New Year's Eve Celebration

New year’s eve celebration in the world

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The closing of a year and the beginning of one that arrives have different ways of celebrating on the planet. Some countries have very unique traditions that may seem crazy to others. But this traditions varies according to the idiosyncrasy of those who celebrate these special dates. For this reason we will discuss about the new year’s eve celebration in the world and its variants.

The closing year is very emotional and many times people are a bit more cheerful and enthusiastic. In this sense receive the new year 365 new days to meet the goals, projects and desires of people.

new year’s eve celebration in the world is usually used pyrotechnics to welcome the following year. However, we must be considered with the planet, animals and people with autism when using pyrotechnics.

In 192 countries, the new year’s eve celebration takes place in the world in very different ways. One of the many ways to celebrate is Cava, confetti, fireworks, rituals, prayers, lingerie among others.

New Year's Eve celebrations around the world

The new year’s eve celebration in the world: Venezuela

The new year’s eve celebration in the world is celebrated on December 31.

Particularly in the case of Venezuela the New Year Hug is received when the clock rings at midnight. Likewise, the “parranda” (party) continues in the early morning of the year that has arrived, that is, from January 1.

To celebrate these important dates that at the same time is the end of the Christmas celebrations, a series of customs are carried out, among which we can mention the following:

  • Venezuelans eat lentils to attract prosperity
  • Usually people have money in their hands or in their pockets, so that the year will grab them with money.
  • Luggage for travelers after twelve o’clock at night, to travel frequently in the year that has arrived.
  • The burning of the old year in the states that make up the Andean region.
  • Finally, the 12 grapes of desires along with the bells
  • The new year’s eve celebration in the world specifically in Venezuela has its authentic way of celebrating.

This is one of the new year’s eve celebration that Gustavo Mirabal Castro and his family have enjoyed in their homeland Venezuela.

New Year's Eve celebration in the world - Venezuela
New Year’s Eve celebration in the world – Venezuela

New year’s eve celebration in the world in Times Square – New York

In Times Square, a large number of people congregate over a million. There you can see his famous ball annually. It rises at 6 pm and descends for 60 seconds at 11:59 pm.

Subsequently, the sky of New York at Christmas is filled with colors by the tons of confetti that are launched from the skyscrapers.

It is one of the most celebrated new year’s eve celebration in the world in movies.

This is another of the new year’s eve celebration that Gustavo Mirabal Castro and his family have enjoyed during their stay in the United States.

New year’s eve celebration in the world: Sydney – Australia

This point of the planet performs a very colorful celebration as fireworks decorate the air. In this way they say goodbye to the closing year and welcome to the new year.

This event starts minutes before 12 pm, with a duration of approximately fifteen minutes. The sum of seven million dollars is what this important event costs.

The festival has the Opera House as a backdrop. In addition, those present enjoy the boats parked in the bay.

New Year's Eve celebration in the world Sydney - Australia
New Year’s Eve celebration in the world Sydney – Australia

New year’s eve celebration in the world: Copacabana – Brazil

Every December 31, approximately two million people are concentrated on the majestic Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro. The occasion is conducive to celebrations to the sound of the samba and fireworks,

On the other hand, it has a temperature of 24 ºC. In these places and visitors enjoy the party of the year that comes outdoors.

It should be noted that this is one of the largest concentrations of people in the world to receive the new year.

New Year's Eve celebration in the world Copacabana – Brasil
New Year’s Eve celebration in the world Copacabana – Brasil

New year’s eve celebration in the world: The Hague – Netherlands

If we talk about celebrations a little strange the Dutch have an incredible custom. As these challenge on January 1 the low temperatures to shower in the North Sea, specifically in Scheveningen – The Hague.

Last New Year, the temperature was about 7 degrees Celsius. However, there are occasions where temperatures tend to be lower. Although this is no excuse for the Dutch when it comes to fulfilling this tradition.

This custom dates from the 60s of the last century. This started when the city swimming club established a grouped shower to receive the New Year.

At present this tradition is still valid. It is also replicated along all the coasts of the Netherlands.

New Year’s Eve celebration in the world: Chile

In Chile, as in most of Latin America, the new year is family and joy. We try to look at the past year, take stock of our progress and make resolutions for the new year.

The celebration of New Year in the world has many similarities between countries. However, the celebration between Latin American countries has much more in common because of its common roots.

One of the most interesting things is that the new year in Chile is greeted with spectacular weather. This is because Chile in December is at the beginning of summer. This gives it a connotation of joy and additional showiness.

Therefore, below we will tell you some of the traditions for the New Year’s celebration in Chile.

Chilean traditions of New Year’s celebration.

Fireworks seem to be a tradition in most countries. But in Chile, being summer, the view of the fireworks is spectacular.

One of Chile’s most famous fireworks shows is held in the port city of Valparaiso. In addition to being a city recognized for its beauty, it is also a tourist enclave, which reinforces its position as an axis of celebrations.

Being a coastal area, the reflection of fireworks on the water offers an unparalleled show.

To have good luck with money and financial prosperity, Chileans usually put money in shoes to receive the new year. It is a way of symbolically stepping on and dominating money. We certainly cannot miss the opportunity to try it.

There are two Spanish New Year’s gastronomic customs that Chileans have definitely adopted as their own. We refer to the following traditions:

  • Eat the 12 grapes: Like Spain, Chile is well known for being a wine country. It is one of the largest producers of wines in the region, and with it, also producers of grapes. According to tradition, according to the taste of the grapes you eat will be each of the twelve months of next year. We should definitely look for the sweetest grapes we can to have an excellent year.
  • Eat at least one spoonful of lentils: Another tradition associated with good luck with money and prosperity is the intake of at least one tablespoon of lentils. Chileans like legumes. Lentils are said to be superfoods. Therefore, in addition to giving us luck, we will also eat very well if we eat lentils receiving the new year.

But let’s get to know some other interesting traditions.

Grapes and Chilean wine - Celebration in Chile
Grapes and Chilean wine – Celebration in Chile

Other traditions for New Year in Chile

There are two traditions that have spread to many countries. One of them can be exhibited to everyone and it is about running around the street where we live with a suitcase. This ritual is supposed to bring us luck and secure a trip next year.

Surely in the year before Covid few people took out their bags. Now with the restrictions easing you can take out your suitcase again to travel next year.

Finally, a more intimate tradition, which couples can enjoy, is to wear yellow underwear on New Year’s Eve. In addition, some recommend that it be placed inside out…

This tradition is supposed to attract luck in love, or improve relationships. Make sure your partner doesn’t wear yellow underwear in hiding from you, lest he or she wants to replace you.

They say that the effect of this ritual is more powerful if the underwear is a gift. That is why we invite you to make a secret friend where everyone gives each other yellow underwear, to avoid misunderstandings …

With all this, Chileans receive the new year full of hopes, promises and with joy as a family.

Curious customs for the celebration of the new year

New Year’s customs vary from place to place to reflect the beliefs and traditions of each society.

From a sociological point of view, these customs can provide valuable information about the culture of each society. They also teach us about their rituals and how the communities interact.

Here are some of the most curious New Year’s customs:

Burning dolls in Ecuador and Venezuela:

In the city of Cuenca, people celebrate the New Year by burning dolls called “años viejos” or “Old years” in English. These dolls represent the year that is about to end, and their burning symbolizes the elimination of the old to make way for the new.

In the area of the Venezuelan and Colombian Andes this custom can also be observed, and the dolls usually represent undesirable people in society such as businessmen or corrupt politicians.

New Year's Eve Tradition in the Venezuelan Andes
New Year’s Eve Tradition in the Venezuelan Andes

Eating 12 grapes in Spain:

In Spain and some other Latin American cultures, it is traditional to eat 12 grapes just as the clock strikes 12 strokes of midnight. Each grape represents a wish for each month of the coming year.

This ritual aims to attract good luck for each of the months of the coming year.

Grapes and the New Year's Celebration around the world
Grapes and the New Year’s Celebration around the world

Spring Cleaning in Japan:

In Japan, a nation well known for its neatness and neatness, there is a New Year’s celebration, known as “Oshogatsu”.

“Oshogatsu” involves a deep cleaning and organization of homes during the last days of the year. This ritual symbolizes leaving the old behind and welcoming the new.


Coins in your pockets in the Philippines:

In the Philippines, it is a tradition to have coins in your pockets during New Year’s Eve. This custom is meant to attract prosperity and good luck.

Some people even walk around their neighborhood with coins in hand to attract fortune.

New year’s eve celebration in the world and its unique way of celebrating

Customs usually vary from one country to another, but the point in common is the celebration of the arrival of a new year. In this sense the New year’s eve celebration are diverse in relation to all types and colors. Well, some can be public, fantastic, sober and others very authentic.

However, they all share a characteristic of New year’s eve celebration in the world. In this sense, joy is the engine that moves all these celebrations.

New year’s eve celebration in the world

In summary

The New year’s eve celebration is a period of sharing family, friends and close people. The purpose is to close a year and welcome the one who arrives.

In the 192 countries of the globe celebrate the arrival of the new year, with some exceptions. But each of them has their genuine ways of celebrating

New year’s eve celebration in the world has many ways to live it with joy and excitement on the globe.


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Dubái y los EUA como un factor para la paz

Dubai and the UAE a Peace Factor: Middle East, Africa, Gaza and Israel

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Undoubtedly, the enormous prosperity of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates is setting an example to follow. A development model for oil-producing countries, but also for non-oil-producing countries. But any sustainable economic and social development requires peace. That is why today we will see how Dubai and the UAE have become a factor of peace in the Middle East and Africa, and intend to be so in the conflict in Gaza and Israel.

Peace is one of the necessary foundations for promoting development. While it is true that war has been an engine for innovation and research, it is also true that peace is necessary for well-being to reach all. This is because the resources invested in war and the destruction it produces become a drag on the development of countries.

It is also true that developing amid a conflictive environment is more difficult, as it hinders relationships with your neighbors.

With a view to achieving its own development and a “quieter neighborhood,” Dubai and the U.S. are working to become a factor for peace in the Middle East and Africa region, and at this time especially in the Gaza Strip and Israel.

By supporting those most in need and mediating conflicts in the region, Dubai and the U.S. seek to capture the geopolitical importance they already have in the economic arena.

The strategy to move from just a transport and commercial hub to a pole of geopolitical influence.

But let’s look at the Dubai and UAE model, and how it is gaining relevance on its own merits.

Dubai skyscrapers
Dubai skyscrapers

Dubai and the UAE’s economic model

Innocently, some see luxury and architectural megastructures as a misguided way for Dubai and the U.S. to grow. The truth is that Dubai and the UAE are not solely focused on the luxury sector.

Luxury is the facet shown by the media, but the diversification of Dubai and the US is total.

Take the case of Emirates, the airline that is already among the top 10 airlines in the world. It is one of the fastest growing airlines in the world.

The cargo transport subsidiary Emirates SkyCargo is the 4th freight forwarding company globally. Emirates SkyCargo alone operates a fleet of 13 aircraft, with minus 15 aircraft on order.

In this way, Dubai demonstrates how to use oil to grow.

Dubai and the U.S. show us how to “sow oil,” a phrase coined by the famous Venezuelan writer Arturo Uslar Pietri. But let’s dig a little deeper into this sentence.

The World Works Better | Emirates SkyCargo

Dubai and the U.S. are engaged in “Sowing the Oil”?

The phrase “sowing the oil” comes from the Venezuelan writer and thinker Arturo Uslar Pietri. In an interview, the illustrious Venezuelan commented:

“When I said, ‘sow the oil,’ I wanted to quickly express the distressing need to invest the money that oil produced for this Venezuela, which has been helpless for so long, in the development of our economic capacity.”

At the time, oil was transforming Venezuela. But it transformed her in a superficial way.

The problem was that most of the money was being spent rather than invested. It is true that in the 1970s and 1980s there were large investments in infrastructure. But it was also increasingly used in current expenditure, which was not intended to be sustained over time.

This is how the so-called Saudi Venezuela left great infrastructures. But at the same time, it left a growing expenditure and few efficient companies at the service of the country, which would allow us to multiply what the earth was giving us, oil.

Dubai and the U.S. are teaching oil-producing countries a lesson in how to use their oil to grow their economy and relevance.

Oil can become a lever for the development of countries. Some smart ways to boost a country’s development are:

  • Education
  • Bless you
  • Diversification of the Economy
  • Physical and legal security

But Dubai is finding its way to plant the oil… Let’s find out below how they’re doing it.

Burj Al Arab Hotel - Diversifying the Economy through Tourism
Burj Al Arab Hotel – Diversifying the Economy through Tourism

How do Dubai and the UAE use oil for peace?

In the same way, achieving peace requires many elements such as justice and basic conditions.

That is why Dubai in October 2023 allocated $200 million to support lower-income countries through the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust Fund. This fund makes it possible to channel in a transparent manner the aid of the different contributors to the reduction of poverty. Let’s remember that, in regions such as the Middle East and Africa, neighbours of Dubai, we find some of the poorest countries.

Poverty and injustice are drivers of resentment and thus violence.  That is why Dubai, and the UAE are committed to using their resources to help reduce poverty and injustice.

Sheikh Mohamed and Antony Blinken Meeting - Dubai and the US Peace Factor
Sheikh Mohamed and Antony Blinken Meeting – Dubai and the US Peace Factor

How does Dubai and the UAE contribute to peace in Palestine and Israel?

  • Dubai and the U.S. make constant diplomatic efforts with the warring parties. They are in constant contact with the parties to help mediate in a situation that is escalating. War is not good news for development and people. That is why Dubai and the UAE are committed to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict.
  • The President of the UAE allocated $20 million for humanitarian aid in Palestine. This aid seeks to mitigate the suffering of innocent civilians affected by the counterattack. This aid will be channeled through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, in order to guarantee its transparency and contribution to peace. Let us remember that people’s suffering can turn into resentment and create more violence and increase the risks of terrorism.

These are the ways in which Dubai and the UAE seek to contribute to peace in the region. Undoubtedly, they are of great help to world peace.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, el hombre que paso la vida emprendiendo y aprendiendo

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, the man who spent his life in entrepreneurship

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Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a famous Venezuelan businessman and equestrian athlete who spent his life in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is fashionable but for Gustavo Mirabal Castro entrepreneurship has been a lifestyle. Although he is known for these facets, his ventures have not stopped being born and growing. Gustavo Mirabal currently has several blogs, a YouTube channel and social networks that allow him to attract clients for his role as a financial advisor.

In addition, Gustavo Mirabal not only advises his clients from a financial point of view. Business consulting is part of his business DNA, given that Gustavo Mirabal Castro was also an equestrian businessman, founder of a law firm, among other business facets. Without further ado, let’s learn more about the entrepreneurial side of Gustavo Mirabal.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, the man who spent his life in entrepreneurship and learning
Gustavo Mirabal Castro, the man who spent his life in entrepreneurship and learning

The entrepreneurial DNA of Gustavo Mirabal Castro

We can say that Gustavo Mirabal Castro has entrepreneurship in his blood. His father Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos was also a very enterprising man.

Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos was one of the main leaders of the Democratic Action party. But he was also a lawyer by profession and was also an equestrian businessman. Mirabal Bustillos invested in a haras being partial owner of several horses in his time, among which “Rayo Láser” and “Tropigold” stood out. This entrepreneurial spirit, which either acquired genetically or by the example of his father, always drove Gustavo Mirabal.

This is how after learning to ride a horse, he became an amateur competition rider. The dream of his own law firm and of being an equestrian entrepreneur was inherited by Gustavo Mirabal Castro without further ado. But Mirabal Castro went further, managing to internationalize both businesses and undertaking in another series of sectors.

Some of the sectors in which Gustavo Mirabal Castro has undertaken are:

  • Law firms in 4 countries: Venezuela, United States, Dubai and Spain.
  • Horse breeding companies in 3 countries: Venezuela, United States and Spain.
  • Financial advice in 5 countries: Venezuela, United States, United Kingdom, Dubai and Spain.
  • Advice to musicians, artists, and large family assets.
  • Patronage of plastic artists.
  • Equestrian sport at amateur level.
  • Breeding and possession of horses for equestrian competitions.

You will learn some of the secrets of the financial and entrepreneurial world of Gustavo Mirabal Castro, the man who spent his life in entrepreneurship. Thanks to this you will be able to tell if Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s entrepreneurial passion was innate or learned.

Serial entrepreneurs
Serial entrepreneurs

The beginnings of Gustavo Mirabal Castro

Gustavo Mirabal Castro studied to become a lawyer, following in his father’s footsteps.

His alma mater was Santa Maria University, which gave him the foundations to legally protect what he was building throughout his life.

Little by little, through his profession he specialized in the financial and commercial area of law. Thanks to this, he managed to carry out his internships and his first jobs in the area of banking and insurance. Some of the companies where he started were:

  • Construction Bank of Venezuela.
  • British Insurance.

Thanks to this experience, Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s idea of becoming a Commercial lawyer was reinforced. Seeing that banks and insurance had huge profits based on the lack of financial knowledge of their customers, made him start to reflect. It was not only about the application of commercial law, financial and legal advice went hand in hand.

With dreams like having his own law firm or equestrian entrepreneurship he needed something more. It was not enough to save, it needed expert management in financial matters. Financial counseling was in its infancy at the time, so he started self-taught. Later he began taking courses to apply law to finance and finance to the possibility of having his own law firm.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, was a man who spent his life studying to achieve his dreams. And according to his philosophy of life, no man should stop learning. This is how continuous learning became their way of life. This is how he discovered one of his great uninherited passions, finance.

¿Qué diferencia un negocio de un emprendimiento? No es un emprendimiento!!! Gustavo Mirabal Castro

Gustavo Mirabal’s father and finances.

Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos perfectly understood his son’s love for horses and the laws, it was something they shared. But when he started in the world of finance, his differences began to be noticed.

For Mirabal Bustillos, making money was the result of work, we didn’t have to think about money itself. His roots in a political party with social democratic roots made him have certain prejudices with money. For his part, Gustavo Mirabal Jr. discovered the importance of professional money management.

In the late 80s and early 90s inflation and devaluation in Venezuela wreaked havoc on the savings of many people. Investing or placing money in hard currencies was logical for Gustavo Mirabal Castro. For his part, his father was a man who lived from his work. Being a good lawyer he had enough to live well and for his dreams. But his son’s dreams were much bigger and with it the money needed to be handled with great skill.

Perhaps his father at first interpreted it as something of “lust for money”. But successive devaluations, exchange controls and inflation showed that Gustavo Mirabal Castro had reality on his side. This is how his father understood his passion for finance and began to learn from his son, the student surpassed the teacher.

Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos
Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos

Gustavo’s friends and family also didn’t understand his passion for finance.

With inflation hovering around 30%, Venezuela’s economy was beginning to show signs of wear. Yet no one was talking about buying dollars or offshore accounts.

When Gustavo Mirabal talked about these things, his friends saw him as strange. Every year people received raises and purchasing power was very good. But no one saved and those who saved saw their savings melt down, so they preferred to spend them. This was how a consumerist behavior was configured in the common Venezuelan who did not understand finances.

His attempts to help his friends with their finances were not well received. Only a few became interested in Gustavo Mirabal, the man who spent his time trying to teach finance.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro discovered the value of financial knowledge when he saw that his savings grew without losing value, but few were interested. That’s how he decided to give value to his knowledge and start charging for his financial advice. He wouldn’t charge interested early friends, but they would be their “word of mouth” publicity.

When his friends’ friends saw his newfound abundance of those, he had taught finance, they would ask them about their “money secrets”. And these financially trained friends would reply, “My secret is Gustavo Mirabal Castro.”

Consejos para Emprendedores - Dia mundial del Emprendimiento - 2022 Gustavo Mirabal Castro

Word of mouth, your biggest marketing strategy

Thanks to the strategy of helping free of charge those who were interested in finance, he achieved success. Gustavo Mirabal Castro, was a man who went from 0 to 100 in a very short time, thanks to his new clients and recommendations.

In current times, Gustavo Mirabal continues to take advantage of word of mouth, but also relies on social networks and content marketing. Whoever follows Gustavo Mirabal’s advice on social networks and on his blog, grows. And these seeing the success of their advice recommend it to other people. “Word of mouth” in the digital age is still your marketing strategy… Or perhaps we should say, the “from social network to social network”….

Next, let’s learn some of the financial tips that Gustavo Mirabal offers to his followers on his social networks and that have made some achieve their dreams.

How to achieve financial independence

Achieving financial independence is the dream of many people, and almost all of them want a fast track to achieve it. For Gustavo Mirabal Castro, the man who spent his life thinking about financial freedom, financial freedom is a process.

Financial freedom requires a profound mindset shift that affects many aspects of our lives. Let’s summarize some of them to get started and then explain them:

  • Your income must be higher than your expenses: This is the beginning of everything. If you live in debt to have the things you “want,” then you don’t want financial freedom so much. Financial freedom requires that your assets be greater than your liabilities or debts. This means that you have a positive net worth, this would allow you in case of not having income to move forward.
  • The previous point requires the permanent search to increase your income. In this way you will have an increasing difference between your income and your expenses
  • Last but not least, your expenses should decrease or grow at a slower rate than your income. In this way, the difference between income and expenses will be greater and, with it, your financial freedom will grow.
  • These first three steps are an essential part of achieving savings and then investing. But if we are not capable of the previous 3 points, we will hardly be able to invest or an additional source of income.

Achieving financial independence is not something that is achieved overnight. It is a long process that entails a change of lifestyle to greater frugality.

For Bill Gates “Saving like a pessimist and investing like an optimist” defines how to achieve financial freedom.

7 consejos para lograr la independencia financiera de Gustavo Mirabal Castro - Ahorros e Inversión

Taming the drive to buy according to Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a man who spent his life learning about financial freedom.

In a society that promotes consumption like modern society, the urge to buy is high. For Gustavo Mirabal Castro, the man who spent his life changing his life, this impulse to buy leads us to:

  • Buying things we don’t need because they’re fashionable or to impress others.
  • Take advantage of offers to buy things we do not need or want.
  • To spend on changing objects in our house for new ones despite being perfectly functional.

One of the keys to financial independence is the elimination of compulsive shopping and ostentation. There are millionaires who can afford many luxuries, but for ordinary people, financial freedom means controlling the impulse to buy.

We don’t want to ask you not to buy anything, but you should always think 2 times before buying by asking yourself things like:

  • Do I really need it?
  • Will I use it?
  • Don’t I have any priority before this that I will buy?
  • Can I postpone this purchase?

In this way we reduce the immediate need to buy and we can think better with a cool head. Of every 5 purchases we postpone, at least 3 will not be made for a long time. With this we will be able to filter what we really need or want to buy.

Spending secrets and keys of Gustavo Mirabal Castro

The spending secret is to buy following next priorities and proportions:

  • Things necessary to live such as housing, clothing, or basic services: This should represent 70% of our spending.
  • Savings, investments and emergency fund: to this we must allocate 20% of our income.
  • Fun and leisure: This should represent no more than 10% of our income.

As we mentioned earlier, Bill Gates believes that we should “Save like a pessimist and invest like an optimist.” This means that we must save a lot to meet unforeseen events and invest a lot to obtain extra profits. But let’s see how we can save.

No son gastos imprescindibles!! - Diferenciando necesidades de preferencias - Gustavo Mirabal Castro

How to save according to Gustavo Mirabal, the man who spent his life saving?

For Gustavo Mirabal Castro, the man who spent his life unveiling the secrets of financial freedom, the first thing is to control our income and expenses. And the second thing is saving, which is almost an immediate result of the first.

But for many people, saving is synonymous with having something to spend on. The reality is that saving should mean setting aside that money for the future. It’s not to buy a TV next month, no. Saving is reserving money to meet unforeseen events or to reserve it to have independence. With this, the two destinations of savings should be:

  • Emergency fund: At this point we should have reserved an amount to meet unforeseen expenses. For example, attend to the contingency that our income stops completely. It can also be to attend to a health situation such as an illness or an accident. Many people indicate that the emergency fund should consist of at least 12 months of our current expenses. Later we will give our own recommendation.
  • Free savings: It is a category where you should include a margin of safety for your emergencies and the money you must invest reserved to find opportunities.
  • Investments: Should not be touched for emergencies and expenses. It should grow over time and should not be very “available” to avoid the temptation to spend it.

Savings are the source of primary investment. Over time it is possible to take loans to make investment, but only when we have an emergency fund, free savings and a primary investment that allow us to face any debt to invest.

Financial freedom is in a good budget and having savings. Next, we’ll look at how to spend to achieve these goals.

No ahorres así!!! Aprende a ahorrar de la forma correcta - Ahorrar de manera inteligente (parte 2)

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, the man who spent his life in entrepreneurship and learning.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro discovered that to undertake successfully you must learn continuously. This learning ensures adaptation to new times and the adaptation of your venture to circumstances.

Without a doubt, if you follow some of Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s life tips and financial advice, you will do better. Maybe you can materialize your dreams definitively. Dare to dream and make your dreams come true.

Sale of meat from sick horses from Spain at a discount to Europe

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Horse meat is consumed in many countries of the world. While some countries see the horse as a companion of the human being, some countries still consider it a food. In countries such as Holland, Japan, Kazakhstan or Tonga, horse meat is a common food. In some others it is considered a delicacy. Today we will tell you a little more about horse meat and how the meat of sick horses has been put on sale at a discount to the rest of Europe to do business with the lives of these animals and human beings.

Horse meat must go through the same rigorous health controls as beef. However, because of its high cost there are unscrupulous people who seek any way to make a profit, sacrificing the health of human beings.

The largest exporters of horse meat in 2020 were Spain, Belgium, and Argentina. In these countries the status of consumption is diverse as we will see below:

  • In the case of Spain, the country is little consumer of horse meat.
  • Belgium is a large producer, exporter, and consumer of horse meat, despite being a small country.
  • For its part, Argentina is one of the largest producers for export and yet domestic consumption is quite small.

But the undisputed largest producer of horse meat is China, a country that produces it for its own consumption fundamentally.

Cuts of horse meat for human consumption

The controversy in relation to horse meat, its cost, and the sale of meat from sick horses from Spain at a discount.

The production and sale of horse meat is so controversial that in many countries its consumption is minimal, but they are large exporters because of the high value of their meat. Perhaps in the controversy of its consumption and the treatment of horses we find the answer to the high value of this meat.

This has led to phenomena such as the sale of meat from sick horses. This has been a way to satisfy this demand for high value, in a more economical way, but with great risks for human beings.

The sale of meat of sick horses is illegal and it’s considered a scam and a public health risk. These horses sold are horses with tumors and bacteria dangerous to humans. In addition, sick horses in these clandestine facilities are mistreated. Consumers are deceived by offering “high-value” meat that is worthless, because it could not be sold under those conditions.

In that step horses that should be slaughtered to avoid suffering and risk to people, become a “contaminated commodity”. Unscrupulous people who buy and resell sick horses with huge profits are enriched.

On the other hand, distributors and restaurants that buy at a discount and then sell “exquisite dishes” with tumors and bacteria.

But let’s know the list of crimes that this implies.

Queen Elizabeth, a lover of horses and protector of these
Queen Elizabeth, a lover of horses and protector of these

Crimes involving the sale of meat from sick horses from Spain at a discount to the rest of Europe

The sale of meat from sick horses does not only occur in Spain. Other countries such as Iceland, Argentina and Uruguay have been splashed by these scandals. The list of crimes is almost endless, but let’s do a review:

  • Scam: They present a food as high value when it is a food not suitable for people.
  • Usury: Great profits at the expense of ignorant consumers.
  • Public health risks: The use of horses with tumors and bacteria dangerous to humans could trigger a public health crisis. Let’s remember the coronavirus.
  • Violations of animal rights: In clandestine facilities, these animals are mistreated and kept in unsanitary and dangerous conditions before being taken to slaughterhouses.
  • Falsification of sanitary and public records: Slaughterhouse records are falsified to sell them as healthy horses. In other cases, it is sold instead of beef where horse meat has no acceptance.

Undoubtedly, the sale of meat from sick horses from Spain at a discount in Europe has caused a scandal. This has not only affected Spain, but other countries where the measures to avoid this are not very rigorous.

This type of practice harms consumers, horses, and the horse meat market itself. Consumers who doubt the origin of meat and its true value will decrease their consumption, and that is why the market in recent years is falling.

Civil Guard dismantling marketing network of sick horse meat
Civil Guard dismantling marketing network of sick horse meat

A cruel, ruthless, and heartless business

A high-value market marked by doubts and ethical dilemmas is really destined to fail. Additionally, horses have been companions of man for many years and have helped his evolution as a civilization.

Other cruel businesses such as “Blood Farms” for the exploitation of mares to produce hormones for the production of pork, also besiege horses.

We consider that the horse does not deserve cruel treatment after so much he has given. A cruel, illegal, harmful, and dangerous business for people that should be reconsidered.

Pequeños espacios en las Granjas de Sangre donde colocan a las yeguas para extraerle su sangre para comercializarla

Blood farms. The exploitation of pregnant mares

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A business of dubious ethics and excessive cruelty is spreading throughout Europe. The creation of “blood farms”, facilities where pregnant mares are locked up for their exploitation to extract their blood. A bloody business that is booming in a Europe that calls itself green and ecological. A Europe that exploits and promotes the exploitation of mares to eat more and more pig meat. It’s disgusting business that we are going to know a little more about today. Start.

This blood is used to obtain a hormone whose purpose is to increase the production of pork. It is also used in smaller quantities to increase the reproduction of horses and sheep. But its main and widespread industrial use is the production of meat from scratch. As if we were vampires, humans exploit pregnant animals to increase the production of pig meat… Perhaps one of the greatest ethical nonsenses in the history of mankind.

There are only 3 countries in the world that authorize the existence of mare blood farms: Argentina, Uruguay and Iceland. But hundreds of countries use these drugs that could be banned or restricted, at least in the food industry.

Today we will analyze the situation of mares subjected to this cruelty of blood farms and the business behind equine chorionic gonadotropin or PMSG (pregnant mare serum gonadotropin)

Blood farms in Uruguay and Argentina de TSB|AWF (subtitulado en español)


Uses of Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin PMSG

Equine chorionic gonadotropin (PMSG) is a hormone used in animal reproduction. It is especially used in:

  • Pig and sheep farming for the production of pig and sheep meat: It is used to accelerate the heat of sows and increase piglet breeding.
  • Artificial insemination programs for mares
  • Heat synchronization in mares: In mares it is used to suppress heat in case of exhibition mares and for artificial insemination. The synchronization of heat can be sought so that with a stallion several mares are mounted in sequence.

PMSG is a hormone produced by the endometrium (membrane that lines the uterus) of pregnant mares. It is extracted from the blood of these mares for commercial use in blood farms.

This hormone is then administered by injection to stimulate follicular development and ovulation in animals. Among its main uses are:

  1. Mares: In equine breeding, PMSG is used to induce ovulation in mares that do not ovulate spontaneously or have irregular cycles. It is also used in heat synchronization programs to facilitate artificial insemination.
  2. Pigs: In pig production, PMSG is used to synchronize heat in a group of sows, allowing artificial inseminations to be performed in a shorter, scheduled period of time. This optimizes reproductive efficiency and piglet production.
  3. Sheep: In sheep farming, PMSG is used to induce and synchronize ovulation in females, making it easier to schedule matings and increasing the rate of conception.

Each animal species and each reproductive situation has its particularities, so it is essential to have a trained professional for its correct use.


Production of equine chorionic gonadotropin PMSG and exploitation of pregnant mares in blood farms

Equine chorionic gonadotropin (PMSG) is produced in “Blood Farms” from the blood plasma of pregnant mares. The production process involves the following general steps:

  1. Selection of pregnant mares: Mares that are in an advanced state of gestation, usually between 40 and 120 days of pregnancy, are selected.
  2. Blood collection: Blood is drawn from pregnant mares using proper and safe techniques, such as venipuncture. The problem is the frequency and amounts with which the blood is extracted from the mares, affecting their health.
  3. Fractionation: The extracted blood is processed by fractionation techniques to separate and purify the desired components. In this case, the goal is to separate the PMSG from the rest of the blood components.
  4. Purification: A purification process is carried out to isolate and concentrate the PMSG. This may involve techniques such as filtration, chromatography, and selective precipitation.
  5. Stabilization and formulation: Once purified, the PMSG is stabilized and formulated into a presentation suitable for later use. PMSG can be lyophilized (in powder form) or prepared in liquid solution.

It is important to note that the production process of PMSG is carried out in specialized facilities and under strict sanitary regulations. It seeks to ensure the quality, purity and standardization of the final product.

Small spaces in the Blood Farms where they place the mares to extract their blood to market it
Small spaces in the Blood Farms where they place the mares to extract their blood to market it

The concerns of animal rights activists about blood farms

Animal rights activists have repeatedly voiced their concerns. These have to do with the implications of drawing blood from pregnant mares on their well-being and that of their offspring. The perspective based on concerns commonly expressed by animal rights advocates includes the following concerns:

  1. Stress and negative effect on the well-being of mares: The extraction of blood from pregnant mares involves intervening in their natural state during a critical period of gestation. This causes physical and emotional stress to mares, especially when performed in large quantities or frequently. Prolonged stress negatively affects the well-being and health of the mare.
  2. Risks to the offspring: During the blood draw, there is a possibility that the mare’s offspring will also be affected. The practices associated with bleeding mares cause additional stress to pregnant mares. This has consequences for the development and health of foals. The mare may react badly to her offspring due to stress, or stress may generate hormones that are transmitted to her offspring through lactation.
  3. Early separation: The young are separated from the mare shortly after birth to avoid interference with PMSG production. This early separation can have negative emotional and social effects on both mares and their offspring.
Cage on a blood farm where a mare is beaten by an operator
Cage on a blood farm where a mare is beaten by an operator

Importantly, these concerns are based on animal welfare and the consideration that animals deserve to be treated with respect and consideration.

In addition, it is a practice that every day spreads more, multiplying the cruelty against these noble animals. We certainly have to do something to stop blood farms or minimize this practice. That is why we disseminate these cases and later we will show the news of the bad practices of this industry.

Sesión de equinoterapia en argentina para un niño con Síndrome de Down

Equine Therapy in Argentina

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Equine Therapy in Argentina

Equine therapy is one of the alternative therapies that are in vogue today benefiting people with some type of disease or condition. Likewise, equine therapy is applied to people with psychological problems or some type of addictions. In Argentina, so much progress has been made in this field that it has a national Equine Therapy law, sanctioned in 2020. For this reason we will address what is related to Equine Therapy in Argentina.

The benefits of equine therapy are numerous which makes it attractive when applied by therapists. Likewise, the people who are participants of this therapy enjoy the contact with the animal to the fullest, in this case the horse.

The proposal of the national law of Equine Therapy emerged over the years of the different organizations that practice Equine Therapy in Argentina. This effort led to the enactment of the National Equine Therapy Law.

In this sense, there was already a precedent in Argentina. Already a region called Tucumán marked a milestone in this matter when it achieved the sanction of the equine therapy law. This law was registered under number 8911 in 2017.

As we can see it is a recent achievement that boosted the other organizations in the fight to achieve the national law of Equine Therapy in Argentina.

Throughout the South American country both children and adults have the privilege of enjoying the activities of equine therapy.  Since this therapy seeks to complement other treatments in these patients.

The dedication of horses to humans is one of the characteristics that Gustavo Mirabal admires about this noble mammal.

Fundación Equinoterapia del Azul, Salta – ARGENTINA

August 9, International Day of Equine Therapy

It should be noted that August 9 is the date on which the international day of equine therapy is celebrated. Hence, the relevance of this alternative therapy to heal is taken into account. It is there that the horse is the protagonist acting as a co-therapist.

Among the range of alternative therapies, equine therapy has reached a high position. Equine therapy is a very effective way to achieve rehabilitation in people with some type of disability or illness. In this sense, it is a method that provides the union between the physical and intellectual therapy of the participant. Well, there are plenty of reasons why Equine Therapy is applied in Argentina.

Horses in equine therapy
Horses in equine therapy

Argentina as an innovative country of Equine Therapy in South America

Among the countries of South America, Argentina has played a fundamental role in the execution of equine therapy.  Now, let’s address a little about the origin of this therapy in this country.

More than 40 years ago Maria Kalbermatter took a big step and began to perform Equine Therapy in ArgentinaIn this sense it was not an easy task because there were only precedents of this alternative therapy in countries of Europe or the United States.

This pioneer named Maria Kalbermatter made equine therapy in Argentina a historic milestone. Well, he dared to show his resilience.

Maria, at the age of 27, had her leg amputated. In the midst of these circumstances she decided to practice horseback riding to rehabilitate herself.

Because of the uniqueness of his idea, his teachers did not object to this. This is how over the years, he showed that it could be done. In addition, he began to take children with different diseases to participate in equine therapy sessions. In this way this practice could be extended and be able to help others.

The bitter experience of suffering amputation was what led her to take this initiative. Indeed, this has allowed him to help many people with different diseases and conditions.

Maria Kalbermatter founded the first Equine Therapy organization in Argentina. This allowed him to train many people and multiply knowledge. At the same time it resulted in the opening of other foundations and how we can see today a number of foundations dedicated to this noble work.

Horse lovers like Gustavo Mirabal are those who believe with a closed eye in Equine Therapy and its many benefits.

Equine therapy session in Argentina for a child with Down syndrome
Equine therapy session in Argentina for a child with Down syndrome

Equine therapy, a new place of importance for the horse in society

Since humanity exists the horse has been present in their lives. Now, with the passage of time the human being became aware that the horse had another more sublime mission. Since the one that was known to serve as a means of transport and its function of cavalry in the wars raised throughout history. In some cultures they pay homage to the horse giving it a level of divinity and mysticism.

As the human was evolving and with it his relationship with the horse. The horse was displaced as a means of transport and many of the functions it fulfilled in society.

It was until a few years ago that the initiative was given to use horses in therapy sessions to provide help to humans. In this way, its therapeutic function in people with physical and mental disabilities became remarkable.

This is how the horse regained a place in society that had forgotten him. Equine Therapy in Argentina shows us the steps that must be taken to achieve it globally.

Definitely the special bond that horses develop with humans is something that Gustavo Mirabal has had the privilege of experiencing. That is why it seeks to return horses to their place in history and human society, and with it their dignity.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro spent a lifetime fighting for his dreams

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Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a Venezuelan businessman, lawyer, and financial advisor. Despite his achievements and recognitions in the world of business and equestrian sports, Gustavo Mirabal continues to fight for his dreams. Gustavo Mirabal Castro spent a lifetime fighting for his dreams and achieved them thanks to this struggle… That is why we will show you a part of his path.

Throughout his career, he has maintained the values of humility, commitment, and perseverance, which has put him on the path to success. Gustavo Mirabal Castro spent a lifetime fighting for his dreams and continues to fight for them. Today you will learn more about Gustavo Mirabal Castro and the secret of his success. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro interview español latino completo. Asesor financiero y emprendedor venezolano

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a Venezuelan fighter

Born in Caracas, Venezuela, on November 10, 1969, Gustavo Mirabal comes from a family of lawyers.

Coming from a family of Venezuelan middle-class lawyers prepared him to fight for what he wanted. Neither enormous difficulties that frustrated his vision, nor great resources that weakened his will to fight.

His parents instilled in him the importance of working hard for his goals while staying true to his values and roots. From his earliest years, Gustavo was attracted to horses, a passion he inherited from his father. This connection with equines became more than a hobby for him it became his great passion and the basis of his dreams.

Thanks to this life and the example of struggle of his parents, Gustavo Mirabal Castro learned that a life fighting for his dreams is worthwhile.

From a young age, he developed a passion for horses, learning to ride and participating in amateur competitions. This passion later became a business, as he invested in the breeding, training and competition of show jumping horses.

But his dreams from a very young age were to work with horses, and give horses the place they deserve in society. Thanks to his determination he achieved this dream as we will see below.

The equestrian business for which Gustavo Mirabal Castro spent a lifetime fighting.

Gustavo Mirabal has taken his equestrian business beyond Venezuela, expanding internationally. What was born as a child’s passion, became a youth venture and a great adult business.

As he grew older, Gustavo Mirabal became increasingly involved in the equestrian world, participating in numerous amateur competitions and standing out as an outstanding athlete.

His dedication and talent in this field, led him to establish his own business in Venezuela. There he focused on the breeding, training and competition of show jumping horses. Through his horse breeding farm, he gained valuable knowledge and experience in the industry. This allowed it to later expand internationally.

His dedication took him from victories as an amateur rider to victories at the Cannes Grand Prix as a breeder of G&C Arrayan, one of his best horses.

His alliances with great riders such as Sergio Álvarez Moya, earned him a great reputation. Mirabal Castro association with Mark Bluman and Brazilians Rodrigo and Nelson Pessoa, also made him reap many victories to his horses and the renown he was looking for.

But Gustavo Mirabal being passionate about horses not only had a dream. His versatility as an athlete, lawyer and financial advisor led him to cultivate and harvest other dreams, as we will see below.


The financial independence for which Gustavo Mirabal spent a lifetime fighting

Despite their comfortable life, the challenges of the Venezuelan middle class have always been present. His early life made him crave total financial independence. That is why he never settled for a single source of income.

In addition to his involvement in the equestrian field, he has also practiced as a lawyer in areas such as corporate, financial, and banking law.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro has also participated in commercial projects in Venezuela and other countries, especially in the real estate and financial fields.

Although he has been successful in his ventures and has worked with prominent clients, such as music and sports stars, Gustavo Mirabal has remained true to his roots and expresses himself in simple and modest ways.

Despite his quest for financial independence, he has always tried to keep in touch with his roots. His contact with his family and children keeps him grounded and helps him maintain his humility.

This multiplicity of interests has caused some to call him a “serial entrepreneur”. And what does this mean? In our article “Gustavo Mirabal Castor a serial entrepreneur” we delve into this topic, but let’s see a little more of this point below.


Serial entrepreneur Gustavo Mirabal Castro

Gustavo Mirabal has ventured into different fields and has turned his knowledge and passions into successful ventures. This could suggest that he has characteristics of a serial entrepreneur.

A serial entrepreneur is characterized by formulating ideas, putting them into practice and creating companies from those ideas. They do not stay in one place, but after creating a successful company, they delegate responsibilities and look for the next idea or venture. They focus on the execution of the idea and are passionate about carrying it out.

Some examples of well-known serial entrepreneurs include Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, and Richard Branson, who have founded and managed multiple successful companies in different industries.

As for Gustavo Mirabal, he has managed to turn his knowledge and passions into successful ventures in different areas.

But Gustavo Mirabal also continues his life fighting for those dreams. That’s why he continues to look for new opportunities and delegate responsibilities to his previous companies.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro the athlete who helps athletes.

One of the things Gustavo Mirabal enjoys most is doing sports and exercising. From a very young age, he has involved his children and staying fit. Thanks to this, his children are outstanding athletes and have kept fit, following in their father’s footsteps.

This role as an athlete was what made him interested in finances for athletes. This is because he saw how important it is for elite and professional athletes to make precautions for their future.

Professional athletes have a short professional career compared to other professions. Therefore, proper financial planning is essential to save and invest in the most productive years, which generally ends before age 50. But let’s detail a little more.



The life of a professional athlete

While in other professions people can work until the age of 60 and 70, athletes have their productive peak at 25 to 30 years. We can find more details on this topic in the article “finances for athletes“, where we detail the financial needs of athletes and give some examples to consider.

Thanks to his simplicity and modesty, Gustavo Mirabal was able to carry out an impeccable financial planning that allows him to continue enjoying sports as a hobby while not having financial worries.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro as an athlete is an example of how success and modesty can coexist. His life and career prove that it is possible to achieve great goals without losing the essence of oneself. His focus on a modest and simple life is inspiring to those seeking to achieve their goals, personal and financial, without losing sight of core values.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro showjumper
Gustavo Mirabal Castro showjumper


Gustavo Mirabal Castro spent a lifetime fighting for his dreams and the dreams of others.

The Venezuelan businessman Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a lawyer, and financial advisor that has dedicated his life to fighting for his dreams. From a young age, he demonstrated an overflowing passion for horses and equestrian sport, which led him to build a successful career in this field.

But Gustavo Mirabal not only stood out in the equestrian field, but also in the world of law and finance.

With his legal background and experience in the banking sector, he decided to combine his passion for horses with his financial knowledge, offering legal and financial advisory services to athletes and other clients.

This unique combination of skills made him an unconventional, yet highly effective advisor who earned the respect and trust of his clients.

Seeing a man fight for his dreams and achieve it is inspiring and elicits the kind of confidence needed in a financial advisor. That’s why Gustavo Mirabal spent a lifetime fighting for his dreams and it was precisely that struggle that gave him the credibility he needed.

Spanish rider Sergio Alvarez Moya with G&C Arrayan, the horse that has given joy to Gustavo Mirabal
Spanish rider Sergio Alvarez Moya with G&C Arrayan, the horse that has given joy to Gustavo Mirabal

Gustavo Mirabal Castro spent a lifetime overcoming obstacles… Keeping your feet on the ground.

Throughout his career, Gustavo Mirabal faced numerous challenges and obstacles, but he never stopped fighting for his dreams.

His determination and perseverance led him to expand his business to countries such as the United States, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.

Despite his growing success and recognition in the business and financial field, Gustavo Mirabal never lost his humility and simplicity. He remained rooted in his values and his family, who kept him grounded throughout his career.

The life of Gustavo Mirabal is a testimony of life. A testament to how passion, hard work and perseverance can lead us to achieve our dreams.

We can say that if he had not kept his feet on the ground, he would not have been able to jump high enough to overcome all the obstacles that presented themselves, and this is the key to his success.


A life of struggle is an inspiring life.

Through his dedication to equestrian sport, through his commitment to his clients and his focus on a modest and simple life, Gustavo Mirabal has left an inspiring legacy.

His story reminds us that no matter how ambitious our goals are, if we fight for them with determination and maintain our essence, we can achieve extraordinary things.

In short, Gustavo Mirabal Castro spent a lifetime fighting for his dreams and, through his example, motivates us to pursue ours with passion and determination.

Her story teaches us that the road to success can be full of challenges, but with courage and a persevering mindset, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.


Who is Carolina Mirabal? | Gustavo Mirabal

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Carolina Mirabal is a Venezuelan woman, business administrator, former Miss Delta Amacuro and the wife of Gustavo Mirabal. An intelligent, talented, familiar and hardworking woman. Carolina Mirabal is a worthy representative of Venezuelan women and that is why today we will tell you who is Carolina Mirabal?

They say that behind a great man there is always a great woman. At least in the case of Gustavo Mirabal Castro this is absolutely true. Carolina Mirabal, the wife of Gustavo Mirabal is a great woman.

This worthy representative of the beauty of the Venezuelan woman was known for the first time when she participated as Miss Delta Amacuro in the miss Venezuela contest of the year 1994 with only 18 years. Those who know her say that she possesses a magnetic and powerful personality. By making ourselves known in this way we know that at least beauty is not lacking. However, this wonderful woman not only possesses great beauty but also a great personality and intelligence.

The graduate of business administration was always clear that the Miss Venezuela contest would only be an experience that would open doors for her. But Carolina Mirabal didn’t want to be judged for being a beautiful face. That’s why he developed integrally obtaining a career while developing in the sports field. Many do not know, but Carolina Mirabal is an excellent rider. He has even participated in numerous amateur competitions with very good results.

She is certainly a multifaceted woman who has given a lot to talk about. But today we will tell you about the Carolina Mirabal that few know.

We have a lot to tell you about this excellent woman, mother, professional and wife. With no more to add, let’s get started.

Video of G & C LEROY ridden by CAROLINA MIRABAL from ShowNet!

Carolina Chapellín, before being Carolina Mirabal, a young Miss Delta Amacuro

María Carolina Chapellín before being Carolina Mirabal was a Venezuelan beauty queen. With only 18 years in the Miss Venezuela contest in 1994, representing very worthily the state Delta Amacuro.

Although she did not win the title of Miss Venezuela that year, her participation in the pageant led her to acquire recognition and notoriety in the country. And it is that the Miss Venezuela is one of the most prestigious beauty contests in Venezuela. It is considered an event of great importance in the country since its inception. But let’s know a little more about Miss Venezuela


Founded in 1952, it has been a platform that has catapulted numerous Venezuelan women to stardom both nationally and internationally. Many well-known models and actresses have come out of this contest.

The objective of the contest is to select the representatives of Venezuela for international beauty contests, such as:

  • The Miss Universe
  • Miss World
  • The Miss International.
  • Other beauty contests for which the different finalists are chosen

The contestants represent the different states and regions of the country, compete in various categories and are evaluated by a panel of beauty and fashion experts. In addition, their responses are also evaluated to see their mental agility and intelligence.

The Miss Venezuela has become a cultural phenomenon in Venezuela and is followed with great attention by a large part of the population. The objective of the contest is broadcast live on television and generates great expectation and excitement in the country. The Miss Venezuela has had a significant impact on fashion, the entertainment industry and the projection of Venezuela’s image internationally.

Venezuela has earned a reputation as “the factory of queens” due to the number of international titles it has obtained in major beauty contests worldwide. This contest catapulted María Carolina Mirabal into her role as a model, although it did not divert her from her goal of studying business administration, because she is not only a pretty face.

Who is Carolina Mirabal in the equestrian world?

The love for equestrian sport was something that Carolina Mirabal cultivated from a very young age

It was perhaps this hobby that ended up bringing Carolina Mirabal and Gustavo Mirabal closer together. The two met at a party with mutual friends. Maybe it wouldn’t have gone from there if the issue of horseback riding hadn’t come up. Suddenly there was a huge connection between the two and the rest is history. But that’s a topic for later.

Within the equestrian world she has not only participated as a rider but also as an equestrian entrepreneur. Remember that Carolina Mirabal participated in the creation of G&C Farm with Gustavo Mirabal. She was one of the masterminds behind the commercial and marketing architecture of the company. With her in charge of commercial and marketing area and her husband in the financial area everything was assured.

Her contribution was so great, at the marketing level, that some do not hesitate to equate her with her husband Gustavo Mirabal, with respect to her responsibility in the success of this equestrian company. Carolina Miraba knows the importance of contacts and image. All this is due to his facet as an ex-miss.

Her experience as a former miss and her studies in business administration were indispensable in the success of G&C Farm. Without a doubt “a great woman next to a great man”, and not behind…

She dedicated herself body and soul to developing the family business G&C Farm, she continued to dedicate herself to her true passion, the showjumping.

Carolina Mirabal’s great passion for Showjumping

Some would think that Gustavo Mirabal is the passionate rider within the relationship, but it’s not entirely true. They both love horseback riding, but for Carolina Mirabal horseback riding is a way of life. She is more passionate and therefore has never stopped practicing it.

Gustavo Mirabal a few years ago made his retirement from competitions and with it from horseback riding in general. However, for Carolina Mirabal to stop practicing horseback riding is not an option. Whether she competes or not, Maria Carolina Mirabal practices all or almost every day.

For her, riding and showjumping is like breathing. That is why she has obtained very good results in the competitions. In addition, horseback riding is the exercise that keeps her in shape.

When asked about her secret to staying beautiful and young, she always mentions that one of the great secrets is sports. Horseback riding allows you to not only maintain healthy physical activity, but also brings a lot of joy to your life.

Carolina recommends that all women find a physical activity that not only makes them sweat, but that they are passionate about. To find time for yourself outside the roles of mother, wife and housewife is to find yourself. And this is the “fountain of youth” for Carolina Mirabal.

Who is Carolina Mirabal in equestrian world?
Who is Carolina Mirabal in equestrian world?

Who is Carolina Mirabal for her family?

Carolina was always the spoiled one of the house. With an adorable personality, she was one of the girls who put every adult in a pocket with a smile. And most importantly, it was authentic.

Carolina Mirabal’s full name is Maria Carolina Chapellin Bigott. She was born on August 3, 1976 and is a worthy representative of her zodiac sign Leo. Believe or not in the horoscope, the truth is that the charisma of those born under the sign leo is something that Carolina has always had.

Thanks to this she had many friends and thanks to this she managed to participate in the miss Venezuela pageant. After that beautiful experience she left many friends in the contest with whom she keeps in touch today.

In her family she is adored for being very affectionate and always being aware of everyone. Some say that he drew his great personality from his grandfather Luis Bigott, from whom they claim that he also drew the philanthropic vein. But do you know who Luis Bigott is? If you do not know then do not worry that here we will tell you.

Carolina Mirabal and her son
Carolina Mirabal and her son

Who is Luis Bigott and the origin of Carolina’s “philanthropic vein”?

Carolina Mirabal is the granddaughter of businessman Luis Bigott. This entrepreneur is none other than the founder of Bigott companies and Bigott Foundation. This respected businessman and philanthropist is one of the promoters of public education. As a good philanthropist he understood that the country needed an educated population and therefore presented a plan to Eleazar Díaz Contreras.

Luis Bigott was not only a businessman and philanthropist but a visionary because he promoted the creation of a Central Bank.

Luis Bigott while in high school began working in a cigarette factory. There he became familiar with the industry and its production processes over a 10-year period that ended in 1898. In that year he decided to find his own company, a small cigarette factory. In just 20 years it became one of the country’s leading cigarette factories. He was also a great promoter of tobacco growing. A few years later he managed to partner with the British-American Tobacco Company and with that he managed to consolidate his business.

To support the workers of his factory he founded a school. At that school he could study at the technical level in the agricultural and food area to give them a future. Also, within their lands he built houses so that they could live their workers.

Certainly, the philanthropic vein of Carolina Mirabal has its origin in his grandfather. However, little is known of this facet as it is something she wants to keep secret. He doesn’t like to brag about his contribution to society. She is fully committed to several childhood-related causes.

Headquarters of the Bigott Tobacco Company
Headquarters of the Bigott Tobacco Company

Who is Carolina Mirabal in academia? | Gustavo Mirabal

As we mentioned in the introduction, Carolina Mirabal did not wish to be judged as “just a pretty face.” The example of his grandfather Luis Bigott is a family legacy that marks all the members of the family. That is why her family encouraged Carolina Mirabal from a very young age to strive in her studies and to forge her “own path”.

Such was the example of her grandfather that, instead of opting for careers such as Social Communication or Dentistry, careers with a strong female presence, María Carolina Mirabal leaned towards business.

His business administration career made him admire his grandfather even more. When we ask him about his grandfather, his face lights up and he tells us:

“My grandfather was a great man. He was not only an entrepreneur, but an entrepreneur with a great social conscience. He wanted his employees not only to be his workers, but to feel like family. This meant that there was a great commitment from his workers and this commitment was reciprocal on his part. After studying business administration I understood everything that is required to build a successful company. That’s when I understood who my grandfather really was and I got to admire him even more, if you can.”

Carolina Mirabal’s grades were excellent, but she didn’t just have good grades. In addition, she had an excellent study group and her peers found great support in her. A talented woman in the business world is now very common, but if she is also beautiful and sporty she already begins to become an “exotic bird”.

We can say that María Carolina Mirabal is an “exotic bird” among women. It was this that caught Gustavo Mirabal’s attention and kept them both very happy and united.

There is still a lot to know about Carolina Mirabal

This woman is certainly multifaceted. We lack much to know and therefore we will have other articles to talk about the hobbies of her, her studies and especially the family of her with Gustavo Mirabal.

If you didn’t know who Carolina Mirabal now you know a little about this wonderful woman.

Entrepreneurship for the development of countries

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We already mentioned it in a previous article, “Entrepreneurship is fashionable”. Not only at the level of people, but at the institutional and economic level. Knowledge about the growth and development of countries has focused on entrepreneurship. That is why today we will talk about entrepreneurship for the development of countries.

Some studies show that SMEs generate between 80% and 90% of employment in the world.

In Chile, for example, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises generate 98% of employment and 65% of formal employment. This tells us about the potential of stimulating and developing SMEs.

Entrepreneurship is the seed and germ of companies. Sometimes even before they are companies, startups lay the groundwork and serve as an experiment. Later an entrepreneurship can become a company.

Start-ups are forms of entrepreneurship focused on technology sectors. As we see the focus of the economy is on the creation of new companies, because they are the ones that can guarantee the absorption of the labor force.

In addition, entrepreneurship is the way to maintain a flow of constant business creation.

Studies show that 50% of small businesses disappear before the age of 5. Additionally, more than 80% of SMEs do not reach 10 years of life.

With this in mind, governments and countries must nurture and stimulate the creation of new businesses. On the other hand, a healthy economy requires competition. If new companies do not emerge, competition will be diminished, and a healthy market will not be possible.

But let’s learn more about what is known as entrepreneurship.


What is considered and what is not considered an entrepreneurship?

As we mentioned in our article on “Entrepreneurship and New Business“, not every company is a entrepreneurship and not all entrepreneurship are companies.

The first thing we should know is that for an economic venture to become a company it must achieve some success. That does not mean that it will not disappear after a few years.

On the other hand, not all entrepreneurships are economic ventures. We also have other categories such as social enterprises. This implies that the characteristics of entrepreneurship go beyond simply making money.

Additionally, not every business is an entrepreneurship. One of the key characteristics of a entrepreneurship is innovation. Innovation in a venture becomes a source of differentiation, which strengthens the chances of success.

This innovation is usually accompanied by technical progress. And when we talk about technical progress, we don’t mean computing, systems or apps. The assembly line was a technical breakthrough that gave Ford the ability to compete above the rest. And it’s not about new technology, it’s about a new way of doing things.

To this is added that entrepreneurship is a process of learning and trial and error. Therefore, it could be considered that Startups are ventures in the technological area. Start-ups are a new way of doing the things you try to get a suitable business model to finance the introduction of this innovation.

For these peculiarities we can say that entrepreneurship is not synonymous with business. Many startups have failed to find a way to monetize their innovation.

For all the above, below, we will talk about those things that make an economic activity considered an entrepreneurship.


Elements that make an economic activity considered an entrepreneurship.

Next, we will tell you some of the things that characterize a entrepreneurship. Additionally, we will tell you what environmental conditions are necessary for the ventures to be successful.

Let’s start by knowing what are those things that differentiate a venture from other initiatives or businesses.

Entrepreneurship for development
Entrepreneurship for development

Technical progress

It is an indispensable condition that there is technical progress in a business or commercial activity to consider it an entrepreneurship or a venture.

Sometimes it is tried to call any incipient business in its launch process as an entrepreneurship. A hamburger or hot dog sale may be a entrepreneurship, but it must have some element of technical progress.

Selling coffee on a street corner is a precarious business or informal self-employment, not an entrepreneurship. Now if we start innovating in the way we provide service, in the product or in some way, this could have some elements to consider it an entrepreneurship.

The problem is that, in the eagerness of the economic programs of the countries to promote the creation of companies, it has ended up being called entrepreneurship to all business in the process of start-up. A bombastic name used to attract those seeking better economic opportunities than an underpaid job.

It is entirely reasonable to seek better income through self-employment, but we must not delude ourselves. If we really want to make that a sustainable activity, we should not stop at offering a commodity in the same way that everyone does.

Choosing a different path is the way to differentiate ourselves from the competition. This can be the difference between failure and success of a business. In the same way, technical progress is the difference between an entrepreneurship and a normal business.

Technical progress is fundamental for entrepreneurship and development of countries
Technical progress is fundamental for entrepreneurship and development of countries

Investment and financing for entrepreneurship and development

One of the things that characterizes an entrepreneurship is its limited access to conventional financing sources. As it is not a consolidated company, alternative forms of financing are often used, focused on the capacity of the entrepreneur. In addition, these forms give the entrepreneur greater flexibility and control over his venture.

If an entrepreneur gives shares to his financiers or goes into a lot of debt, he will have ballast when it comes to managing his company.

On the other hand, if you are looking for alternative sources of financing, you can have greater freedom and flexibility in acting. This set of techniques to finance themselves that entrepreneurs use is called Bootstraping.

Bootstraping is the way for entrepreneurs to finance themselves through their own means. In this way, the external indebtedness of the company is limited. Some of the methodologies to finance used by entrepreneurs are:

  • Financing by the resources of the entrepreneur: Savings or income of the entrepreneur are used to invest in the venture.
  • Invest energy and effort without salary or return: This is a way to invest the entrepreneur’s time without remuneration until the venture takes off.
  • Minimize bill payments: Investment and expenses are minimized. In this way, the critical activities are chosen and based on them it is invested.
  • Minimize inventory: You have only the inventory required to keep the venture running.
  • Debt of the entrepreneur: It is chosen to take personal loans or loans from family or friends to finance the venture.

Capital accumulation (infrastructure, machinery, technology, knowledge, intellectual property, and human capital)

To become an entrepreneur to be require the accumulation of capital just like to start a business. But the composition of the capital accumulated in a venture and in a common business are usually different.

Capital accumulation in entrepreneurship is more about knowledge, intellectual property, and human capital.

On the other hand, common businesses require more infrastructure and machinery.

In the accumulation of capital is one of the keys to business success. This is because capital means resources invested in elements that boost productivity and add differentiation.

In this way, the knowledge acquired and the innovative way of doing things, technical progress are keys to entrepreneurship.

Some people believe that money is the most important thing to start a business. However, the accumulation of technique and knowledge can be more important elements for the success of a business than liquid capital, machinery or infrastructure.

Currently, some business models are based on services and have minimal infrastructure.

In any case, depending on the type of entrepreneurship we should not rule out infrastructure as a fundamental part.

For example, at present, airlines have fewer and fewer planes, and on the other hand, there are companies that are dedicated to managing aircraft as efficiently as possible. In this way the specialization of the strengths to each. While one manages the service layer, the other company efficiently manages the infrastructure and machinery. Innovation in capital management is in the DNA of entrepreneurship.

How does entrepreneurship affect the development of countries?

Entrepreneurship has a positive effect on the development of countries. This is because the core of entrepreneurship is innovation, passion and commitment. An entrepreneur is a person with an innovative idea with the passion and commitment necessary to implement it.

It is true that not all ventures are successful, but learning and innovative capacity is something that produces value.

Many ventures started without generating money. But with time and dedication of the entrepreneur they managed to monetize that added value. Facebook is an example of an idea that started generating only costs and over time managed to monetize and become a major advertising company.

Innovation does not always generate immediate returns. But with the necessary perseverance it can become a new business model or a differentiator for an existing business.

This innovation becomes a social value for countries. This differentiation can make the country competitively stronger.

Thanks to innovation, human beings are more efficient in everything we do and with this we can generate more wealth and more well-being for all.

Entrepreneurship is key to the development of countries because it is key to the promotion of innovation, as we will see below.

Innovation for the development and growth of countries.

More developed countries invest much more in research and development than underdeveloped countries. Investment in research and development is the biggest factor that differentiates development from one country to another.

The truth is that research and development affects technical progress fundamentally. Entrepreneurship is a source of innovation in this aspect, but it is also in many others.

Focusing on innovation can be key to a country’s development. Perhaps this is the reason why developed countries are increasingly investing in research and development and in promoting entrepreneurship and the formation of new companies.

Strengthening the business fabric and technology to boost the economy are two key tasks that contribute to a country leaving underdevelopment.

That is why we invite countries that want to develop to:

  • Encourage entrepreneurship, not as the formation of existing businesses, but as innovative ideas that are configured into businesses.
  • Invest in education and Research and Development.

These will be the pillars for a true transformation.


Top countries by R&D expenditure 2022 - Statista
Top countries by R&D expenditure 2022 – Statista

Entrepreneurship for the development of countries.

Undoubtedly, entrepreneurship is fundamental for the development of countries. It affects general employment, formal employment and the competitiveness and competition of companies.

The basis of entrepreneurship is innovation. In addition, innovation is the key to improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness of companies.

Innovation adds value in the following aspects of business and country development:

  • Innovation is able to improve current processes and automate them, making processes simpler, faster and more efficient.
  • Thanks to innovation and technical progress, we have production processes and tools that improve the efficiency and competitiveness of countries and companies. Let’s reflect a little on how computing has revolutionized the way we do things.
  • Innovation creates differentiators for companies and countries. In this way they can develop it as a competitive advantage that will make them more resilient.
  • Constant innovation can also help create new businesses. In this way, increasing competition strengthens the market.

This is how entrepreneurship is a sure source of a healthy market

Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente

World Environment Day 2023, #BeatPlasticPollution on June 5th

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World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5 June. This United Nations initiative seeks to promote global awareness and action in favor of the environment.

World Environment Day was established in 1972. The UN General Assembly, during the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden, decreed this day. Its intention was to raise awareness about climate change and the importance of environmental protection.

From that moment on, World Environment Day became a very important day. It has become a platform to generate positive changes in relation to the environment.

Topics addressed during World Environment Day

The slogan and theme of World Environment Day varies each year. This theme is chosen annually to highlight a particular environmental concern that requires global attention.

The celebration of World Environment Day gives us the opportunity to generate the necessary reflection for change. This day we can participate in activities and projects that promote the protection of the environment.

Topics, activities, and events during this day

Over the years, topics such as:

  • Air pollution.
  • Loss of biodiversity.
  • Climate change.
  • Waste and waste management.
  • Deforestation.
  • Sustainable development.
  • Water conservation.

During World Environment Day, activities and events are carried out such as:

  • Beach cleaning campaigns
  • Tree planting days
  • Conferences and workshops to raise awareness about the state of the environment.
  • Marches, protests and various community initiatives.

During this day we seek to promote environmental education and sensitize people to take care of our environment.

Today we will talk in detail about Environment Day and its importance.

How We Can Keep Plastics Out of Our Ocean | National Geographic

Environment Day 2023 – #BeatPlasticPollution

The annual themes of Environment Day focus on specific problems. This seeks to emphasize a critical problem of today. In this way, concrete actions can be emphasized regarding this problem and progress can be made in this regard.

This methodology allows us to progressively raise awareness of environmental threats. But it also gives concrete context to these threats.

2023 has become the perfect opportunity to put on the table one of the most controversial issues regarding the environment, plastic pollution. Additionally, it is a very important celebration because it also celebrates the 50th anniversary of Environment Day. This makes the celebration have a double intention, to reinforce this year’s theme and evaluate the progress during these 50 years.

This year the host country of World Environment Day 2023 is Côte d’Ivoire. The selection of the theme of World Environment Day and the host country is not accidental.

Biétry Bay no longer harbors life. Plastic pollution wiped out fish and fishing activity in the region, also affecting the economy.

The bay is in Abidjan, a city of more than 6 million inhabitants. Abidjan produces more than 290 thousand tons of plastic waste.

Since 2014 Côte d’Ivoire has waged a battle against plastic waste. Their first action was to ban the use of disposable plastic bags. At the same time, Côte d’Ivoire began to stimulate the adoption and use of sustainable and reusable packaging.

Côte d’Ivoire represents an example of the dangers and fight against plastic waste in the world.

Biétry Bay in Abidjan, the economic capital of Côte d'Ivoire
Biétry Bay in Abidjan, the economic capital of Côte d’Ivoire

The role of governments during World Environment Day

World Environment Day is also an occasion for governments, NGOs (non-governmental organizations), businesses and individuals to reflect on their actions and look for ways to reduce their environmental impact.

During this day, people are encouraged to take concrete steps such as:

  • Save energy.
  • Use sustainable means of transport.
  • Reduce water consumption.
  • Recycling
  • Adopt more responsible living practices.

In this type of campaign, all social actors have an important role, but the fundamental role is played by governments.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

The role of citizens with respect to the environment.

People can take an active role during World Environment Day. This means taking concrete measures to protect and conserve the environment. Here are some ideas:

  1. Get educated: Take the opportunity to learn more about current environmental issues. Some of the current problems are climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and other challenges. Learn how they can affect you and how you can help mitigate them.
  2. Promote awareness: Share information and raise awareness about environmental challenges in your environment using social media. You can also organize community events to inform about the importance of caring for the environment.
  3. Reduce, reuse, and recycle: Practice waste reduction in your daily life. Reject the use of disposable products. Recycle as much as possible. Adopt sustainable consumption practices.
  4. Save energy: Look for ways to reduce your energy consumption at home and at work. Use energy-saving light bulbs, turn off appliances and lights when you don’t need them. It is also good to consider the use of renewable energy sources.
  5. Conserve water: Repair leaks, take shorter showers and collect rainwater for non-potable uses. Become aware of the sustainable use of water.
  6. Sustainable travel: Try to get around in more sustainable means of transport, such as walking, cycling or public transport.
  7. Participate in community activities: Join local environmental activities and projects during World Environment Day. It participates in cleaning activities, reforestation, educational workshops and among others. It promotes sustainability and respect for nature.

World Environment Day is an opportunity to promote change and raise awareness.

Recycle on World Environment Day
Recycle on World Environment Day

World Environment Day, a propitious moment to initiate change.

World Environment Day is an important date on which environmental awareness is promoted. Through this celebration, collective action is stimulated to protect and preserve our planet.

We can also become aware of our daily actions and commit to making positive changes for the benefit of the environment. Every small step is a grain of sand to the protection of the environment.

Each of us can make a small difference when it comes to taking care of our planet. Together we can truly make the change our planet needs.

It is an opportunity to remember that we all have a role to play in building a sustainable and environmentally friendly future.