Rabies in horses

Rabies: What Every Horse Owner Should Know

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Equine rabies is a fatal disease. If a horse contracts rabies there is no second chance, and each year we are reminded of its impact. Two horses have died from rabies just since the end of July.[1] Neither was vaccinated.

With fewer than 100 cases of rabies reported in horses, donkeys and burros every year, it’s easy to disregard the disease. But while the incidence of equine rabies in the United States is low, the fatality rate is high – 100 percent. Furthermore, there is always the significant and serious potential for any infected animal to transmit the disease to humans. That’s why rabies vaccination is considered a core vaccine recommended by the American Association of Equine Practitioners – every horse should be vaccinated, every year.[2]

Rabies in horses
Rabies in horses

What is rabies?

Rabies is a virus that causes a neurological disease that can affect all mammals. When an animal is bitten, the virus migrates to the brain where it causes inflammation, known as encephalitis. It is rapidly progressive and invariably fatal. The incubation period – the time between the virus’ entry into the body and the onset of clinical signs – averages 2 to 9 weeks, but may be as long as 15 months.

Veterinarians often state that rabies can look like anything. While some horses exhibit intermittent or continuous signs of aggression, most infected horses are depressed or stuporous. Some may become anorexic and refuse to drink, while others will continue to eat and drink until shortly before death. Obscure lameness and incoordination are relatively common early signs of rabies.

Be extremely cautious and call your veterinarian immediately if your horse has any of the following signs:

  • Incoordination (ataxia)
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Poor performance
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Lameness
  • Colic
  • Bizarre behavior ranging from stupor to aggression and self-mutilation
  • Abnormal vocalization
  • Paralysis

There is no definitive test to diagnose rabies in a live animal. A rabies diagnosis is often made only after death during postmortem examination of the brain. Rabies generally progresses quickly, so if undiagnosed neurological signs have not rapidly progressed within the first five days, rabies is most likely not the cause.

Risk factors

We see an increased incidence of rabies infections in horses and other livestock in the late summer and fall when wildlife populations peak. Horses contract rabies through the bite of an infected (rabid) animal, such as a raccoon, fox, skunk or bat. A horse’s curiosity can get the best of him, with bites typically occurring on the horse’s face and muzzle or lower limbs. Most exposures aren’t noticed and most bite wounds aren’t found. Since wildlife may enter barns (especially at night), both horses in stalls and those on pasture are at risk of exposure.

Due to the serious threat for human exposure when handling a horse with rabies, any suspected case of equine rabies should be handled as if it were positive until proven otherwise. You may become infected with the rabies virus through contact with saliva or brain/nervous system tissue from a rabid animal. Individuals who have been in contact with a horse since the onset of clinical signs should immediately consult with their physician regarding medical treatment.

Prevention is critical

Few diseases are more feared than rabies, and for good reason. One of the scariest things about the disease is that it is one of the hardest to recognize in horses. And while the odds are low your horse will get rabies, the odds are virtually zero that he will recover if he contracts the disease.

The importance of vaccination of companion animals, including horses, against rabies cannot be overemphasized. Fortunately, safe and highly effective vaccines are available, including EquiRab®, the only rabies vaccine designed, developed and labeled specifically for horses.

Talk to your veterinarian today to ensure your horse is up-to-date on rabies vaccination. For more information, visit www.getvaccinatingright.com.

[1] Equine Disease Communication Center (equinediseasecc.org)

[2] AAEP Core Vaccination Guidelines (www.aaep.org)

Copyright © 2017 Intervet Inc., d/b/a Merck Animal Health, a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc.

This article was originaly publish in: https://www.equisearch.com/articles/rabies-in-horses

To know more about equine world go to: https://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english/

Nelson Pessoa at the CHIO Tournament in Germany

Nelson Pessoa – Opening a path

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In the early 60s, a young Brazilian tried his professional career in Europe. So far, no news except for the chosen career: horse riding.

Nelson Pessoa
Nelson Pessoa

During those days, equestrianism in Brazil was a sport very little practised by civilians. The military population had the majority of practitioners and the great names of that sport were officers of the Brazilian Armed Forces, renowned in the 50s. Among the civilians, a name stood out: the young Nelson Pessoa Filho, nearly a boy, who won important competitions in the national  scenario, and very soon became part of the Brazilian equestrian team.

Still as junior, he takes part in the International of Rio de Janeiro. Three years later he joins the Brazilian team in his first performance abroad, in the International of Buenos Aires, Argentina. During this tour, “Neco ” has his first international victory, in Mar del Plata. In 1956 he participates in the Olympic Games of Stockholm. In 1961 comes the opportunity to move to Europe.

The next step

Without acknowledging , Nelson Pessoa Filho started to become a legend and opened the way for a great number of Brazilian riders who followed his steps in search of improvement in Europe, the core of equestrianism. Over there, his accurate techniques draw everyone’s attention, and he starts being known as ‘ The Wizard’, so bewitching his riding is.

In 1967, during the Pan-American Games in Winnipeg, Canada, Brazil amazes the favourites and earns the gold medal with a team formed by Nelson Pessoa Filho, Antônio Alegria Simões, José Roberto Reynoso Fernandes and Colonel Renyldo Ferreira. Neco conquers the silver individual medal.

A young Brazilian able to become one of the most important riders of all times, capable of influencing, with his incomparable technique and style, the world equestrianism. Nowadays one can say that Nelson Pessoa Filho is to horse riding, as Pele is to football. Besides being an expert on tracks, he also knows horse psychology deeply, as well as a studious of the genealogical line of sport horses.

Nelson Pessoa en el Torneo CHIO en Alemania
Nelson Pessoa en el Torneo CHIO en Alemania

He also stands out as a coach, experienced in guiding several teams in Europe, in the Middle East and in Brazil, helping in the conquer of bronze medal in Atlanta, the first Olympic medal of Brazilian equestrian sport. Neco’s greatest achievement as a coach is the brilliant career of his son, Rodrigo Pessoa, World Champion in 1998.

Main Titles

  • Two gold medal and one silver medal in the Pan-American Games
  • Seven times Champion (record in victories) of Hamburg Derby
  • Three times Champion of Hickstead Derby
  • European Champion Lucerne 1966
  • Winner of 150 GPs in Europe
  • Winner of over 100 Puisances
  • Four times Brazilian Champion


This article was originaly published in: http://www.rodrigopessoa.com/en/Team/Nelson/Nelson-Pessoa.html

To read more about ecuestrian world go to: https://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english/


Secretariat – The movie

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The role of the horse in the movie Secretariat

Secretariat is a film produced by Walt Disney Pictures and based on the history of the horse of the same name. The horse was champion and winner of the United States Triple Crown in 1973. The film premiered on October 8, 2010 in the United States and on February 18, 2011 in Spain. It was starring Diane Lane and John Malkovich. In turn directed by Randall Wallace.
Secretariat Movie

Secretariat - The Movie
Secretariat – The Movie

Synopsis of “Secretariat”

Penny Chenery was a housewife. But his life changed when his father fell ill and decided to work in his father’s stables, in Meadow Stables, Virginia, United States, while he was recovering. From then on, Penny became very interested in the world of horse racing and entered it. Without thinking that with this, she would achieve a great professional achievement.

This success is achieved with the help of veteran horse trainer Lucien Laurin and thanks to the speed of the horse Secretariat. It is worth noting that Penny will become the first woman to win the Triple Crown. Something that, in addition, has the added merit of winning the prize in a totally macho society dominated by men.

Secretariat Trailer

Critics to the movie

According to the website Metacritic obtained positive reviews, with 61%, based on 36 comments of which 21 are positive. On the other hand, it raised around 59 million dollars in the United States. On the other hand, if the international collections are added, the figure reaches 60 million. It should be noted that the budget invested in the production was approximately 35 million.

Secretariat is one of Gustavo Mirabal’s favorite films. Likewise it is one of the most recommended films for horse fanatics

Recording locations

Secretariat was recorded between the states of Louisiana and Kentucky (United States), highlighting the populations of Opelousas, Lafayette or Evangeline Downs. The start and end dates of the filming are unknown.

Movie message

The film sends the audience a message of perseverance and struggle. Secretariat tells us that opportunities are where we least expect it even in those places that we do not want to be and that adverse circumstances place us. It also sends us a message of gender equality where it does not matter if you are a man or a woman, the only thing that matters is the effort and the heart that one puts in the achievement of his objectives. In a world dominated by men Penny Chenery, a housewife, conquered her greatest victory.

Sources consulted




Rodrigo Pessoa

Pessoa: ‘Planning is everything in the success of a group’

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Rodrigo Pessoa

Judith Faherty discusses future plans for the Irish show jumping with team chef d’equipe Rodrigo Pessoa

RODRIGO Pessoa flew into Ireland to attend the Horse Sport Ireland media day at the National Sports Campus in Dublin today (Wednesday).

Speaking to The Irish Field, Pessoa outlined what he hopes to bring to the Irish show jumping team.

“I hope the thing I am most valuable in is the experience of having put my team and myself in positions to win medals at big championships, I think that is the most important thing. Ireland win plenty of Grands Prix and plenty of good results in Nations Cups, but lack this last thing at the championships and this is where I hope I can help them.”

Taking about building a good team spirit, Pessoa added: “Good, clear, simple communication is the most important thing for us. They don’t have to go on holidays together, but they have to respect their team mates and respect the entity that they are representing.”

Global Champions Tour Prize

Rodrigo Pessoa y Gustavo Mirabal
Rodrigo Pessoa y Gustavo Mirabal

Referring to the large prize money on offer at the Global Champions Tour, which will lure riders to compete at those lucrative shows, Pessoa said: “Planning is everything in the success of a group. What is our ultimate goal? Championships. A rider that is not going to perform in Nations Cup teams, be just on the Global Champions Tour and just show up for the championships – that’s not going to work! He will have to sacrifice some of those big purses to come and ride for his country as well.”

This interview original and the audio will be found on: https://www.theirishfield.ie/listen-pessoa-planning-is-everything-in-the-success-of-a-group-274620/

Rodrigo Pessoa and Gustavo Mirabal worked together to achieve some equestrian challenges. Today both are recognized in the equestrian world

To know more about Gustavo Mirabal or ecuestrian world go to: https://gustavomirabalcastro.online/

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Gustavo Mirabal in competition

The secrets of Gustavo Mirabal Castro

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Gustavo Mirabal
Gustavo Mirabal

Everybody ask themselves ¿Who is Gustavo Mirabal Castro? Today we tell you about his life and experience

Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a lawyer and a passionate rider. Since his childhood has a close relationship with the horses

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a dreamer

At 9 year old, Gustavo Mirabal Castro had visited some racecourses because his father, Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos, was “Instituto Nacional de Hipódromos” president (National Institute of Racecourses)

Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s father has a eigthies winner horse owner (horse named Tropigold) influenced his son to enter to the equestrian world

Time after, Gustavo Mirabal Castro grew up with a deep desire to become a jump rider and to have his own equestrian farm

From his mind to reality

Those child grew up and now Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a businessman, lawyer and amateur jump rider.

Also he was owner of  equestrian training center G&C farm. Dream fulfilled.

This equestrian center was a Paradise located in United States of America.G&C Farm had becomed to an international equestrian reference. G&C Farm was founded during the 2009 Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF) in Wellington and the enterprise quickly established a respected reputation within the horse sport community as a dedicated supporter of rider development

After nearly a decade at the pinnacle of the show jumping industry, Venezuela’s Gustavo and María Carolina Mirabal have tipped their hats and retired their own G&C Farm in march of this year.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro Lawyer Studies

Gustavo Mirabal studied Law at the “Universidad Santa Maria” (USM) of Venezuela. He graduated with the title of Lawyer in the year 1988.

After Graduated, He worked in recognized institutions such as: “Britanica de Seguros, C.A.”, “Seguros Horizonte, C.A.” and  “Banco Construcción” in Caracas, his hometown

Later he founded his own law firm called Mirabal & Asociados, S.C. However, his true passion is riding.

Gustavo Mirabal and partners
Gustavo Mirabal, María Carolina Mirabal and partners

Riders trained at G & C Farm

Through its history, G & C Farm achieved a good reputation in the world of equestrian sports. This organization worked with the Colombian Mark Bluman, as well as the Brazilians Nelson, Rodrigo and Helio Pessoa.

This farm was also a champion in the exhibition races with the Venezuelans Luis Miguel Martínez, Gustavo Arroyo, Luis Fernando Larrazabal and Pablo Barrios.

Especially the support of G & C farm to Pablo Barrios, led him to the top 25 in the world ranking. For the year 2015, Gustavo Mirabal established a partnership with the Spanish Olympic athlete Sergio Álvarez Moya.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro is an emblematic figure in the equestrian world, especially in the United States and Spain.

Mirabal and his wife María Carolina Chapellín de Mirabal have installed facilities with the best conditions for the practice and development of equestrian sport. Gustavo‘s passion has led him to have the vision of developing great competitors in equestrian sports.

Gustavo Mirabal in competition
Gustavo Mirabal in competition

Sources consulted










Gustavo Mirabal Castro and Carolina Mirabal

Gustavo Mirabal bids a grateful farewell to G&C Farm

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After nearly a decade at the pinnacle of the show jumping industry, Venezuela’s Gustavo and María Carolina Mirabal have tipped their hats and retired their own G&C Farm, based in Madrid, Spain, from the limelight of competition and equine sales.

Gustavo Mirabal y Carolina Mirabal
Gustavo Mirabal y María Carolina Chapellín de Mirabal

It was founded during the 2009 Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF) in Wellington, FL. G&C Farm quickly established a respected reputation within the horse sport community. Also established itself as a dedicated supporter of rider development. G&C Farm worked with riders including the likes of Colombia’s Mark Bluman. Also worked with Nelson, Rodrigo and Helio Pessoa of Brazil.

The farm also championed the show ring careers of Venezuela’s own Luis Miguel Martinez, Gustavo Arroyo, and Luis Fernando Larrazabal, and Pablo Barrios. Their support of Barrios led to his ascension to the top 25 in the world rankings. In 2015, they established a partnership with Spanish Olympian Sergio Alvarez Moya. That partnership will continue into the future. With top horses hand-picked by Gustavo, G&C Farm riders found success at events across North America and Europe.

G & C Farm – The company

“The company, G&C Farm, was created to support grand prix jumping,” said Gustavo. He successfully competed in the amateur ranks all over the world.

“However, in the last months the company was mainly focused on supporting my participation as an amateur rider. Now that I have decided not to compete anymore. it does not make sense to maintain a company with high operational costs.”

He retires from the sport he loves. Gustavo plans to spend some cherished family time with María Carolina and their four children. Their names are Maria, Victoria, Andrea, and Gustavo, Jr.. The family have been by his side throughout some of the most triumphant moments for G&C Farm.

“I will always remember the night at LGCT Cannes in 2017 when Sergio won the grand prix with G&C Arrayan,” said Gustavo as he recalled some of his happiest memories with G&C Farm. “We were there with my son, Gustavo, who did not know what was going on, but was looking at me and María Carolina jumping for joy, and of course he did the same.

“I fondly remember the G&C FEI Nations Cup at WEF, especially the moment when I handed out the prize while seeing the Venezuelan flag waving,” continued Mirabal. “I will never forget each one of my triumphs being rewarded with the music of my country’s national anthem.”

The retirement of G&C Farm

When the farm’s doors closed, the grand prix horses competing under the moniker of G&C Farm were sold over the past several months. G&C Don Vito was acquired by Great Britain’s Poden Farms. It can now be seen competing under the direction of Emily Moffitt and Olympic team gold medalist, Ben Maher. G&C Unicstar now competes for Japan after being purchased by Karen Polle and renamed Sari. While G&C Arrayan joined the string of Carlos Lopez for Colombia. G&C Close Up remains the mount of Larrazabal, and Mirabal still maintains ownership of several horses in cooperation with Alvarez Moya, including G&C Wolf.

“I have decided to retire as a rider since I have to dedicate more time to my other business. But retiring from the equestrian world completely is impossible, at least for me” Gustavo Mirabal

“Those of us that are in love with this sport and fascinated with jumping and horses can never be fully retired”

Source: Press release from Jump Media // Picture © Jennifer Wood Media

Extracted from: http://www.worldofshowjumping.com/en/News/Gustavo-Mirabal-bids-a-grateful-farewell-to-G-C-Farm.html


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Big Jake el caballo con Récord Guinness

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Big Jake es un caballo famoso por aparecer desde el 2012 en el libro de los Récord Guinness.

Su historia se plasma en dicho Book porque con sus 2.10 metros de estatura está considerado como el caballo más alto del mundo.

Sin embargo, años después se conoció que existe otro equino, de nombre Poe, que mide 3 metros.

Big Jake History 

Este hermoso y enorme equino criado en Poynette, estado de Wisconsin, USA, ha hecho historia.

Al nacer su peso fue de 108 kilogramos, 23 kilos más que el peso promedio de un caballo de su misma raza al nacer.

En la actualidad el peso de Big Jake es de 1179 kg.

Alegre y cariñoso

Pueda que estar frente a este caballo se sienta un poco de timidez, debido a su enorme tamaño.

Sin embargo, quienes lo tienen cerca afirman que es un caballo alegre y cariñoso.

Es del tipo de animales que le gusta compartir, jugar y llamar la atención.

Lujos y comodidades

Ser el caballo más alto del mundo tiene sus ventajas al tiempo que goza de ciertas comodidades.

A diferencia de un compartimiento normal en el establo, 4×4 metros, Big Jake posee uno de 6×6 metros.

La comodidad y el cuidado que demanda este animal es muy importante.

Todos los días el caballo más alto del mundo consume 1.5 pacas de heno y 10 galones de granos de avena.


La fuerza física lo hace viable para servir como instrumento de transporte.

Y es que Big Jake ayuda a recolectar dinero para la fundación de beneficencia Ronald McDonald y es uno de los caballos usados para transportar pasajeros en carruajes dentro de la granja donde vive.

Jerry Gilbert, criador el caballo, cuenta que quienes ven por primera vez a este equino se asombran.

Su gran tamaño resulta, a veces, impresionante, pero más allá de eso, estamos hablando de un animal noble, con una fuerza increíble y un carácter sereno.







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las mejores carreras

Las mejores carreras de caballos en España

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Las mejores carreras de España las vas a encontrar en este artículo.

Prepárate para emocionarte con estas competencias que apasionan a los españoles.

España es un país con muchos atletas en diversas disciplinas, sin embargo, el deporte ecuestre tiene una gran aceptación.

Y es que las carreras de caballos son tan emocionantes como las de Fórmula 1. Aunado a que en Europa existe una alta afición al caballo.

El deporte ecuestre en sí es apasionante y más cuando hay un pueblo que ama y disfruta a los equinos.

Las mejores carreras

A continuación les contamos acerca de las mejores carreras de caballos en España, las más conocidas.

las mejores carreras

1- Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Andalucía

Considerado el mayor espectáculo de las playas del Sur, es una importante actividad deportiva que se desarrolla todos los meses de agosto cerca de Cádiz.

Están organizadas en dos ciclos de tres días cada uno, siempre al atardecer, a partir de las 18:30, aprovechando el amplio espacio que deja la bajamar en la playa.

Con una trayectoria de más de 165 ediciones, son en la actualidad las carreras de caballos más antiguas de España y una de las actividades ecuestres más antiguas de Europa.

Tanto así que en 1997 fueron declaradas: Carreras de Interés Turístico Internacional.

2- Molledo, Cantabria

Esta es una carrera que tiene más de 70 años de existencia y está declarada como fiesta de Interés Turístico Regional; Se desarrolla cada mes de septiembre.

Adicional a la competencia se celebran una feria ganadera y encierros con suelta de vaquillas.

La carrera se disputa en el prado ferial, a partir de las 18:30 horas en dos modalidades: contrarreloj y en línea.

La primera carrera está abierta para todo tipo de caballos y consta de dos vueltas.

La segunda carrera es específica para caballos de los valles de Iguña y Anievas, en cuatro vueltas. La tercera y última está abierta a todos los participantes, que tienen que dar seis vueltas al circuito.

3- Ribadesella, Asturias

Esta justa se celebra en Semana Santa, específicamente el Viernes Santo.

Coincidiendo con la bajamar, tienen lugar varias carreras de caballos en este hipódromo improvisado.

Se trata de la única prueba equina del norte de España que se disputa en un arenal.

                      Vestuario del caballo en la carrera de Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia)

Murcia, Tarragona…

También en Murcia, Tarragona y Extremadura existen importantes carreras de caballos.

4- Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia)

La carrera de Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia) tiene lugar la mañana del día 2 de mayo, víspera de la Fiesta de la Cruz .

Inicia con el lavado y la preparación del caballo en más de 40 lugares diferentes de la ciudad, posteriormente se realiza una ceremonia y finalmente la carrera en la Cuesta del Castillo.

Actualmente el festejo de los Caballos del Vino es de interés turístico internacional.

Incluso es candidato a convertirse en Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad por la Unesco.

5- La Sénia, Tarragona

A finales de Agosto la localidad de La Sénia, en Tarragona, se abre paso a las competencias ecuestres.

El programa de festejos suele contar año tras año con exhibiciones de doma vaquera, doma clásica y alta escuela.

Sin embargo, el mayor atractivo son las carreras de caballos que reúnen a multitud de aficionados al turf desde principios del siglo XX.

Jockeys de la comarca y de diversas regiones españolas compiten en diferentes categorías: infantil, jinetes locales, cruzados y anglo-árabes, árabes y purasangres ingleses.

La prueba más esperada, en el Hipódromo Pla del Roquillo, es la disputada por el deseado Trofeo Excelentísimo Ayuntamiento de La Sénia.

Desde hace algunos años también se han recuperado tradiciones como las divertidas carreras de asnos para cerrar las fiestas.






































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Secretariat la peícula

Secretariat la película favorita de Gustavo Mirabal

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Secretariat la película favorita del jinete venezolano Gustavo Mirabal Castro.

Tras una entrevista realizada se supo que esta cinta es la preferida del deportista criollo.

Ésta cuenta la historia del caballo ganador de la Triple Corona de Estados Unidos.

Secretariat la película

Secretariat la película

El paso de Secretariat por el hipismo norteamericano dejó huella en grandes y chicos. Tan así que su historia fue inmoratalizada por una película de Disney que relata la historia del caballo y su dueña Penny Chenery, porque ambas historias son extraordinarias.

Sus hazañas son tales que vendieron los derechos de reproducción.

Dicha venta fue en 1973 por unos seis millones de dólares de los de entonces que a la presente fecha representarían unos 34,8 millones de dólares.

 “Me gusta la película SECRETARIAT, la historia del pura sangre de carrera americano que ganó la triple corona, la historia es fascinante”, expresó Mirabal durante una entrevista”. 

La historia

Penny Chenery una ama de casa que al enfermarse su padre le toca asumir la dirección de la granja de su padre Meadow Farm y descubre el amor  por los caballo y sus carreras.

La habilidad y conocimiento en asuntos ecuestres Christopher Chenery (dueño de Meadow Farm y padre de Penny Chenery) y su amigo Edgen Philips lograron que el padre de Secretariat fuera el semental Bold Ruller y de consiguieron que su madre fuera Somethingroyal, una yegua hija de Princequillo e Imperatrice, compitieron y destacaron en largas distancias.

La carrera ecuestre de Secretariat fue intensa y fugaz. Secretariat nació en Meadow Farm a finales de marzo de 1970.

Su carrera en el mundo de la competición ecuestre comenzó en  julio de 1972. Como potro dosañero, en la temporada de su debut, Secretariat ganó siete de las nueve carreras en las que participó. Esta hazaña le ganó el título de “Caballo del Año” y no sería la última hazaña.

Ya como tresañero, en 1973 Secretariat sumó nueve victorias más, incluyendo la Triple Corona.

En la misma semana de 1973 Secretariat fue portada de las prestigiosas revistas Time, Newsweek y Sport Ilustrated. “El Gran Rojo”, apodo de Secretariat.

En su haber fue el protagonista al ganar en las tres grandes carreras de la temporada: Derby de Kentucky (Louisville), Preakness Stakes (Baltimore) y Belmont Stakes (Nueva York).

Una película inspiradora

Para Gustavo Mirabal, Secretariat es una película inspiradora sobre los sueños y el esfuerzo y la constancia para hacerlos realidad. Las cosas que deseamos a veces están a la vuelta de la esquina. Sólo debemos luchar un poquito más y las encontraremos.






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