A rienda suelta - El caballo en las series de Netflix

The horse in the Netflix series, and in his films

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The origin of horse film is linked to the very origin of cinema. But even since its very origin, it keeps its presence in force. This is how with the advent of streaming services the horse has also become present. Netflix is the leading streaming platform, with 208 million subscribers worldwide. So, if we didn’t talk about the horse in the Netflix series any article about movies and horse series would be incomplete.

Today we will know how cinema was born and how its birth is inextricably linked to the horse. No doubt the horse and the cinema have ridden together throughout their history and both remain in force.

In addition, cinema has had times where its film production has been centered around the horse. Let us remember the time when westerns dominated the so-called seventh art. A golden age for cinema and also for some actors. At that time legends such as John Wayne, Charles Bronson, Steve McQueen and Clint Eastwood were born. Without a doubt a golden age for acting in Hollywood and many of these actors transcended this genre. We’ll learn a little bit more about the actors who brought the genre to life as well.

Horse movies and series are Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s favorite movies. That is why talking about the horse in Netflix series is a way to pay tribute to horses and their validity in the audiovisual arts.

Then this trip will take us to know the horse and horse movies in the Netflix series. This will be a trip on horseback… Prepare yourself

The origin of cinema

The origin of the cinema is in the capture of static images. That’s why he shares much of his story with photography. Although the Lumiére brothers were their inventors there were many previous contributions that concluded with cinema as we know it.

That is why we will go back to 1878 and to Eadweard Muybridge. An English photographer whose main works were done in the USA.

There was doubt at the time whether the horse took off at the same time its four legs from the ground as it ran. A wealthy enthusiast offered twenty-five thousand dollars to anyone who could solve the mystery with evidence.

Muybridge researched to make a camera and a film that quickly captured the movement. He then placed 24 cameras synchronized one after the other to capture different moments of the horse’s movement.

In this way Eadweard Muybridge managed to immortalize the movement of the horse and by playing the sequence we had the first animation of real images. This was the forerunner of the moving image and finally of cinema.

Eadweard Muybridge's Sequence of Photographs
Eadweard Muybridge’s Sequence of Photographs

The Origin of Netflix

Netflix’s story is one of many stories of paradigm breakage. During the boom of e-commerce companies and “dot coms” an idea emerged that broke with the established paradigms. Thinking about a subscription content delivery model sounded surreal, but that’s what its creator Reed Hastings set out to do.

No doubt this is the beginning of the horse in the Netflix series and all that fun.

Emergence of the Netflix idea

Netflix started in the nineties when Reed Hastings rented a movie on the well-known Blockbuster network. Blockbuster at that time was the largest video club chain in the United States and with a presence in several countries. It managed to capture a quarter of the global video club market. In these places users rented their favorite movies, either on vhs, DVD and later on Blue-ray.

The Blockbuster network imposed severe fines on users who failed to return rented movies on time. This is what happened to Reed Hastings who received a “generous fine” of $40 for returning a movie late. Thanks to this he came up with the thought of creating a video club that did not impose fines on users. Also, the intention to start an e-commerce business would be coupled with such a situation forming the basis for Netflix.

The beginnings of Netflix and the rejection of Blockbuster

Netflix, in the early years, would become a virtual video club. In this video club customers placed orders online and the movies were dispatched by mail and in the same way were returned to Netflix.

In 2000 Netflix proposed to Blockbuster to buy his business for $50 million and Blockbuster turned it down. Today Netflix is valued at $45 billion. Without a doubt Blockbuster missed the business of a lifetime.

In 2007 Netflix made the leap to offer Video On-Demand via streaming. Today it is the largest streaming platform and offers movies for all tastes, including movies for horse lovers.

Horse cinema

We’ve talked about equestrian or horse-related movies before. Among them we can mention The Longest Ride, Mustang or The horse Whisperer. In all of them the horse is an ally and a catalyst for the transformation of the human being.

This is how thanks to this mystical connection between man and horse, the horse in the Netflix series has become very popular.

In particular, Mustang and The Horse Whisperer are films that invite us to conscience. In both man through the knowledge of the horse knows himself. Below we will give a brief overview of the aforementioned films.

the Mustang

“The Mustang” is a film that has garnered excellent scores and comments from critics and audiences. This is an independent film about a work program for reduced sentences for prisoners in the U.S. It follows the story of a tormented man who wishes to remain in the prison system so as not to suffer. However, the work program offered is not common and brings you closer to the taming of wild horses. Thus, the protagonist sees himself reflected in the confinement of the horse, learning about affection and freedom.

The connection with horses leads him to reflection and redemption and shows us that violence can be healed as well. The Mustang has a Rotten Tomatoes score of 95% from specialized critics and is valued by the audience with 76%. Without a doubt, The Mustang is a movie that you should consider watching among the movies and Netflix series about horses.

The Mustang, The Horse in Netflix Movies and Series
The Mustang, The Horse in Netflix Movies and Series

The Horse Whisperer

In this film starring Robert Redford, a girl, a man and a horse heal their physical and spiritual wounds.

A girl and her horse suffer an accident that leaves them very affected. Only through therapy and their work together will they be able to return to who they were. To achieve her goal, the girl’s mother looks for Robert Redford, a very special man.

Robert Redford is what’s known as a horse whisperer. Through his ability to connect with them, he allows him to help them recover after trauma. It certainly shows us the power that horses could help us recover, a topic that we deal with repeatedly in our articles on equine therapy.

As an interesting note of this film, in The Horse Whisperer we will be able to admire the second performance of a young Scarlett Johansson in a Patagonian role. At only 14 years old, he played a role where he stood out alongside a veteran like Robert Redford.

The Horse Whisperer has a Rotten Tomatoes score of 73% from specialized critics and 72% from the audience. Without a doubt, it is an excellent film recommended by the audience and film critics.

The Horse Whisperer 1998 - Horse Movies on Netflix
The Horse Whisperer 1998 – Horse Movies on Netflix

The Longest Ride

It’s the story of love between a rodeo rider and a girl whose love is bound by responsibility and the past. Thanks to a history of the past they will get a way to overcome obstacles and their fears. An excellent romantic film that reminds us of traditional values and that there is always an option.

The Longest Ride Movie Poster
The Longest Ride Movie Poster

Top 5 horse movies.

Some of these horse movies will be made on Netflix. Here’s the top 5 of all-time equestrian films:

The horse whisperer.

A film that we already mentioned in which Robert Redford plays a man with a very special connection with horses. He is able to heal the psyche of horses, just as he can do with people. An excellent film for horse lovers


This film is based on the book “Seabiscuit: An American Legend”. It tells the story of Seabiscuit, a racehorse that inspired millions in the midst of the Great Depression era. With the likes of Tobey Mc Guire and Jeff Bridges, Seabiscuit is a must-see. Horse lovers will love this movie.


The film tells the story of the American triple crown champion horse, Secretariat. Around this horse gather Penny Chenery a housewife who assumes her breeding due to the illness of her horse and Lucien Laurin, a trainer about to retire. With faith, perseverance and optimism they manage to make Secretariat a champion. Penny Chenery is played by Diane Lane and Lucien Laurin is played by Jhon Malkovich. With a moving story and a dream cast, it’s a film worth watching.

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.

It is the story of Spirit, a Mustang horse in the fight for his freedom. Spirit is caught and is left in the middle of the fighting between native Americans and the American army. With determination and loyalty he helps Native Americans and achieves the things that matter most to him. An animated film that even adults should watch.

War Horse

It is about the story of friendship between a horse and a man. Through the vicissitudes of his life and the First World War, their friendship grows. Both overcome numerous challenges until life gives them the opportunity to meet again. It is a story about overcoming and the value of friendship and family.

The Horse Whisperer (1998)
The Horse Whisperer (1998)

The horse in Netflix Series and Movies

Netflix has become the go-to reference for streaming services. In addition to having global coverage, it offers a wide variety of programs.

As for horse series and movies on Netflix we have a great variety. From the typical comic strips for the little ones to real-life equestrian dramas.

On Netflix in equestrian fan you will find a great diversity of horse series and movies to satisfy your appetite. Netflix is the great option for horse lovers who want to have them even on their TV screens.

Without further ado, let’s get to know part of the menu that Netflix has to offer us.

Genres of movies and horse series on Netflix.

Movies and series tend to be grouped into genres. These genres generally reflect the narrative structure and themes covered. Some more original than others, we can always find reminiscences or combinations of them. Here are the most common genres of horse movies on Netflix (and outside Neflix):

  • Western: The traditional cowboy movie. Whether traditional or not so traditional, the old-west cowboy has the narrative structure of good versus evil. The taming of the wild in the face of civilization that must be faced using force. Here the cowboy confronts the Indian, the unknown, the wild and the cowboy who wants power. Here you will find many shots, duels, taverns and horseback riding.
  • Period: Period films use the horse as a means of transport and work tool. Without the machinery on fuel, the horse played a very important role in human society. These films remind us of simpler times when we depended on nature.
  • Horseback Riding: The most modern films focus on horseback riding and horse racing as an activity of enjoyment. Still many of them focus on sport and the natural and mystical connection with the horse. They are undoubtedly films of self-improvement and growth.
Free rein - The Horse in the Netflix Series - Horseback genre
Free rein – The Horse in the Netflix Series – Horseback genre


Films and Series of Horses and the genre of the Western. The golden age of horse cinema.

The Western era was one of the golden age of horse cinema. There were also series that fueled this genre.

The most impressive thing is that this is a genre that continues to give something to talk about. That is why today we will talk about the great films of the old west, the series of yesteryear, their actors and the series are giving something to talk about today. Let’s just start.

Western horse movies

The old west movies gave a lot to talk about at the time. It was a very demanded genre and it gave us great actors. One of the most important is Clint Eastwood who continues to direct with force leaving his indelible mark on cinema. Let’s see which are considered the best films of the western genre:

  • The Searchers (1956): Starring John Wayne, this Old West drama introduces us to a man who returns from the war to see his family killed by indians. He vows revenge and with his nephew follows them for 5 long years.
  • Rio Bravo (1958): a Sheriff goes to face only the bandits, while the people want to help in their fight. But the sheriff chooses to fight only to prevent anyone from getting hurt in the conflict. Another film by the fabulous John Wayne.
  • The Magnificent Seven (1960): A sheriff who wishes to fight the bandits gathers the best seven gunmen to help a small town on the border with Mexico. The group will defend with all its energies this small town and its inhabitants. With a great cast consisting of Charles Bronson, Yul Brynner and the great Steve McQueen.
  • The Outlaw (1975): A film directed by Clint Eastwood. The story is based on the life of popular Texas hero Bill Wilson, who remained neutral during the Civil War until union soldiers burned his farm.

Western horse series

Below, we mention some of the most important horse series about the Old West:

  • The Rifleman: Shows us how a widowed man must face an unforgiving world with his son. It became a classic of the Old West series and a must-have series for fans of the genre.
  • The Lone Ranger: This series is named after one of the most famous masked heroes on horseback in the old west. Present in all kinds of media (radio, movies, series, novels, comics and cartoons) has left us a great legacy. The series tells the story of a law enforcement officer who puts on a mask to dispense justice. Together with his silver horse and his faithful Indian friend Toro takes us through the most entertaining adventures. This is one of the first series in which the horse becomes one of the protagonists.
  • Bonanza: One of the series that focused on the social and family issues of the old west. One of the longest-running television series with 438 one-hour episodes, it gives us an entertaining and otherwise thoughtful story about the time. The series aired for over 10 years. A widowed father who had to face the difficult life of the old west with his three adult children.
  • Zorro: A series of adventures and atypical westerns. While it meets some of the elements of the western it is a fiction halfway between adventures, heroes and westerns. What there is no doubt about is that it is entertaining and with great success. We’ve talked about this series before.
Tornado and Zorro - Famous Horses
Tornado y Zorro

Horse series and movies on Netflix

Netflix has become the must-see for streaming services. In addition to global coverage, it offers a wide variety of programs.

As for tv shows and horse movies on Netflix we have a great variety. From the typical cartoons for the little ones to real-life equestrian dramas.

On Netflix in the equestrian in the form of a wide variety of series and horse movies for your client. Netflix is the great choice for horse lovers that accomplishes you even on the screens of your TVs.

Horses find fans between big and small. That is why we see a wide range of productions for all ages. However, there are many of these series that are not suitable for the little ones in the house. That’s why we’ve worked on a selection of horse series on Netflix suitable for children and another for adults in the house.

Thanks to this selection everyone at home can enjoy watching through our favorite streaming service the best series of horses on Netflix. Start.

Horse Series on Netflix for Kids

  • Free Rein: A recent series that is becoming popular very quickly. A teenage city decides to spend the holidays with her mother on a small island and where she discovers a mysterious horse. The two will come very close and discover the spirit of friendship.
  • Spirit Riding Free: One of Netflix’s most important horse series. It is a sequel to the most recognized horse films “Spirit: The Indomitable Steed”
  • Spirit Riding Free – Riding Academy: Lucky Prescot, Pru Granger and Abigail Stone move to a new riding academy. Together they will have to adapt and overcome many challenges. Maturity and responsibility will be the key to your move into adulthood. They will meet new friends and have to adapt to the new environment. Everyone will discover their talent to be able to know themselves and accept their new home.
  • My Little Pony: The Magic of Friendship: An animated series aimed at children. In My Little Pony the characters live numerous adventures while knowing themselves. Through their adventures they will be able to learn about the value of friendship. It is based on Hasbro’s “My Little Pony” toy line. Its protagonist Twilight Sparkle guided by his teacher Celestia will learn about the magic of friendship in Ponyville.

Horse Series on Netflix for Adults

  • Heartland: Heartland is a Netflix series that is still airing and already has at least 14 seasons. It tells the story of a family that runs a ranch dedicated to healing troubled horses. It is the most successful horse series in the history of traditional television, streaming and Netflix. She tells us about the evolution of a young woman who after losing her mother must take the reins in the family business and replace her. With a great ability to take care of the horses, but still with a long way to go to mature it is a series for the whole family. We will be able to see how each character evolves and finds his place in the world overcoming great losses and finding great friendships for life. This series has a huge following all over the world, especially in Canada, the United States, Brazil and Argentina. Definitely a Netflix horse series to consider..
  • Bojack Horseman: A successful TV actor with a disgraced TV show tries to get back to the show. The funny thing about this series is that the protagonist is an anthropomorphic horse. Bojack has to deal with fame, his past, failure and fighting for himself. In a world in which humans and animals coexist must emerge in a environment where the show is everything. It is an adult series to reflect on the world of showbiz and Hollywood.


Heartland - The Horse in the Netflix Series
Heartland – The Horse in the Netflix Series


Beyond the horses of the Netflix series, horse movies.

This streaming service not only has an interesting assortment of series. Although one of its biggest attractions is undoubtedly the series.

Apart from the horse series on Netflix, you can find many horse movies. Some with children’s or more family themes and others with a more adult theme.

Next we will see the movies offered by this streaming service for kids and boys. Because beyond Netflix’s horse series there is life.


Horse MOVIES in Neflix for kids.

  • Bibi and Tina: This German production for the whole family will catch you all. He also has several films to his credit on Netflix. Bibi is a witch in her teens and will have to struggle with her impulses. Her friend Tina patiently and lovingly will help her achieve her purposes. Together they will have to fight for the love of Bibi’s life and maintain their teenage life. In the meantime, you’ll also have to deal with a strange man who wants to rob a beautiful colt. On Netflix there are at least 3 more movies that you’re sure to enjoy.
  • Albion: the enchanted horse: A girl is transported through a magical world called Albion. At the age of 12, a magical horse has decided that she is the key to saving her world and its inhabitants. Riding this magical horse, this brave girl must defeat the tyrant who rules Albion.
Bibi and Tina - A Horse Movie on Netflix
Bibi and Tina – A Horse Movie on Netflix

Horse MOVIES on Netflix for Adults

  • Life is a Rodeo: One of Netflix’s most interesting horse movies for this season. Life is a rodeo is a biographical film based on amberley Snyder’s experiences. Amberley Snyder is a rodeo sportswoman looking to overcome injuries left by a car accident. Her doctors tell her she won’t walk again, but she won’t settle. She wants to do what she loves again and for that she will have to fight.
  • Rock My Heart: A touching story about a girl with a congenital illness that will complicate her life. However she decides to fight and not let the disease define her. At the age of 17, Jana will struggle to become a horse racer. She plans to become an exceptional jockey with the help of her coach Paul Brenner. This German film will excite us all.
  • The girl who loved horses: A very special girl with great talents has trouble connecting with others. She loves horses and has a talent for art and craftsmanship. But he also has another very special talent. Talent for solving supernatural crimes. Through a series of lived dreams Sarah finds clues that can help her solve a crime. Or maybe to become the victim. Her strange behavior will lead her to a mental institution where she will be helped by her doctor Ethan. You will regain your sanity or lose it in its entirety. Find out.
  • Urban Country: Also known in Latin America as “Empezar de nuevo”, this film tells the story of a young rebel who after an encounter with the law has to start again on a horse-raising farm. There he finds nature, his family and love. A hopeful story for those who have forgotten that you can always start over
Life Is a Rodeo - A Horse Series and Movies on Netflix
Life Is a Rodeo – A Horse Series and Movies on Netflix

Mature movies of horses with deep themes on Netflix

Netflix, through its horse movies, explores various facets of the relationship between humans and horses.  These address complex topics such as culture, psychology, and personal experiences. Here are 4 horse movies on Netflix that will help you reflect

Horse Girl (2020)

“Horse Girl” is a 2020 film that has captured the attention of many for its psychological approach. Starring Alison Brie, the film follows Sarah, a lonely woman who works at a craft store. Sarah’s only companionship is her love of horses. The film delves into issues of mental health, alienation, and the perception of reality. As the plot progresses, the line between reality and fantasy blurs. In this way, Sarah’s experience and the influence of her relationship with horses on her mental state are questioned.

Concrete Cowboy (Philadelphia Cowboys – 2020)

“Concrete Cowboy” is a 2020 film based on the novel “Ghetto Cowboy” by Greg Neri. It stars Idris Elba and Caleb McLaughlin. The film explores the life of a troubled teenager who moves in with his father, a member of an urban cowboy community in Philadelphia. The story focuses on the subculture of urban cowboys, an aspect of African-American culture in cities. Throughout the film, horses become a symbol of freedom and a tool for redemption and reconnection between father and son. The film also offers social critique by addressing the challenges faced by these communities in a modern urban environment.

Concrete Cowboy | Official Trailer | Netflix

My Heroes Were Cowboys (2021)

This is a short documentary that premiered in 2021 on Netflix. It follows the story of Robin Wiltshire, an Australian immigrant whose fascination with horses led him to become a horse trainer for movies in Hollywood. The documentary is an inspiring story about how childhood dreams can turn into a career path. It also addresses the constant presence of horses in Wiltshire’s life, helping him to overcome personal and professional challenges. It is a celebration of the passion, dedication, and transformative power of the relationship between humans and horses.


The Mustang (Mustang: The Rehabilitation – 2019)

Although not exclusive to Netflix, “The Mustang” is a 2019 film that has been available on the platform. It offers a powerful insight into rehabilitation through working with horses. The film follows Roman Coleman, a convict in a Nevada prison who participates in a rehabilitation program that involves training wild horses. Through his interaction with a mustang Roman begins to confront his own violent past. Thanks to this, Roman finds a path to redemption. The film is a deep exploration of human nature, violence and the possibility of change. He uses the relationship between man and horse as a central metaphor to give us an innovative perspective.


Themes and Relevance of the Adult Experience offered by Netflix

These series and movies go beyond simple horse stories. These films explore deeper themes that resonate with an adult audience. From mental health in “Horse Girl,” to redemption in “The Mustang,” to urban culture in “Concrete Cowboy,” these productions use the figure of the horse not only as a narrative element, but as a symbol of freedom, redemption, and emotional connection.

Netflix offers a variety of perspectives and experiences that explore the complexity of the relationship between humans and these animals. This makes each film an attractive option for adult audiences looking for stories with emotional and cultural depth.

Horse series in Neflix, where the horse is not the protagonist

  • The Witcher: A sorcerer with a very particular philosophy of life travels to help others without their only measure being money. Your travel companion “sardinilla” is your faithful and jealous mare will be the one who will accompany you on your adventures.
  • Anne with an E: A period series updated to today’s social paradigms. Breaking with the period element in the values it reflects. Anne with an E is a series based on some very famous books. The impetuous Anne is an orphan who becomes the heart of the transformation of a small village in rural Canada of yesteryear.
  • Outlander: A series that blends historical fiction, mysticism and science fiction. Outlander tells the story of a woman who travels back in time to find love and truth. This is a long-running TV series found on major streaming services. Full of exciting performances and intriguing stories will catch you.


Gustavo Mirabal loves the horse in the Netflix series.

No doubt Gustavo Mirabal loves Netflix movies and horse series. He generally loves all movies and horse series but Netflix has been key to preserving this genre. The horse in the Netflix series is a reminder of our present and our future.

And it’s important because the horse in the cinema reminds us of its role in human life. And it also reminds us of our connection to nature and how similar we can be to horses.

Without a doubt full of experiences to live.





Gustavo Mirabal Castro el empresario venezolano acusado por su talento

Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s academic education, in Venezuela & EEUU

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Gustavo Mirabal and his academic and professional education

The successful Venezuelan Gustavo Mirabal is an amateur rider who has left the tricolor of Venezuela high. It should be noted that this man emphasized having an excellent academic background and therefore his professional success has been overwhelming. That is why in this installment we will focus on the education and professional career that Gustavo Mirabal has had in his life.

We know that what world leaders have said about education is the most powerful tool to change the world. In this sense, we can say that a country arises when the foundations of education are solid.

A solid education guarantees that the human talent that is generated has the necessary skills and competencies to practice in the specific areas, for which they have studied both in university studies and postgraduate studies.

For them it is of utmost importance that the state guarantees a quality education for its inhabitants with it will have as a reward highly trained personnel for jobs thus contributing to the development of the nation. It is in this sense, Gustavo Mirabal took his academic training very seriously.

At first, he studied at the Staunton Military School and later at the Judson School

In this sense Gustavo Mirabal course university studies at the prestigious private university “Santa Maria”. From this house of studies, he graduated as a lawyer in 1988.

After that, it has continued to maintain a process of continuous training in the areas of law, finance and sports. Well, Gustavo Mirabal considers himself a continuous learner, and we will talk about that later.

So, we can see that the discipline and perseverance of Gustavo Mirabal made him graduate from the university in the corresponding time.

Santa Maria University, the Alma Mater of Gustavo Mirabal Castro
Santa Maria University, the Alma Mater of Gustavo Mirabal Castro

Staunton Military Academy

Within the academic training that the Venezuelan Gustavo Mirabal course is the Stauton Military Academy.

The Staunton Military Academy was a private military institute exclusively for men. This institution was located in the city of Staunton Virginia.  Founded in 1884 which closed in the late 70s.

The school was highly valued for its academic and military curricula. In this institution they studied a few political and military leaders of the United States. These were important graduates, including the 1964 presidential candidate, Senator Barry Goldwater.

Likewise, in this institution were graduated:

  • Phil Oach, ’60s folk singer Phil Ochs, with a style similar to Bob Dylan with songs against the Vietnam War
  • John Dean, a White House lawyer who was a central figure in the Watergate scandal in the early seventies.

A gallery devoted to the school’s tradition is located on its former campus. It is now part of Mary Baldwin University. Throughout its tradition, the academy was referred to by students, faculty, and Staunton residents simply by its initials, SMA (Stauton Military Academy).

The closure of the Stauton Military Academy

The school struggled with its state funding in the mid-’60s. It participated in the “Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps” (JROTC) program and therefore received state resources. These resources helped her to maintain herself and also to train with excellence.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 required schools that received state resources to integrate racially. Although they already admitted Latinos and Asians, their board still refused to accept African Americans.

The refusal of the Stauton Military Academy to racial integration led to the withdrawal of state programs and funding.

In 1973 the nearly bankrupt academy was sold to a non-profit organization. She decided to accept African Americans and rejoin the JROTC program to receive state resources. However, the initial refusal to accept racial integration damaged the image of the institution and in 1976 it had to close.

Gustavo Mirabal lamented the loss of the institution and, as a Latino student, always advocated for full inclusion. He saw how excellence could help many people find a path to genuine integration and understanding.

As an anecdote, in that year of its closure, it obtained the highest possible score in the evaluation as an academic institution. A redemption at the wrong time and a pity that the institution could not be transformed in a timely manner, to maintain its academic excellence hand in hand with inclusion.

Stauton’s military facilities and tradition passed to Mary Baldwin’s all-female college.

The dormitories of the Stauton Military Academy where Gustavo Mirabal Castro slept
The dormitories of the Stauton Military Academy where Gustavo Mirabal Castro slept

The Judson School

Continuing with the academic training of Gustavo Mirabal he continued his training process at the Judson school. This was a boarding school located in Arizona. Unfortunately, Judson School closed the year 2000, after an academic career of approximately 70 years. This institution was owned and run by Henry and Barbara Wick, along with their son, Hank Wick.

The institution was designed for people for whom English was their second language. In this way the classes were taught in English with the understanding that they were not native speakers.

A kind of international school to reinforce language learning. This is one of the reasons why Gustavo Mirabal learned English perfectly from a very young age.

This modality of studies attracted people from all over the world. Among its records was that it received students from 30 different countries. This also allowed Gustavo Mirabal Castro to relate to different cultures and nationalities.

The Judson school experience was the basis for Gustavo Mirabal’s dream of international expansion. Additionally, this added to their awareness of inclusion and exchange of cultures. Thanks to this, interacting in the United States, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or Dubai was something simple and natural.

Santa Maria University

At the Universidad Santa María Gustavo Mirabal he studied undergraduate law where he graduated in 1988.

The mission of Santa María University is to train integral professionals, prepared to face the current and future challenges posed by the economic, social, political and cultural development of the nation. Likewise, to contribute to the elevation of the quality of life and well-being of citizens through the teaching-learning process within the framework of information technology.

Many of his schoolmates remember him for his incisive interventions, his great intelligence and dedication. Although Gustavo Mirabal Castro believes more in hard work than innate talent, it is likely that his passion for reading and learning has helped him. This ease of reading is probably an inheritance from his parents and the values they instilled in him in Venezuela.

His primary and secondary education marked his life, from friendships, soccer games and healthy competition between friends was always very important. This was one of the things that drove him to always try to improve.

Venezuelan businessman accused for his talent
Venezuelan businessman accused for his talent

Benefits of Gustavo Mirabal’s academic education and experience in management for your personal and professional success.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro in his academic education and his experience has had training in Management contributing to its success. For this reason, we will explore the benefits that management academic education has had for the success of Gustavo Mirabal Castro.

Management adademic education and training for success, personal and professional, is a key tool for many people. It is especially important for those who seek to excel in their careers and achieve personal goals.

In an increasingly competitive world of work, having managerial skills not only allows you to lead teams, but also to adapt and excel in various contexts.

Even management training has certain benefits in the personal sphere, as Gustavo Mirabal Castro has discovered.


What does management academic education and training involve?

A management academic education and training combines technical knowledge, interpersonal skills, and organizational strategies. It includes topics such as planning, leadership, conflict resolution, and decision-making. These competencies are acquired through educational programs, work experience, and ongoing training. Let’s analyze some of the benefits for Gustavo Mirabal of the academic education, training and management experience that have impacted his success.

Gustavo Mirabal and the professional benefits of academic training and experience in management.

  1. Improved leadership: Management training develops effective leadership skills, which allows you to lead teams with confidence, motivate employees and achieve organizational objectives.
  2. Strategic decision-making: Managerial knowledge helps to analyze complex situations and make informed decisions, considering both risks and opportunities.
  3. Adaptability in the labor market: A professional with management experience is better prepared to assume responsible roles in different sectors, improving their employability and competitiveness.
  4. Increased income: Managerial roles are usually associated with higher salaries, as they imply greater responsibility and the ability to influence the results of an organization.

Gustavo Mirabal and the personal benefits of academic education, training and experience in management.

  1. Better time management: The skills acquired allow you to better organize daily activities, achieving a balance between work and personal life.
  2. Strengthening confidence: The ability to lead and make decisions strengthens self-confidence, benefiting both professional life and personal relationships.
  3. Problem solving: A management academic education and training encourages critical thinking and creativity, essential skills to overcome challenges in any field.

Gustavo Mirabal’s management academic education and training and its connection to success

Management training for success not only opens doors in the professional field, but also enriches one’s personal life. Investing in the development of these skills is a safe bet for those who want to advance their careers and achieve balance in all aspects of their lives.

Ready to take the next step towards your success? For Gustavo Mirabal Castro, an academic education, background and managerial experience can make a difference, as evidenced by his life experience.

Gustavo Mirabal and his continuing academic training

Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a Venezuelan who enjoys learning new things constantly. Thanks to this, studying for his university career was not difficult for him. Nor was it difficult for him to continue learning continuously through diplomas, courses and reading.

In other articles we have talked about Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s facet as an avid reader. What we haven’t said, perhaps, is that this facet is nothing more than a part of your inner child wanting to learn everything.

It is a fact that Gustavo Mirabal Castro has tried to encompass multiple professional and business exercises. From being a lawyer, a financial advisor, an athlete, a youtuber or an entrepreneur in multiple fields, Gustavo Mirabal has acquired an enormous wealth of knowledge.

To venture into each of these fields, Gustavo Mirabal has had to take diplomas, courses, look for mentors, read books and an endless number of activities to increase his knowledge.

Gustavo Mirabal, as a good serial entrepreneur, has learned that the best way to keep growing is to keep learning.


What areas has Gustavo Mirabal studied for his academic and professional training?

This is how Gustavo Mirabal Castro has taken courses in areas as diverse as:

  • Finance
  • Investments
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Management of equestrian facilities
  • Sports training
  • Digital marketing.
  • Content creation
  • Business management

Thanks to this extensive training, Gustavo Mirabal has been successful in numerous areas. Without a doubt, one of the pillars of entrepreneurship is continuous learning, as Gustavo Mirabal Castro always recommends.

Gustavo Mirabal’s Recommended Books to Learn About Personal Finance

For Gustavo Mirabal Castro, continuing education involves reading a lot and watching educational material on social networks. Thanks to this, he came up with the idea of creating a youtube channel called “Gustavo Mirabal Castro – Financial Advisor”. On his YouTube channel, he recommends books and offers advice and knowledge on personal finance.

From his learning in finance, Gustavo Mirabal Castro recommends the following books to those who begin their personal finance journeys:

Book 1: Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki:

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is a classic in the world of personal finance. Through the story of his life (we don’t know how much fiction and reality) Kiyosaki talks about his two parents with different approaches to money. Her father 1 is her biological father, with a focus on money being bad. On the other hand your “other parent” who really is a friend’s father, a positive approach to money and its pursuit.

Through this life experience and metaphor, Robert presents key concepts such as:

  • The importance of financial education.
  • Asset investment
  • Passive income creation.

This book will help you rethink your beliefs about money and establish a solid foundation for your financial education.

Book 2: The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

The 4-Hour Workweek is not a book about personal finance specifically. Ferriss’s book seeks to offer a different perspective on the status quo on lifestyle and work.

Try to debunk the myth that working more can bring you a better income. In contrast, the 4-hour workweek focuses on being more efficient with the time we spend on things.

Ferriss presents several strategies that will help us achieve:

  • Maximize efficiency
  • Delegate tasks
  • Free up time to enjoy life.

In this book recommended by Gustavo Mirabal, you will learn about the importance of automation, delegation, and the pursuit of personal and financial freedom.

Book 3: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

This was one of the first books Gustavo Mirabal Castro read. Although Gustavo Mirabal does not believe in self-help books, he believes that this one is out of the norm. Stephen Covey in his book describes how to build generic habits that can help us be more effective in our daily lives.

Habits are behaviors learned and repeated over and over again until they become the essence of one. Although habits can be lost, also habits when acquired are difficult to get out of our lives. That is why they become integral attitudes to approach life.

That is why Stephen Covey summarized his experience of collecting what were the common habits of the people he knew and classified as highly effective people. For Covey, the most effective people were those who achieved their goals in a high percentage of cases, and even if they had failures, they were willing to move forward and improve.

Here are the habits that Stephen Covey collects in his book.

Covey’s 7 Habits

  • Be proactive: Do not respond to what happens to us but seek to make the things we want happen to us.
  • Starting everything with a goal in mind helps us to have direction in our actions with a meaningful purpose.
  • Learning to prioritize things according to their level of importance and urgency is essential to manage our energies in what requires our attention.
  • Look for a way in which each negotiation is a win-win to have an abundance mentality and get easy ways to reach fewer conflicting conclusions and create fewer “enemies” along the way.
  • Empathy: We must understand others and let them know before trying to make them understand us. Developing empathy with others helps others to also tune in to our needs.
  • Look for synergy: Value the diversity of perspectives and teamwork. In this way the total is the sum of the parts, and we achieve better results.

Renew ourselves and keep improving permanently, continuous improvement.


It was written by Warren Buffett’s daughter-in-law of 12 years, Mary Buffet, together with investment analyst David Clark, who is also a friend of the Buffet family and also a scholar of Warren Buffet’s work. This duo of people close to Warren Buffet unravel some of the keys to Warren Buffet’s success.

The dynamics of the book are very interesting and are based on quoting short sentences full of content that Warren Buffet uses to convey his financial knowledge. Quoting each sentence, the authors proceed to make a brief reflection of a couple of paragraphs on the wisdom involved in such “aphorisms,” as Mary calls them in the Introduction.

To show a little of Warren Buffett’s wisdom in this review we will leave 4 quotes from the well-known investor that are in this book so that you are encouraged to read it:

  • Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1.
  • I first invested at the age of 11. Until then I was wasting my life.
  • Never be afraid to ask too much when you sell, or offer too little when you buy.
  • You can’t make a good deal with a bad person.

If you want to learn more about Warren Buffet’s wisdom, visit our article to learn what and how do celebrities invest in?.

Basic Data of Gustavo Mirabal ‘s professional career

Apart from his passion for horses and everything related to the equestrian world, Gustavo Mirabal dedicated much of his years to playing his profession as a lawyer in various companies.

  • Commercial relations at G&C Stables Europa S.L. In this prestigious company, the Venezuelan Gustavo Mirabal stood out as a lawyer and businessman dedicated to the provision of comprehensive legal services. In this way I provide services and advice to both individuals and national and international companies, covering both the field of consulting and planning, as well as that related to the area of litigation.
  • Next is Lisal Enterprises Limited specialising in international financial and tax matters. Management for corporations and individuals, where it provides investment assistance in the financial market. Also advice for real estate investment.
  • Mirabal & Asociados there served as Director in Venezuela specialized in legal advice for investment banking. – Performs evaluation of company operations, market investments, financial statements and development trends.
Gustavo Mirabal y G&C Farm
Gustavo Mirabal y G&C Farm

Gustavo Mirabal’s entrepreneurship in the equestrian world

After having had a career in his profession as a lawyer for various companies. Then, Gustavo Mirabal Castro decided to undertake in the equestrian world.

His entrepreneurship began in a very improvised way in Venezuela. His passion for horses led him to breed some horses on his farm in the Hatillo area, southeast of the city of Caracas. Thanks to them, he began to acquire the basic technical knowledge of the business, from within.

Later he began to professionalize them at the request of clients and friends who encouraged him to turn it into a business. With the flourishing of the business, he began to dream of taking it to other countries. Something that would materialize in the following years.

In principle the business began in the United States in the course of 2009. He then moved to Madrid, Spain in 2014. The focus of this business was to apply itself to train the best riders for horse jumping competitions at the highest level.

It also helps the best riders to participate in the best horse show competitions in the world. In addition, it is also responsible for providing advice on the acquisition of top-quality horses with links around the planet.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro looking to the future
Looking to the future

How did Gustavo Mirabal succeed in his equestrian entrepreneurship?

As we have seen throughout this article, Gustavo Mirabal has collected his business experience in various areas. His professional experience spanned the financial and legal sector before arriving in the equestrian world. This means that you have previous experience in business, which helps you reach new sectors.

On the other hand, Gustavo Mirabal collected first-hand the technical knowledge of the business. This made it easier for him to oversee operations and also choose the right staff to hire for each task.

Having first-hand technical knowledge has become a source of wisdom to carry out your business.

It was also very important that he kept learning about everything related to the equestrian world. Whether from his experience as an amateur rider, as a breeder, to academic and theoretical knowledge.

Gustavo constantly went to equestrian clinics, to courses in the different areas of the business as he learned through books. Keeping up to date and knowing about all areas of the equestrian world in a basic way allowed him to effectively manage and supervise the business.

These were the keys to its success that could be extrapolated to any business, as we will see below.

How can you succeed in your entrepreneurship?

Being successful in a venture is something that many people have tried to synthesize, but it is not easy. Gustavo Mirabal has synthesized the keys to his success and here are:

  • Hard work: Entrepreneurship implies that you must know too many aspects of your business. That will take time and effort. Entrepreneurship is not easy. You must be willing to make the necessary sacrifices.
  • Business knowledge: Starting with small temporary businesses or working in a business can help you know all the edges that you should handle. This can increase your chances of success because you’ve run a business before.
  • Technical knowledge of the field you want to undertake: It is always important to start undertaking in the field you know best. If you know a lot about animals, start there. If you know a lot about technology, makeup or food, it may be a good place to start. Technical knowledge is key to the success of your business.
  • Legal knowledge: You must know the tax rules of your country that apply to your business, as well as what is legal or not. A basic knowledge is essential and for the rest you will have to hire tax advisors and lawyers.
  • Financial knowledge: It is important that you know how to manage the finances of your business. You must know how much liquidity you need, how much your profits are and have everything monitored. This way you know if you are on the right track or if your business is on the way to bankruptcy.
  • Trial and error: Not everything you try in your business is going to go well. You should try to evaluate each initiative, so you know what to keep and what to discard.

These are some of the secrets to entrepreneurship that helped Gustavo Mirabal.

Academy and experience united in Gustavo Mirabal

In relation to the academic training and professional development of the outstanding Venezuelan rider Gustavo Mirabal has been excellent. He has also held positions in important companies both in Venezuela and Europe.

Later he decided to give free rein to his true passion that are horses. That is why he dedicated himself to creating his own path. This initially emerged in the United States.  He then moved to Spain where he remains today with his beloved family.

Venezuelan Gustavo Mirabal has been the victim of a distorted information campaign. Being disseminated by different internet portals as well as social networks. But what is clear to those closest to him and his family is that this is false. It should be noted that all these achievements have been a continuous effort of his hard work that catapulted him to success.

Therefore, when a person is successful, envious, and malicious people can emerge wanting to damage the image of this. As the saying goes, nobody wants to see beautiful eyes on other people’s faces. Meanwhile Gustavo Mirabal continues to reap success in the equestrian world.

El camino emprendedor de Gustavo Mirabal Castro

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, From Showjumping Rider to Financial Advisor

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Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a figure who has managed to stand out in multiple areas. Initially known as a Venezuelan lawyer and amateur showjumping rider, Mirabal has traveled an exceptional path that has led him to become a prominent financial advisor. This article explores the factors that led this talented professional to evolve from racetracks to financial firms, consolidating himself as a key figure in the world of personal and corporate finance.

The beginnings of Gustavo Mirabal Castro

Gustavo Mirabal Castro was born into a family that instilled in him values such as discipline, effort and passion for horses. His father, Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos, was a prominent figure in Venezuelan politics, which also allowed Gustavo Jr. to develop a broad vision of the challenges and opportunities in the legal and financial spheres. This combination of personal background and educational background was instrumental to his later success.

In his youth, Gustavo Mirabal found in horseback riding a way to channel his passion and develop skills such as quick decision-making and risk management. These skills, acquired by Gustavo Mirabal Castro in the equestrian tracks as a showjumping rider, turned out to be valuable in the financial world as well.

Gustavo Mirabal’s transition from showjumping rider to the financial world as an advisor

Gustavo Mirabal Castro achieved renown as a horse-riding fanatic and amateur rider, in addition to the obtained in the financial world. Despite this, his true vocation was always linked to the legal and financial field. After obtaining his law degree, he began working on cases related to commercial and financial law, earning a reputation for excellence and professionalism.

Over time, Gustavo identified a growing need in wealth management and financial advice, especially for athletes and entrepreneurs. Many of them faced challenges in managing their income sustainably, and that’s when Mirabal decided to found his own firm, focused on offering customized solutions.

Key factors of Gustavo Mirabal’s success as a showjumping rider and as a financial advisor

Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s transition from equestrian tracks to the financial markets was no coincidence. Its success is due to a combination of factors:

Discipline and strategic vision

The discipline acquired as a rider allowed him to approach financial challenges with determination and focus. As in equestrian competitions, where every move must be calculated, Mirabal applies this principle to investments and wealth strategies.

Global network of contacts

Thanks to his international career as a showjumping rider, Gustavo developed a wide network of contacts in different countries. This allowed it to understand various financial cultures and adapt to the specific needs of its customers.

Customer empathy and understanding

Having been in the sports world, Gustavo understands the pressures and expectations faced by athletes and entrepreneurs. This empathy allows you to offer a more human and personalized service, which distinguishes you from other advisors.

Financial opportunities

In his role as a financial advisor, Gustavo Mirabal Castro identified several areas of opportunity, especially in financial education and estate planning. Many of their clients lack knowledge on how to maximize their income and protect their wealth in the long run. For this reason, Mirabal has focused on designing strategies that combine traditional investments with innovative solutions.

In addition, his work has been key in helping athletes plan for their retirement, ensuring financial stability after their professional careers. This niche, little served in the past, has been one of the pillars of his firm’s success.

This is how his experience as a showjumping rider allowed him to develop strategies, knowledge and experience to become a successful financial advisor for athletes.

Legacy and future projection

Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s legacy transcends his personal success. As a financial advisor, he has positively impacted the lives of many clients, helping them achieve financial security. Her story also inspires others to seek opportunities beyond their initial areas of expertise.

In the future, Gustavo plans to expand his services to new regions and continue to promote the importance of financial education. Its goal is to empower more people to take control of their economic future, proving that with discipline, vision, and hard work, it is possible to succeed in any field.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, an example of determination and adaptation as a rider and as a financial advisor

Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s story is an example of how determination and the ability to adapt to new challenges can lead to success in various fields. From amateur rider to renowned financial advisor, Gustavo has proven that the skills acquired in one area can be successfully transferred and applied in another.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, the rider turned financial advisor, continues to be a model of inspiration for those looking to reinvent themselves and achieve new goals.

World economic outlook growth projections by Region 2025

Global Outlook 2025: Economy, Technology and Society

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The year 2025 promises to be a period of great transformations in the economic, technological and social spheres. The global outlook for 2025 is the key to transform the world.

The global outlook focuses on global recovery, accelerating technological advances, and societal challenges arising from an increasingly interconnected world.

This article analyzes the main trends and concerns that will mark the coming year 2025.


Economic outlook for 2025

The global economy will face a mixed picture in 2025. While some regions are moving towards full post-pandemic recovery, others continue to face significant challenges such as inflation, inequality, and geopolitical tensions.


Transition to clean energy

The energy transition will continue to be a key driver of the economy, and at the same time one of the elements that could bring controversy.

Investments in renewables and decarbonization technologies, such as green hydrogen, will drive growth in sectors such as transportation and manufacturing. However, these transformations require sound public policies and international cooperation to ensure a just and efficient transition.

However, the European economy is being weighed down by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The rise of fossil fuels may drive the transition of the energy matrix, but it may bring back energies that had been neglected, such as nuclear power.

Germany, as Europe’s industrial engine, is being profoundly affected. If it does not take quick and decisive decisions, it risks falling into crisis and thus dragging down the whole of Europe.

The situation forces us to make strong progress in the energy transition while opting for temporary alternatives that do not punish Europe’s economic development.


Digitalization and international trade

Global trade will be increasingly influenced by digitalization. E-commerce platforms and blockchain-based solutions will facilitate faster and more secure transactions. This will promote the growth of cross-border trade.

However, the economic rivalry between the United States and China will continue to generate uncertainty in the markets.

We are at a time when globalization and economic internationalization are confronted with local labor and environmental legislation, which play as competitive dumping. In order for countries to be able to compete, they need a minimum common basis in the rules of the game in terms of labour, the environment and individual freedoms.


Economic challenges

Concerns remain about rising public debt in many advanced and emerging economies. In addition, inflation could remain high in certain regions, affecting households’ purchasing power and slowing economic growth.

Rising input and energy costs, coupled with still-vulnerable supply chains, pose additional challenges for businesses. This could stall the development of global trade while exacerbating nationalist outbreaks and xenophobia.

World economic outlook growth projections by Region 2025
World economic outlook growth projections by Region 2025

Tech Trends in 2025

The technology sector will be one of the most dynamic in 2025, with significant advances in artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, and robotics.

Artificial intelligence and automation

Artificial intelligence will continue to revolutionize multiple sectors. Generative AI tools will be widely adopted in areas such as marketing, health, and education. On the other hand, automation will reduce reliance on repetitive tasks, increasing productivity and transforming the labor market.

On the other hand, there is the risk of job insecurity and increased unemployment. If the pace of progress of AI is too fast to prevent the adaptation of legislation and the labour market in time, it can threaten the creation of a social crisis and the rejection of AI, condemning it to ostracism and general backwardness.

Quantum computing

Advances in quantum computing will make it possible to solve complex problems in record time. Industries such as pharmaceuticals, logistics, and artificial intelligence will benefit greatly from these innovations. However, concerns are raised about the impact of this technology on cybersecurity.

Autonomous vehicles and robotics

2025 will see an increase in the deployment of autonomous vehicles, especially in logistics and public transportation. Likewise, robotics will play a crucial role in sectors such as healthcare and manufacturing, improving efficiency and reducing costs.

Social perspectives for 2025

In the social sphere, trends will be marked by the impact of generational changes, climate crises and inequality dynamics.

Generational changes and activism

Younger generations, such as Millennials and Gen Z, will continue to push key issues such as climate justice, social equity, and human rights. Their growing political influence will lead to the implementation of more progressive policies in many regions of the world.

Inequality and polarization, Outlook 2025

Economic and social inequality will continue to be a major concern. In many countries, unequal access to basic resources such as education, health and technology will exacerbate social and political divisions. This, in turn, could fuel populist movements and citizen protests.

Climate crisis and migration

Climate change will continue to affect the lives of millions of people. Events such as droughts, storms and rising sea levels could generate waves of climate migration, posing additional challenges for the international community.

Universal Basic Income

As a result of technological advances and increased productivity, we must consider that we have reached the point where there are not enough jobs for the number of people. In preparation for this, some companies and governments are experimenting on universal basic income, a kind of minimum wage for belonging to humans.

Some of the universal basic income projects have failed, but we must consider them as experiments that will allow us to improve the implementation of one along these lines in the future. This will be one of the most important challenges in the coming years. Just as pension and minimum wage were unthinkable in the Middle Ages, we now face the challenge of having little work for all humanity, and how to address it.

Global challenges and opportunities, Outlook 2025

There are several challenges that will be crucial for countries and individuals to address in order to have a brighter future. Here are some of those elements.

Cybersecurity and privacy

Increased digitalization brings with it greater risks in terms of cybersecurity. Cyberattacks and industrial espionage will be constant concerns, forcing organizations to invest more in protection technologies.

International cooperation

Despite the challenges, 2025 will also offer opportunities to strengthen international cooperation. Issues such as the climate crisis, the regulation of emerging technologies and the fight against pandemics will require joint efforts to ensure a sustainable future.

Innovation and education

Innovation will continue to be a driver of positive change. Initiatives to promote STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education will prepare future generations to face the challenges of the labor market. In addition, continuing education and the revaluation of skills will be key in a world of work transformed by automation and AI.

Opportunities for entrepreneurship

Despite the challenges, 2025 will offer significant opportunities for entrepreneurs. Areas such as green technology, fintech, specialized e-commerce, and digital health services will be high-growth sectors. In addition, the demand for sustainable and personalized solutions in fashion, food and transport will open up new possibilities for small and medium-sized companies.


A polarized world at a crossroads between challenges, opportunities and prospects on Outlook 2025

The global outlook for 2025 is defined by a balance between challenges and opportunities.

In the economic sphere, the energy transition and digitalization promise profound changes, while in the technological field, artificial intelligence and quantum computing will transform the way we live and work.

Socially, the activism of the new generations and the fight against inequalities will set the course towards a more equitable future.

The choices we make today will define the world we will live in tomorrow.


Año Nuevo en Las Vegas, Estados Unidos

New Year’s Eve Celebrations in the United States: Diversity and Tradition

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New Year’s Eve celebrations in the United States reflect the country’s cultural diversity and festive spirit. From the iconic ball drop in New York to the fireworks on the beaches of California, each region offers unique experiences. Find out how the new year is welcomed in different parts of the United States.

1. New York: The Famous Ball Drop in Times Square

New York is the epicenter of New Year’s Eve celebrations in the United States. The ball drop in Times Square, a tradition that dates back to 1907, attracts millions of people every year. Starting in the afternoon, attendees congregate in the iconic square to enjoy musical performances and an electrifying atmosphere. When the clock strikes midnight, the illuminated ball descends as fireworks and confetti fill the air, marking the start of a new year.

We talk about this celebration in our article “New Year’s Eve Celebration in the World” on our portals

New Year's Eve celebration in the United States in Times Square - New York
New Year’s Eve celebration in the United States in Times Square – New York

2. California: Fireworks & Beach Parties

On the West Coast, California offers warmer weather for celebrating outdoors. In Los Angeles and San Diego, the beaches are the meeting point for those who want to welcome the new year with views of the Pacific Ocean. In San Francisco, the Embarcadero is lit up with a spectacular fireworks show, while residents enjoy dinners and celebrations in hotels and restaurants.


3. New Orleans: A Mix of Mardi Gras and New Year’s Eve In United States

New Orleans, known for its vibrant culture, combines elements of Mardi Gras with New Year’s festivities. The French Quarter is filled with live music, parades, and a unique atmosphere. Fireworks over the Mississippi River are a must-see spectacle, while visitors enjoy traditional dishes and drinks typical of the region.

4. Las Vegas: Luxury and Extravagance

Las Vegas is famous for its extravagant parties, and New Year’s Eve is no exception. The Strip is transformed into a large pedestrian area where thousands of people celebrate with concerts and live shows. Synchronized fireworks from the rooftops of major casinos create an unforgettable atmosphere for those looking for a luxurious experience.

New Year's Eve in Las Vegas, United States
New Year’s Eve in Las Vegas, United States

5. Miami: Latin Rhythm and Celebrations by the Bay

In Miami, the celebrations have a Latin flavor. The “Big Orange,” a local symbol, descends on the city center during the countdown, as attendees enjoy live music and fireworks. Parties in Biscayne Bay are also very popular, attracting residents and tourists alike.

Let’s remember that Miami has a large Latino population full of Venezuelans, Cubans, Dominicans, among others. That is why we can find several of the New Year’s celebrations of America there.

6. Chicago: Fireworks by the River

The cold winter doesn’t stop Chicagoans from celebrating the New Year. Fireworks illuminate the river and Lake Michigan, offering a spectacular view. Many choose to attend dinners at luxury hotels or participate in evening cruises with live entertainment.

7. Austin, Texas: Live Music and Local Traditions

Known as the “Live Music Capital of the World,” Austin celebrates the New Year with outdoor concerts and family-friendly events. Culinary options range from Texas barbecue to Tex-Mex dishes, ensuring that food is an essential part of the festivities.

8. Hawaii: Beach Parties with Local Traditions

In Hawaii, New Year’s Eve celebrations include a mix of local traditions and modern shows. The beaches are filled with tourists and residents enjoying fireworks, luaus (traditional Hawaiian parties), and alfresco dining under the stars.


9. Philadelphia: The Mummers Parade

One of the oldest traditions in the United States is the Mummers Parade in Philadelphia. This colorful event features costumed groups parading through the city while performing elaborate musical performances. It is a unique celebration that combines creativity and tradition.

10. Seattle: Fireworks at the Space Needle

In Seattle, the Space Needle is the epicenter of the celebrations. Fireworks synchronized with music create an impressive spectacle. Despite the cold weather, many people also opt for indoor parties or dinners at restaurants overlooking the city.

11. Boston: Historical and Cultural Traditions

Boston offers a New Year’s Eve experience with a family-friendly and cultural focus. The city hosts “First Night.” This is an event that includes parades, ice sculptures, and fireworks. In addition, live concerts and artistic events highlight the rich history and culture of the region.


12. Denver: Rocky Mountain Celebrations

In Denver, New Year’s celebrations combine urban vibe with proximity to the mountains. Fireworks displays in the city center and nearby ski resorts offer options for both nature lovers and those who prefer urban parties.

Diverse New Year’s Eve celebrations in the United States for all tastes

New Year’s celebrations in the United States stand out for their diversity and creativity. Each region brings its own special touch, from the sophistication of Las Vegas to the cultural traditions of New Orleans and Philadelphia. If you’re planning to ring in the new year in America, no matter where you are, there will always be a unique and memorable celebration.

Happy new year!

Full Venezuelan Christmas dish Hallacas pork leg salad and ham bread

Christmas in Venezuelan culture: A celebration full of tradition and joy

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Christmas in Venezuelan culture is much more than a simple holiday. This special time of year is lived with intensity, unity and a unique blend of traditions that reflect the country’s identity. From bagpipes to hallacas, Christmas is a time to share with the family and keep alive the customs that have been passed down from generation to generation. The streets of cities and towns are filled with lights and decorations that create a magical and festive atmosphere.

The meaning of Christmas in Venezuelan culture

In Venezuela, Christmas symbolizes hope, joy and spiritual renewal. It is a period where faith and devotion occupy a central place. Families are preparing to receive the arrival of the Child Jesus, a figure who, for many, replaces Santa Claus in the children’s imagination. The celebrations usually begin at the beginning of December and last until January 6, the day of the Three Kings.

Christmas is also synonymous with family reunion. Families strive to be together, even in times of hardship. This sense of union is one of the most significant characteristics of Venezuelan culture during these dates. In addition, it is a time to reflect on the achievements of the year that is ending and plan with hope for the year ahead.

Emblematic traditions of Venezuelan Christmas

Venezuelan Christmas is full of traditions, meanings, love and solidarity. Religion is very present in every aspect of Christmas in Venezuela, but also the longings and pains of Venezuelans. This is how this is reflected in every aspect of their traditions, whether it is enjoying, sharing or expressing their sorrows in their prayers and in music. But let’s learn a little more about each of the Venezuelan Christmas traditions and the meaning of Christmas in Venezuelan culture.

Gaitas and Christmas carols

Music is an essential element of Christmas in Venezuelan culture. Gaitas, originally from the state of Zulia, become the soundtrack of the festivities. These songs, full of rhythm and joy, accompany family gatherings and celebrations in communities. Some of the most popular Gaitas become anthems of the season, with lyrics that evoke the Christmas spirit and Venezuelan identity.

On the other hand, Christmas carols are also part of the Christmas repertoire. Performed with instruments such as the cuatro, the maracas and the drum, the carols are a sample of the religious devotion of the Venezuelan people. These traditional songs unite communities in activities such as Christmas parrandones, where groups of people walk through the houses singing and bringing joy.

Gaitas Venezolanas
Gaitas Venezolanas

The Christmas Masses

Christmas masses are a religious tradition that is celebrated between December 16 and 24. These morning masses are a tribute to the birth of Jesus and are accompanied by popular music and songs. Many people take advantage of this time to make wishes and give thanks for the blessings received during the year. These Masses usually begin very early in the morning, demonstrating the commitment and devotion of the faithful.

Christmas gastronomy

Food is a central element of Christmas in Venezuelan culture. Hallacas, ham bread, pernil and dulce de lechosa are part of the traditional menu. These dishes not only delight the palate, but also represent family collaboration, as their preparation is usually a joint effort.

Hallacas, with their complex preparation that includes ingredients such as meat, olives, raisins and capers wrapped in banana leaves, are a symbol of unity and teamwork. Pan de jamón, stuffed with ham, raisins and olives, is another favorite that cannot be missing from Venezuelan tables during the Christmas season.

In addition, cream punch, a traditional drink like “eggnog”, adds to the Christmas treats. This homemade liqueur, made from milk, eggs and rum, is perfect to toast to the good times.


The “paradura del Niño”

In some regions of Venezuela, such as the Andes, a tradition known as “the paradura del Niño” or “the child stand” is celebrated. This custom is carried out in January and consists of carrying the figure of the Child Jesus in procession, accompanied by prayers and songs. This activity is a sign of the faith and devotion of the communities, as well as being an opportunity to share with neighbors and relatives.

Paradura del Niño
Paradura del Niño

The Spirit of Christmas in Modern Times

Although economic and social circumstances have changed in recent years, the spirit of Christmas is still alive in Venezuelan households. Families find creative ways to celebrate, adapting to challenges without losing the essence of this special time. From homemade decorations to virtual gatherings with loved ones abroad, Christmas is reimagined to remain meaningful.

Solidarity is also highlighted during these dates. Many communities organize charitable activities to help those who need it most, proving that the true Christmas spirit transcends material hardship. In neighborhoods and urbanizations, initiatives such as toy collection and community dinners are carried out, strengthening the sense of community.


The meaning of Christmas in Venezuelan culture

Christmas in Venezuelan culture is a unique celebration that combines tradition, faith and joy. From bagpipes to family gatherings, this time reflects the best of the Venezuelan spirit. Every custom and every detail contribute to create an unforgettable experience that unites people and strengthens family and cultural ties. In short, Christmas in Venezuela is a testimony of resilience, love and hope, a reminder that, despite difficulties, unity and joy always prevail.

Typical Dishes of Venezuelan Christmas

Typical Venezuelan Christmas dishes – Venezuelan Gastronomy

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Venezuela’s cuisine is as diverse as its culture. However, when the most beautiful time of the year arrives “Christmas” it is stylized to prepare some delicious recipes. For this reason the importance of knowing in detail the typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas.

These typical Venezuelan Christmas dishes conquer the palate of its people. But it’s not all about savoring each of these delights. But in the preparation of these, as is the case with the findings that each family member performs a specific task.

All this process was enjoyed by Gustavo Mirabal during his childhood, adolescence and adulthood with his family. As this young man grew up he assumed other roles in the development of the hallacas.

Throughout the national territory they delight in the hallacas, chicken salad. In addition, ham bread, pernil, black cake, milk candy among others.

Without a doubt each of these dishes are very tasty, however each of them leads a complex elaboration process.

Christmas is a very special time when the Birth of the Child Jesus is celebrated. For this reason it is ideal to share and enjoy with family.

For this reason to celebrate this great event is always made of succulent dishes typical of Venezuelan Christmas.

Hallacas, a Venezuelan Christmas tradition!

The hallaca is one of the main dishes typical of Venezuelan Christmas

The development of the hallacas is an event in most Venezuelan families.

It is very common to hear the following motto in Venezuelans:

“My mom’s “hallacas” are the best”

Today, when there are so many Venezuelans around the world, these traditions have been internationalized. In this way they dare to prepare their own versions.

This being a way to preserve the traditions of typical Venezuelan Christmas dishes.

A complex process is required to enjoy this succulent Christmas dish.

  • In principle, a budget should be drawn up based on the number of findings to be made
  • Then the selection of each of the ingredients, seeking quality levels in these.
  • Already having all the ingredients at home, we proceed to the elaboration of the stew. In this sense it will vary depending on the region of the country. Well, there are regions where they cook the foundies with raw stew.
  • There are other variants in terms of ingredients, but this varies from the area.
  • The day after the stew is made comes the wrapping, mooring and then the cooking of the hallacas.
  • All family members participate throughout this process by distributing the tasks.
  • All this task is enjoyed by placing music all theusive to Christmas and as a drink to share.
The "hallacas" in Christmas
“Hallacas” in Christmas


For many people who do not know Venezuela, Christmas Hallaca is just another dish to eat on the table of Venezuelans at Christmas. For the rest of us, hallaca is a “Christmas bonding time” that takes place for everyone. Being a fairly elaborate dish, hallaca requires the participation of many people.

The youngest members of the family are given the role of “leaf cleaners” for the preparation of the hallacas. And it is that the banana leaf in which the hallaca is wrapped must be washed with waiting and is its letter of introduction.

Men who wish to participate (some decide to evade their responsibility) are usually given the role of tying the hallacas. This ensures that they will be wrapped tightly and determinedly, so that the ingredients stay in place, contained by the hallaca leaf.

The women, on the other hand, participate in the cutting of the dressings, either for the stew or for the decorations that go inside the hallaca. They are also an important part in the assembly of the same, where the dough is spread, the stew is placed, the decorations are placed and they are closed.

The most important role is played by the most experienced women, who are the preparation of the delicious stew and the dough. These matriarchs are in charge of giving the flavor and personal touch to the stew and the dough. Hallaca has its own idiosyncrasies depending on the region where it is made. Thanks to this, hallaca is a different dish in each region and you cannot miss out on trying its variants.

A tradition that is much more than a meal and symbolizes teamwork, community and family.

The Christmas Bun – Typical Venezuelan Christmas Dishes

The “bollito navideño”, “bollo navideño” or Venezuelan Christmas Bun is a derivative of the Venezuelan Christmas hallaca. It is easier to make and is also visually more appealing to children.

Many children don’t like hallaca because they see the pieces of onion, paprika, among others. In the Christmas bun, all the dressings are chopped very small and in this way they do not generate displeasure in children.

In addition, the elaboration of the hallaca is quite laborious to assemble. The bun takes the same ingredients and mixes them so that they are more or less homogeneous, significantly reducing the work.

Also, in some houses it is customary to make buns with the stew that is available from making the hallacas. In the same way, the leftover dressings and the leaves of the banana tree that were not in condition for the hallacas are used. In this way, the buns turn out to be smaller than the hallacas.

The size of the buns reinforces their role as “Christmas food for the kids” or also as a snack at parties.

When they are used as snacks, the buns are cooked and when they are taken out, they are chopped into squares and served with chopsticks. Really, as a passing, they turn out to be a delicacy.

The typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas are very tasty and elaborate, a luxury Christmas gastronomy. That’s why we’ll tell you how Christmas buns are made.

Recipe for Venezuelan Christmas Buns

In general, making Venezuelan Christmas buns means taking the hallaca dough and mixing it with the hallaca stew and dressings. But all this is chopped into small pieces, both the stew and the dressings.

In this way, we comply with making a homogeneous and well-distributed mixture. It is then wrapped in the leaves of the hallacas to give that characteristic taste and tied with the famous wick (cooking thread). A funny thing is that the task of tying the hallacas is always delegated to the gentlemen of the family, or to the children who are a little old for this “enormous responsibility”.

Without a doubt, it is a tradition that “wraps them all in banana leaves”.

Chicken salad is part of typical Venezuelan Christmas dishes

This chicken salad recipe is a favorite, which serves as a complement to accompany the hallaca.

It is usually done a little before lunch or dinner as the case may be.

This element of the main course of Christmas carries as ingredients:

  • Potato, carrot, boiled eggs, chicken breast or shredded chicken
  • Mayonnaise, peas among others.

Potatoes, carrots and eggs should be cooked in relation to the preparation. Separately, the breast is placed to cook.

Once cooked, it is allowed to cool and then it is chopped and all ingredients except mayonnaise or dressing that apply to it are added.

Chicken salad - Typical Venezuelan Christmas Dishes
Chicken salad – Typical Venezuelan Christmas Dishes

Ham bread a delicacy of typical Venezuelan Christmas dishes

The ham bread that serves completely on Christmas plate of the good night is a delight.

But we don’t have to wait until Christmas if we want to eat it.  Well, in most bakeries they start selling it before the beginning of December.

For this reason it is a tradition that has gradually become increasingly important.

The preparation of ham bread goes through several stages that we will mention below:

  • The dough is first prepared taking into account that it takes a while to wait for it to grow.
  • Then stretch with a roller and add ham, chopped olives and raisins
  • Subsequently comes the baking process.

Without a doubt it is a very exquisite bread thus becoming a favorite of the Holiday season.

Ham bread has different variants. That’s why we can find some with turkey or puff pastry.

Ham bread - A venezuelan Christmas Dish
Ham bread – A venezuelan Christmas Dish

Pork’s leg or “pernil”.

Just as the finds this element of the Christmas dish also carries a complex process of elaboration.

This preparation can take several hours, the result being a succulent dish.

It is usually one or two people who are responsible for the preparation of the pig’s pernil, as it knows too.

The meat should be juicy and at its point. After maceration and many hours in the oven.

The preparation of the pork’s leg, to which are added different adobos, fine herbs.

In addition to a special touch with wine or beer. This is part of the typical christmas dishes for brekfast, after New year’s Eve, a pork’s leg sandwich.

Baked Pig's Pernil
Baked Pig’s Pernil

Holiday Ham (In Spanish “Jamón Planchado”)

Holiday Ham is used to accompany the Christmas dish or to fill some ham breads. Generally, it is chosen to use smoked ham or ironed ham to make the typical Venezuelan ham bread, which we talked about earlier.

Holiday Ham is a variant that has a sweet layer. This layer, in addition to sealing the ham for its conservation, gives it a sweet touch that contrasts with the salty ham, causing a delicious sensation.

Today’s Holiday Ham is a derivation of true traditional smoked ham. And it is that the Holiday Ham of yesteryear was cured with cinnamon, fruit juices, guava leaves and sugar. With the use of an iron griddle, it was sealed using heat and different juices to create an outer layer that allowed the ham to be preserved.

This ham was imported from New York and the whole process was carried out in an artisanal way.

With the passage of time, the accelerated way of life of Venezuelan cities people had little time to prepare Holiday Ham. Companies discovered this taste for ironed ham and began to manufacture it industrially.

The current Holiday Ham is made through a glazing process that creates a sweet layer causing effects like the previous process. It is usually served with pineapple slices and cherries to decorate and is one of the great typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas.

This is the sweet touch that every Christmas dish needs along with the traditional ham bread.

Main dish on Christmas Eve: the Hallaca

The main dish in December 24th at the Venezuelan Table is: La Hallaca, chicken salad, pig’s pernil and ham bread. You can also add ironed ham if desired or the ham bread may already be made using ironed ham.

Each of the elements of these dishes we have mentioned in detail.

Hallacas are the Venezuelan Christmas tamale you didn't know you wanted

On the other hand, there are desserts such as sweet of “Lechoza” and black cake. These are some of Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s favorite desserts since he was a kid. Well, his mother made them for this Christmas season.

We can see that each of the components of Christmas gastronomy in Venezuela are a delicacy to the palate.

Main dish on Christmas Eve
Main dish on Christmas Eve


Black Roast

This is a typical Venezuelan Christmas meal. The dish is made with a cut of meat called in Venezuela “round boy” which in English is called “Long, tube shaped eye of the round” and comes from the back of the beef. Some also do it with another cut called a square boy or paper.

The traditional presentation consists of a cylindrical cut that is filleted. The slices of meat are placed in a dark sauce based on “papelón”, dressings, wine and meat juices.

To do this, the meat is prepared in a mixture of “papelón”, spices or dressings and wine. On this mixture when caramelize, the meat is placed on each side to seal the meat with the caramel. That candy must be almost burnt.

One of the most important spices of Venezuelan cuisine is sweet chili.

In this case the sauce in which the meat is cooked is made from wine, chili, paper. This mixture gives a sweet taste to the preparation.

After sealing it through all parts, pour all the sauce and let it cook for a good while.

Some preparations also choose to marinate the meat before sealing it.

Each black roast recipe is unique. Every family and every chef does it their own way. The spice mixture, ways to cook roasted in a frying pan or oven.

Venezuela's famous Black Roast
Venezuela’s famous Black Roast

The companions of the Black roast

Some rely on a good ration of vegetables. Olives are also sometimes added as it is a taste that in Venezuela is associated with Christmas.

Many proceed to prepare it from the previous day by marin it in wine or beer along with varied spices.

This dish is usually served accompanied by side dishes of white rice and slices. The slice is the ripe banana sliced and fried.

Others accompany the dish with various salads or mashed potatoes. Among the favorite salads is:

  • Chicken salad based on potatoes, carrots and chicken.
  • A mixed salad based on onion, lettuce and sliced tomato.

Without a doubt one of the great typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas

Black Roast with companions - One of the typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas
Black Roast with companions – One of the typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas

Desserts and Sweet dishes typical of Venezuelan Christmas

Certainly not only of main dishes lives man. Desserts, especially at Christmas, are part of the traditions of all cultures.

For Venezuelans, the typical sweet at Christmas is no exception. We certainly don’t just talk about the sweet touch at the end of lunch or dinner.

There is also an alcoholic beverage that has made Venezuela famous in the world. Yes, we mean Eliodoro González’s fabulous cream punch.

This cream punch has made us famous for its quality. But those who know Venezuela know that each region gives it its own touch.

Without further ado we will talk about the sweet touches of Venezuelan Christmas.


Papaya Sweet

We start with the sweet papaya, the sweet that accompanies the typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas.

This sweet is the product of cooking the green papaya in a caramel prepared with sugar or paper.

Like it’s papaya in syrup. One of its main features is its texture as it is cut into thin strips to give it its typical appearance.

The cooking of papaya in sugar or paper is also done with different variants. This is how sweet spices such as cloves or guavanites are used.

Without a doubt a dessert or sweet dish typical of Venezuelan Christmas that you should not miss try.

Papaya Sweet - A Typical Christmas Sweet
Papaya Sweet – A Typical Christmas Sweet

A drink for Christmas – The cream punch

If there is a drink to accompany the typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas (other than pepsi-cola) is the cream punch.

It serves to accompany meals or to toast when the new year arrives. Eliodoro Gonzalez has managed to position The Cream Punch as a luxury drink worldwide.

However, there is not only the cream punch of Eliodoro González because in each region of Venezuela punch is produced in different ways.

Venezuelan cream punch is a creamy drink made from Rum. In some places they make it based on custard giving it a very special and lasting touch.

However, traditional punch is made with egg cooking to create suspended microparticles. In this way it is given its creamy consistency.

In some places we can find coffee or cocoa punches. This idea typical of Venezuelan genius was also taken by Eliodoro González who for a few years has been marketing a version of his famous coffee-flavored punch.

Eliodoro González's Cream Punch Looks Like a Golden Fork
Eliodoro González’s Cream Punch Looks Like a Golden Fork

Torta Negra (Black Cake in english) or Venezuelan Christmas cake

Although it is not a recipe of Venezuelan origin, the truth is that the black cake is an acquired tradition.

The recipe for “torta Negra” has Spanish origin. Since among the Venezuelan cultural roots is the Spanish culture, it is ours too.

It is one of the favorite dishes to accompany Christmas dinner. Its sweet and bitter touch of cooked sugar gives it a very special seasoning.

The black cake is perfect for people who are celebrating with alcoholic beverages because it does not have such an intense sweet.

It is also consumed in some regions of Argentina and Colombia. It is usually made in round and high shape and is accompanied with nuts.

The base of black cake is wheat flour, milk, butter, salt, and brown sugar. There are also those who choose to make it with paper. The “papelón” is an artisanal way of presenting cane sugar in “panelas” or blocks as if it were a brick.

Thanks to the color of brown sugar or “papelón” and cooking, the cake acquires that dark touch that is characteristic of it.

In the province of Buenos Aires in Argentina there is a festival dedicated to the black cake. In this festival huge black cakes are made and contests are held. This type of festival is held in other areas such as the town of Buenos Aires called Rafael Lavalle.

One of the most important differences in the elaboration of Venezuelan black cake is the maceration of nuts and candied fruits.

In Venezuela, fruits are left to soak in liquor to soften them and add flavor. This process is done in a glass jar to prevent the flavors from being altered. This container is reserved in a refrigerated and dark place.

The black cake – A typical dish of Venezuelan Christmas
The black cake – A typical dish of Venezuelan Christmas

The candied fruits of the black cake or Venezuelan Christmas Cake

Definitely, the macerated fruits make the difference in the Venezuelan black cake. Among the fruits that are used are:

  • Raisins
  • Prunes
  • Miscellaneous candied fruits
  • Almonds
  • Nuts
  • Cherries
  • Sultana raisins
  • Dates

For the maceration of fruits tends to use sweet liqueurs. Among the most used first is Venezuelan rum. Other liqueurs that are also widely used are gin, and orange and strawberry liqueurs.

The longer the fruits are macerated, the more flavor they acquire. Sometimes they even macerate for several months or even a year.

Another element that differentiates the Venezuelan black cake is that chocolate is added to reinforce the color but also to give it a great flavor.

Venezuelan-style black cake
Venezuelan-style black cake

The ingredients of the black cake

The ingredients of the black cake are the key to differentiating it. Next

  • Two and a half cups of all-purpose or self-rising wheat flour. In case of using all-purpose flour remember to add the baking powder.
  • Two cups of papelón or brown sugar
  • 210 gr. margarine or butter
  • 5 eggs
  • Half a cup of milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 small bar of dark chocolate
  • Tablespoon and a half of baking powder, if using all-purpose flour.
  • Pinch of salt
  • You can add a pinch of cinnamon or other sweet spices.

Additionally, macerated fruits are added, which are the special touch of the Venezuelan black cake.

Without a doubt it is one of the tastiest and most typical recipes of Venezuelan Christmas. If you want to try the “torta Negra”, one of the typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas you will not regret it.



The pannetone is of Italian origin, specifically from the Milan area. In Latin America and Spain, it is known as “panetón”. It is also called in some countries Easter bread or sweet bread.

It is a soft sweet bread made with brioche-like dough with a cupcake or giant ponquecito shape. Pannetone is usually filled with candied fruits or raisins or with the mixture of both.

Among the candied fruits traditionally used are citron, orange, and lemon. Also, in Venezuela you can use lechoza and cherries.

Even in some countries like Venezuela the Panetón is filled with chocolate drops.

It is dome-shaped, and the dough is made with strength flour, sourdough or fresh yeast, eggs, butter and sugar.

This traditional dessert originates from the Milan region. Its origins date back to the 15th century.

Thanks to the Italian immigrants who fled the world war, it became popular in Latin America.  One of the countries where panettone is most popular is Peru.

In Peru the pannetone is so popular that it is not only associated with Christmas and the end of the year. Pannetone is also consumed in Peru on its national festivities.

Pannetone has become internationalized and competition and production in different parts of the world is important

In Venezuela you can not miss the Pannetone on the table of December 24 and the end of the year. Without a doubt an Italian delight that has conquered the table of Venezuelans.

Panettone as one of the typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas
Panettone as one of the typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas


The Christmas rosca, one of the typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas.

The Venezuelan Christmas cake is one of the most interesting and delicious Christmas sweets. However, it is not so common one might think.

This traditional Christmas sweet is derived from the Spanish tradition of the rosca de reyes. Let us remember that Spanish immigration had a great influence on Venezuelan gastronomy.

That is why today we will review the history of the rosca de reyes and learn about the peculiarities of the Venezuelan Christmas rosca.


The Venezuelan Christmas rosca, a distant descendant of the rosca de reyes

The Rosca de Reyes is a tradition that had its origins in the Middle Ages. Born in European countries such as France and Spain, a short time later, she arrived in Latin America during the conquest.

The rosca de reyes is a tradition that consists of breaking a rosca de pan. This bread cake is characterized by having a circular shape symbolizing the eternal love of God, which has no beginning or end.

The story goes that the three “Kings of the East” found the Child Jesus, who was three days old. The wise men prostrated themselves before the child and gave him the three offerings: frankincense, myrrh and gold.

That day when the Three Wise Men finally meet the Child Jesus is called epiphany. This meeting is symbolized in the Rosca de Reyes through the following elements:

  • The circular shape of the rosca represents the infinite circle of love for God.
  • Dried fruits symbolize the jewels in the crowns of the Three Kings.
  • The doll hidden inside the rosca represents the Baby Jesus.


Similarities and differences between the Venezuelan Christmas rosca and the rosca de reyes

The doll hidden inside the rosca is one of the most symbolic elements of the rosca de reyes. This element is not present in the Venezuelan Christmas rosca. This is because the Venezuelan Christmas rosca is consumed throughout Christmas and not only on Three Kings Day.

On the other hand, the Venezuelan Christmas rosca tends to be more humid, and its texture resembles that of a panettone.

A delicious tradition that also enriches the culture and faith of Venezuelans.

Venezuelan Christmas trunk

Venezuelan cuisine is characterized by a miscegenation as intense as that of the Venezuelan population. Thanks to this, Venezuelan cuisine contains recipes that have become the heritage of the Venezuelan and yet have a foreign origin.

With Venezuelan pizzas, hot dogs, or hamburgers, we see that the Venezuelan knows how to give it its national touch. Ingredients like grated salad and Parmesan cheese in dogs, or egg and avocado in burgers make them a delicacy.

That is why it is not surprising that the Venezuelan Christmas trunk is of French origin. Let us also remember that the country had a very marked influence of French culture during the presidency of Antonio Guzmán Blanco. Venezuelan words like “musiú” (derived from the monsieur) or “creyón” (derived from the French crayon meaning pencil).

The French Christmas trunk is traditionally a flexible sponge cake that is rolled filled and covered with chocolate. In Venezuela it can also be filled with arequipe and to maintain the idea of the trunk it is also covered with chocolate.

It is certainly a delicious preparation and a dessert that decorated can delight diners. This dessert seeks to resemble a trunk of those used in fireplaces in the winter season, ideal for December.

The Venezuelan always knows how to add his own touch to Christmas and world gastronomy. Another dish that has become a typical Venezuelan Christmas dish in its own right.

Another dish that has become a typical Venezuelan Christmas dish in its own right.
Another dish that has become a typical Venezuelan Christmas dish in its own right.

Dishes “less typical” of Venezuelan Christmas

At Christmas there are numerous typical dishes in each country. In Venezuela we have presented the most representative of Christmas in Venezuela. However, there are other delicious dishes that are typical of Venezuelan Christmas but are less common and known. Today we will do you the honor of mentioning them and giving you some tips so that you know them

Next, the typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas less common.


Stuffed Turkey

The Stuffed Turkey in the Venezuelan Christmas is displaced by the so-called Christmas dish. The Christmas dish with “hallaca”, ham bread, chicken salad and ham leg is the star of Christmas. However, turkey sometimes replaces ham leg or can become a main dish. It is not one of the typical traditions, but it has become a regular visitor to the table during Christmas.

Stuffed turkey has multiple ways to be prepared, so today we will present some alternatives for this delicious dish.

The first step is to choose a turkey with a good size. It is suggested that the turkey be between 3.5 and 5 kilos. This turkey should be natural. If it is a frozen turkey, we must ensure that it is well thawed.

Thawed turkey can be marinated in different combinations. One of the options is to use the juice of a citrus fruit that can be lemon, orange, pineapple, passion fruit or a mixture of them. Citrus juice mixed with salt, pepper, chives, celery, coriander, and parsley. Some recipes also use thyme or rosemary, although we do not recommend it.

You should “prick” the turkey everywhere sprinkle it with the mixture to marinate it. This turkey is reserved in the fridge until the next day to leave it juicy.

Fundamentally in the preparation of the turkey varies in the filling. Depending on the filling, a different flavor is acquired. Here are some recipes for turkey stuffing.

Stuffing for pig turkey, bacon, and raisins.

Fry the bacon with onion and garlic cut into small pieces to extract the flavor. This is added to ground pig meat with salt and pepper to taste to cook it together. When the meat is quite cooked, raisins are added with red or white wine, depending on the taste.

Stuffed with pork and beef with apple

Cook the pork and beef with the onion and apples in wine with salt and pepper to taste. Add wine and cinnamon to both the meat and the inside of the turkey to give it flavor. Before filling it, you can add a glass of sherry to the cooked meat and a little cinnamon and reduce.

Stuffed with nuts

This recipe is made with a smaller turkey, estimating between 2 and 3 kilos, given the density of the nuts. Among the nuts that we can use are raisins, apricots, pine nuts, plums, walnuts, and almonds. The first step is to fry apple pieces with onion and the nut mixture of your choice for 6 minutes and then add a glass of sweet liquor and cinnamon. Among the sweet liquors we can choose rum, a sweet wine, brandy, or orange liqueur to then reduce. It is called reducing the action of cooking until the liquid evaporates a little and concentrates the flavor.

The Art of Turkey Stuffing

The stuffing is placed inside the turkey and the legs are tied to prevent the stuffing from escaping, but also to protect it from cooking the turkey. This is done so that the turkey stuffing does not dry out during the cooking of this delicious dish

These delicious Stuffings with the turkey have everything to become a Christmas tradition in any family. However, in Venezuela turkey is much less common than chicken and therefore has not become so popular.

The essence of the typical dishes of Venezuelan Christmas

The important thing about these typical Venezuelan Christmas dishes is to enjoy family preparation.

When you enjoy every step of these delicacies it is a privilege for Venezuelans. Gustavo Mirabal loves venezuelan christmas food.

The ideal of the Christmas season is to enjoy in the company of family and friends these wonderful moments.

Another aspect is to be supportive of others, for time to share. So don’t hesitate to share a Christmas plate with someone in vulnerable conditions. Well, there’s the essence of true Christmas…

Typical Dishes of Venezuelan Christmas
Typical Dishes of Venezuelan Christmas



La bajada de Pacheco - Tradiciones navideñas venezolanas

Venezuelan Christmas Traditions: The Santa Claus of the Cota Mil and the Pacheco descent

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Christmas in Venezuela is a time full of joy, color, music and traditions that reflect the essence of Venezuelan culture.

Among the many customs that stand out this season, two icons stand out: the Santa Claus of Cota Mil and the Pacheco descent.

These Venezuelan Christmas traditions not only symbolize the arrival of Christmas, but also contain stories and emotions shared by generations.

Gustavo Mirabal loves Christmas and so today we will learn a little more about the traditions of his homeland


The Santa Claus of the Cota Mil: a Caracas icon

In the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, the arrival of Christmas is marked by the appearance of Santa Claus of the Cota Mil, a tradition that began decades ago and continues to be a symbol of the season.

This Santa Claus played by an actor since the 50s, is seen on December 1st on Avenida Boyacá, better known as Cota Mil. There the Santa Claus of the Cota Mil stops to greet the drivers and welcome Christmas.

The actor changed for health reasons, however, the tradition has been maintained, thanks to the spirit of Venezuelans.

Santa Claus of Cota Mil
Santa Claus of Cota Mil

History and meaning

The tradition of Santa Claus de la Cota Mil was born as an initiative to encourage the people of Caracas during the December holidays.

This character has become a symbol of hope and joy. Visible on December 1 at the thousandth level, one of the busiest expressways in Caracas, it is a reminder that Christmas has definitely arrived.

Many Venezuelans go to greet Santa Claus and take photos with him.  It is a moment that brings families together, who take the opportunity to take photos and share the magic of the season.

A meeting point and joy

For the people of Caracas, the Santa Claus of Cota Mil represents a symbol of Caracas and Venezuelan Christmas. It is a symbolic moment where families and friends remember the true meaning of Christmas to kick off the festivities.

Visit our article on Santa Claus of Cota to learn more about Venezuelan Christmas traditions.


The Pacheco descent: a welcome ritual

Another of the most beloved Venezuelan Christmas traditions, particularly in Caracas, is the Bajada de Pacheco. This custom is steeped in history and dates back to colonial times, when a character named Pacheco came down from Galipán, a town located on the slopes of Ávila, bringing the first Christmas flowers and the characteristic cold of the season.

Who was Pacheco?

Legend has it that Pacheco was a flower grower who lived in Galipán and who went down to Caracas during December to sell poinsettias. Its arrival coincided with the coolest days of the year, so the people of Caracas began to associate the arrival of the cold with this character.

Although Pacheco may be just a legendary figure, his story has endured and is remembered fondly. The Pacheco descent symbolizes the arrival of the Christmas spirit, the change of weather and the beginning of the festivities.

The Pacheco Descent - Venezuelan Christmas Traditions
The Pacheco Descent – Venezuelan Christmas Traditions

Modern celebrations

Today, the Bajada de Pacheco is celebrated with cultural activities, parades and events organized in Caracas and Galipán. Schools and communities recreate this tradition, where children and adults participate dressed as Pacheco, carrying flowers and singing aguinaldos. This recreation keeps the legend alive and reinforces cultural ties between generations.

Other Venezuelan Christmas Traditions

In addition to the Santa Claus de la Cota Mil and the Bajada de Pacheco, Christmas in Venezuela is full of customs that make this time a unique moment.

Christmas music in venezuelan christmas traditions

In Venezuela, Christmas is accompanied by musical genres such as aguinaldos, bagpipes and parrandas. Traditional songs such as “Faltas cinco pa’ las doce” or “El burrito sabanero” are part of the soundtrack of these dates.

Hallacas and the Christmas table

Gastronomy is fundamental in Venezuelan Christmas. Hallacas, ham bread, chicken salad and dulce de lechosa are essential dishes on the table of Venezuelan families. Preparing them is an activity that brings the family together, creating unforgettable memories.

The nativity scenes and the parrandas

The nativity scenes are a representation of the birth of Jesus and are carefully decorated in many Venezuelan homes. In addition, Christmas parrandas, in which groups of friends go from house to house singing aguinaldos, are a joyful way to share the spirit of the season.

unique and special venezuela christmas traditions</h3>

Venezuelan Christmas Traditions is a celebration that mixes tradition, faith and joy. Both the Santa Claus de la Cota Mil and the Bajada de Pacheco are examples of how Venezuelans welcome the holiday season, combining modern and traditional elements.

These customs reflect the warm and communal spirit of Venezuelans, who, despite the difficulties, find in Christmas an opportunity to celebrate life, family and hope. If you ever visit Venezuela in December, get ready for an unforgettable experience full of unique colors, flavors, and traditions.

Venezuelan Christmas Traditions: Symbols of the Venezuelan Heart.

Venezuelan Christmas traditions, such as Santa Claus of Cota Mil and Pacheco descent, are symbols of union and joy that mark the season in the country.

These customs, along with music, gastronomy and religious celebrations, are part of a rich cultural heritage that is still alive in the hearts of Venezuelans. Merry Christmas!

Santa Claus de la Cota Mil

The Santa Claus of the Cota Mil: a tradition that unites generations of Caracas residents

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In Caracas, Christmas arrives with a tradition that evokes joy, hope and community: the appearance of Santa Claus de la Cota Mil. This activity, which has lasted over the decades, has a special place in the hearts of the people of Caracas.

From 1950 to 2015, this endearing tradition was led by actor Ramón Canela Pascual. Ramón Canela became an icon of the Christmas festivities in the Venezuelan capital.

Gilberto Sánchez took over from Ramón Canela since 2017 since his dear friend could not continue to fulfill his responsibilities as Santa Claus. However, this tradition was left in very good hands

Actor Ramón Canela returns in 2015 to his homeland, Catalonia, Spain, in his desire to depart from this world in his homeland. Having left the baton to his friend Gilberto Sánchez, he was able to leave calmly.

Ramón Canela passed away in 2019 leaving a legacy and a tradition behind him, which his friend, actor and magician Gilberto Sánchez has taken under his responsibility, to give joy to the people of Caracas.

In this way, Gilberto Sánchez kept alive this legacy of union and generosity that continues to mark the beginning of the holiday season in the city.


A Story of Dedication

Ramón Canela dedicated almost 70 years to this activity, appearing every December on Boyacá Avenue, known as the Cota Mil, to greet drivers, receive letters from children and distribute candy. His portrayal of Santa Claus not only generated smiles, but also offered a space for reflection on the true spirit of Christmas: the importance of giving and sharing.

In 2019, Canela made her last appearance in this role, leaving an indelible legacy. As of 2020, Gilberto Sánchez assumed the role with the same commitment, continuing this tradition that connects generations and reinforces values such as solidarity and gratitude.


An act that transcends time

Over the years, the figure of the Santa Claus of the Cota Mil has adapted to social and cultural changes, but its essence remains intact. Both Ramón Canela and Gilberto Sánchez have played this role with dedication, reminding Caracas residents that Christmas is more than a commercial celebration.

During his performance, Sanchez not only greets drivers and takes photos with families, but also carries a message of hope in times of adversity. Even during the pandemic, the tradition continued, proving that the Christmas spirit is resilient and capable of overcoming any obstacle.

A symbol of family unity

This tradition is not only an annual event, but also a bridge that unites generations. Many Caracas families have grown up with this activity, from grandparents who remember Ramón Canela to children who are now excited to see Gilberto Sánchez as Santa Claus. This intergenerational bond reinforces the identity and collective memory of the city, turning the Santa Claus of the Cota Mil into a Christmas emblem of Caracas.

Reflection on the meaning of Christmas through Santa Claus of the Cota Mil

The appearance of Santa Claus is an opportunity to reflect on what Christmas really means: a time to give, share and renew hope. Both Ramón Canela and Gilberto Sánchez have embodied these values, offering the people of Caracas a moment of joy and connection in the midst of difficulties.

Santa Claus de la Cota Mil, a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas

The Santa Claus of the Cota Mil is much more than a Venezuela Christmas tradition. It is a reminder of the true meaning of these festivities. From the years of Ramón Canela to the continuity of Gilberto Sánchez, this activity has proven to be a symbol of resilience, love and generosity. In every smile shared and every letter delivered, the people of Caracas find a spark of hope that illuminates the season. This season reminding us that Christmas is, above all, a celebration of the human spirit.

Curso de Finanzas Personales para Principiantes

Gustavo Mirabal’s Personal Finance Course

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Personal finance plays a fundamental role in our daily lives. From how we manage our income to how we make savings and investment decisions, every financial aspect affects our well-being and peace of mind.

However, achieving good financial health is not always intuitive; It requires discipline, knowledge, and strategies that allow us to make informed decisions. For many people, the path to financial control can seem overwhelming or even impossible, especially when they don’t have clear guidance on where to start.

In a personal finance course like the one offered by Gustavo Mirabal, participants learn how to build a solid foundation in money management, regardless of their current situation.

This course is designed for people looking to become debt-free, establish good savings habits, and learn the basics of investing. Throughout its modules, essential topics ranging from expense control to planning to achieve long-term goals are addressed. All this, with the aim of providing the necessary tools to achieve the longed-for financial freedom.

What is this personal finance course about?

One of the fundamental issues of this type of training is the importance of having an emergency fund. This resource is a financial safeguard that allows you to face unforeseen events without affecting long-term goals. In addition, the course teaches how to differentiate between impulse purchases and conscious spending decisions, thus avoiding the trap of buying to appear or accumulating unnecessary debt.

Another key point is the development of a strategic investment mindset. Good investments do not seek to generate instant emotions, but to build long-term stability. In the course, students learn how to identify safe and long-lasting investment opportunities, without falling into risky bets.

Finally, the course emphasizes that money, beyond being an end, must serve to achieve freedom and tranquility. By learning how to manage finances responsibly and avoid over-indebtedness, you can achieve a balanced life, where you can make decisions based on what really matters.

Below, we will explore the 7 key personal finance lessons that Gustavo Mirabal shares in his course, which are essential to building a stable economic future and achieving financial freedom.

A Path to Financial Wellness

On the path to financial wellness, learning key lessons is critical. That’s why, in Gustavo Mirabal’s personal finance course, the renowned financial advisor shares the knowledge and strategies that have helped many people transform their lives.

Personal finance is not complex but requires education
Personal finance is not complex but requires education

7 Essential Tips for Your Financial Stability

This course is ideal for beginners who are looking for a solid foundation in personal finance and want to take control of their finances. Here are the 7 most important lessons for a stable, worry-free financial life.

1. Shopping to Show Off is the Fastest Way to Go Broke

One of the first mistakes many people make is spending money on things they don’t really need, just to impress others. This practice, known as “buying to show off,” is one of the main causes of debt and financial stress. Mirabal stresses the importance of being authentic and avoiding unnecessary debt. Instead of focusing on material things, we should prioritize our financial well-being.

Practical tip: Before making a major purchase, reflect on whether it’s something you really need or if you’re being influenced by social pressure. Authenticity and simplicity are the foundations for a freer and more secure financial life.

2. Surround Yourself with People with Healthy Financial Habits

The social environment has a powerful influence on our decisions. In this course, Gustavo Mirabal stresses the importance of surrounding yourself with people who value financial responsibility. By being around people with good financial habits, it’s easier to adopt a mindset geared toward saving and planning, avoiding the temptation to overspend to “fit in.”

Quick tip: Observe your circle of friends and family. If you see that their habits are taking you away from your goals, try connecting with people who share a positive financial mindset. The right company can become a source of support and learning.

3. Always save, no matter what to your personal finance

Saving is one of the pillars of personal finance. Mirabal emphasizes that, regardless of the amount, saving should always be a priority. Perseverance in saving allows us to face unforeseen events, achieve goals and live with greater peace of mind.

Quick tip: Automate your savings to allocate a portion of your income each month. You can allocate a percentage of your salary to a savings account and build a fund that allows you to respond to any emergency without affecting your finances.

Save to give your personal finances a "break"
Save to give your personal finances a “break”

4. An Emergency Fund Is the Key to Sound Personal Finance

One of the highlights of the course is the importance of having an emergency fund. This fund serves as a backup for unexpected situations, allowing you to face unforeseen expenses without the need to go into debt. Mirabal advises that we should all prioritize the creation of this fund to ensure our financial peace of mind.

Quick tip: Work on accumulating three to six months of your essential expenses into an emergency fund. This amount can be key to dealing with a job loss, health problems, or any other unforeseen event without putting your financial stability at risk.

Emergencies can overwhelm you if your finances aren't right
Emergencies can overwhelm you if your finances aren’t right

5. Good Investments Don’t Seek Excitement

Investments should be seen as a long-term plan, not a thrill-seeking gamble. Mirabal teaches that the best investments require patience and detailed analysis. The mentality of “playing” in the market can lead to impulsive decisions and financial losses. To be successful, it is essential to stay calm and make informed decisions.

Practical tip: Before making any investment, research and evaluate all available options. Seek advice and opt for safe and long-term investments that provide you with constant growth without risking your capital.

6. Financial Freedom is the Most Valuable Commodity

For Gustavo Mirabal, the goal of personal finance is to achieve financial freedom. This means having control over how you live and how you use your time and resources. True wealth is not in accumulating money for the sake of accumulating, but in having the ability to make decisions that bring us closer to the life we really want.

Quick tip: Define what financial freedom means to you and work toward that goal. Freedom can translate into choosing a career you’re passionate about, investing in your personal development, or having time to enjoy your loved ones. Financial education is the first step to achieving this freedom.

7. Find Your Own Financial Lesson

Finally, Mirabal invites each person to reflect and find their own financial lesson. This seventh lesson is an opportunity to think about the areas you need to improve and the habits you want to strengthen. Are you struggling to save? Need to improve your budgeting skills? We all have a personal lesson that will help us move forward on our financial journey.

Quick tip: Analyze your financial situation and choose a lesson you want to focus on. It can be learning how to manage your income, eliminate debt, or look for new sources of income. The key is to recognize your points of improvement and work on them consistently.

The Importance of Financial Education

Gustavo Mirabal’s personal finance course is not limited to these 7 tips but seeks to provide complete and practical training. Financial education is essential for anyone who wants to make informed decisions and build a secure future. This course is an excellent opportunity to understand how to manage our finances, from saving to investing, including the importance of financial mindset.

Below you will get a video summary of Gustavo Mirabal’s 7 tips for personal finances, so you can review the information presented. You can place the English subtitles if you wish.

7 lecciones de Finanzas Personales - Curso Finanzas Personales por Gustavo Mirabal Castro


Gustavo Mirabal’s personal finance course is a practical and accessible guide for those who want to improve their finances and take control of their finances. These 7 lessons are principles that anyone can implement to create a solid and healthy foundation in their personal finances. From avoiding unnecessary debt to building an emergency fund and developing good savings habits, these tips help us get closer to financial freedom.

Economic stability is a process that requires patience, discipline, and commitment. By applying these lessons, you’ll be able to transform your relationship with money and make decisions that align with your long-term values and goals. Start implementing these personal finance tips today and build a path to a free and stable financial life. Take control of your finances and achieve the financial freedom you crave!