of them has their genuine ways of celebrating

New year’s eve celebration in the world has many ways to live it with joy and excitement on the globe.


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